Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Balakanda Chapter 22
' Rama Lakshmana follow Viswamitra !'
With Sanskrit text in Devanagari, Telugu and Kannada
द्वाविंश सर्गः
तथा वसिष्टे ब्रुवति राजा दशरथस्सुतम् ।
प्रहृष्टवदनो रामम् अजुहाव सलक्ष्मणम् ॥
While Vasishtha was thus talking , cheerful King Dasaratha called for both Rama and Lakshmana
कृतस्वस्त्ययनं मात्रा पित्रा दशरथेन च।
पुरोधसा वसिष्ठेन मंगळैरभिमंत्रितम् ॥
स पुत्त्रं मूर्ध्न्युपाघ्राय राजा दशरथः प्रियम् ।
ददौ कुशिकपुत्त्राय सुप्रीतेनांतरात्मना ॥
Smelling the head of his son , King Dasaratha the father and mother both blessed SriRama. Sage Vasishtha too blessed SriRama invoking benedictory texts of Vedas. Then Dasaratha placed Rama under the care of Viswamitra cheerfully.
ततो वायुः सुखस्पर्शो विरजस्को ववौ तदा ।
विश्वामित्रगतं दृष्ट्वा रामं राजीवलोचनम् ॥
पुष्पवृष्टि र्महा त्यासीत् देवदुंदुभि निस्स्वनैः ।
शंखदुंदुभिनिर्घोषः प्रयातेतु महात्मनि ॥
Then a breeze free of dust which is delightful to the touch blew past Rama who was walking along with sage Viswamitra. The Devas too showered flowers. The conches and kettle drums too were sounded.
विश्वामित्रो ययावग्रे ततो रामो धनुर्धरः ।
काकपक्षधरो धन्वी तं च सौमित्रिरन्वगात् ॥
कलापिनौ धनुष्पाणि शोभयानौ दिशो दश ।
विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं त्रिशीर्षाविव पन्नगौ ॥
अनुजग्मतुरक्षुद्रौ पितामहमिवाश्विनौ ।
तदा कुशिकपुत्रं तु धनुष्पाणि स्वलंकृतौ ॥
With Viswamitra in the front Rama ,who is still adorning boyish locks, followed him carrying his bow and arrows. Lakshmana too followed Rama in a similar fashion. Rama and Lakshmana equipped each with pair of quivers and bow in each hand were illuminating all the ten directions. Rama and Lakshman bearing their bows and arrows on either shoulder were looking like three headed serpents . With handsome bearings the two brothers followed Viswamitr adding lustre to the sage, like the twin Aswini gods who followed Brahman .
बद्धगोधांगुळित्राणौ खड्गवंतौ महाद्युती ।
कुमारौ चारुवपुषौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ ॥
अनुयातौ श्रिया दीप्त्या शोभयेतां अनिंदितौ ।
स्थाणुं देवमिवाsचिंत्यं कुमारानिव पावकी ॥
They were wearing gloves of iguna skin fastened to their hands. Carrying swords they were radiating splendour and beauty. The two princes and brothers adorned with all excellent qualities added lustre to the sage Viswamitra much like the two boys Skandha and Visakha would adorn the Lord Siva who is beyond all conception.
आध्यर्थयोजनं गत्वा सरय्वा दक्षिणेतटे ।
रामेति मधुरां वाणिं विश्वामित्रोsभ्यभाषत ॥
गृहाण वत्स सलिलं माsभूत् कालस्य पर्ययः ।
मंत्र ग्रामं गृहाण त्वं बलां अतिबलां तथा ॥
नश्रमो न ज्वरो वाते नरूपस्य विपर्ययः ।
न च सुप्तं प्रमत्तं वा धर्षयिष्यंति नैरृताः ॥
नबाह्वोः सदृशो वीर्ये पृथिव्यां अस्ति कश्चन ।
त्रिषु लोकेषु वै राम न भवेत् सदृशस्तव ॥
After walking for one and half yojanas along the southern banks of Sarayu , addressing 'Rama' sweetly, Viswamitra spoke to him as follows.' Rama! Sip a little water in the ritual manner without losing time. You will receive two mantras known as 'Bala' and 'Atibala'. Because of them you will have no fatigue or fever nor your loveliness be marred. Even if you are sleeping or careless the ogres will not be able to overpower you. Because of these mantras there will be no body in the three worlds who can equal you in prowess'.
न सौभाग्ये न दाक्षिण्ये न ज्ञाने बुद्धिनिश्चये ।
नोत्तरे प्रतिवक्तव्ये समो लोके तवानघ ॥
एतद्विद्याद्वये लब्दे भविता नास्ति ते समः ।
बलात्वतिबला चैव सर्वज्ञानस्य मातरौ ॥
क्षुत्सिपासे न ते राम भविष्येते नरोत्तम ।
बलां अतिबलां चैव पठतः पथि राघव ।
प्रदातुं तव काकुत्थ्स सदृशस्त्वं हि धार्मिक ॥
कामं बहुगुणाः सर्वे त्वय्येते नात्र संशयः ।
तपसा संभृते चैते बहुरूपे भविष्यतः ॥
' O Sinless one ! in good fortune or or in prowess or in wisdom or in the judgement of your intellect, or in counter arguments there is none who eqauls you. The mantras 'Bala' and 'Atibala' are at the root of all wisdom. If you obtain these two there will be none who can equal you. O Raghava ! if you move along on your way repeating these two mantras 'Bala' and 'Atibala' you will have no hunger and thirst. For the benefit of all the three worlds please receive these two mantras. If you practice these two you will attain unmatched fame. These two first came out of Brahma himself. O Kakutstha you alone are fit to receive these mantras. All the virtues referred to earlier are already acquired by you. There is no doubt about that .If these two mantras acquired by penance are taught to you they will grow more efficacious in many ways when they are grasped by you who is a personification of penance.
ततो रामं जलं स्पृष्ट्वा प्रहृष्टवदनश्शुचिः ।
प्रतिजग्राह ते विद्ये महर्षेर्भावित्मनः ॥
Then Rama with a cheerful countenance and fully concentrating received the mantras 'Bala' and 'Atibala'.
विद्या समुदितो रामः शुशुभे भूरिविक्रमः ।
सहस्ररश्मिर्भगवान् शरदीव दिवाकरः ॥
Having acquired those two mantras , Rama of great prowess shone like the sun with thousand rays on an autumn day.
गुरुकार्याणि सर्वाणि नियुज्य कुशिकात्मजे ।
ऊषूस्तां रजनीं तत्र सरय्वां सुसुखं त्रयः ॥
Having completed all the services to be performed to Guru Viswamitra, all three of them spent the night on the banks of river Sarayu.
दशरथ नृपसूनुसत्तमाभ्यां
तृणशयने अनुचिते सहोषिताभ्यां ।
कुशिकसुतवचोनु लालिताभ्यां
सुखमिव सा विबभौ विभावरी च ॥
The Dasaratha's sons Rama Lakshmana then slept on a bed of straw though unworthy of princes and were lulled into sleep by the friendly words of sage Viswamitra.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये बालकांडे द्वाविंशस्सर्गः ॥
समाप्तं ॥
Thus ends sarga twenty two of Balakanda in Valmiki Ramayana
|| om tat sat ||