Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Balakanda Sarga34
Viswamitra's Lineage !
With Sanskrit text in Telugu , Kannada and Devanagari,
कृतोद्वाहे गते तस्मिन् ब्रह्मदत्ते च राघव ।
अपुत्रः पुत्रलाभाय पौत्रीं इष्टिमकल्पयत् ॥
'Oh Rama when Brahmadatta left after marriage , Sukanaabha who has no sons performed a sacrifice by name "Putrakameshti" to obtain sons'.
Thirty Fourth Sarga
Viswamitra Continued.
'Oh Rama when Brahmadatta left after marriage , Sukanaabha who has no sons performed a sacrifice by name "Putrakameshti" to obtain sons. When the sacrificial rites were going on , Kusa the great soul and the son of Brahma told Kusanabha as follows." You will have a son by the name Gadhi who is a follower of Dharma and who is equal to you. Because of him your fame will be permanent". O Rama ! having told this to Kusanabha Kusa then went away to ancient Brahmaloka'.
After some time a son by name "Gadhi" who is a strict follower of Dharma was born to Kusanabha the enlightened one . O Raghunandana ! That Gadhi belongs to the lineage of Kakutstha , and is a strict follower of Dharma. He is my father. I was born in the line of Kusa and so I am also called "Kausika".
'O Raghava ! My sister is named Satyavati. She is married to "Ruchi". Called as Kausiki and being a follower of her husband she reached heaven with her physical body. Selfless as ever she flowed on earth as a river by name "Kausiki". Celestial , beautiful and auspicious waters of Kausiki were flowing around Himalayas. For the benefit of the world my sister took the form of a river and is flowing here. O Raghunandana ! Because of my affection for my sister, I am living in this area of Himalayas happily'
'That Satyavati is very pious. Truth and righteous conduct are very important to her. She is pious and great . That Kausiki river is the best among all rivers. I have come to this place to perform that sacrifice. Coming to Siddhasrama I have achieved the life purpose because of your prowess. Since you asked me I told you about this land , the fame of my lineage , and about my birth etc. During this discussion half the night has passed. You may go to sleep now So that we travel without obstructions . May you be blessed'.
' O Raghunandana ! The trees are still. The birds and animals are asleep. The sky brightened with stars is shining brightly. O Rama ! The moon with his cool rays having removed the darkness is giving pleasure to the whole world. The night beings are moving hither and thither in the darkness of the night'.
Having said this that great venerable sage became silent. Then the other sages saying "well said", "well said" praised the sage Viswamitra." O great one ! the Lineage of Kusa's is great. It is support for Dharma. The persons of this lineage are all best of men , great souls who are equal to Brahman. Oh Viswamitra of great fame ! You are great in your own respect, the Kausika river too is the best among all rivers". Having thus been praised the venerable sage was delighted and got ready to sleep like the Sun which rests after reaching the western shores.
The two brothers Rama Lakshmana too were surprised , then praising Viswamitra they also moved on to sleep.
|| Thus the thirty fourth Sarga of Balakanda in Valmiki Ramayana comes to an end ||
|| om tat sat ||
रामोs पि सह सौमित्रिः किंचिदागत विस्मयः ।
प्रशस्त्य मुनिशार्दूलं निद्रां तमुपसेवते ॥
The two brothers Rama Lakshmana too were surprised , then praising Viswamitra they also moved on to sleep.
|| om tat sat ||
|| Om tat sat ||