Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Balakanda Sarga 46
Diti's sorrow !
हतेषु तेषु पुत्त्रेषु दितिः प रम दुःखिता ।
मारीचं काश्यपं राम भर्तारं इदमब्रवीत् ॥
Oh Rama! since her sons were killed, Diti was full of sorrow and spoke to her husband Kasayapa who was the son of Marichi.
Forty Sixth Sarga
Viswamitra continued.
'Oh Rama! since her sons were killed, Diti was full of sorrow and spoke to her husband Kasayapa who was the son of Marichi. "Oh Bhagavan ! the powerful sons of yours made me one whose children have been killed. I want to perform a long penance and desire a son who can defeat Indra. I will do penance. You may give the permission to do so. Allow me to have a son who will rule the three words and who can kill Indra". The venerable sage Kasyapa, son of Maricha having heard the words of Diti who was in deep sorrow, spoke to her as follows'.
"Oh Lady with a treasure of penance ! Let it be so. May auspicious things happen to you. You maintain your purity. You will have a son who can kill Indra. If you remain so for a thousand years you will give birth to a son of mine who will be the leader of the three worlds". Having said so touching her with his hand by way of affection he went away for his penance.
'O Best of men ! After he left Diti who was delighted went to Kusaplavana and performed her penance. O Best of men ! when she is performing her penance Indra , the one with thousand eyes undertook the task of attending on her with respect. Indra took care of the needs of fire, auspicious grass for puja, the implements required for her daily rituals, the roots and fruits , and all her needs as and when required. He was doing all in his power to reduce strain on her by massaging and fanning her etc'.
'Oh Raghunandana ! when there are ten years left for the completion of thousand years, Diti happy with the services of Indra spoke to him as follows." O Best of Suras! Your great father gave me a son to be born after thousand years of penance as a boon. Only ten years are left. Then you can see your brother. My son who is capable of killing you, when he gets ready for a victory I will calm him down. Both of you together can enjoy the leadership of the three worlds".
While she was telling this it became afternoon. She fell asleep with her head in the direction where her feet should be. Feet were in the place where head should be so was the hair. Seeing that violation of principles of purity Indra smiled and was happy. Oh Rama! Then Indra entered her body and cut the foetus into seven pieces. O Rama as he cut the foetus with his hundred inch long Vajrayudha, the foetus cried loudly. Then Diti realized. Indra told the foetus not to cry even as he continued to cut into pieces. Diti cried out saying " do not kill" "do not kill". Respecting mothers words Indra came out.
Indra carrying his Vajrayudha paid obeisance to Diti and spoke as follows. " Oh Mother keeping your head where feet should be you became impure. Using the opportunity I cut that foetus which is capable of killing Indra, into seven pieces. Oh mother forgive me !
Thus ends Sarga forty seventh in Balakanda of Srimad Valmiki Ramayan
|| Om tat sat ||
तदंतर महं लब्ध्वा शक्र हंतारमाहवे ।
अभिंदं सप्तधा देवी तन्मे त्वं क्षंतुमर्हसि ॥
Using the opportunity I cut that foetus which is capable of killing Indra, into seven pieces. Oh mother forgive me !
|| om tat sat ||
|| om tat sat ||