Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Balakanda Sarga 52
Viswamitra accepts Sage Vasishta's hospitality !!
|| om tat sat ||
स दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतो विश्वामित्रो महाबलः ।
प्रणतो विनयाद्वीरो वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम् ॥
Then the mighty and strong Viswamitra , delighted seeing the same , offered salutations with due respect to the sage Vasishta who is the best among those who meditate.
Fifty second Sarga
The mighty and strong Viswamitra was delighted seeing the sage Vasishta's ashram. He offered salutations with due respect to the sage Vasishta who is the best among those who meditate. The great soul that is Vasishta then told him" Welcome to you" and offered him a seat too. Vasishta then made the high minded Viswamitra to sit and offered him fruits etc as per the practice.
Viswamitra too having received the worship offered by Vasishta then enquired about the welfare of the Ashram by enquiring about the penance, the fire rituals, and his students. In the same way he enquired about the forest wealth too. Vasishta then told him that everything is fine .
Vasishta, who is the best among sages and also son of Brahma,then addressed the King Viswamitra thus seated comfortably.
" Oh King ! Hope you are doing well. Oh Dharmika ! Oh Vira ! As a Royal responsibility following the righteous path and taking care of the people hope you are making them happy. Hope you are taking care of your staff. Hope they are following orders. Oh King hope you defeated all your enemies. O Tormentor of foes ! hope your forces, friends, treasury are fine . O Anagha! hope your children and grand children are fine too !"
The most powerful Viswamitra replied the sage Vasishta with due respect saying all are fine !
Thus with great happiness the two followers of dharma had a long pleasing conversation sharing auspicious stories
'Oh Raghunandana ! Then towards the end of that conversation venerable Vasishta spoke to Viswamitra with a smile."Oh Powerful one ! I want to extend to you and your forces our hospitality. Please accept our hospitality. O King ! You are the best one to have as a guest and you deserve our honors".
Hearing those words of Vasishta , The king Viswamitra then replied to the venerable sage who spoke as above. " With your pleasing words itself we have been honored. Oh Bhagavan ! with fruits, refreshments and your presence too we have been honored. Oh Knower of everything ! In all respects we have been honored by one who himself is in all respects honorable. Please cast glances of friendship on us. I will go. Salutations to you".
Vasishta who is righteous and who is generous then requested the king again and again to accept his hospitality.
Then the son of Gadhi agreeing with Vasishta spoke as follows ." Oh Bhagavan ! Oh best of sages ! Let it be as you wish!"
Having been told thus the Vasishta the best among those with riches of penance called the speckled cow (Kamadhenu). "Oh Sabala ! quickly come come. Hear my words. The king and his army are to be feasted. Oh my Kamadhenu ! Please shower food of six tastes on all as per each of their desire and requirement as well as to their satisfaction. O Sabala ! Please quickly present varieties of food including juices and solids".
Thus the fifty second Sarga of Balakanda in Valmiki Ramayana comes to an end.
॥ओम् तत् सत् ॥
|| om tat sat ||
रसान्नेन पानेन लेह्यचोष्येण संयुतम् ॥
अन्नानां निचयं सर्वं सृजस्व शबले त्वर ॥
O Sabala ! Please quickly present varieties of food including juices and solids.