Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Balakanda Sarga 69
Dasaratha arrives in Mithila !!
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ततो रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां सोपाध्यायस्सबांधवः ।
राजा दशरथो हृष्टः सुमंत्रं इदमब्रवीत् ॥
Then with the passage of the night the delighted Dasaratha got together with his teachers and relatives and spoke to Sumanta as follows.
Sixty ninth Sarga.
Then with the passage of the night the delighted Dasaratha got together with his teachers and relatives and spoke to Sumanta as follows. "The head of the treasury may take ample money , precious stones and jewels and move ahead. The fourfold forces too move along with variety of vehicles. The Brahmins Vasishta Vamadeva , Jabali, Kasyapa , Markandeya with long life and similarly Katyayana should move ahead. The messengers are hurrying me saying that we should not lose time".
With those words of the king the army with four fold forces followed him along with Rishis. Having travelled for four days they reached the city of Videha. Janaka after learning that the King Dasaratha is coming went ahead to receive and worship him. The delighted Janaka received the old King Dasaratha and announced his delight.
The delighted Janaka the best of men spoke to Dasaratha also the best of men . Janaka said " Maharaja ! Welcome to you. I am fortunate. Oh Raghava ! Share the delight of your two sons who with their valor won the reward. The arrival of most radiant and venerable sage Vasishta along with the best of Brahmin is also our fortune. Our fortunate bond with Raghus the best of warriors and great ones resulted in all obstacles moving away. We are honoured. Tomorrow morning after the completion of the sacrifice it is appropriate to conduct the marriage of Rama and Sita".
Surrounded by all Rishis , hearing those words of Janaka, the King Dasaratha who is adept with words said as follows. "In the old days I heard that the receiver is under the control of the giver. Oh best of men I will do what ever you say".
Hearing those humble words of truthful and righteous King Dasaratha the ruler of Mithila was pleasantly surprised.
Then the legions of Rishis met with each other and spent the nght joyfully.
Then great Rama came following Viswamitra along with Lakshmana. They touched the their father's feet. Dasaratha too having been well worshipped by Janaka , saw his two sons and spent the night happily.
The highly radiant Janaka performed his sacrifice following all rituals and also completed other rituals for marriage of his daughters.
Thus ends the sixtyninth chapter of Balakanda in Valmiki Ramayan
||om tat sat||
जनकोs पि महातेजाः क्रियां धर्मेण तत्त्ववित् ।
यज्ञस्य च सुताभ्यां च कृत्वा रात्रिमुवासह॥
The highly radiant Janaka performed his sacrifice following all rituals and also completed other rituals for marriage of his daughters.
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