Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Chapter 7 ...Ministers of the King Dasaratha !!
With Sanskrit text in Devanagari , Telugu and Kannada
सप्तम सर्गः
तस्य अमात्या गुणैरासन् इक्ष्वकोsस्तु महात्मनः ।
मंत्रज्ञाश्च इंगितज्ञाश्च नित्य प्रियहिते रतः ॥
The ministers of that great Ikshwaku King are experts in carrying out all official works. They have the ability to understand others and were devoted to the welfare of their King .
अष्टौ बभूवु र्वीरस्य तस्यमात्या यशस्विनः ।
शुचयश्च अनुरक्ताश्च राजकृत्येषु नित्यशः ॥
That famous king has eight ministers . They are of impeccable character and have a high regard for the king. They always ensure that nothing is amiss in the kings affairs.
धृष्टिर्जयंतो विजय स्सिद्धार्थो ह्यर्थसाधकः ।
अशोको मंत्रपालश्च सुमंत्राश्च अष्टमो अभवत् ॥
The eight ministers are Dhrishti, Jayanta , Vijaya , Siddhartha Ashoka , Mamtrapala, Arthasadhaka and Sumantra.
ऋत्विजौ द्वावभिमतौ तस्यास्ताम् ऋषिसत्तमो ।
वशिष्टौ वामदेवश्च मंत्रिणश्च तथापरे ॥
Sages Vashsitha and Vamadeva, foremost among the Rishis are the two repected family priests . There are many other counselors too.
विद्याविनीता ह्रीमंतः कुशलानियतेंद्रियाः ।
श्रीमंतश्च महात्मनः शास्त्रज्ञा धृढविक्रमाः ॥
कीर्तिमंतः प्रणहिता यथावचनकारिणः ।
तेजः क्षमायशः प्राप्ताः स्मितापूर्वाभिभाषणः ॥
क्रोधात् कामार्थ हेतोर्वान ब्रूयुरनृतं वचः ।
तेषामविदितं किंचित् स्वेषु नास्ति परेषु वा ॥
क्रियमाणं कृतं वापि चारेणापि चिकीर्षितम् ॥।
They are learned, have enormous patience , capable and they have their sense organs under control. They are affluent , ascetic , well versed in the use of weapons , well versed in sciences , famous , true to their word, and always speak with a smile. They donot tell a lie in anger or with ulterior purpose. There is nothing they donot know in their land or in other lands. The events happening or about to happen are known to them through the spies.
कुशला व्यवहारेषु सौहृदेषु परीक्षिताः ।
प्राप्तकालं तु ते दंडं धारयेयुः सुतेष्वपि ॥
कोश संग्रहेणे युक्ता बलस्य च परिग्रहे ।
अहितं चापि पुरुषं न विहिंस्युः अदूषकम् ॥
वीराश्च नियतोत्साहो राजशास्त्रं अनुष्टिताः ।
शुचीनां रक्षितारश्च नित्यं विषयवासिनः ॥
They are experts in affairs of the court . They have been tested for their loyalty and woud met out due punishment even if it is concerning their own children. They are excellent in filling the treasury and in managing the affairs of the army. If one is innocent even if he is an enemy they will not punish. They have great zeal and follow the political science in true spirit. Thye protect the people of good conduct at all times.
ब्रह्मक्षत्रं अहींसंतः ते कोशं समपूरयन् ।
सुतीक्ष्ण दंडाः संप्रेक्ष्य पुरुषस्य बलाबलम् ॥
They know how to fill the treasury without harrasing Brahmanas and Kshtriyas. They met out punishment with due consideration to the level of the crime.
शुचीनां एकबुद्धीनां सर्वेषां संप्रजानताम् ।
नासीत् पुरेवा राष्ट्रेवा मृषावादि नरः क्वचित् ।
कच्चिन्न दुष्टस्तत्रासीत् परदाररतो नरः ॥
प्रशांतं सर्वमेवासीत् राष्ट्रं पुरवरं च तत् ।
सुवासस स्सुवेषाश्च ते च सर्वे सुशीलिनः ॥
हितार्थं च नरेंद्रस्य जाग्रतो नयचक्षुषा ।
गुरौ गुणगृहीताश्च प्रख्याताश्च पराक्रमे ॥
With all the minsters being of one mind and being upright , there is not one person in that city or in that kingdom as whole who tells lies . There are no people with deisgns on the neighbours wives. There is tranquility and peace in the city as well as in that kingdom. The ministers wore fine clothes and dressed appropriately. They are all of good character. Focussed on the welfare of the kingdom they go about their works. They accept the good from the masters . They are well known for their prowess.
विदेशेष्वपि विज्ञातः सर्वतो बुद्धिनिश्चयात् ।
संधि विग्रह तत्वज्ञाः प्रकृत्या संपदान्विताः ॥
They are recognised even in other lands as the persons with outstanding knowledge. They are well aware when to reach an understanding and when to wage a war. They are happy with their own wealth.
मंत्र संवरणे शक्ताः श्लक्ष्णाः सूक्ष्मासु बुद्धिषु ।
नीतिशास्त्र विशेषज्ञाः सततं प्रियवादिनः ॥
ईदृशै सै रमात्यैस्तु राजादशरथोsनघः ।
उअपन्नो गुणोपेतैः अन्वशासद्वसुंधराम् ॥
They are capable of keeping the secrets. They can handle sensitive issues too with understanding. They know the science of morals . They always propagate the correct path. With such outstanding ministers the king Dasaratha ruled over the kosala kingdom.
अवेक्षमाणश्चारेण प्रजा धर्मेण रंजयन् ।
प्रजानां पालनं कुर्वन् अधर्मं प्रिवर्जयन् ॥
विश्रुतस्त्रिषु लोकेषु वदान्यः सत्यसंगरः ।
स तत्र पुरुषव्याघ्रः शशास पृथिवीमिमाम् ॥
With the help of spies they ensure that path of virtue is followed in their own kingdom and else where too, thus keeping the people happy. The king ,who was well known in all the three worlds as a giver as well as a stickler for the truth, thus rules over the kingdom.
नाध्यगच्चद्विशिष्टं वा तुल्यं वा शत्रु मात्मनः ।
मित्रवान् न तसामंतः प्रतापहत कंटकः ॥
स शशास जगद्राजा दिवं देवपतिर्यथा ॥।
There are no enemies who are equal to him or greater than him. The neighbouring rulers accepted his authority. He had many friends. He vanquished his enemies by his sheer valor. Thus the king ruled the KOsala kingdom like Indra ruled the heavely regions.
तै र्मंत्रभिः मंत्रहिते नियुक्तैः
वृतोsनुरक्तैः कुशलैः समर्थैः ।
स पार्थिवो दीप्ति मवास युक्तः
तेजोमयैः गोभिरिवोदितोsर्कः ॥
With ministers who are capable , experts and loyal to the king appointed to do the states affairs , the king shone with the brilliance of the rising Sun.
॥इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये सप्तमसर्गः ॥
॥ समाप्तं ॥
Thus ends the 7th Chapter of Balakanda in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam.
|| om tat sat ||