Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Balakanda Sarga 77
Rama and Sita happily married !!
||om tat sat ||
गते रामे प्रशांतात्मा रामो दाशरथिर्धनुः ।
वरुणाय अप्रमेयाय ददौ हस्ते स सायकम् ॥
After Parasurama left , Rama the son of Dasaratha handed over the Bow and arrows to Varuna, the powerful, with a calm and composed mind.
Seventy seventh Sarga
After Parasurama left , Rama the son of Dasaratha handed over the Bow and arrows to Varuna the powerful, with a calm and composed mind. He paid obeisance to Vasishta and other Rishis and spoke to his father who was still agitated.
"O King ! Parasurama the son of Jamadagni left. The armies can move towards Ayodhya ruled by you. Please give the orders to the army. O King ! The army under your command is waiting for your orders like the chataka birds wait for water."
Hearing those words of Rama , Dasaratha embraced his son with both hands and kissed his forehead. Hearing the words that Parasuram left, Dasaratha felt like he and his son got another life. Then he ordered the armies to move towards Ayodhya.
The king then entered the streets of Ayodhya decorated with flags and banners, resounding with flourishing trumpets. Streets of Ayodhya were strewn with flowers and filled with happy citizens and auspicious drums. Many Brahmins and citizen went forward quite a distance and received the King Dasaratha and the princes along with new brides.
The king entered the palace which is as tall as Himalayan mountains along with his sons who are endowed with great fame and all riches. The king was worshipped by people who were happy and desired his happiness.
Queen Kausalya Sumitra Kaikeyi and other ladies of the palace engaged themselves in taking care of the new brides. The queens took Sita Urmila and the two daughters of Kusadhwaja inside the palace. The new brides wearing silk garments worshipped all Gods in their abodes with auspicious materials. Then having paid obeisance to all those who need to be paid respects, the princesses entered their own palaces equalling the palace of Kubera. Having satisfied Brahmins with gifts of cows and wealth they enjoyed happy married life.
The noble princes who have no equals having learnt the art of weapons , having all riches with friends relatives have become married men. Those princes who are best of men were always serving their parents. The princes who are well aware of the right conduct were also always making the gurus happy with their conduct.
After some time has passed Dasaratha spoke to Bharata the son of Kaikeyi. He told him the following." Oh Valiant one ! The Kekeya prince Yudhajit, who is your maternal uncle came here to take you. At Mithila in the middle of the congregation of Rishis I have been requested by him who is knowledgeable of Dharma. You are the best one to make him feel good".
Having heard this , Bharata the son of Kaikeya having paid obeisance to Gurus embracing Rama and Lakshmana got ready to go along with his uncle Yudhajit. Bharata, that best of men, having taken permission from his father as well as his mothers and Rama who can accomplish most difficult things got ready to go along with ( his brother) Satrughna.
After Bharata left along with Satrughna, Rama along with Lakshmana continued to serve their parents who are like Gods. As ordered by his father Rama who always follows the path of righteousness was attending to the needs of citizen doing the right and pleasing things. They were also performing those things that are needed by mothers as well as Gurus. Dasaratha was delighted with the actions of Rama. Similarly Brahmins and others too were delighted. Rama with all his desirable qualities became the one loved by all very much like Brahma himself.
Rama became embedded on the mind of Sita, and her heart was fully immersed in Rama. Thus they spent several seasons together. Having been made a partner by her father she became the object of love for Rama. She with her many qualities and her beauty became the object of Rama's love. Her love for Rama doubled . Knowing each other's heart they were acting to please the other . The princess of Mithila who is like a goddess , specifically like Lakshmi in the form of Janaka's daughter, became Rama's (consort) in all respects.
Like the joining of Lakshmi with Vishnu the lord of Gods , Rama the son of a Rajarshi in his union with Sita the best of princesses, was happy and shining with all wealth
Thus ends seventy Seventh Sarga of Balakanda and the Balakanda .
||om tat sat ||
तया स राजर्षिसुतोs भिरामया
समेयिवानुत्तमराजकन्यया ।
अतीव रामः शुशुभेति कामया
विभुश्श्रिया विष्णुरिवामरेश्वरः ॥
Like the joining of Lakshmi with Vishnu the lord of Gods , Rama the son of a Rajarshi in his union with Sita the best of princesses, was happy and shining with all wealth
|| om tat sat ||
||Om tat sat ||