Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam
Balakanda Chapter 9
"Sumantra tells story of Rishyasrumga"
With Sanskrit text in Devanagari , Telugu and Kannada
नवमः सर्गः
एतच्रुत्वा रहस्सूतो राजानं इदमब्रवीत् ।
ऋत्विग्भिरुपदिष्टो यं पुरावृत्तो मया श्रुतः ॥
Having heard that directions of the sages, the charioteer then spoke to the king in confidence. " O King ! I heard the recommendation of the great sages long time ago "
सनत्कुमारो भगवान् पूर्वं कथितवान् कथम्।
ऋषीणां सन्निथौ राजन् तव पुत्रागमं प्रति ॥
काश्यपस्य तु पुत्रो अस्ति विभंडक इति श्रुतः ।
ऋष्यशृंग इति ख्यातः तस्यपुत्रो भविष्यति ॥
स वने नित्य संवृद्धो मुनिर्वनचरस्सदा ।
नान्यं जानाति विप्रेंद्रो नित्यं पित्रनुवर्तनात् ॥
' O King ! The foremost of the sages , Sanatkumara spoke in a congregation of other sages about the story of sons to be born to you. The son of sage Kasyapa is known as Vibhandaka. He has a son by name Rishyasrumga. He was moving around the forest and among old people and other sages. He is not aware of any thing other than serving Brahmanas and following his father.'
द्वैविध्यं ब्रह्मचर्यस्य भविष्यति महात्मनः ।
लोकेषु प्रथितं राजन् विप्रैश्च कथितं सदा ॥
तस्यैवं वर्तमानस्य कालस्समभिवर्तत ।
अग्निं शुश्रू षमाणस्य पितरं च यशस्विनम् ॥
'Oh King ! There are two types of celibacy well known all over the world according to those experienced science of virtuous life. Rishyasrumga was performing the fire related activities as well as devotedly serving his father and the other sages , thus following the both lines of celibacy prescribed'
एतस्मिन्ने व कालेतु रोमपादः प्रतापवान् ।
अंगेषु प्रथितो राजा भविष्यति महाबलः ॥
तस्य व्यतिक्रमाद्राज्ञो भविष्यति सुदारुणा ।
अनावृष्टिस्सुघोरा वै सर्वभूतभयावह ॥
' About the same time , there was a powerful king by name Romapada who was ruling the kingdom of Anga. Because of the misdeeds committed by him there was a dreadful drought creating a fear among all beings'
अनावृष्ट्यां तु वृत्तायांराजा दुःख समन्वितः ।
ब्राह्मणान् श्रुत वृद्धांश्च समानीय प्रवक्ष्यति ॥
भवंतः श्रुतधर्माणो लोक चारित्र वेदिनः ।
समादिशंतु नियमं प्रायश्चित्तं यथा भवेत् ॥
' Deep in sorrows because of the sever drought , the king called all the learned Brahmins well versed in Vedas and spoke to them ." All of you are well aware of the rightful conduct and worldly affairs. Under these circumstances please let me know what should be done by me to atone for the sins committed'
वक्ष्यंति ते महिपालं ब्राह्मणा वेदपारगः ।
विभंडकसुतं राजन् सर्वोपायैरिहानय ॥
अनाय्य च महीपाल ऋष्यशृंगं सुसत्कृतम् ।
प्रयच्च कन्यां शांतां वै विथिना सुसमाहितः ॥
तेषां तु वचनं श्रुत्वा राजां चितां प्रपत्स्यते ।
केनोपायेन वै शक्यं इहानेतुं स वीर्यवान् ॥
They told the king as follows ." O King ! you please bring Rishyasrumga , the son of Vibhandaka here by what ever means. Having brought him you may honor him and offer your daughter Santa in marriage following the prescribed rituals" . Having heard the suggestion , the king started thinking of the means of bringing the revered Brahmin Rishyasrumga to his kingdom.
ततो राजा विनिश्चित्यसहमंत्रिभिरात्मवान् ।
पुरोहितं अमात्यांश्च ततः प्रेष्यति सत्कृतान् ॥
ते तुराज्ञो वचः श्रुत्वा व्यथिता विनताननाः ।
न गच्चेम ऋषेर्भीता अनुनेष्यंति तं नृपम् ॥
Then the king having consulted his ministers decided to send his priests and the counsellor to bring Rishyasrumga. Hearing those words of the king the priests too became worried and spoke to the king respectfully . "O king we are scared of the the sage Rishyasrumga . So we cannot go. We will however find ways to bring the sage here".
वक्ष्यंति चिंतयित्वा ते तस्योपायांश्च तत् क्षमान् ।
अनेष्यामो वयं विप्रं न च दोषो भविष्यति ॥
एवमंगाधिपेनैव गणिकाभिः ऋषेः सुतः ।
अनीतोsवर्षयद्देव शांता चास्मै प्रदीयते ॥
They then thought over a plan and told the king as follows ' We will bring to bring the revered Brahmin here without attracting any blemish '. Then the king Romapada brings the revered Brahmin Rishyasrumga using courtesans . With his arrival the drought conditions disappear with arrival of rains. Then the king offers his daughter Santa in marriage to the Brahmin Rishyasrumga'
ऋष्यशृंगस्तु जामाता पुत्रांस्तव विधास्यति।
सनत्कुमार कथितं एतावद्व्याहृतं मया ॥
"O King ! that Rishyasrumga is also like a son-in-law . With the arrival of that revered Brahmin you will obtain your wish for sons. This is the story narrated by Sanatkumara in those days"
अथ हृष्टो दशरथः सुमंत्रं प्रत्यभाषत ।
यथर्श्यत्शृंग स्त्यानीतो विस्तरेण त्वयोच्यताम् ॥
King Dasaratha was pleased and asked Sumantra " Please tell me how Romapada brought Rishyasrumga to his kingdom "
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये
बालकांडे नवमस्सर्गः
समाप्तम् ॥
Thus ends chapter 9 of Balakanda in Valmiki Ramayan
||Om tat sat||
|| om tat sat ||