Music in our Epics
Music and rhythm are part of the Sanskrit literature
There is a music and rhythm in what ever is said in Gita apart from the saying itself. There is music in Bhagavatam . There are parts in Bhagavatam so enchanting to read that you do not have to be a Krishna's devotee to enjoy . That they have powerful meanings is another aspect.
The reading of the Sanskrit generates a kind of peace.
Our daily grind is so full of targets and events with little time for anything.. In fact there is so much uncertainty about events you want to control that if things don't go our way , it does seem right to get angry to get over with the frustration . After the burst of anger you are still where you were. And since your goal is not yet attained you may have to start over again in any case . There is also certain amount of ecstasy when the goals are achieved . So the events swing between the two extremes.
One cannot be so sure about the cycle of life and death and rebirth , but this cycle of anger and frustration in this life seems inevitable.
Not really
The complete teachings from the past , the readings from Bhagavatam particularly paint a way of life that can be free . We will not go into that now. But suffice to say that there is so much to read and hear to feel good about !
So all my readings have been from that perspective, though when I do read aloud my children are more likely to say.. “daddy please ..!!" . I also know that eventually they will also come to appreciate the music part of our classics like me.
It is not just Gita or Bhagavatam , beyond these two there are so many enchanting chantings and several of them are now part of “you tube” also . One such is a rendering by Swami Brahmananda of Chinmaya Mission here .