||Sundarakanda ||
|| Sarga 50(Summary in English)
||ōm tat sat||
तमुद्वीक्ष्य महाबाहुः पिंगाक्षं पुरतः स्थितम्।
कोपेन महताssविष्टो रावणो लोकरावणः॥1||
शंकाहृतात्मा दध्यौ स कपींद्रं तेजसा वृतम्।
स॥ महाबाहुः लोकरावणः सः रावणः पुरतः स्थितं महाबाहुं पिंगाक्षं महता कोपेन आविष्टः उद्दीक्ष्य॥
Mighty armed Ravana, who torments the whole world, looking at the tawny eyed one surrounded with brilliance, overpowered with great anger, thought over with doubts in his heart.
Sarga 50
Mighty armed Ravana, who torments the whole world, looking at the tawny eyed one surrounded with brilliance, overpowered with great anger thought over with doubts in his heart. 'That lord Nandi by whom I was cursed earlier, when the Kailasa was shaken by me, could he be the one who is here? Could he the great Asura, Bana in Vanara form?'
That king with eyes red in anger, asked Prahasta the best of ministers, with brief profound and timely words. 'Ask this wicked one where did he come from? For what reason the grove was destroyed and Rakshasis threatened? What is the meaning of this? Ask this wicked one what is the use of his coming here to my city which is difficult to access? Why did he wage war?
Hearing those words of Ravana, Prahasta spoke these words. 'Oh Monkey feel safe. You need not be afraid. Be relaxed. Oh Vanara, if you were sent by Indra to this place of Ravana that you tell us. Do not be afraid. You will be released. You entered our city in this spies form. Were you sent by Vaisravana or Yama or Varuna? Or Vishnu desirous of victory sent you as messenger? You are Vanara by form only. By brilliance you are not Vanara. Today tell the truth. Then you will be released. If you tell untruth it will be difficult to live. For what reason did you enter the palace of Ravana?'.
Thus questioned , the best of Vanaras spoke to Ravana. 'I am not from Sakra or Yama or Varuna. I am not a friend of Kubera. I was not sent by Vishnu. I am a Vanara who came here. To get to the presence of the king of Rakshasas is difficult. I have destroyed the grove to see the king. Then the powerful Rakshasas desirous of war came. To protect my body I fought back. I cannot be captured by Devas or Asuras by any weapons or ropes. This is a boon I have from the grand sire Brahma. To see the king, I have obeyed the Astra. Bound by the Rakshasas I was freed by the Astra. For some work related to the king I have come to your presence'.
'Know this that I am the messenger of the highly powerful Raghava. Oh King, please hear these good words from me'.
Thus ends the Sarga fifty of Sundarakanda in Ramayana the first poem composed in Sanskrit by the first poet sage Valmiki.
||ōm tat sat||
दूतोहमिति विज्ञेयो राघव स्यामितौजसः।
श्रूयतां चापि वचनं मम पथ्य मिदं प्रभो॥19||
स॥ अहं अमित तेजसः राघवस्य दूतः इति विज्ञेयः। प्रभो इदं मम पथ्यं वचनं श्रूयतां चापि॥
" Know this that I am the messenger of the highly powerful Raghava. Oh King Please hear these good words from me".
||ōm tat sat||