||Sundarakanda ||
|| Sarga 61|| (Summary in English)
|| om tat sat||
ततो जाम्बवतो वाक्यमगृःणन्त वनौकसः।
अंगदप्रमुखा वीरा हनुमांश्च महाकपिः॥1||
स॥ ततः अंगदप्रमुखाः वनौकसः महाकपिः हनुमंतश्चजांबवतः वाक्यं अगृह्णंत॥
Then Angada, other leaders, and other wanderers of the forest including Hanuman accepted the words of the great Vanara Jambavan.
Sarga 61
Then Angada and other Vanara leaders, including Hanuman accepted the words of the great Vanara, Jambavan.
All of the Vanaras, who were very pleased left Mahendra mountain led by Hanuman and flew into the sky. They were like elephants in the rut, resembling the mountains Meru and Mandara. They flew as if covering the whole sky. Praised by all beings that self-confident mighty Hanuman flying at great speeds was seen without blinking. They flew having accomplished their task, successfully completing the task concentrating on remaining in the service of Raghava of supreme fame. All of them talking among themselves, all of them anxious to fight a war, all of them determined to please Rama, flew in the sky.
Then the forest dwellers leaping and rising up in the sky entered the garden which is full of trees and creepers which is like Indra's garden. Well protected, difficult to access, enchanting to all beings that beautiful garden of Sugriva is called Madhuvan. The great Vanara leader, Sugriva's maternal uncle Dadhimukha a great hero always protects the grove. The Vanaras entering the great enchanting garden of the king of Vanaras were highly delighted.
The honey colored Vanaras delighted at having seen the great Madhuvan, sought the prince's permission. Then the prince seeking the older Vanara leaders like Jambavan's counsel gave them permission to drink honey.
Thus permitted and encouraged, all the Vanaras happily started dancing.
Some were singing. Some prostrated. Some danced. Some laughed. Some fell down. Some roamed. Some jumped up. Some were babbling. Some were comforting each other. Some were holding each other. Some were talking to each other. Some were entertaining each other. Some ran from one tree to another. Some jumped from the top of the tree. Some jumped from broken branches. Some very swift ones fell down from the top of the huge trees. While one was singing, others approached him laughing. While one was laughing then another went roaring. While one was roaring another was pushing. While one was encouraging the other who fell over and was shouting
Having lost control due to excessive drinking, the Vanara army sat there quietly. It is not that there was none who was not intoxicated. It is not that there was none who was not satisfied. Seeing the leaves, flowers and trees which were destroyed, and the Vanaras who were drunk, the Vanara by name Dadhimukha started stopping them. The protector of the garden, the old Vanara leader again thought over protecting the garden from the powerful Vanaras. Some he spoke harshly. Some he did not say anything. Some he slapped with his palm. Some he patted on the back pleasantly. Some he quarreled. Some he approached in a conciliatory manner.
In their drunkenness speaking in abusive language Vanaras retaliated with their strength without fear. Some roared without seeing their faults, some held and pulled him. Drunk, they all together scratched with their nails. Bit with their teeth. They kicked with their hands and feet. They looted the garden completely.
Thus ends Sarga sixty one of Sundarakanda in Ramayana the first ever poem composed in Sanskrit by the first poet sage Valmiki
|| om tat sat||
नखैस्तुदंतो दशनैर्दशंतः
तलैश्च पादैश्च समापयंतः।
मदात्कपिं कपयः समग्रा
महावनं निर्विषयं च चक्रुः॥23||
स॥ समग्राः कपयः मदात् नखैः तुदन्तः । दशनैः दसन्तः। तलैश्च पादैश्च तं कपिं समापयन्तः । (ते सर्वे) महावनं निर्विषयं चकृः॥
Drunk, they all together scratched with their nails. Bit with their teeth. They kicked with their hands and feet. They looted the garden completely.
|| om tat sat||