
|| Sarga 14 ||

|| Meanings and Summary in English ||

Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English

|| om tat sat||

Sarga 14

अथ चतुर्दशस्सर्गः
(with Sloka meanings and summary along with commentary)

टीकात्रय gives a brief summary of fourteenth Sarga. Tika Traya says,- "अशोकवनिकाप्राकारम् अवप्लुत्य प्राकारस्थ एव वनरामणीयकं पश्यन् वनं प्रविश्यवृक्षात् वृक्षान्तरेषु अवप्लुत्य शाखाधूननेन पुषपर्णादीनि शातयन् सीतां विचिन्वानो हनुमान् मध्येवनं कांचन वेदिकां मध्यवर्तिकांचन वृक्षपरिवृतं किंचित् शिंशुपावृक्षं ददर्श। तदुपान्तात् वहन्तीं सरितं दृष्ट्वा संध्योपास्त्याद्यर्थम् सीतागमनं भवेत् इति संभावयन् शिंशुपां अधिरुह्य पर्णनिबिडविटपेषु निलीयावस्थितो अभूत्।"

This can be summarized as follows.

Hanuman enters Ashoka grove. It is said "सुंदरे सुंदरं वनम्". Ashoka grove is that सुंदरं वनं. Ashoka grove is filled with trees of all types of fruits and flowers. Inhabited by intoxicated cuckoos and ever delighting bees. The trees were having abundant flowers and fruits . Ashoka grove was pleasing to the people, with herds of animals and flocks of birds. Flocks of proud peacocks. Flocks of different birds. Vanara saw a delightful mountain resembling a rain cloud with tall peaks. The Vanara saw a river flowing down from that mountain. Nearby he saw a Simsupa tree. Seeing the auspicious waters of the river, thinking that Sita will surely come there for performing the rites of twilight, Hanuma climbed up that tree. He sat there hidden within the leaves of that Simsupa tree, hoping to see Sita.

That summarizes the story of the Sarga 14.

Now the we go through fourteenth Sarga with meanings of Slokas.

||Sloka 14.01||

स मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा मनसा चाधिगम्यताम्।
अवप्लुतो महातेजाः प्राकारं तस्य वेश्मनः॥14.01||

स॥ सः महातेजः मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा मनसा तां (सीतां) अधिगम्य तस्य वेश्मनः प्राकारं अवप्लुतः॥

Rama Tika says- स हनुमान् मुहूर्तं ध्यात्वा वनिकागमनप्रकारं संचित्य तां सीतां मनसा अधिगम्य प्राप्य तस्य रावणस्य वेश्मनः वेश्म प्राकारात् प्राकारम् अशोकवनिकायाम् इति शेषः, अवप्लुत्य उत्प्लुत्या प्राप्तः।

॥Sloka meanings||

सः महातेजः -
that mighty Hanuman
मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा -
meditating for a moment
मनसा तां (सीतां) अधिगम्य -
reaching Sita in his mind
तस्य वेश्मनः प्राकारं अवप्लुतः -
reached the boundary wall of that palace

||Sloka summary||

"That mighty Hanuman lost in thought, reached Sita in his mind for a moment, (as he) jumped down onto the boundary wall of the palace." ||14.01||

Having prayed "नमोस्तु रामाय स लक्ष्मणाय" for divine help in his search, and having reached the boundary wall of that Ashoka grove, Hanuman again meditated for a moment and reached Sita in his thoughts before moving forward.

How is Hanuma's mental make up?

||Sloka 14.02||

स तु संहृष्ट सर्वाङ्गः प्राकारस्थो महाकपिः।
पुष्पिताग्रान् वसन्तादौ ददर्श विविधान् द्रुमान्॥14.02||

स॥प्राकारस्थः सः महाकपिः सर्वाङ्गः संहृष्टः विविधान् वसंतादौ द्रुमान् पुष्पिताग्रान् ददर्श॥

Govindaraja in his Tika says- संहृष्ठ सर्वाङ्गः पुलकित सर्वाङ्गः। वसन्तादौ ।पौर्णमास्यामासान् संपाद्येति पक्षमनुश्रुत्य फाल्गुन पूर्णमासीप्रपूर्वादिनत्वेन वसन्तादावित्युक्तम।

||Sloka meanings||

स तु संहृष्ट सर्वाङ्गः -
with delight permeating all parts of his body
प्राकारस्थः सः महाकपिः -
the great Vanara standing on boundary the wall
द्रुमान् पुष्पिताग्रान् ददर्श -
saw the trees with blooming flowers
वसंतादौ -
with the coming of spring

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman , with delight permeating all parts of his body , standing on the boundary wall saw blossoming trees with the onset of spring." ||14.02||

Describing that Hanuma entering the Ashoka grove, the poet says, "संहृष्ट सर्वांगः"; "Filled with joy in every limb of his body"; Ramayana Tilaka says"पुलकित सर्वांगः"; Why ? "मनसा चाधिगम्य ताम्"- "Having reached Sita in his mind"; So, very thought of reaching Sita delighted Hanuma as he enters.

||Sloka 14.03||

सालान् अशोकान् भव्यांश्च चंपकांश्च सुपुष्पितान्।
उद्दालकान् नागवृक्षां श्चूतान्कपिमुखानपि॥14.03||

स॥ सालान् अशोकान् भव्यांश्च सुपुष्पितान् चंपकाश्च उद्दालकान् नागवृक्षान् कपिमुखान् ( कपिमुखवर्ण) चूतान् अपि (ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

सालान् अशोकान् भव्यांश्च -
Salas Ashokas Bhavyaas
सुपुष्पितान् चंपकाश्च -
blossoming Champakas,
उद्दालकान् नागवृक्षान् -
Uddalakas Naga trees
कपिमुखान् चूतान् अपि -
Mangoes with the color of the monkeys snout

||Sloka summary||

"He saw variety of trees Salas Ashokas Bhavyaas, blossoming Champakas, Uddalakas Naaga trees and Mangoes with the color of the monkeys snout! "||14.03||

||Sloka 14.04||

अथाम्रवण संच्चन्नां लताशतसमावृताम्।
ज्यामुक्त इव नाराचः पुप्लुवे वृक्षवाटिकाम्॥14.04||

स॥ अथ (सः हनुमान्) आम्रवण संच्छन्नाम् लताशत समाकुलाम् वृक्षवाटिकां ज्यामुक्तः नाराचः इव पुप्लुवे॥

॥Sloka meanings||

अथ (सः हनुमान्) -
then Hanuman
आम्रवण संच्छन्नाम् -
filled with mango groves
लताशत समाकुलाम् -
over grown with hundreds of creepers
वृक्षवाटिकां - clusters of trees
ज्यामुक्तः नाराचः इव पुप्लुवे -
penetrated like an arrow released from a bow

||Sloka summary||

"Then Hanuman penetrated the clusters of trees filled with mango groves and over grown with hundreds of creepers like an arrow released from a bow!"||14.04||

Before jumping across the ocean in search of Sita, Hanuma compares himself with Rama's arrow . We hear the same comparison by the poet here, hinting that the search may be coming to an end.

||Sloka 14.05||

सप्रविश्य विचित्रां तां विहगैरभिनादिताम्।
राजतैः काञ्चनैश्चैव पादपैः सर्वतो वृताम्॥14.05||

स॥ सः तां (अशोकवनिकां ) प्रविश्य विचित्रां विहगैः अभिनादितां सर्वतः राजतैः कांचनश्चैव पादपैः आवृतां (अशोकवनिकां ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

सः तां (अशोकवनिकां ) प्रविश्य-
that Hanuman having entered
विचित्रां विहगैः अभिनादितां -
reverberating with sounds made by wonderful birds.
सर्वतः राजतैः कांचनश्चैव पादपैः आवृतां -
grove surrounded by silvery and golden trees
(अशोकवनिकां ददर्श ) - ( saw the Ashoka grove)

||Sloka summary||

"That Hanuman having entered saw the grove surrounded by silvery and golden trees, made wonderful by the sounds of birds." ||14.05||

||Sloka 14.06||

विहगैर्मृगसंघैश्च विचित्रां चित्रकाननाम्।
उदितादित्य संकाशां ददर्श हनुमान् कपिः॥14.06||"

स॥ (तत्र) हनुमान् कपिः विचित्रां विहगैः मृग संघैश्च उदितादित्य संकाशं (इव) चित्रकाननां ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

विचित्रां विहगैः मृग संघैश्च -
with wonderful groups of birds , and groups of deer,
उदितादित्य संकाशं (इव) चित्रकाननां -
the grove shining like the rising Sun
हनुमान् कपिः ददर्श -
The Vanara , Hanuman, saw

||Sloka summary||

"The Vanara , Hanuman, saw the Ashoka grove , shining like the rising Sun, with wonderful birds, groups of deer, and wonderful thickets." ||14.06||"

||Sloka 14.07||

वृतां नानाविधैर्वृक्षैः पुष्पोपगफलोपगैः।
कोकिलैः भृङ्गराजैश्च मत्तैर्नित्य निषेविताम्॥14.07||

स॥ पुष्पोपगफलोपगैः नानाविधैः वृक्षैः वृतां मत्तैः कोकिलैः भृंगराजैः च नित्य सेवितां (अशोकवनिकां ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

पुष्पोपगफलोपगैः -
having abundant flowers and fruits
नानाविधैः वृक्षैः वृतां -
filled with many types of tress
मत्तैः कोकिलैः भृंगराजैः च नित्य सेवितां -
Inhabited by intoxicated cuckoos and ever delighting bees
(अशोकवनिकां ददर्श) - ( saw the Ashoka grove)

||Sloka summary||

"(Hanuman saw the grove ) Inhabited by intoxicated cuckoos and ever delighting bees, with trees which were having abundant flowers and fruits ." ||14.07||

||Sloka 14.08||

प्रहृष्ट मनुजे काले मृगपक्षि समाकुले।
मत्तबर्हिणसंघुष्टां नानाद्विजागणायुताम्॥14.08||

स॥ प्रहृष्ट मनुजेकाले मृग पक्षि समाकुले मत्तबर्हिणसंघुष्टाम् नानाद्विज गणायुतां (तां अशोकवनिकां ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

प्रहृष्ट मनुजे काले -
pleasing to the people
मृग पक्षि समाकुले -
with herds of animals and flocks of birdsन
मत्तबर्हिणसंघुष्टाम् -
flocks of proud peacocks
नानाद्विज गणायुतां -
flocks of different birds.

||Sloka summary||

"Ashoka grove was pleasing to the people , with herds of animals and flocks of birds , flocks of proud peacocks, flocks of different birds." ||14.08||

Tilaka Tika says - प्रहृष्ठ मनुजे काले। वसन्ते। वसन्तस्य प्रचुरमन्मथत्वात् प्रहृष्ठमनुजत्वम्। It says that it is that time which generates happiness in the heart of men. That is the Spring time.

||Sloka 14.09||

मार्गमाणो वरारोहां राजपुत्रीं अनिंदिताम्।
सुखप्रसुप्तान् विहगान् बोधयामास वानरः॥14.09||

स॥ वानरः वरारोहां अनिंदितां राजपुत्रीं मार्गमाणः सुखप्रसुप्तान् विहगान् बोधयामास॥

॥Sloka meanings||

राजपुत्रीं मार्गमाणः -
moving in search of the princess ( Sita)
वरारोहां अनिंदितां -
blameless and born in a noble family
सुखप्रसुप्तान् विहगान् -
the birds which were sleeping happily
वानरः बोधयामास -
Vanara awakened

||Sloka summary||

"The Vanara moving in search of Sita, the blameless princess born in a noble family, awakened the birds which were sleeping happily." ||14.09||

||Sloka 14.10||

उत्पतत्भिः द्विजगणैः पक्षैः सालाः समाहताः।
अनेक वर्णा विविधा मुमुचुः पुष्पवृष्टयः॥14.10||

स॥ उत्पतत्भिः द्विजगणैः पक्षैः समाहतः सालाः अनेकवर्णः विविधाः पुश्पवृष्टयः मुमुचुः॥

॥Sloka meanings||

उत्पतत्भिः द्विजगणैः पक्षैः समाहतः -
hit by the wings of the flying flocks of birds
सालाः मुमुचुः -
the Sala trees showered
अनेकवर्णः विविधाः पुश्पवृष्टयः -
flowers of many different colors.

||Sloka summary||

"Hit by the wings of the flying flocks of birds the trees showered flowers of many different colors." ||14.10||

||Sloka 14.11||

पुष्पावकीर्णः शुशुभे हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः।
अशोकवनिका मध्ये यथा पुष्पमयो गिरिः॥14.11||

स॥ अशोकवनिका मध्ये पुष्पावकीर्णः हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः पुष्पमयो गिरिः यथा शुशुभे॥

॥Sloka meanings||.

अशोकवनिका मध्ये-
in the middle of the Ashoka grove.
पुष्पावकीर्णः हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः -
Hanuman the son of wind god covered with variety of flowers
पुष्पमयो गिरिः यथा -
like a mountain covered with flowers
शुशुभे - shone

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman the son of wind god covered with variety of flowers shone like a mountain covered with flowers in the middle of the Ashoka grove." ||14.11||

||Sloka 14.12||

दिशः सर्वाः प्रधावंतं वृक्ष षण्डगतं कपिम्।
दृष्ट्वा सर्वाणि भूतानि वसन्त इति मेनिरे॥14.12||

स॥ वृक्ष षण्डगतं दिशः सर्वाः प्रधावंतं कपिं दृष्ट्वा सर्वाणि भूतानि वसंत इति मेनिरे॥

Tilaka Tika says- वसन्त इति मेनिरे इति अन्यस्य इह वने अशक्यप्रवेशत्वात् वसन्त एव वृक्षसंचारोचितम् कपिं आस्थाय चरती इति मेनिरे इत्यर्थः।

॥Sloka meanings||

वृक्ष षण्डगतं -
covered with variety of flowers shed by the trees
दिशः सर्वाः प्रधावंतं-
running around in all directions
कपिं दृष्ट्वा-
seeing the Vanara
सर्वाणि भूतानि वसंत इति मेनिरे -
all the living beings thought he was spring personified.

||Sloka summary||

"Seeing Hanuman running around covered with variety of flowers shed by the trees , all the living being thought he was spring personified."||14.12||

Rama Tika says that since it is impossible for anyone to enter Ravana's Ashoka grove, all the beings in that grove thought the one running in that Ashoka grove can only be Vasant, the incarnation of Spring time in the physical form of Hanuman.

Poet too, talking of Hanuma as the incarnation of Spring, telling us that the Hanuma, who was immersed in the sorrow of not finding Sita, has overcome his sorrow, and is now generating excitement of anticipation in his search for Sita.

||Sloka 14.13||

वृक्षेभ्यः पतितै पुष्पैः अवकीर्णा पृथग्विधैः।
रराज वसुधा तत्र प्रमदेव विभूषिता॥14.13||

स॥ तत्र वृक्षेभ्यः पतितैः पुष्पैः अवकीर्णा पृध्वी विभूषिता प्रमद एव रराज॥

॥Sloka meanings||

अवकीर्णा पृध्वी -
earth covered
तत्र वृक्षेभ्यः पतितैः पुष्पैः -
with flowers fallen from the trees
विभूषिता प्रमद एव रराज -
shown like a fully bedecked young woman.

||Sloka summary||

"The earth covered with flowers fallen from the trees shown like a fully bedecked young woman." ||14.13||

||Sloka 14.14||

तरस्विना ते तरवस्तरसाभि प्रकम्पिताः।
कुसुमानि विचित्राणि ससृजुः कपिना तदा॥14.14||

स॥ तदा तरस्विना कपिना तरसा अभिप्रकम्पिताः ते तरवः विचित्राणि पुष्फाणि ससृजुः ||

||Sloka meanings||

तदा तरस्विना कपिना-
by the great speed of Hanuman the one moving
तरसा अभिप्रकम्पिताः -
vigorously shaken with speed
ते तरवः विचित्राणि पुष्फाणि ससृजुः -
those trees shed variety of colorful flowers."

||Sloka summary||

"Shaken by the great speed of Hanuman, the trees shed variety of colorful flowers." ||14.14||

||Sloka 14.15||

निर्दूत पत्रशिखराः शीर्णपुष्पफलाद्रुमाः।
निक्षिप्त वस्त्राभरणा धूर्त इव पराजितः॥14.15||

स॥ निर्धूत पत्रशिखराः शीर्णपुष्पफलाः द्रुमाः पराजिताः निक्षिप्त वस्त्राभरणाः धूर्ता इव (ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

निर्धूत पत्रशिखराः -
trees with top branches shorn of
शीर्णपुष्पफलाः द्रुमाः -
of flowers and fruits
निक्षिप्त वस्त्राभरणाः -
one who lost his clothes and ornaments
पराजिताः धूर्ता इव -
appeared like a defeated gamblers (ददर्श)

||Sloka summary||

"The trees with top branches shorn of flowers and fruits appeared like gamblers who lost their clothes and ornaments ( in gambling)." ||14.15||

||Sloka 14.16||

हनुमता वेगवता कम्पितास्ते नगोत्तमाः।
पुष्पपर्ण फलान्यासु मुमुचुः पुष्पशालिनः॥14.16||

स॥ वेगवता हनुमता कंपिताः पुष्पशालिनः ते नगोत्तमाः पुष्पवर्ण फलान्यासुः मुमुचुः॥

॥Sloka meanings||

वेगवता हनुमता कंपिताः -
Shaken by the speedy Hanuman
पुष्पशालिनः ते नगोत्तमाः -
the best of trees with flowers
पुष्पवर्ण फलान्यासुः मुमुचुः- shed flowers and fruits.

||Sloka summary||

"Shaken by the speedy Hanuman, the best of trees with flowers and fruits, shed flowers and fruits." ||14.16||

||Sloka 14.17||

विहङ्ग संघैर्हीनास्ते स्कन्धमात्राश्रया द्रुमाः।
बभूवुरगमाः सर्वे मारुतेनेव निर्थुताः॥14.17||

स॥ सर्वे ते द्रुमाः मारुतेन विनिर्घुताः अगमाः इव विहंगसंघैः विहीनाः स्कन्धमात्राश्रयाः बभूव॥

॥Sloka meanings||

सर्वे ते द्रुमाः -
all those trees
मारुतेन विनिर्घुताः -
shaken by the Vanara
विहंगसंघैः विहीनाः -
deserted by the flocks of birds
स्कन्धमात्राश्रयाः -
looking bare as if resting on their trunks
अगमाः इव - unable to move
बभूव - became

||Sloka summary||

All those trees, shaken by the Vanara, deserted by the flocks of birds, looking bare as if resting on their trunks unable to move ||14.17||

||Sloka 14.18,19||

निर्धूत केशी युवति र्यथा मृदित वर्णिका।
निष्पीतशुभ दन्तोष्ठी नखैर्दन्तैश्च विक्षता ||14.18||
तथा लांङ्गूलहस्तैश्च चरणाभ्यांच मर्दिता।
बभूवाशोकवनिका प्रभग्नवरपादपा॥14.19||

स॥ लांगूल हस्तैश्च चरणाभ्यां च मर्दिता अशोकवनिका प्रभग्न वर पादपाः निर्धूत केशी मृदित वर्णिका निष्पीत शुभ दंतोष्टी नखदंतैश्छ विक्षता युवती यथा बभूव॥

॥Sloka meanings||

लांगूल हस्तैश्च चरणाभ्यां च मर्दिता -
crushed by Hanuman's tail, hands and feet
अशोकवनिका प्रभग्न वर पादपाः -
Ashoka grove with prominent trees
निर्धूत केशी -
with disheveled hair
मृदित वर्णिका -
with her vermillion mark effaced
निष्पीत शुभ दंतोष्टी -
with bright teeth and lips looking faded being repeatedly kissed
नखदंतैश्छ विक्षता -
wounded with nails and teeth.
युवती यथा बभूव -
like a young woman (Ashoka grove) appeared

||Sloka summary||

"The Ashoka grove crushed by Hanuman's tail and hands appeared like a woman with disheveled hair, with her vermillion mark effaced, with bright teeth and lips looking faded being repeatedly kissed and wounded with nails and teeth." ||14.18,19||

||Sloka 14.20||

महालतानां दामानि व्यथमत्तरसा कपिः।
यथा प्रावृषि विन्ध्यस्य मेघजालानि मारुतः॥14.20||

स॥ कपिः महालतानां दामानि तरसा व्यथमत् यथा मारुतः प्रावृषी विन्ध्यस्य मेघजालानि यथा व्यथमत्॥

॥Sloka meanings||

महालतानां दामानि -
huge clusters of creepers hanging on the trees
कपिः तरसा व्यथमत् -
Vanara shook them with tremendous winds
यथा मारुतः प्रावृषी विन्ध्यस्य मेघजालानि -
like the winds scattering the clusters of clouds on the Vindhyas.

||Sloka summary||

"The Vanara shook the huge clusters of creepers with tremendous winds, like the winds scattering the clusters of clouds on the Vindhyas." ||14.20||

||Sloka 14.21||

स तत्र मणि भूमीश्च राजतीश्च मनोरमाः।
तथाकाञ्चन भूमीश्च ददर्श विचरन् कपिः॥14.21||

स॥तत्र विचरन् सः कपिः मणिभूमिश्च राजतीश्च तथा मनोरमाः कांचनभूमिश्च ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

तत्र विचरन् सः कपिः -
the Vanara moving about the grove,
मणिभूमिश्च राजतीश्च-
floors with gems, and silver.
तथा मनोरमाः -
also pleasing to the eyes
कांचनभूमिश्च -
floors paved with gold
ददर्श - saw

||Sloka summary||

The Vanara, moving about the grove saw beautiful floors paved with gems, silver, and gold .

||Sloka 14.22||

वापीश्च विविधाकाराः पूर्णाः परमवारिणा।
महार्हैः मणिसोपानैः उपपन्नास्ततस्ततः॥14.22||

स॥ परमवारिणा पूर्णाः ततः ततः महार्हैः मणिसोपानैः उपपन्नाः वापीश्च (ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

परमवारिणा पूर्णाः वापीश्च -
tanks filled with pure water
ततः ततः - here and there
महार्हैः मणिसोपानैः -
steps studded with rich gems

||Sloka summary||

"Here and there he saw fully filled tanks with water, also having steps studded with rich gems." ||14.22||

From here in five Slokas Poet described a pond in Ashok grove and in two more Slokas describes a wonderful mountain. Rama Tika has a wonderful elaboration of the key Sanskrit words in Sanskrit. It is indeed eminently readable.

Ram Tika says- विविधाकाराः अनेकविधावयवाः, परमवारिणा पूर्णाः महार्हैः प्रशंसनीयैः मणिसोपानैः, उपपन्नाः युक्ताः, मुक्ताप्रवालान्येव सिकता यासु स्फाटिकायाः स्फाटिकमयाः, आन्तर कुट्टिमाः अभ्यन्तर निबद्धभूमयः यासु तरुभिरुपशोभिताः बुद्धानि विकसितानि पद्मोत्पलवनानि यासु नत्यूहानां रुतेन शब्देन संघुष्टा दीघाभिः विशालाभिः, अमृतोपमतोयाभिः अत एव शिवद्भिः, सरिद्भिः उपसंस्कृता नित्यं पूर्णत्वाय प्रापिताः लताशतैरवतताः व्याप्ताः, सन्तान कुसुमैः कल्पवृक्षपुष्पैः आवृताः नानागुल्मैरावृतं वनं जलं यासां करवीरैः कृतम् अन्तरं छिद्रं यासु ताः वापीः ददर्श। ततः अनन्तरम् अम्बुधरसंकाशं मेघसदृशं प्रवृद्धानि शिखराणि यस्य तं, विचित्राणि कूटानि यस्य तं, कूटैः अन्यपर्वत श्रुङ्गैश्च सर्वतः परिवारितं, शिलागृहैः शिलामय भवनैः, अवततं व्याप्तं जगति लोके रम्यं मनोहरं पर्वतं पर्वभिः अनेकग्रन्थिभिः तन्यते वर्ध्यते स तं गिरिं च ददर्श | सप्तं एकान्वयि॥

॥Sloka 14.23||

मुक्ताप्रवाळसिकताः स्पाटिकान्तर कुट्टिमाः |
काञ्चनैस्तरुभिश्चित्रैः तीरजैरुपशोभिताः॥14.23||

स॥ मुक्तप्रवाळसिकताः स्फाटिकांतरकुट्टिमाः कांचनैः चित्रैः तरुभिः तीरजैः उपशोभिता (वापीश्च ददर्श) ||

||Sloka meanings||

मुक्तप्रवाळसिकताः -
beds of sands of corals and pearls
स्फाटिकांतरकुट्टिमाः -
with platforms paved with bright crystals
कांचनैः चित्रैः तरुभिः तीरजैः -
with wonderful golden trees grown on the banks
उपशोभिता - shining

||Sloka summary||

"The tanks were having beds of sands of corals and pearls, with platforms paved with bright crystals, corals and pearls, with wonderful golden trees grown on the banks." ||14.23||

|| श्लोकमु 14.24||

पुल्लपद्मोत्पलवनाः चक्रवाकोपकूजिताः।
नत्यूहरुत संघूष्टा हंससारसनादिताः॥14.24||

स॥ पुल्लपद्मोत्पलवनाः चक्रवाकोपकूजिताः नत्यूहरतसंघुष्टाः हंस सारनिनादिताः (वापीश्च ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

पुल्लपद्मोत्पल वनाः -
having beds of lotuses in full bloom
चक्रवाकोपकूजिताः -
with sounds of Chakravakas
नत्यूहरतसंघुष्टाः -
with flocks of Natyuha birds
हंस सारनिनादिताः -
sounds of Hamsas and Saras न

॥Sloka summary||

"The tanks were having beds of lotuses in full bloom, with flocks of Natyuha birds. it was noisy with sounds of Hamsas and Saras , as well as with sounds of Chakravakas." ||14.24||

||Sloka 14.25||

दीर्घाभिर्द्रुमयुक्ताभिः सरिद्भिश्च समंततः।
अमृतोपम तोयाभिः शिवाभिरुपसंस्कृताः॥14.25|

स॥ दीर्घाभिः द्रुमयुक्ताभिः अमृतोपम तोयभिः शिवाभिः सरद्भिः समंततः उपसंस्कृताः ( वापीश्च ददर्श)||

||Sloka meanings||

दीर्घाभिः द्रुमयुक्ताभिः -
with very tall trees
अमृतोपम तोयभिः -
nectar like water
शिवाभिः सरद्भिः समंततः -
auspicious streamlets all over

||Sloka summary||

"The tanks were endowed with tall trees, nectar like water, with auspicious streamlets all over decorated as it were." ||14.25|

||Sloka 14.26||

लताशतैरवतताः सन्तानकुसुमावृताः।
नानागुल्मावृतघनाः करवीर कृतान्तराः॥14.26||

स॥ लता शतैः अवतताः संतानकुशुमावृताः नाना गुल्म आवृत घनाः करवीर कृतांतराः वापीश्च ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

लताशतैरवतताः -
spread with hundreds of creepers
सन्तानकुसुमावृताः -
scattered with of blossoms of Santanaka trees,
नाना गुल्म आवृत घनाः -
with several thick bushes
करवीर कृतांतराः -
with Karavira blooms here and there

||Sloka summary||

The tanks were spread with hundreds of creepers, scattered with blossoms of Santanaka trees, with several thick bushes, and with Karavira blooms here and there.||14.26||

||Sloka 14.27,28||

ततोऽम्बुधर संकाशं प्रवृद्ध शिखरं गिरिम्।
विचित्रकूटं कूटैश्च सर्वतः परिवारितम्॥14.27||
शिलागृहैरवततं नानावृक्षैः समावृतम्।
ददर्श हरिशार्दूलो रम्यं जगति पर्वतम्॥14.28||

स॥ ततः हरिशार्दूलः जगति रम्यं पर्वतं अंबुधरसंकाशं प्रवृद्ध शिखरं विचित्र कूटं सर्वतः कूटैः परिवारितं शिलागृहैः अवततम् नानावृक्षैः समावृतं गिरिं ददर्श॥

Govindaraja says - जगति लोके रम्यं एतत् सदृशम् रम्यं किंचित् नास्ति इत्यर्थः। तिलक टीका लो - जगति लोके रम्यं सुंदरवस्तुभ्योऽपि परम सुंदरम।

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः हरिशार्दूलः -
the tiger among Vanaras
जगति रम्यं अंबुधरसंकाशं पर्वतं -
a delightful mountain resembling a rain cloud with tall peaks.
विचित्र कूटं सर्वतः कूटैः परिवारितं -
wonderful peaks spread all over the mountain
शिलागृहैः अवततम् -
with caves extending all over
नानावृक्षैः समावृतं गिरिं -
surrounded by many different kinds of trees
प्रवृद्ध शिखरं - with tall peaks

||Sloka summary||

Then the tiger among Vanaras saw a delightful mountain resembling a rain cloud with tall peaks. It had wonderful peaks spread all over with caves , and is surrounded by variety of trees. ||14.27,28||

Hanuman sees a mountain. That mountain is very beautiful. The added emphasis is that is more beautiful than the most beautiful. There is a sense of delight even in the description of the mountain. Delight is permeating everything.

||Sloka 14.29||

ददर्श च नगात्तस्मान् नदीं निपतितां कपिः।
अङ्कादिव समुत्सत्य प्रियस्य पतितां प्रियाम्॥14.29||

स॥ कपिः तस्मात् नगात् निपतितां नदीं प्रियस्य अंकात् पतित समुत्पत्य प्रियां इव ददर्श॥

Rama Tika says- प्रियस्य अङ्कात् समुत्पत्य पतितां प्रियमिव तस्मात् नगात् निपतितां नदीम् ददर्श।

॥Sloka meanings||

तस्मात् नगात् निपतितां नदीं-
a river flowing down from that mountain
प्रियस्य अंकात् पतित समुत्पत्य प्रियां इव -
पlike a beloved falling and rising from the arms of the lover

||Sloka summary||

"The Vanara saw a river flowing down from that mountain appearing like a beloved falling and rising from the arms of the lover." ||14.29||

In the next three Slokas poet describes the river waters flowing through the mountain comparing with beloved, the descriptions are again like an invitation for delight.

||Sloka 14.30||

जले निपतिताग्रैश्च पादपैरुपशोभिताम्।
वार्यमाणामिव क्रुद्धां प्रमदां प्रिय बन्धुभिः॥14.30||

स॥ जले निपतिताग्रैः पादपैः उपशोभितां प्रियबंधुभिः वार्यमाणां कृद्धं प्रमादां इव (नदीं ददर्श)|

Rama Tika says - प्रियबन्धुभिः वार्यमाणाम् अन्यत्र गमन निरोधाय पार्थ्यमानां कृद्धां प्रमदाम् इव । जले निपातिताग्रैः पादपः तरुभिरुपशोभितां कान्तस्योपरि प्रसन्नाम् अत एव पुनः उपस्थिताम् प्राप्तां कान्तामिव पुनरावृत्त तोयां पुनरावृत्त जलां ददर्श।

॥Sloka meanings||

जले निपतिताग्रैः पादपैः उपशोभितां -
shining with trees having branches dipping into water
कृद्धं प्रमादां इव -
like an angry young woman
प्रियबंधुभिः वार्यमाणां -

restrained by her relatives

||Sloka summary||

With waters swirling around the branches dipping into the river, the waters looked like a young woman wanting to leave but detained by her relatives ||14.30||

||Sloka 14.31||

पुनरावृत्ततोयां च ददर्श स महाकपिः।
प्रपन्नामिव कान्तस्य कान्तां पुनुरुपस्थिताम्॥14.31||

आवृत्ततोयां कांतस्य प्रसन्नां पुनः उपस्थितां कांतामिव सः महाकपिः ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

आवृत्ततोयां -
waters running backward in circles
कांतस्य प्रसन्नां -
pleased with beloved
पुनः उपस्थितां कांतामिव - l
like one returning to her lover.
सः महाकपिः ददर्श -
that great Vanara saw

||Sloka summary||

"The waters running backward in circles appeared as if the one pleased with beloved has returned to her lover."||14.31||

||Sloka 14.32||

तस्याऽदूरात् सपद्मिन्यो नानाद्विजगणायुताः।
ददर्श हरिशार्दूलो हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः॥14.32||

स॥ हरिशार्दूलः मारुतात्मजः सः हनुमान् तस्य अदूरात् नानाद्विजगणायुताः पद्मिन्याः ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

हरिशार्दूलः मारुतात्मजः सः -
tiger among Vanaras and son of wind god , Hanuman
तस्य अदूरात् -
not far from there
पद्मिन्याः ददर्श -
saw a pond
नानाद्विजगणायुताः -
with many kinds of birds.

||Sloka summary||

"Not far from there, the tiger among Vanaras saw a lotus pond filled with different kinds of birds." ||14.32||

||Sloka 14.33,34||

कृत्रिमां दीर्घिकां चापि पूर्णां शीतेन वारिणा।
मणिप्रवर सोपानां मुक्तासिकतशोभिताम्॥14.33||
विविधैर्मृगसंघैश्च विचित्रां चित्रकाननाम्।
प्रासादैः सुमहद्भिश्च निर्मितैर्विश्वकर्मणा॥14.34||
काननैः कृतिमैश्चापि पर्वत समलंकृताम्।

स॥ सीतेन वारिणा पूर्णां मणिप्रवरसोपानां मुक्ताशिकतशोभितां विविधैः मृगसंघैश्च विचित्रां चित्रकाननां विश्वकर्मणा निर्मितैः सुमहद्भिः प्रासादैः कृत्रिमैः काननैश्चापि सर्वतः समलंकृतं दीर्घिकां चापि ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

सीतेन वारिणा पूर्णां -
filled with cool water
मणिप्रवरसोपानां -
having steps studded with gems
मुक्ताशिकतशोभितां -
spread over with pearl dust as sand
विविधैः मृगसंघैश्च -
with many kinds of herds of animals
विचित्रां चित्रकाननां -
with wonderful colorful trees
विश्वकर्मणा निर्मितैः -
built by Vishwakarma
सुमहद्भिः प्रासादैः -
with great palaces
सर्वतः समलंकृतं कृत्रिमैः काननैश्चापि -
with artificial woodlands decorated all over.
(पद्मिन्याः) ददर्श - saw the pond

||Sloka summary||

Filled with cool water , having steps studded with gems, spread over with pearl dust as sand, with many kinds of herds of animals, with wonderful colorful trees, with large mansions , it looked like it was built by Vishwakarma with great palace and artificial woodlands decorated all over.

||Sloka 14.35||

ये केचित् पादपा स्तत्र पुष्पोपगपलोपमाः॥14.35||
सच्चत्राः सवितर्दीकाः सर्वे सौवर्णवेदिकाः।

स॥तत्र ये केचित् पादपाः पुष्पगफलोफगाः सर्वे सच्छत्राः सवितर्दिकाः सौवर्ण वेदिकाः ||

||Sloka meanings||

तत्र ये केचित् पादपाः -
some of the trees
सर्वे पुष्पगफलोफगाः -
full of flowers and fruits.
सच्छत्राः सवितर्दिकाः -
with parasols and raised benches
सौवर्ण वेदिकाः -
with golden platforms.

||Sloka summary||

"Some of the trees were full of flowers and fruits. Some trees were full of leaves and branches spread over. Some had golden platforms." ||14.35||

||Sloka 14.36,37||

लताप्रतानैर्बहुभिः पर्णैश्च बहुभिर्वृताम्॥14.36||
काञ्चनीं शिंशुपामेकाम् ददर्श हरियूधपः।
वृतां हेममयीभिस्तु वेदिकाभिः समंततः॥14.37||

स॥हरियूथपः बहुभिः लताप्रतानैः बहुभिः पर्णैश्च समंततः वृताम् हेममयीभिः वेदिकाभिः वृताम् कांचनीं एकां शिंशुपां ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||.

हरियूथपः -
the best of Vanaras
बहुभिः लताप्रतानैः -
with many creepers
बहुभिः पर्णैश्च समंततः -
with many leaves
हेममयीभिः वेदिकाभिः वृताम् -
surrounded by a golden platform.
एकां शिंशुपां ददर्श -
saw a Simsupa tree.

||Sloka summary||

The best of Vanaras saw a Simsupa tree covered with many creepers and leaves surrounded by a golden platform.

||Sloka 14.38||

सोऽपश्यत् भूमिभागांश्च गर्तप्रस्रवणानि च।
सुवर्णवृक्षान् अपरान् ददर्श शिखिसन्निभान् ||14.38 ||

स॥ सः भूमिभागांश्च गर्तप्रस्रवणानि च अपरान् शिखिसन्निभान् सुवर्णवृक्षान् अपश्यत् ||

||Sloka meanings||

सः भूमिभागांश्च -
several pieces of land
गर्तप्रस्रवणानि च -
with streams flowing out of springs
अपरान् सुवर्णवृक्षान् शिखिसन्निभान् -
other golden trees resembling fire
अपश्यत् - saw

||Sloka summary||

"He saw several pieces of land with streams flowing out of springs and other golden trees resembling fire." ||14.38 ||

||Sloka 14.39||

तेषां द्रुमाणां प्रभया मेरो रिव दिवाकरः।
अमन्यत तदा वीरः काञ्चनोऽस्मीति वानरः॥14.39||

स॥ तदा वीरः वानरः मेरोः प्रभया दिवाकर इव तेषां द्रुमाणां प्रभया कांचनः अस्मि इति मन्यत॥

तिलक टीकालो - मेरोः प्रभया दिवाकर इव तेषां दृमाणां कांचनोऽस्मि इति अमन्यत।

||Sloka meanings||

तदा वीरः वानरः -
then the heroic Vanara
मेरोः प्रभया दिवाकर इव -
the sun getting the radiance of Meru
तेषां द्रुमाणां प्रभया कांचनः अस्मि -
in the radiance of those trees he became golden hued
इति मन्यत - thus he thought

||Sloka summary||

"Then the heroic Vanara thought in the radiance of those trees he became golden hued, like the sun getting the golden hue because of the radiance of Meru " ||14.39||

In the thirteenth Sarga we see Hanuma, stretched in the sheath of mind, struggling to overcome his sorrow of not finding Sita and his sorrow of the likely consequences. Hanuma, having successfully overcome those thoughts, which is like the sheath of mind as it were, realizes the need for blessings of the almighty and starts his new search with prayers to Rama & Sita. This realization of the need for the blessings of the almighty is dawn of wisdom in the sheath of Jnyana or knowledge. After that step on the boundary wall of Ashoka grove, there is an immense sense of delight as though in anticipation of something bigger. Now seeing Hanuma admiring his own golden color in the reflected radiance of the golden trees in Ashoka grove, looks like Hanuma is in the sheath of delight, the final sheath before discovering Self. .

||Sloka 14.40||

तां काञ्चनैस्तरुगणैः मारुतेन च वीजिताम्।
किंकिणी शतनिर्घोषाम् दृष्ट्वा विस्मय मागमत्॥14.40||

स॥ ( सः हनुमान् ) कांचनैः तरुगणैः मारुतेन वीजिताम् किंकिणी शतनिर्घोषां दृष्ट्वा विस्मयं आगमत्॥

॥Sloka meanings||

कांचनैः तरुगणैः मारुतेन वीजिताम् -
golden trees swayed by the wind
किंकिणी शतनिर्घोषां -
producing the tinkling sound of hundred anklets
तां दृष्ट्वा -
seeing that
विस्मय मागमत् -
Hanuma was wonder struck

||Sloka summary||

"Then Hanuman was wonder struck seeing golden trees swayed by the wind producing the tinkling sound of hundred anklets."||14.40||

||Sloka 14.41,42||

स पुष्पिताग्रां रुचिरां तरुणाङ्कुर पल्लवाम्।
ता मारुह्य महाबाहुः शिंशुपां पर्णसंवृताम्॥14.41||
इतो द्रक्ष्यामि वैदेहीं रामदर्शनलालसाम्।
इतश्चेतश्च दुःखार्तां संपतन्तीं यदृछ्छया॥14.42||

स॥ महाबाहुः सः पुष्पिताग्रां रुचिरां तरुणांकुरपल्लवाम् पर्णसंवृतां तां आरुह्य ' रामदर्शनलालसाम् वैदेहीं इतः द्रक्ष्यामि (इति मन्यत) | दुःखार्तां यदृच्छया इतश्च इतश्च संपतन्तीं (तां द्रक्ष्यामि)|

||Sloka meanings||

महाबाहुः सः -
the heroic Vanara with powerful arms
पुष्पिताग्रां रुचिरां -
full of leaves with flowers blooming on the top
तरुणांकुरपल्लवाम् पर्णसंवृतां -
with tender sprouts and full of leaves
तां आरुह्य -
climbing that tree
रामदर्शनलालसाम् -
the one anxious to see Rama
दुःखार्तां इतश्च इतश्च संपतन्तीं-
full of sorrow moving about here and there
वैदेहीं यदृच्छया इतः द्रक्ष्यामि - I will see Vaidehi here by chance

||Sloka summary||

"The heroic Vanara with powerful arms climbed up the Simsupa tree, full of leaves with flowers blooming on the top, with tender sprouts and full of leaves (and said to himself). 'I will see Vaidehi who is anxious for seeing Rama, who is full of sorrow moving about here and there by chance'. ||14.41,42||

||Sloka 14.43||

अशोकवनिका चेयं दृढं रम्या दुरात्मनः।
चम्पकैः चन्द नैश्चापि वकुळैश्च विभूषिता॥14.43||

स॥ दुरात्मनः इयं अशोकवनिका दृढं चंपकैः चन्दनैश्च वकुळैश्चापि विभूषिता रम्या ||

||Sloka meanings||

दुरात्मनः -
the evil minded Ravana's,
इयं अशोकवनिका दृढं -
this Asoka grove with strong
चंपकैः चन्दनैश्च वकुळैश्चापि विभूषिता -
Champaka Chandana and Vakula trees
विभूषिता रम्या -
decorated and beautiful

||Sloka summary||

"The evil minded Ravana's, this Asoka grove with decorated with strong Champaka Chandana and Vakula trees looks beautiful."||14.43||

||Sloka 14.44||

इयं च नळीनी रम्या द्विजसंघनिषेविता।
इमां सा राममहिषी नूनमेष्यति जानकी॥14.44||

स॥ द्विजसंघनिषेविता इयं नळीनी च रम्या | सा राममहिषी जानकी नूनं इमाम् एष्यति॥

॥Sloka meanings||

द्विजसंघनिषेविता -
frequented by flocks of birds
इयं नळीनी च रम्या-
this lotus pond is beautiful
सा राममहिषी जानकी -
the queen of Rama, Janaki
नूनं इमाम् एष्यति -
surely will visit this place

||Sloka summary||

"Frequented by flocks of birds, this lotus pond is beautiful. Janaki, the queen of Rama surely will visit this place." ||14.44||

||Sloka 14.45||

सा रामा राममहिषी राघवस्य प्रिया सती।
वनसंचार कुशला नूनमेष्यति जानकी॥14.45||

स॥ सा रामा राममहिषी राघवस्य प्रिया वनसंचार कुशला जानकी नूनं एष्यति ||

||Sloka meanings||

सा रामा राममहिषी -
the beautiful queen of Rama
राघवस्य प्रिया -
dear to Rama,
वनसंचार कुशला -
loves to wander in the forest
जानकी नूनं एष्यति -
Janaki will surely visit this place

||Sloka summary||

"The beautiful queen of Rama , dear to Rama, who loves to wander in the forest will surely visit this place." ||14.45||

||Sloka 14.46||

अथवा मृगशाबाक्षी वनस्यास्य विचक्षणा।
वनमेष्यति सार्येह रामचिन्तानुकर्शिता॥14.46||

स॥ अथवा मृगशाभाक्षी अस्य वनस्य विचक्षणा रामचिंतानुकर्शिता सा आर्या इह वनं एष्यति ||

||Sloka meanings||

अथवा मृगशाभाक्षी -
may be the doe eyed lady
अस्य वनस्य विचक्षणा -
being familiar with this grove
रामचिंतानुकर्शिता -
brooding over Rama
सा आर्या इह वनं एष्यति -
that noble woman will come to this grove

||Sloka summary||

" May be the noble woman, the doe eyed lady, being familiar with this grove brooding over Rama will come to this place".||14.46||

||Sloka 14.47||

रामशोकाभि संतप्ता सा देवी वामलोचना।
वनवासे रता नित्यम् एष्यते वनचारिणी॥14.47||

स॥ रामशोकाभिसंतप्ता वामलोचना नित्यं वनवासे रता सा देवी वनचारिणी एष्यते॥

॥Sloka meanings||

रामशोकाभिसंतप्ता -
consumed with grief for Rama in separation
वामलोचना - lovely eyed one
नित्यं वनवासे रता वनचारिणी -
forest dweller who loves living in forest
सा देवी एष्यते -
that lady will visit this place.

||Sloka summary||

"The forest dweller, lovely eyed one consumed with grief for Rama in separation forest dweller who loves living in forest, that lady ( Sita) will visit this place." ||14.47||

||Sloka 14.48||

वने चराणां सततं नूनं स्पृहयते पुरा।
रामस्य दयिता भार्या जनकस्य सुता सती॥14.48||

स॥ रामस्य दयिता भार्या जनकस्य सुता सती पुरा वने चराणां स्पृह्यते नूनम्॥

॥Sloka meanings||

रामस्य दयिता भार्या -
Rama's dear wife
जनकस्य सुता सती -
Janaka's daughter, a chaste lady
पुरा वने चराणां स्पृह्यते नूनम् -
earlier surely loved all the creatures wandering in the forest.

||Sloka summary||

"Rama's dear wife, Janaka's daughter, a chaste lady, earlier surely loved all the creatures wandering in the forest."||14.48||

||Sloka 14.49||

सन्ध्याकालमनाः श्यामा ध्रुव मेष्यति जानकी।
नदीं चेमां शिवजलां सन्ध्यार्थे वरवर्णिनी॥14.49||

स॥ श्यामा वरवर्णिनी जानकी संध्याकालमनाः शुभजलाम् इमां नदीं संध्यार्थे धृवं एष्यति॥

Tilaka Tika says- सन्ध्याकालमनाः संध्या दिन रात्रयोः संधिरूपानुष्ठानकालो यस्य कर्मणः तत्र मनः यस्याः सा, तथा संध्यार्थे संध्याकाल क्रियमाण स्नानाद्यर्थे। रात्रि शेषे हनुमतः अस्य वचसः प्रवृत्तेः संध्या शब्देन अत्र प्रातः कालो विवक्षितः। तत्र कर्तव्य स्नानादौ चास्त्येव स्त्रीणां अपि अधिकार इति कथं संध्यावन्दनं इति परास्तं वेदितव्यम्, किं च सम्यक् भगवत् ध्यानस्यैव संध्यापदार्थत्वेनास्त्येव तत्र स्त्रिया अधिकारः। गायत्री मन्त्र्ण तदर्थ स्मरणपूर्वक ध्याने तु द्व्जिजस्यैव अधिकारः इति अन्यत् ।

॥Sloka meanings||

श्यामा वरवर्णिनी जानकी -
Janaki beautiful lady of beautiful complexion
संध्याकालमनाः -
interested in performing the rites of twilight
शुभजलाम् इमां नदीं -
to this river of auspicious waters
संध्यार्थे धृवं एष्यति -
will surely come here to perform the rites of twilight

||Sloka summary||

"Janaki, beautiful lady of beautiful complexion, interested in performing the rites of twilight, will surely come here for performing the rites of twilight to this river of auspicious waters." ||14.49||

The matter of fact mention of Janaki coming in that direction to perform twilight , is indication that women had the official sanction to perform the twilight prayers in those times.

||Sloka 14.50||

तस्याश्चानुरूपेयं अशोकवनिका शुभा।
शुभा या पारिवेन्द्रस्य पत्नी रामस्य सम्मता॥14.50||

स॥ या पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य रामस्य सम्मता शुभा पत्नी तस्याः शुभा इयं अशोकवनिका अनुरूपमपि च॥

॥Sloka meanings||

पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य रामस्य सम्मता -
beloved of the Lord Rama
शुभा पत्नी -
auspicious lady chaste wife
तस्याः इयं अशोकवनिका अनुरूपमपि च -
for her this Ashoka grove is suitable

||Sloka summary||

"She is beloved of the Lord Rama, chaste wife, auspicious lady. For her this Ashoka grove is suitable." ||14.50||

||Sloka 14.51||

यदिजीवति सा देवी ताराधिपनिभानना।
आगमिष्यति साऽवश्य मिमां शिवजलां नदीम्॥14.51||

स॥ ताराधिपनिभानना सा देवी जीवति यदि सा अवश्यम् इमाम् शिव जलं नदीं आगमिष्यति॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ताराधिपनिभानना सा देवी -
lady with the face of the Lord of all stars
जीवति यदि - if she is living
सा अवश्यम् - she will surely
इमाम् शिव जलं नदीं आगमिष्यति -
come to this river of auspicious waters

||Sloka summary||

"The lady, with the face of the Lord of all stars, if she is living, will surely come to this stream of auspicious waters." ||14.51||

||Sloka 14.52||

एवं तु मत्वा हनुमान् महात्मा
प्रतीक्षमाणो मनुजेन्द्रस्य पत्नीम्।
अवेक्षमाणाश्च ददर्श सर्वम्
सुपुष्पिते पर्णघने निलीनः॥14.52||

स॥ महात्मा हनुमान् एवं मत्वा मनुजेंद्रपत्नीं प्रतीक्षमाणः सुपुष्पिते पर्णघने निलीनः अवेक्षमाणश्च सर्वं ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

महात्मा हनुमान् एवं मत्वा -
thinking thus, the venerable Hanuman
मनुजेंद्रपत्नीं प्रतीक्षमाणः -
eagerly for the wife of king of men
सुपुष्पिते पर्णघने निलीनः -
concealed on the tree full of leaves
अवेक्षमाणश्च सर्वं ददर्श -
looked around .

||Sloka summary||

"Thus thinking the venerable Hanuman concealed on the tree full of leaves looked around eagerly for the wife of king of men." ||14.52||

With this Sloka and this thought of Hanuman, the fourteenth Sarga come to an end.

Most prominent in the Sarga are the poets flowing descriptions, which provide a mood uplift. We see seeds for a sense of delight moving away from the unsettling thoughts of Sarga thirteen, in the context of Hanuma's travails in not finding Sita. There are moments of actual delight in Hanuma's words.

The first Sloka starts with "स मुहूर्तमिव ध्यात्वा",reminding us of all the prayers of Hanuma, before he jumped into the grove.

Describing that Hanuma the poet says, "संहृष्ट सर्वांगः"; "Filled with joy in every limb of his body"; Ramayana Tilaka says"पुलकित सर्वांगः"; Why ? "मनसा चाधिगम्य ताम्"-
"Having reached Sita in his mind"; Very thought of reaching Sita delighted Hanuma as he enters.

How does he enter? "ज्यामुक्त इव नाराचः" - Like the arrow that left the bow. This again reminds of Hanuma's words at the start of this journey. At that time Hanuma thinks of himself as an instrument of Rama. He pledged to achieve the task much like Rama's arrow, which always reaches the target. Now the reminder of that seems to drop a hint that the search may be reaching its goal.

The grove is filled with trees of all types of fruits and flowers. Inhabited by intoxicated cuckoos, ever delighting bees and birds. How are those birds ? "सुखप्रसुप्तान् विहगान्". The birds were sleeping happily. How are the trees ? "मुमुचुः पुष्प वृष्टयः". Those trees rained flowers on Hanuma, as he moved in like an arrow into that grove. How is Hanuma ? "पुष्पावकीर्णः शुशुभे हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः" Covered with Flowers rained by the trees, he was shining like a mountain of flowers.

Looking at Hanuma covered with flowers,"सर्वाणि भूतानि", all the creatures were wonder struck. They thought of him as the incarnation of Vasanta running around. "वसंत इति मेनिरे"| . There by implying that those creatures too were delighted.

Even the land around that was shining , "रराज वसुधा तत्र"|

The poet says that the Ashoka grove crushed by Hanuman's tail and hands, appeared like a woman with disheveled hair, with her vermillion mark effaced , with her bright teeth and lips looking faded. Being kissed and wounded with nails and bitten with teeth, she was in a state of delight "Ananda".

That grove was generating delight all round.

There Hanuman saw a beautiful mountain. "ददर्श हरिशार्दूलो रम्यं जगति पर्वतम्"; Elaborating on जगति पर्वतम् Ramayana Tilaka says: जगति लोके रम्यं, सुन्दरवस्तुभ्योऽपि परम सुन्दरम्। तीर्थस्तु- जगति पर्वतम् ! जगति लोके रम्यं । एतत् सदृशम् रम्यं किंचिन्नास्ति इत्यर्थः।

That पर्वतम् is परम सुन्दरम् ; There is nothing as beautiful as that. There Hanuma saw a tree with golden hues , Simsupa tree."कांचनीं शिंशुपामेकां ददर्श हनुमान् कपिः".

The trees with golden hues had a glow. The poet describes the effect of the glow on Hanuma. अमन्यत महावीरः काञ्चनोस्मि इति वानरः। Hanuman thought he attained golden hue.

Ramayana Tilaka says: मेरोरिव द्रुमाणां प्रभयोपलक्षितो महाकपिः अहं काञ्चनोस्मि इति अमन्यत। ; The description is such that it is as though Hanuma was pleased. Then Hanuman was wonder struck seeing and hearing the tinkling sound of hundreds of anklets produced by the golden tree swaying in the wind.

Then Hanuma climbs the tree in anticipation of seeing Sita.

The Sarga is full of such enchanting descriptions. Every one of them have an element of joy seeping through them. There is an element of joy in everything about Ashoka grove. The happily sleeping birds waking up. The trees shedding flowers. Covered with all flowers Hanuman was looking beautiful. That mountain described as परम सुन्दरम्, very beautiful; Grove itself looking like a woman in delight, Ananda.

This is the Aanandmaya Kosa. The sheath of joy.

There is an element of joy in all actions of Hanuma. Hanuma is filled with joy in every limb of his body as he enters. Hanuma looking beautiful covered with all flowers moving through Ashokvan. Hanuma thinking that he attained Golden hue. Hanuma wonderstruck at the scenery and sounds all around. Hanuma's anticipation as he awaits possible darshan of Sita.

This is the story of Sundara in सुंदरं वनं.;
This is the story of Hanuma in the आनंदमयकोश .

इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये वाल्मीकीये
चतुर्विंशत् सहस्रिकायां संहितायाम्
श्रीमत्सुंदरकांडे चतुर्दशस्सर्गः॥

Thus ends the fourteenth Sarga of Ramayana the first ever poem written by venerable poet Valmiki.

||ओं तत् सत्॥

||om tat sat||

updated 23/10/2022 0555