
|| Sarga 15 ||

|| Meanings and Summary in English ||

Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English

|| om tat sat||

Sarga 15
atha paṁcadaśassargaḥ

Tika Traya gives a very brief summary of the Sarga in the following words - "śiṁśupāgrē'vasthitāya sarvataścakṣuṣī pracārayan hanumān caitya prāsādagatāṁ yathāvarṇita guṇāvasthōpalakṣitāṁ tām vilōkya yuktaiḥ bahubhiḥ hētubhiḥ tasyāḥ sītātvaṁ nirdhārayati" It says, 'seated on the Simsupa tree Hanuma looking around, saw a woman, near the Chaitya palace, who was looking like the one described to him as Sita. Then by reasoning he came to the conclusion that she is indeed Sita'. That is very briefly the story of Sarga 15.

With a little more elaboration the story of Sarga 15 is as follows.

This is the Sarga where finally Hanuman sees Sita

With anticipatory delight permeating all his limbs Hanuman looked around and saw that Ashoka grove, which was well decorated all around having splendid trees with creepers enriched with fine fragrance. It was resembling the Nandana vanam, fit for gods.

It is filled with animals, birds and the sounds of cuckoos. The grove was shining with ponds filled with golden lillies and lotuses. The grove has many seating places having rich coverings as well as many underground homes. It has trees which bloom in all seasons and is full of flowers and fruits. It was glowing with the splendor of the rising Sun,

The best among Vanaras then saw a mansion of thousand pillars,
shining white like Mount Kailash, having stairs paved with corals, having altars of bright molten Gold. Tall, looking as though it is touching the sky, that mansion was looking like Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva, and place fit for gods..

Not far from there Hanuman sees a lady.

A lady wearing soiled clothes, surrounded by Rakshasa women, emaciated due to fasting, sighing again and again, white and thin like the crescent moon at the beginning of a bright fortnight. Looking like the tip of fire engulfed in smoke, she was faintly recognizable in appearance with bright radiance.

Seeing that wide eyed, thin and very much emaciated lady, (Hanuman) started wondering if she is Sita. 'This lady is of the same form as the one taken away by force by that Rakshasa who can take any form'. Seeing that blameless princess of wide eyes, by right signs and reasons Hanuman came to the conclusion that she is indeed Sita.

'This cloth worn long thus is looking crumpled. Even so its color is shining like another fresh cloth. This lady of golden complexion, Rama's beloved queen even though lost ( being carried away) does not disappear from his mind'.

Seeing the black eyed Sita Hanuman thought as follows.

'Her divine charming body with perfect limbs are a match for Rama's form too. Her divine mind is fixed on Rama and his mind is fixed on her. Hence she and righteous Rama are able to survive till this moment'. Hanuman continued his thought about Rama and Sita with growing and glowing respect. The son of wind god seeing Sita, delighted, reached Rama in his mind thus and praised him.

That is what we hear in the fifteenth Sarga

That is the story of Hanuman finally seeing Sita in that Ashoka grove.

Now the Slokas of the fifteenth Sarga with meanings

||Sloka 15.01||

savīkṣamāṇastatrasthō mārgamāṇaśca maithilīm|
avēkṣamāṇaśca mahīṁ sarvāṁ tāmanvavēkṣata||15.01||

sa|| maithilīṁ mārgamāṇaḥ tatrasthaḥ vīkṣamāṇaḥ tāṁ avēkṣamāṇaḥ ca saḥ hanumān sarvāṁ mahīṁ avēkṣata||

||Sloka meanings||

maithilīṁ mārgamāṇaḥ saḥ hanumān -
Hanuman who was searching for Mythili
tāṁ avēkṣamāṇaḥ - looking out for her
tatrasthaḥ vīkṣamāṇaḥ - staying there looking out
sarvāṁ mahīṁ avēkṣata - looked at all places around.

||Sloka summary||

"Looking out from there, Hanuman who was searching for Mythili surveyed all around that place."||15.01||

Hanuman here is full of anticipatory delight permeating all his limbs. It is as though he is in the final sheath of Ananda Kosa in the search for Self. Now we hear what Hanuma sees sitting on the Simsupa trees hidden within the branches.

||Sloka 15.02||

saṁtānakalatābhiśca pādapairupaśōbhitām |
divyagandharasōpētāṁ sarvataḥ samalaṁkr̥tām||15.02||

sa||saṁtānakalatābhiśca pādapaiḥ upaśōbhitām divyagaṁdharasōpētām sarvataḥ samalaṁkr̥tām (tāṁ vanikāṁ mārutiḥ samudaikṣata) ||

||Sloka meanings||

saṁtānakalatābhiśca - with Santanaka creepers
pādapaiḥ upaśōbhitām - trees glowing with
divyagaṁdharasōpētām - enriched with fine fragrance.
sarvataḥ samalaṁkr̥tām - well decorated all round
( aśōkavāṭikanu cūcēnu)

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman saw that well decorated Ashoka grove having splendid trees all around with creepers enriched with fine fragrance." ||15.02||

Over the next seven Slokas we hear the description of Ashoka grove as seen by Hanuma. Rama Tika has an elaboration of the key descriptive words of these Slokas . Rama Tika says - "saṁtānakēti|| saṁtānakābhiḥ upaśōbhitām ata ēva nandanasaṁkāśāṁ nandanavana sadr̥śīṁ, vāpībhiḥ upaśōbhitāṁ, bahubhiḥ āsanaiḥ kuthaiḥ mahārajasthiti yōgya kambala viśēṣaiḥ upētāṁ, sarvartu kusumaiḥ pādapaiḥ aśōkānāṁ śriyā ca sūryōdayaprabhām asakr̥t viniṣpatatbhiḥ vihagaiḥ niṣpatraśākhāmiva kriyamāṇāṁ citraiḥ puṣpāvataṁsakaiḥ upalakṣitaiḥ samūlapuṣparacitaiḥ samūlāni mūlasahitāni yāni puṣpāṇi taiḥ racitaiḥ, puṣpabhārēṇa atipuṣpadhāraṇēna, atibhārō yēṣāṁ taiḥ mardinīṁ spr̥śadbhiriva śōkanāśanaiḥ aśōkaiḥ aśōkaviśēṣaiḥ pradīptamiva aśōkavanikāṁ tatrasthaḥ śiṁśupāyāṁ sthitō mārutiḥ samudaikṣata| saptaṁ ēkānvayi" ||

These elaborations are reflected in the meanings of the next seven Slokas.

||Sloka 15.03||

tāṁ sa nandanasaṁkāśāṁ mr̥gapakṣibhi rāvr̥tāṁ|
harmyaprāsāda saṁbhādhāṁ kōkilākulanisvanām|| 15.03||

sa|| tāṁ naṁdana saṁkāśaṁ pādapaiḥ upaśōbhitam mr̥gapakṣibhiḥ āvr̥taṁ kōkilākulaniḥśvanām harmyaprāsāda saṁbhādāṁ (tāṁ vanikāṁ dadarśa) ||

||Sloka meanings||

naṁdana saṁkāśaṁ - resembling the Nandana grove of Indra
pādapaiḥ upaśōbhitam - enchanting with variety of trees
mr̥gapakṣibhiḥ āvr̥taṁ - filled with animals and birds
kōkilākulaniḥśvanām - filled with sounds of cuckoos
harmyaprāsāda saṁbhādāṁ - with many tall mansions.

||Sloka summary||

"Resembling the Nandana grove of Indra, (it is) enchanting with variety of trees, filled with animals and birds , filled with sounds of cuckoos , and tall mansions." || 15.03||

Poet says that Ashoka grove is glowing like Nandana grove, the playground of Gods. Comparing Ashoka grove with the Gods grove, there is a clear hint that this is indeed suitable place for Goddess Sita.

||Sloka 15.04||

kāñcanōtpalapadmābhiḥ vāpībhirupaśōbhitām|
bahvāsanakuthōpētāṁ bahubhūmi gr̥hāyutām||15.04||

sa|| (aśōka vanikā) kāṁcanōtpalapadmābhiḥ vāpībhiḥ upaśōbhitāṁ bahvāsanakuthōpētāṁ bahubhūmi gr̥hāyutam (asti) ||

||Sloka meanings||

kāṁcanōtpalapadmābhiḥ - with golden lillies and lotuses
vāpībhiḥ upaśōbhitāṁ - enchanting with lakes
bahvāsanakuthōpētāṁ - with couches with rich coverings
bahubhūmi gr̥hāyutam - with many underground homes
( Hanuma saw such Ashoka grove)

||Sloka summary||

"Enchanting with lakes with seating places having rich coverings, with many underground homes, have golden lillies and lotuses." ||15.04||

||Sloka 15.05||

sarvartukusumai ramyāṁ phalavadbhiśca pādapaiḥ|
puṣpitānāṁ aśōkānāṁ śriyā sūryōdayaprabhām||15.05||
pradīptamiva tatrasthō mārutiḥ samudaikṣata|

sa|| (tat aśōkavanikā) sarvartukusumaiḥ phalavadbhiḥ puṣpitānāṁ aśōkānāṁ pādapaiḥ ramyāṁ, sūryōdaya prabhāṁ iva pradīptaṁ (vanikām) tatrasthaḥ mārutiḥ samudaikṣata ||

||Sloka meanings||

sarvartukusumaiḥ phalavadbhiḥ - with blossoms and fruits of all seasons
puṣpitānāṁ aśōkānāṁ - Asoka trees with blossoms
sūryōdaya prabhāṁ iva pradīptaṁ -
glowing like the splendor of the rising Sun
tatrasthaḥ mārutiḥ samudaikṣata - Hanuma who was there saw

||Sloka summary||

"With blossoms and fruits of all seasons, the Asoka trees with blossoms were glowing like the splendor of the rising Sun. Hanuma who was there saw the same." ||15.05||

The grove is full of Ashoka trees which remove sorrow, implying that this grove is a fit place for overcoming the sorrow of not having found Sita in his search

||Sloka 15.06,07||

niṣpatraśākhāṁ vihagaiḥ kriyamānā mivāsakr̥t||15.06||
viniṣpatadbhiḥ śataśaḥ citraiḥ puṣpāvataṁsakaiḥ|
amūlapuṣpanicitaiḥ aśōkaiḥ śōkanāśanaiḥ||15.07||

sa|| asakr̥t viniṣpatadbhiḥ śataśaḥ vihagaiḥ niṣpatraśākhāṁ kriyamāṇāṁ iva citraiḥ puṣpāvataṁsakaiḥ amūlapuṣpanicitaiḥ śōkanāśanaiḥ aśōkaiḥ (asti) ||

||Sloka meanings||

asakr̥t viniṣpatadbhiḥ śataśaḥ vihagaiḥ -
with branches having no leaves because of often falling flowers and hundreds of birds
niṣpatraśākhāṁ kriyamāṇāṁ iva citraiḥ -
like a painted picture of a tree without leaves
puṣpāvataṁsakaiḥ amūlapuṣpanicitaiḥ-
were full of flowers, with blossoms up to the base of the trees.
śōkanāśanaiḥ aśōkaiḥ - Ashoka trees which can remove the grief

||Sloka summary||

"With branches having no leaves because of often falling flowers and hundreds of birds, it was like a painted picture. The Ashoka trees which can remove the grief , were full of flowers, with blossoms up to the base of the trees." ||15.06,07||

||Sloka 15.08||

puṣpabhārātibhāraiśca spr̥śadbhiriva mēdinīṁ|
karṇikāraiḥ kuśumitaiḥ kiṁśukaiśca supuṣpitaiḥ||15.08||

sa|| puṣpabhārātibhāraiścamēdinīṁ spr̥śadbhiḥ iva kuśumitaiḥ karṇikāraiḥ kiṁśukaiśca supuṣpitaiḥ (tāṁ vanikāṁ mārutiḥ dadarśa)||

||Sloka meanings||

puṣpabhārātibhāraiścamēdinīṁ spr̥śadbhiḥ iva -
weighed down by the weight of the flowers , it was looking as if they were bending down to touch the ground
kuśumitaiḥ karṇikāraiḥ kiṁśukaiśca supuṣpitaiḥ -
grove was full with blossoms, fully bloomed Karnikara flowers and Kimsukas

||Sloka summary||

Weighed down by the weight of the flowers , it was looking as if they were bending down to touch the ground. The grove was full with blossoms, fully bloomed Karnikara flowers and Kimsukas

||Sloka 15.09||

sa dēśaḥ prabhayā tēṣāṁ pradīpta iva parvataḥ|
punnagā saptavarṇāśca campakōddālakāstathā||15.09||
vivr̥ddhamūlā bahavaḥ śōbhantē sma supuṣpitāḥ|

sa|| tēṣāṁ prabhayā saḥ dēśaḥ sarvataḥ pradīpta iva| vivr̥ddhamūlāḥ supuṣpitāḥ punnagāḥ saptaparṇasca tathā caṁpakāḥ uddālakāḥ śōbhantē sma||

||Sloka meanings||

tēṣāṁ prabhayā saḥ dēśaḥ sarvataḥ pradīpta iva -
as though all of that place was aflame with the radiance of all those trees
vivr̥ddhamūlāḥ supuṣpitāḥ punnagāḥ -
extending to the roots with blooming Pannagas
saptaparṇasca tathā caṁpakāḥ uddālakāḥ śōbhantē sma-
Saptaparnas, Champakas and Uddalakas were shining too

||Sloka summary||

"With their radiance all of that place was aflame with blooming Pannagas Saptaparnas, Champakas and Uddalakas."||15.09||

||Sloka 15.10||

śātakumbhanibhāḥ kēcit kēcidagni śikhōpamāḥ||15.10||
nīlāṅjananibhāḥ kēcit tatrā'śōkā sahasraśaḥ|

sa|| tatra sahasraśaḥ kēcit śātakumbhanibhāḥ kēcit agniśikhōpamāḥ kēcit nīlāṁjananibhāḥ asti||

||Sloka meanings||

tatra sahasraśaḥ - thousands of Ashoka trees
kēcit śātakumbhanibhāḥ- some shone like gold,
kēcit agniśikhōpamāḥ - some of which looked like flames of fire
kēcit nīlāṁjananibhāḥ asti - some of which are like black collyrium.

||Sloka summary||

"There were thousands of Ashoka trees some of which shone like gold, some of which looked like flames of fire, some of which are like black collyrium. ||15.10||

Tilaka Tika says - nīlāñjananibhā iti| ēvaṁ uktyā'śōkānāṁ anēkavarṇapuṣpatvaṁ sūcitam | Here while saying black collyrium , the indication is that the grove is full of flowers of all colors.

||Sloka 15.11-12||

nandanaṁ vividhōdyānaṁ citraṁ caitrarathaṁ yathā||15.11||
ativr̥tta mivācintyaṁ divyaṁ ramyaṁ śriyā vr̥taṁ|
dvitīya miva cākāśaṁ puṣpajyōti rgaṇāyutam ||15.12||

sa|| vividha udyānam naṁdanaṁ yathā citraṁ caitrarathaṁ yathā ativr̥ttaṁ aciṁtyaṁ divyaṁ ramyaṁ śriyā vr̥taṁ puṣpajyōtirgaṇāyutaṁ dvitīyaṁ ākāśam iva||

In the next four Slokas we hear descriptions of the Ashoka grove Again it worth reading the Tilaka Tika notes.

Tilaka Tika says - vividhōdyānam nandanamiva nandanam ānandakam caitraratham kubēravanaṁ iva,citraṁ yathētyubhayānvayi ativr̥ttam upamānībhūta vana dvayābhyāṁ adhikam,
dvitīyākāśaṁ iva puṣparūpa jyōtirgaṇaiḥ āyutaṁ vyāptaṁ, pañcamaṁ sāgaramiva puṣparūpa anēka ratnaiścitram sarvēṣu r̥tuṣu puṣpāṇī yēśu taiḥ pādapaiḥ nicitaṁ vyāptaṁ nānāninadaiḥ anēkavidhanināda viśiṣṭaiḥ mr̥gagaṇadvijaiḥ, ramyaṁ gandhāḍyam dvitīyaṁ gandhamādhnaṁ iva anēka gandha pravaham at ēva puṇyagandhaiḥ manōharam udyānaṁ śuśubhē iti śēṣaḥ ślōkacatuṣṭayam ēkānvayi|

||Sloka meanings||

vividha udyānam naṁdanaṁ yathā -
with different types of gardens resembling Nandana garden of Indra
citraṁ caitrarathaṁ yathā -
colorful like Chaitraratha gardens of Kubera
ativr̥ttaṁ aciṁtyaṁ divyaṁ ramyaṁ śriyā vr̥taṁ-
auspicious and beautiful beyond imagination
puṣpajyōtirgaṇāyutaṁ -
full with groups of luminaries in the form of flowers
dvitīyaṁ ākāśam iva -
it was looking like a second sky

||Sloka summary||

"With different types of gardens resembling Nandana forest of Indra, colorful like Chaitraratha gardens of Kubera, surpassing the divine, with radiance of countless varieties of blossoms it was lovely like a ( second) sky delightful surrounded with luminaries in the form of flowers."||15.11,12||

Tilaka Tika says - "vividhōdyānam nandanam, yathā nandanamāhlādakam tadvat āhlādakam, caitra rathaṁ kubēravanaṁ yathā citram tadvicitram || It says,- 'all the gardens are like Nandana grove of Indra, meaning that all the groves are as enjoyable as Nandana gardens, Chaitra ratham like Kubera's grove, and colorful as the Chaitra garden of Kubera'

||Sloka 15.13-14||

puṣparatnaśatai ścitraṁ pañcamaṁ sāgaraṁ yathā |
sarvartupuṣpairnicitaṁ pādapairmadhugandibhiḥ||15.13||
nānāninādairudyānaṁ ramyaṁ mr̥gagaṇairdvijaiḥ|
anēka gandhapravahaṁ puṇyagandhaṁ manōramam||15.14||
śailēṁdramiva gandhāḍhyaṁ dvitīyaṁ gandhamādanam|

sa|| puṣparatnaśataiḥ citraṁ , pañcamaṁ sāgaraṁ yathā sarvar̥tupuṣpaiḥ madhugandhibhiḥ pādapaiḥ , dvijaiḥ mr̥ga gaṇaiḥ nānāninādaiḥ nicitaṁ ramyaṁ anēkagandhapravahaṁ gandhāḍhyaṁ puṇyagaṁdhaṁ manōramam dvitīyaṁ gandhamādanam śailēṁdramiva asti ||

Tilak Tika says- "pañcamaṁ sāgaramiva puṣparūpa anēka ratnaiścitram sarvēṣu r̥tuṣu puṣpāṇī yēśu taiḥ pādapaiḥ nicitaṁ vyāptaṁ, nānāninadaiḥ anēkavidhanināda viśiṣṭaiḥ mr̥gagaṇadvijaiḥ, ramyaṁ gandhāḍyam dvitīyaṁ gandhamādhanaṁ iva anēka gandha pravaham at ēva puṇyagandhaiḥ manōharam udyānaṁ śuśubhē iti śēṣaḥ ślōkacatuṣṭayam ēkānvayi|

'pañcamaṁ sāgaraṁ',- it is implied that there are four oceans around Jambu dwipa, this being similar, it is referred to as the fifth ocean.

||Sloka meanings||

puṣparatnaśataiḥ citraṁ -
with hundreds of flowers looking like gems
pañcamaṁ sāgaraṁ yathā - it is like a fifth Ocean
sarvar̥tupuṣpaiḥ madhugandhibhiḥ pādapaiḥ -
with flowers that bloom in all seasons and honey scented trees
dvijaiḥ mr̥ga gaṇaiḥ nānāninādaiḥ nicitaṁ-
filled with sounds of birds and deers
anēkagandhapravahaṁ puṇyagaṁdhaṁ manōramam -
with various fragrances wafting through the air and pleasing the heart

||Sloka summary||

"With hundreds of flowers looking like gems, it is wonderful like a fifth Ocean. With flowers that bloom in all seasons, honey scented trees , filled with flocks of birds and animals, enchanting with various fragrances pleasing the hearts, the grove was pleasing to the heart." ||15.13,14||

||Sloka 15.15||

śailēṁdramiva gandhāḍhyaṁ dvitīyaṁ gandhamādanam|
aśōkavanikāyāṁ tu tasyāṁ vānarapuṁgavaḥ ||15.15||
sadadarśā vidūrasthaṁ caityaprāsāda mucchritam|

sa|| saḥ vānarapuṁgavaḥ tasyāṁ gandhamāḍyaṁ gandhamādanam śailēṁdraṁ iva aśōkavanikāyām madhyē avidūrasthaṁ ucchritam caitya prāsādam dadarśa||

||Sloka meanings||

saḥ vānarapuṁgavaḥ -
the best among Vanaras
tasyāṁ aśōkavanikāyām madhyē-
in the middle of that Ashoka grove
gandhamāḍyaṁ gandhamādanam śailēṁdraṁ iva -
which was highly fragrant like the mount Gandhamadana
avidūrasthaṁ ucchritam caitya prāsādam dadarśa -
not far from there he saw a tall temple.

||Sloka summary||

"In the middle of that Ashoka grove, which was highly fragrant like the mount Gandhamadana, the best among Vanaras saw a big tall temple." ||15.15||

||Sloka 15.16,17||

madhyē stambha sahasrēṇa sthitaṁ kailāsapāṇḍuram||15.16||
pravāḷākr̥ta sōpānaṁ taptakāñcanavēdikaṁ|
muṣṇantamiva cakṣūṁṣi dyōtamānamiva śriyā||15.17||
vimalaṁ prāṁśubhāvatvā dullikhanta mivāmbaram|

sa|| staṁbha sahasrēṇa sthitam kailāsapāṇḍuram pravāḷakr̥tasōpānam taptakāṁcana vēdikāṁ cakṣūṁsi muṣṇantaṁ iva śriyā dyōtamānaṁ iva vimalaṁ prāṁśubhāvatvāt aṁbaraṁ ullikhaṁtamiva||

||Sloka meanings||

staṁbha sahasrēṇa sthitam - with a thousand pillars
kailāsapāṇḍuram - white like mount Kailasa
pravāḷakr̥tasōpānam - having stairs paved with corals
taptakāṁcana vēdikāṁ - having altars of bright molten gold
cakṣūṁsi muṣṇantaṁ iva śriyā dyōtamānaṁ -
glowing with brilliance as if stealing the eyes
vimalaṁ prāṁśubhāvatvāt aṁbaraṁ ullikhaṁtamiva -
looking white due to its light , it was tall as if touching the sky.

||Sloka summary||

( That tall temple was) with a thousand pillars, white like mount Kailasa, having stairs paved with corals, having altars of bright molten gold, glowing with brilliance as if stealing the eyes, looking white due to its light, it was tall as if touching the sky. ||15.16,17||

||Sloka 15.18,19||

tatō malina saṁvītāṁ rākṣasībhiḥ samāvr̥tām||15.18||
upavāsakr̥śāṁ dīnāṁ niśsvasantīṁ punaḥ punaḥ|
dadarśa śuklapakṣādau candrarēkhāmivāmalām||15.19||

sa|| tataḥ malinasaṁvītāṁ rākṣasībhiḥ samāvr̥tāṁ upavāsakr̥śāṁ dīnāṁ punaḥ punaḥ niḥśvasaṁtīṁ śuklapākṣādau amalāṁ candrarēkhāmiva ( abalāṁ) tāṁ dadarśa||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ malinasaṁvītāṁ -
wearing soiled clothes
rākṣasībhiḥ samāvr̥tāṁ -
surrounded by Rakshasa women
upavāsakr̥śāṁ dīnāṁ -
emaciated due to fasting and looking pitiable,
punaḥ punaḥ niḥśvasaṁtīṁ -
sighing again and again
śuklapākṣādau amalāṁ candrarēkhāmiva -
white and thin like the crescent moon at the beginning of a bright fortnight
tāṁ dadarśa - saw that lady

||Sloka summary||

"There he saw a woman wearing soiled clothes, surrounded by Rakshasa women, emaciated due to fasting, looking pitiable, sighing again and again, white and thin like the crescent moon at the beginning of a bright fortnight." ||15.18,19||

||Sloka 15.20||

mandaṁ prakhyāyamānēna rūpēṇa ruciraprabhāṁ|
pinaddhāṁ dhūmajālēna śikhāmiva vibhāvasōḥ||15.20||

sa|| (sā) mandaṁ prakhyāyamānēna rūpēṇa dhūmajalēna pinaddhāṁ ruciraprabhām vibhāvasōḥ śikhāmiva(asti) ||

Rama Tika says- "rūpēṇa rucira prabhā yasyā tāṁ dhūmajālēna pinaddhām acchāditāṁ vibhāvasūḥ agrē śikhāmiva"

||Sloka meanings||

ruciraprabhām - with bright radiance
mandaṁ prakhyāyamānēna rūpēṇa -
faintly recognizable in form
dhūmajalēna pinaddhāṁ -
engulfed by a cloud of smoke
vibhāvasōḥ śikhāmiva -
like the tip of the fire

||Sloka summary||

She was faintly recognizable in appearance with bright radiance, looking like the tip of fire engulfed in smoke

||Sloka 15.21||

pītēnaikēna saṁvītāṁ kliṣṭēnōttamavāsasā|
sapaṅkāṁ analaṅkāraṁ vipadmāmiva padminīm ||15.21||

sa|| pītēna ēkēna uttamavāsasā saṁvītāṁ sapaṅkaṁ analaṅkr̥tāṁ vipadmāṁ padminīṁ iva |

Tilaka Tika says - kliṣṭēna jīrṇēna, sapaṅkāṁ malavaccharīrām

Rama Tika says - kliṣṭēna jīrṇatayā pratītēna ēkēna uttamavāsasā saṁvītām, analaṅkārām alaṅkitarahitām ata ēva vipadmāṁ padmarahitāṁ padminīṁ sarasīmiva sapaṅkāṁ malināṁ |

||Sloka meanings||

ēkēna kliṣṭēna pītēna uttamavāsasā saṁvītāṁ -
wearing a single worn out yellow cloth of superior quality,
analaṅkāraṁ sapaṅkaṁ-
dusty and unadorned
vipadmāṁ padminīṁ iva -
looking like a lotus pond bereft of lotuses

||Sloka summary||

"With a worn out body ,wearing a single worn out yellow cloth though of superior quality, dusty and unadorned, she was looking like a dusty lotus pond bereft of lotuses". ||15.21||

||Sloka 15.22||

vrīḍitāṁ duḥkhasaṁtaptāṁ parimlānāṁ tapasvinīm|
grahēṇāṅgārakēṇēva pīḍitāmiva rōhiṇīm||15.22||

sa|| vrīḍitāṁ duḥkhasaṁtaptāṁ parimlānāṁ tapasvinīṁ aṁgārakēṇa grahēṇā pīḍitāṁ rōhiṇīṁ iva ( ca asti) |

||Sloka meanings||.

vrīḍitāṁ duḥkhasaṁtaptāṁ -
bashful looking, tormented with agony
parimlānāṁ - withered
tapasvinīṁ - a woman of penance
aṁgārakēṇa grahēṇā pīḍitāṁ rōhiṇīṁ iva -
like Rohini troubled by the planet Mars.

||Sloka summary||

"She was bashful looking, tormented with agony, a woman of penance. She was looking like Rohini troubled by the planet Mars." ||15.22||

||Sloka 15.23||

aśrupūrṇamukhīṁ dīnāṁ kr̥śāmanaśanēna ca|
śōkadhyānaparāṁ dīnāṁ nityaṁ duḥkhaparāyaṇām||15.23||

sa|| duḥkhaparāyaṇām aśrupūrṇamukhīṁ dīnāṁ anaśanēna kr̥śāṁ nityaṁ śōkadhyānaparāṁ (tāṁ dadarśa)||

||Sloka meanings||

duḥkhaparāyaṇām aśrupūrṇamukhīṁ -
Overwhelmed with sorrow and eyes filled with tears
dīnāṁ anaśanēna kr̥śāṁ -
looking dejected and emaciated by fasting
śōkadhyānaparāṁ -
meditating in grief
(tāṁ dadarśa - aṭṭi āmēnu cūcēnu)

||Sloka summary||

"(She was) Overwhelmed with sorrow and eyes filled with tears, she was looking dejected and emaciated by fasting, meditating in grief" ||15.23||

||Sloka 15.24||

priyaṁ janamapaśyaṁtīṁ paśyantīṁ rākṣasīgaṇam|
svagaṇēna mr̥gīṁ hīnāṁ śvagaṇābhivr̥tā miva||15.24||

sa|| sā priyaṁ janaṁ apaśyaṁtīṁ rākṣasīgaṇaṁ paśyaṁtīṁ svagaṇēna hīnāṁ śvagaṇābhivr̥tāṁ mr̥gīṁ iva (asti)||

||Sloka meanings||

priyaṁ janaṁ apaśyaṁtīṁ - not seeing her dear people
rākṣasīgaṇaṁ paśyaṁtīṁ - seeing only the Rakshasa women
svagaṇēna hīnāṁ - separated from her group
śvagaṇābhivr̥tāṁ - surrounded by a group of hounds.
mr̥gīṁ iva - like a female deer

||Sloka summary||

" Not seeing her dear people, seeing only the Rakshasa women, she was like a female deer surrounded by a group of hounds."||15.24||

||Sloka 15.25||

nīlanāgābhayāvēṇyā jaghanaṁ gata yaikayā|
nīlayā nīradāpāyē vanarājyā mahīmiva||15.25||

sa|| sā jaghanaṁ gatayā nīlanāgābhayā vēṇyā nīradāpāyē nīlayā vanarājyā mahīṁ iva |

Rama Tika says - nīlanāgabhayā kr̥ṣṇasadr̥śyājaghanaṁ pr̥ṣṭāntadēśaṁ gatayā prāptayā kēśavinyāsābhāvēna jaṭī bhūtayā vēṇyā upalakṣitāṁ nīradāpāyē ghanāgamē nīlayā vanarājyā mahīṁ iva sthitāṁ sītāṁ dadarśa|

Tilaka Tika says- purōbhāgīyavēṇīdvayarāhityēna pr̥ṣṭalambaikyayā vēṇyā nīlanāgabhayā nīlasarpa tulyayā vēṇyōpalakṣitām anēna tat sarpē anyasya maraṇamēvēti sūcitam| mēghāpāyē nīlayā vanarājyōpalakṣitāṁ mahīṁ iva sthitām |

||Sloka meanings||

sā jaghanaṁ gatayā -
her single braid touching her hips
nīlanāgābhayā vēṇyā -
braid of hair looking like a black serpent
nīradāpāyē -
at the end of a rainy season
nīlayā vanarājyā mahīṁ iva -
like the earth covered with a range of dark green trees cēṭlatō

||Sloka summary||

"With her single braid touching her hips, braid of hair looking like a black serpent, she appeared like the earth covered with a range of dark green trees at the end of a rainy season;" ||15.25||

||Sloka 15.26||

sukhārhaṁ duḥkhasaṁtaptāṁ vyasanānāṁ akōvidām|
tāṁ samīkṣya viśālākṣīṁ adhikaṁ malināṁ kr̥śām ||15.26||
tarkayāmāsa sītēti kāraṇairupapādibhiḥ|

sa|| viśālākṣīṁ adhikaṁ malināṁ kr̥śāṁ tāṁ samīkṣya sītā iti tarkayāmāsa||

Rama Tika says - sukhārhaṁ iti| sukhārhā sukhayōgyaṁ vyasanānāṁ duḥkhānāṁ akōvidām āvaijñātrīṁ sadūkhasaṁtaptāṁ tāṁ sītām vilōkya upapādibhiḥ sītābōdhana samarthaiḥ kāraṇaiḥ iyaṁ sīta:iti tarkayāmāsa|

||Sloka meanings||

sukhārhaṁ duḥkhasaṁtaptāṁ -
one who deserved to be happy
vyasanānāṁ akōvidām -
not experienced in sorrows
adhikaṁ malināṁ kr̥śāṁ -
very much soiled emaciated
viśālākṣīṁ - wide eyed lady
tāṁ samīkṣya - seeing her
sītā iti tarkayāmāsa -
wondered if she is Sita

||Sloka summary||

"Seeing that thin wide eyed and very much emaciated lady, consumed by grief, not experienced in sorrow vices, she was like one who deserved to be happy, Hanuman started wondering if she is Sita."||15.26||

||Sloka 15.27||

hriyamāṇā tadā tēna rakṣasā kāmarūpiṇā||15.27||
yathārūpāhi dr̥ṣṭā vai tathā rūpēya maṅganā|

sa|| iyaṁ aṁganā tathārūpā tadā kāmarūpiṇā tēna rakṣasā hriyamāṇā yathārūpā dr̥ṣṭā iti||

Rama Tika says- tarkaprakāramāha - hriyamāṇēti||tēna rāvaṇēna hriyamāṇā sā sītā tadā haraṇasamayē yathārūpā dr̥ṣṭā yādr̥gvēṣavarṇādimat anubhūtā tathārūphā ayaṁ| iti||

||Sloka meanings||

iyaṁ aṁganā - this lady
tadā kāmarūpiṇā rakṣasā tēna -
that Rakshasa who can take any form
hriyamāṇā - taken away
yathārūpā tathārūpā dr̥ṣṭā iti -
the same form is seen as the form seen here

||Sloka summary||

"This lady is of the same form as the one taken away using force by that Rakshasa who can take any form". ||15.27||

"yathārūpā tathārūpā" means that she is now of the same form as the form she was in when she was carried away by Ravana . Hence, she must be Sita is Hanuma's deduction

||Sloka 15.28,29||

pūrṇa candrānanāṁ subhr̥̄ṁ cāruvr̥ttapayōdharām||15.28||
kurvantīṁ prabhayā dēvīṁ sarvā vitimirā diśaḥ|
tāṁ nīlakēśīṁ bimbōṣṭīṁ sumadhyām supratiṣṭitām||15.29||
sītāṁ padmapalāśākṣīṁ manmathasya ratiṁ yathā|

sa|| pūrṇa caṁdrānanāṁ subhr̥̄ṁ cāruvr̥tta payōdharāṁ sarvāḥ diśāṁ prabhayā vitimirāḥ kurvatīṁ dēvīṁ nīlakēśīṁ biṁbōṣṭīṁ sumadhyāṁ supratiṣṭhitāṁ padmapalāśākṣīṁ manmathasya ratīṁ yathā sītāṁ (dadarśa) ||

||Sloka meanings||

pūrṇa caṁdrānanāṁ - with face like that of a full Moon,
subhr̥̄ṁ cāruvr̥tta payōdharāṁ -
with shapely eye brows, beautiful breasts,
sarvāḥ diśāṁ prabhayā vitimirāḥ -
rendering bright in all directions with her radiance
nīlakēśīṁ biṁbōṣṭīṁ sumadhyāṁ -
with black hair, red lips like Bimba fruit, and slender waist
supratiṣṭhitāṁ padmapalāśākṣīṁ -
eyes like lotus petals and pleasing limbs.
manmathasya ratīṁ yathā sītāṁ -
Sita, looking like Rati of Manmatha

||Sloka summary||

"With face like that of a full Moon, with shapely eye brows, beautiful breasts, rendering bright in all directions with her radiance. She was like the queen with black hair, red lips like Bimba fruit, eyes like lotus petals and pleasing limbs. She was like Rati of Manmatha." ||15.28,29||

Govindaraja a says in his Tika that from the Sloka " pūrṇa candrānanāṁ" till the Sloka "vidyāṁ praśithilām iva", all of that is one long sentence, essentially describing the state of Sita

||Sloka 15.30||

iṣṭāṁ sarvasya jagataḥ pūrṇacandra prabhāmiva ||15.30||
bhūmau sutanumāsīnāṁ niyatāmiva tāpasīṁ |

sa|| sā pūrṇacandra prabhāṁ iva sarvasya jagataḥ iṣṭāṁ niyatāṁ tāpasīṁ iva bhūmau āsīnām sutanuṁ (asti) ||

||Sloka meanings||

sā pūrṇacandra prabhāṁ iva -
bright like the radiance of full moon
sarvasya jagataḥ iṣṭāṁ -
favorite of the whole world.
niyatāṁ tāpasīṁ iva -
austere like an ascetic,
bhūmau āsīnām sutanuṁ -
sitting on the ground with lovely figure

||Sloka summary||

"She was bright like the radiance of full moon favorite of the whole world. She was austere like an ascetic sitting on the ground with lovely figure. Timid. "||15.30||

Tilaka Tika says - candraprabhā sadr̥śāṁ sarva ānandakārakatvēna ; the simile with Moons radiance because it is pleasing for all. So is Sita for all beings.

Rama Tika says - manmathasya saṁbandhinīm ratīṁ yathā atirūpātvēna tat sadr̥śīṁ sarvasya jagataḥ iṣṭāṁ pūjyām | Because she is most beautiful hence comparison with Mamatha's wife.

||Sloka 15.31||

niśsvāsabahuḷāṁ bhīruṁ bhujagēndra vadhūmiva ||15.31||
śōkajālēna mahatā vitatēna na rājatīm|

sa|| sā bhīruṁ bhujagēndravadhūm iva niḥśvāsabahuḷāṁ mahatā vitanēna śōkhajālēna na rājatīṁ (asti) ||

||Sloka meanings||

sā bhīruṁ bhujagēndravadhūm iva -
she, like the timid consort of the serpent Lord
niḥśvāsabahuḷāṁ -
sighing continuously
mahatā vitanēna śōkhajālēna -
caught in a web of great grief
na rājatīm -
looking gloomy

||Sloka summary||

"Continuously sighing like the timid (hissing) consort of the serpent Lord, she was looking gloomy caught in web of a great grief." ||15.31||

Tilaka Tika says - bhujagēndravadhū sādr̥śam duṣpradhr̥ṣyatvēna rakṣaḥ kulanāśakatvēna- Simile with the hissing consort of the king of serpents , is hinting at destruction of the Rakshasa clan.

||Sloka 15.32||

saṁsaktāṁ dhūmajālēna śikhāmiva vibhāvasōḥ||15.32||
tāṁ smr̥tīmiva sandigdhām vr̥ddhiṁ nipatitāmiva|

sa||dhūmrajālēna saṁsaktāṁ vibhāvasau śikhāmiva saṁdigdhām smr̥tīṁ iva nipatitaṁ r̥ddhamiva tām ( dadarśa)||

Govinda Raja says - r̥ddhiṁ saṁpadam nipatitāṁ kṣīṇām, Treasure that has deteriorated ;

Rama Tika says- nipatitaṁ r̥ddhamiva bhītyā caurādibhiḥ kkvacinnikṣiptām r̥ddhim - treasure that was hidden by the robbers who were scared of being caught

Rama Tika says - saṁdigdhām arthaniścayaviṣayaka saṁdēha viśiṣṭāṁ smr̥tīṁ smr̥tiṁ iva; like a Smriti saying which was difficult to state firmly

||Sloka meanings||

dhūmrajālēna saṁsaktāṁ -
obscured by a cloud of smoke
vibhāvasau śikhāmiva -
like a flame of fire obscured
saṁdigdhām smr̥tīṁ iva -
like a text of Smriti of doubtful meaning
nipatitaṁ r̥ddhamiva -
like a hidden away treasure
(tām dadarśa) - (saw her)

||Sloka summary||

"She was like a flame of fire obscured by a cloud of smoke, like a text of Smriti of doubtful meaning, like a hidden away treasure." ||15.32||

||Sloka 15.33||

vihatā miva ca śraddhāṁ āśāṁ pratihatāmiva||15.33||
sōpasargāṁ yathāsiddhiṁ buddhiṁ sa kaluṣāmiva|

sa|| vihatāmiva śraddhāṁ ca āśāṁ pratihatāṁ iva sōpasargāṁ siddhim iva sakaluṣāṁ buddhimiva ||

Rama Tika says- nāstikabuddhyā anādr̥tāṁ śraddhāmiva, pratihatāṁ lābhā abhāvāt nivr̥ttām āśāṁ iva, sōpasargām vighnaiḥ saṁyuktāṁ siddhiṁ iva, sakaluṣāṁ saṁśayādinā viśiṣṭāṁ buddhiṁ iva| Like faith which was shaken by ignorance, hope lost by likely losses, intellect that was beset with doubts.

||Sloka meanings||

vihatāmiva śraddhāṁ - like a lost faith
āśāṁ pratihatāṁ iva - a hope obstructed
sōpasargāṁ siddhim iva - success inhibited
sakaluṣāṁ buddhimiva - vitiated intellect

||Sloka summary||

"She was like lost faith, a hope obstructed, success inhibited , vitiated intellect."

||Sloka 15.34||

abhūtēnāpavādēna kīrtiṁ nipatitāmiva ||15.34||
rāmōparōdhavyadhitāṁ rakṣōharaṇa karśitām|

sa||abhūtēna apavādēna nipatitāṁ kīrtimiva rāmōparōdhavyadhitāṁ rakṣōharaṇa karśitāṁ (tām dadarśa)||

Rama Tika says - "rāmōparōdhēna rāmasēvā nirōdhēna vyadhitāṁ", troubled by the fact of being obstructed from serving Rama

||Sloka meanings||

abhūtēnāpavādēna nipatitāṁ kīrtimiva -
like a fame soiled by false allegation
rakṣōharaṇa karśitāṁ -
emaciated on account being kidnapped by the Rakshasa
rāmōparōdhavyadhitāṁ -
troubled by separation from Rama

||Sloka summary||

"She was like a fame soiled by false allegation, troubled by separation from Rama, emaciated on account being kidnapped by the Rakshasa." ||15.34||

||Sloka 15.35,36||

abalāṁ mr̥gaśābākṣīṁ vīkṣamāṇāṁ tata stataḥ||15.35||
bhāṣpāmbuparipūrṇēna kr̥ṣṇavakrākṣipakṣmaṇā|
vadanēnāprasannēna niśsvasantīṁ punaḥ punaḥ||15.36||

sa|| mr̥gaśābākṣīṁ bhāṣpāmbuparipūrṇēna kr̥ṣṇavakrākṣi pakṣmaṇā aprasannēna vadanēna tataḥ tataḥ vīkṣamāṇaṁ punaḥ punaḥ niśsvasantīṁ abalāṁ ||

||Sloka meanings||

mr̥gaśābākṣīṁ - Fawn eyed
bhāṣpāmbuparipūrṇēna - with eyes full of tears
kr̥ṣṇavakrākṣi pakṣmaṇā - with black curved eyelashes
aprasannēna vadanēna - with an unhappy face
tataḥ tataḥ vīkṣamāṇaṁ - looking here and there
punaḥ punaḥ niśsvasantīṁ abalāṁ - lady sighing again and again

||Sloka summary||

"Fawn eyed, with an unhappy face, with eyes full of tears with black curved eyelashes sighing again and again she was ( anxiously) looking here and there." ||15.35,36||

||Sloka 15.37||

malapaṅkadharāṁ dīnāṁ maṇḍanārhāṁ amaṇḍitām|
prabhāṁ nakṣatrarājasya kālamēghairivāvr̥tām||15.37||

sa|| malapaṅkadharāṁ dīnāṁ maṇḍanārhāṁ amaṇḍitām kālamēghaiḥ āvr̥tāṁ nakṣatrarājasya prabhāṁ iva||

||Sloka meanings||

malapaṅkadharāṁ dīnāṁ -
covered with dust and looking dejected
maṇḍanārhāṁ amaṇḍitām -
not adorned though deserved to be adorned
kālamēghaiḥ āvr̥tāṁ -
covered by black clouds
nakṣatrarājasya prabhāṁ iva -
like the radiance of the king of stars

||Sloka summary||

"She was covered with dust and looking dejected, not adorned though deserved to be adorned, like the radiance of the king of stars, covered by black clouds."||15.37||

||Sloka 15.38||

tasya saṁdidihē buddhiḥ muhuḥ sītāṁ nirīkṣyatu|
āmnāyānāṁ ayōgēna vidyāṁ praśithilāmiva||15.38||

sa|| āmnāyānāṁ ayōgēna praśithilāṁ vidyāṁ iva sītāṁ nirīkṣya tasya buddhiḥ tu muhuḥ saṁdidihē||

||Sloka meanings||

āmnāyānāṁ ayōgēna iva-
like the Vedic knowledge which is not practiced
praśithilāṁ vidyāṁ - faded knowledge
sītāṁ nirīkṣya - Looking at Sita
tasya buddhiḥ tu - his mind also
muhuḥ saṁdidihē - wavered again and again

||Sloka summary||

"She was like the Vedic knowledge that faded for want of recitation. Looking at her Hanuman's mind also wavered." ||15.38||

||Sloka 15.39||

duḥkhēna bubudhē sītāṁ hanumānanalaṅkr̥tām|
saṁskārēṇa yathā hīnāṁ vācaṁ arthāṁtaraṁ gatam||15.39||

sa|| hanumān analaṁkr̥tām saṁskārēṇa hīnaṁ arthāṁtaraṁ gataṁ vācaṁ yathā sītāṁ duḥkhēna bubudhē||

Tilaka Tika says- duḥkha bōdhyatvē hētuḥ - analaṁkr̥tām iti| saṁskārēṇēti snānulēpādiḥ aṅga saṁskāraḥ| vācō vyākaraṇajñānādijaḥ saṁskāraḥ| dēvau arthāntaragatatvaṁ dēśāntaragatatvam | vācastu vivakṣitārthāt anyārtha bōdhakatvam | vācō'rthaṁ yathā vyākaraṇādyābhyāsa duḥkhēna vyutpattiṁ saṁpādya budhyatē, tadvat sītāṁ kaṣṭēna bubudhē|

Rama Tika says- saṁskārēṇa yathōcita snānādi rūpa saṁskr̥tyā hīnām, ata ēva arthāntara gatāṁ vācaṁ iva analaṁkr̥tāṁ sītām duḥkhēna bubudhē|

||Sloka meanings||

analaṁkr̥tām sītāṁ - Sita devoid of decoration
saṁskārēṇa hīnaṁ - by lack of practice
arthāṁtaraṁ gataṁ vācaṁ - like the word changing its meaning
hanumān duḥkhēna bubudhē - Hanuma recognized with difficulty

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman with difficulty recognized Sita devoid of decoration like the difficulty in recognizing a word that lost its meaning for want of usage." ||15.39||

||Sloka 15.40||

tāṁ samīkṣya viśālākṣīṁ rājaputrīṁ aniṁditām|
tarkayāmāsa sītēti kāraṇairupapādibhiḥ||15.40||

sa|| aniṁditāṁ rājaputrīṁ viśālākṣīṁ samīkṣya tāṁ sītā iti kāraṇaiḥ upapādibhiḥ tarkayāmāsa||

Rama Tika says - " tāṁ sītāṁ samīkṣya kāraṇaiḥ hētubhiḥ upapādayan san iyaṁ sītēti tarkayāmāsa anumānēna niścayaṁ cakāra" ; meaning that by logical reasoning and right signs Hanuman confirmed his thought that she is indeed Sita.

||Sloka meanings||

aniṁditāṁ rājaputrīṁ -
blameless princess
viśālākṣīṁ samīkṣya -
seeing the princess of wide eyes
tāṁ sītā iti - she is indeed Sita.
kāraṇaiḥ upapādibhiḥ tarkayāmāsa -
by right signs and reasons Hanuman came to the conclusion

||Sloka summary||

"Seeing that blameless princess of wide eyes, by right signs and reasons Hanuman came to the conclusion that she is indeed Sita." ||15.40||

||Sloka 15.41||

vaidēhyā yāni cāṅgēṣu tadā rāmō'nvakīrtayat|
tān ābharaṇajālāni gātraśōbhīnyalakṣayat||15.41||

sa|| tadā rāmaḥ yāni ābharaṇajālāni vaidēhyāḥ aṁgēṣu anvakīrtayat gātraśōbhini tāni alakṣayat ||

||Sloka meanings||

tadā rāmaḥ yāni ābharaṇajālāni -
the ornaments which Rama
vaidēhyāḥ aṁgēṣu anvakīrtayat -
described as being worn by Vaidehi
gātraśōbhini tāni alakṣayat -
those ornaments adding grace to her were seen

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman observed that the ornaments which Rama
described as being worn by Vaidehi, those ornaments adding grace to her were seen on Vaidehi." ||15.41||

||Sloka 15.42||

sukr̥tau karṇavēṣṭau ca śvadaṁṣṭrau ca susaṁsthitau|
maṇividruma citrāṇi hastēṣvābharaṇāni ca ||15.42||
śyāmāni cirayuktatvāt tathā saṁsthānavaṁti ca|

sa|| sukr̥tau karṇavēṣṭau susaṁsthitau śvaṁdaṣṭrau ca hastēṣu maṇividruma citrāṇi ābharaṇāni ca cirayuktatvāt śyāmāni saṁsthānavaṁti ca ||

||Sloka meanings||

sukr̥tau karṇavēṣṭau -
well-crafted ear ornaments,
susaṁsthitau śvaṁdaṣṭrau ca -
properly fitting Svadamshtras
hastēṣu maṇividruma citrāṇi ābharaṇāni ca -
ornaments on hands wonderfully variegated corals and gems.
cirayuktatvāt -
due to constant use for long time
śyāmāni saṁsthānavaṁti ca -
blackened leaving marks on her body.

||Sloka summary||

"He also observed well-crafted ear ornaments, properly fitting Svadamshtras and on hands wonderfully variegated corals and gems. The ornaments blackened due to constant use have left marks on her body."||15.42||

||Sloka 15.43,44||

tānyē vaitāni manyē'haṁ yāni rāmō'nvakīrtayat||15.43||
tatrayā nyavahīnāni tānyahaṁ nōpalakṣayē |
yānyasyā nāvahīnāni tān imāni nasaṁśayaḥ||15.44||

sa||yāni rāmaḥ anvakīrtayat tānyēva ahaṁ manyē| tatra yāni avahīnāni tāni ahaṁ nōpalakṣyē |asyāḥ yāni na avahīnāni tāni imāni saṁśayaḥ na||

||Sloka meanings||

yāni rāmaḥ anvakīrtayat -
those ornaments that Rama has described
tānyēva ahaṁ manyē - those are the same ones I think.
tatra yāni avahīnāni - those that were dropped
tāni ahaṁ nōpalakṣyē - I do not see them
asyāḥ yāni na avahīnāni - the ones that are not dropped
tāni imāni saṁśayaḥ na - are these I have no doubt

||Sloka summary||

"Those ornaments that Rama has described are the same ones I think. The ornaments that were dropped are not on her. The ones that are not dropped are these I have no doubt." ||15.43,44||

||Sloka 15.45||

pītaṁ kanakapaṭṭābhaṁ srastaṁ tadvasanaṁ śubham|
uttarīyaṁ nagāsaktaṁ tadā draṣṭuṁ plavaṅgamaiḥ||15.45||

sa|| pītaṁ kanakapaṭṭābhaṁ śubhaṁ uttarīyaṁ sraktaṁ nagāsaktaṁ tat vastraṁ tadā plavaṅgamaiḥ draṣṭaṁ||

||Sloka meanings||

pītaṁ kanakapaṭṭābhaṁ -
yellow, shining like gold
śubhaṁ uttarīyaṁ -
auspicious upper cloth
sraktaṁ nagāsaktaṁ tat vastraṁ -
that garment, slipped and stuck to the trees
tadā plavaṅgamaiḥ draṣṭaṁ -
then seen by the Vanaras

||Sloka summary||

"That auspicious yellow upper cloth shining like gold, slipped from Sita and stuck to the trees, is the one seen by the Vanaras." ||15.45||

||Sloka 15.46||

bhūṣaṇāni ca mukhyāni dr̥ṣṭāni dharaṇī talē|
anayaivāpaviddāni svanavanti mahanti ca||15.46||

sa|| nayaiva dharaṇī talē apaviddhāni svanavantī mahanti mukhyāni bhūṣaṇāni ca draṣṭāni||

||Sloka meanings||

nayaiva dharaṇī talē apaviddhāni -
by her alone dropped on the ground
svanavantī mahanti mukhyāni bhūṣaṇāni -
those excellent and choicest ornaments dropped making jingling noise
ca draṣṭāni - were seen too

||Sloka summary||

"Those excellent choice ornaments that make jingling noises, which were thrown down on the ground by her were seen too". ||15.46||

||Sloka 15.47||

idaṁ ciragr̥hītatvāt vyasanaṁ kliṣṭavattaram|
tathā'pi nūnaṁ tadvarṇaṁ tathā śrīmat yathētarat||15.47||

sa|| idaṁ vasanaṁ ciragr̥hītatvāt kliṣṭavattaram tathāpi nūnaṁ tadvarṇaṁ itarat yathā tathā śrīmat||

||Sloka meanings||

idaṁ vasanaṁ ciragr̥hītatvāt - this cloth worn too long,
kliṣṭavattaram tathāpi - crumpled. then
nūnaṁ tadvarṇaṁ - Surely its color
itarat yathā tathā śrīmat- shining like another fresh cloth

||Sloka summary||

"This cloth worn long, thus is looking crumpled. Even so its color is shining like another fresh cloth."||15.48||

||Sloka 15.48||

iyaṁ kanakavarṇāṅgī rāmasya mahiṣī priyā |
praṇaṣṭā'pi satī yā'sya manasō na praṇasyati||15.48||

sa|| iyaṁ kanakavarṇāṅgī rāmasya priyā mahiṣī satī yā praṇaṣṭāpi asya manasaḥ napraṇasyati ||

||Sloka meanings||

iyaṁ kanakavarṇāṅgī - This lady of golden complexion
rāmasya priyā mahiṣī satī - Rama's beloved queen
yā praṇaṣṭāpi - though lost ( being carried away)
asya manasaḥ na praṇasyati - does not disappear from his mind

||Sloka summary||

". This lady of golden complexion, Rama's beloved queen even though lost ( being carried away) does not disappear from his mind".

||Sloka 15.49,50||

iyaṁ sā yatkr̥tē rāmaścaturbhiḥ paritapyatē|
kāruṇyē nānr̥śaṁsyēna śōkēna madanēna ca||15.49||
strī praṇaṣṭēti kāruṇyāt āśritētyānr̥śaṁsyataḥ|
patnī naṣṭēti śōkēna priyēti madanēna ca||15.50||

sa|| yat kr̥tē rāmaḥ praṇaṣṭā strī iti kāruṇyāt āśritēti anr̥śaṁsyataḥ naṣṭā patnī iti śōkēna priyā iti madanēna kāruṇyēna ānr̥śaṁsyēna śōkēna madanēna caturbhiḥ paritapyatē sā iyaṁ||

||Sloka meanings||

praṇaṣṭā strī iti kāruṇyāt -
lost with compassion because she is woman,
āśritēti anr̥śaṁsyataḥ -
because of gentleness for one who took refuge
naṣṭā patnī iti śōkēna -
sorrow because she is his wife
priyā iti madanēna -
passion because she is his love".
kāruṇyēna ānr̥śaṁsyēna śōkēna madanēna -
compassion, gentleness, sorrow and passion
caturbhiḥ paritapyatē -
thus with fourfold concerns Rama is suffering

||Sloka summary||

" Rama is lost with compassion because she is woman, because of gentleness for one who took refuge, sorrow because she is his wife, passion because she is his love, thus with fourfold concerns Rama is suffering

||Sloka 15.51||

asyā dēvyā yathā rūpaṁ aṅgapratyaṅga sauṣṭavam|
rāmasya ca yathārūpaṁ tasyēya masitēkṣaṇā||15.51||

sa|| asyāḥ dēvyāḥ rūpaṁ aṅgapratyaṅgasauṣṭavaṁ yathā ca tasya rūpaṁ yathā iyaṁ asitēkṣaṇā||

||Sloka meanings||

asyāḥ dēvyāḥ rūpaṁ - her divine charming form
aṅgapratyaṅgasauṣṭavaṁ yathā - with perfect limbs
tasya rūpaṁ yathā - a match for Rama's form too
iyaṁ asitēkṣaṇā - he black eyed Sita too

||Sloka summary||

"The black eyed Sita and her divine charming body with perfect limbs are a match for Rama's form too. ||15.51||

||Sloka 15.52||

asyā dēvyā manastasmin tasya cāsyāṁ pratiṣṭitam|
tēnēyaṁ sa ca dharmātmā muhūrtamapi jīvati||15.52||

sa|| asyāḥ dēvyāḥ manaḥ tasmin tasya asyāṁ pratiṣṭitaṁ| tēna iyaṁ dharmātmā sa ca muhūrtamapi jīvati||

||Sloka meanings||

asyāḥ dēvyāḥ manaḥ tasmin -
her divine mind is fixed on Rama
tasya asyāṁ pratiṣṭitaṁ -
his mind is fixed on her.
tēna iyaṁ dharmātmā -
for this reason righteous Rama
sa ca muhūrtamapi jīvati -
she too are able to survive till this moment".

||Sloka summary||

"Her divine mind is fixed on Rama . His mind is fixed on her. For this reason she and righteous Rama are able to survive till this moment". ||15.52||

||Sloka 15.53||

duṣkaraṁ kr̥tavān rāmō hīnōyadanayā prabhuḥ|
dhāraya tyātmanō dēhaṁ na śōkē nāvasīdati||15.53||

sa|| prabhuḥ rāmaḥ anayā hīnaḥ ātmanaḥ dēhaṁ dhārayati iti yat śōkēna na avasīdati duṣkaraṁ kr̥tavān ||

||Sloka meanings||

prabhuḥ rāmaḥ anayā hīnaḥ -
Lord Ram in separation from her
ātmanaḥ dēhaṁ dhārayati iti -
sustaining himself,
yat śōkēna na avasīdati -
without allowing himself to sink and perish
duṣkaraṁ kr̥tavān -
accomplished a difficult task

||Sloka summary||

"Lord Rama has accomplished a difficult task in sustaining himself, without allowing himself to sink and perish during separation from her"||15.54|

||Sloka 15.54||

duṣkaraṁkurutē rāmō ya imāṁ mattakāsinīm|
sītāṁ vinā mahābāhuḥ muhūrtamapi jīvati||15.54||

sa|| yaḥ imām sītāṁ mattakāśinīṁ vinā muhūrtamapi jīvati mahābāhuḥ rāmaḥ duṣkaraṁ kurutē||

||Sloka meanings||

yaḥ imām sītāṁ -
this Sita
mattakāśinīṁ vinā -
without the lady of intoxicating luster
muhūrtamapi jīvati -
live even for a moment
mahābāhuḥ rāmaḥ duṣkaraṁ kurutē -
indeed a difficult task accomplished by strong armed Rama.||

||Sloka summary||

"That without Sita, a lady of intoxicating luster , he is able to live even for a moment is indeed a difficult task accomplished by strong armed Rama".||15.54||

||Sloka 15.55||

ēvaṁ sītāṁ tadā dr̥ṣṭvā hr̥ṣṭaḥ pavana saṁbhavaḥ|
jagāma manasā rāmaṁ praśaśaṁsa ca taṁ prabhum||15.55||

sa|| pavanasaṁbhavaḥ tadā sītāṁ dr̥ṣṭvā ēvaṁ hr̥ṣṭaḥ manasā rāmaṁ jagāṁ tāṁ prabhuṁ praśaśaṁsa ca||

||Sloka meanings||

pavanasaṁbhavaḥ tadā sītāṁ dr̥ṣṭvā -
the son of wind god seeing Sita
hr̥ṣṭaḥ - delighted
manasā rāmaṁ jagāṁ - reached Rama in his mind
tāṁ prabhuṁ praśaśaṁsa ca - praised that Lord

||Sloka summary||

"The son of wind god seeing Sita , delighted , reached Rama in his mind thus and praised that lord."||15.55||

Thus on finding Sita, Hanuma was delighted thinking about both Rama and Sita.

This is also the last sloka of the fifteenth Sarga

Thus Sarga 15 is the story of Hanuman finally seeing Sita in that Ashoka grove.

Throughout Sundarakanda, Sita is seen three forms.

(1) As Lakshmi the consort of the Lord of Lords

(2) She has taken the form of Sita and appeared on earth as Janaka's daughter. She is worshipped by Hanuman as Sita.

(3) She is the universal mother. As the universal mother she is arbiter between the Paramatman and Jivatman , and is the one who unites the two .

She is the one indirectly helps in making the friendship between Vibhishana and Rama

Even though Ravana does not hear, she makes her attempt to tell Ravana to make friendship with Rama

Acting like a common being , she shows how one in separation from the Paramatman should strive to reach Paramatman..

Even as part of the outer shell of the story , she shows how a virtuous woman acts in separation from her husband .

Thus we see Sita in many different forms

We must also see the messages she give in her different forms.

Thus ends Sarga 15 of Sundarakanda

ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē vālmīkīyē
caturviṁśatsahasrikāyāṁ saṁhitāyām
śrīmatsuṁdarakāṁḍē paṁcadaśassargaḥ||

||om tat sat ||