
|| Sarga 18 ||

|| Meanings and Summary in English ||

Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English

|| om tat sat||

Sarga 18

Now we see what happened in the 18th Sarga briefly .

At the end of the night, in the early morning hours of the day
Hanuman heard sound of Vedas from those Brahmins among Rakshasas who are experts in the Vedas and the six auxiliary parts thereof .

Waking up as per time with disarranged garlands and garments, the valorous king of Rakshasas thought about Vaidehi. Gripped by his exceedingly high passion for Vaidehi ,
and overwhelmed with that passion the Rakshasa could not hide his passion within himself.

Adorned with all excellent ornaments glowing with splendor,
he went to that Ashoka grove full of trees filled with all kinds of flowers and fruits. He entered the Ashoka grove observing path ways, gateways ornamented with gold and gems. The grove was occupied by several wolves, filled with variety of herds of animals. Fruits fallen from the trees can be seen everywhere.

Ravana was followed by his wives adorned with beautiful flowers in their hair, with garlands of wilted flowers due to sweat from their limbs, moving to and fro, being dizzy with left over intoxication as well as due to left over sleep. Their husband, the powerful and dull Ravana who is under the control of passion, with a mind full of thoughts on Sita walked slowly.

Ravana was shining in the glow of fragrant oil lamps held in the front by many everywhere. Endowed with lust pride and intoxication, possessed of long hot red eyes with his quiver and arrows set aside, he looked like Manmatha himself. Without any dust, looking like foam of the churned nectar,
the upper cloth which was stuck in his armlet was sportively dragged.

Hidden in the leaves on the branch covered with leaves and flowers Hanuman looked at the identity of the one coming nearer. Then the best of Vanaras looking carefully saw
the Ravana's chief women who are young and beautiful.
The famous king surrounded by beautiful charming women entered the grove A grove meant for women which echoed with sounds of beasts and birds. The very powerful son of Visravasa, the king of Rakshasas excited by drinking, wearing wonderful ornaments, with long tapering ears, was seen by Hanuma.

The powerful Hanuman, the son of wind god , thinking that "this one with strong arms is Ravana" came down a little as though to have a peek. Hanuman , possessor of extraordinary strength was taken aback by the might of Ravana. Concealed deep in the leaves he remained there.

Now we go through the Sloaks of Sarga 18, with meanings

||Sloka 18.01||

tathā viprēkṣamānasya vanaṁ puṣpita pādapaṁ|
vicinvataśca vaidēhīṁ kiṁcit śēṣā niśā'bhavat||18.01||

sa|| puṣpita pādapaṁ vanaṁ viprēkṣamānasya vaidēhīṁ vicinvataḥ ca tathā niśā kiṁcit śēṣā abhavat ||

||Sloka meanings||

vaidēhīṁ vicinvataḥ -
while searching for Sita
puṣpita pādapaṁ vanaṁ viprēkṣamānasya ca -
seeing the grove with flowering trees
tathā niśā kiṁcit śēṣā abhavat -
very little of the night was left

||Sloka summary||

"While seeing those trees laden with flowers and searching for Sita, very little of the night was left." ||18.01||

||Sloka 18.02||

ṣaḍaṅgavēdaviduṣāṁ kratupravarayājināṁ|
śuśrāva brahmaghōṣāṁśca virātrē brahmarakṣasām||18.02||

sa|| virātrē saḥ ṣaḍaṁgavēdaviduṣāṁ kratupravarayājināṁ brahma rakṣasām brahmaghōṣāṁ ca śuśrāva||

Rama Tika says- brahma rākṣasāṁ brāhmaṇarākṣasānāṁ, brahmaghōṣān vēdaninadān, virātrē rātri avasānē|

||Sloka meanings||

virātrē saḥ - at the end of the night
ṣaḍaṁgavēdaviduṣāṁ -
those who are experts in the Vedas and its six auxiliary parts
kratupravarayājināṁ -
those who are also experts on performing sacrificial ceremonies
brahma rakṣasām -
of Brahmins among Rakshasas
brahma ghōṣāṁ ca śuśrāva -
sounds of Vedas too he heard

||Sloka summary||

"At the end of the night, he heard sound of Vedas from those Brahmins among Rakshasas who are experts in the Vedas and the six auxiliary parts thereof and who are also experts on performing sacrificial ceremonies." ||18.02||

||Sloka 18.03||

athamaṅgaḷavāditraiḥ śabdaiḥ śrōtramanōharaiḥ|
prābudhyata mahābāhuḥ daśagrīvō mahābalaḥ||18.03||

sa|| atha mahābāhuḥ mahābalaḥ daśagrīvaḥ śrutimanōharaḥ maṁgaḷavāditra śabdaiḥ prābudhyata ||

||Sloka meanings||

atha mahābāhuḥ -
then the one with powerful arms
mahābalaḥ daśagrīvaḥ -
the powerful ten headed one
śrutimanōharaḥ maṁgaḷavāditra śabdaiḥ -
delightful sounds of auspicious musical instruments.
prābudhyata - awakened by

||Sloka summary||

Then the powerful ten headed one with powerful arms was awakened by the delightful sounds of auspicious musical instruments.

||Sloka 18.04||

vibudhyatu yathākālaṁ rākṣasēndraḥ pratāpavān|
srastamālyāmbaradharō vaidēhīm anvacintayat||18.04||

sa|| pratāpavān rākṣasēndraḥ yathākālaṁ vibudhya srastamālyāṁbaradharaḥ vaidēhīṁ anvaciṁtayat ||

||Sloka meanings||

pratāpavān rākṣasēndraḥ -
the valorous king of Rakshasas
yathākālaṁ vibudhya -
waking up as per time
srastamālyāṁbaradharaḥ -
with disarranged garlands and garments
vaidēhīṁ anvaciṁtayat -
thought about Vaidehi.

||Sloka summary||

"The valorous king of Rakshasas waking up as per time with disarranged garlands and garments thought about Vaidehi." ||18.04||

||Sloka 18.05||

bhr̥śaṁ niyuktastasyāṁ ca madanēna madōtkaṭāḥ|
na sa taṁ rākṣasaṁ kāmaṁ śaśākātmani gūhitam||18.05||

sa|| tasyāṁ madanēna bhr̥śam niyuktaḥ madōtkaṭaḥ saḥ rākṣasaḥ taṁ kāmaṁātmani guhituṁ na śaśāka||

||Sloka meanings||

tasyāṁ madanēna bhr̥śam niyuktaḥ -
Gripped by his exceedingly high passion for her
madōtkaṭaḥ saḥ -
overwhelmed with that passion
taṁ kāmaṁ ātmani -
that passion within him
guhituṁ na śaśāka -
was unable to hide his passion

||Sloka summary||

"Gripped on account of his exceedingly high passion for her and overwhelmed with that passion, the Rakshasa could not hide his passion within himself." ||18.05||

||Sloka 18.06||

sa sarvābharaṇairyuktō bibhrat śriyamanuttamāṁ|
tāṁ nagairbahubhi rjuṣṭāṁ sarvapuṣpaphalōpagaiḥ||18.6||

sa|| saḥ sarvābharaṇayuktaḥ anuttamām śriyaṁ bibhrat sarvapuṣpaphalōpabhaiḥ bahubhiḥ nagaiḥ juṣṭām tāṁ ||

||Sloka meanings||

saḥ sarvābharaṇayuktaḥ -
adorned with all excellent ornaments
anuttamām śriyaṁ bibhrat -
glowing with matchless splendor
sarvapuṣpaphalōpabhaiḥ -
with all kinds of flowers and fruits.
bahubhiḥ nagaiḥ juṣṭām tāṁ -
that grove, filled with many trees

||Sloka summary||

"Adorned with all excellent ornaments glowing with splendor, he went to (that grove) full of trees filled with all kinds of flowers and fruits." ||18.06||

||Sloka 18.07||

vr̥tāṁ puṣkariṇībhiścanānāpuṣpōpaśōbhitām|
sadāmadaiśca vihagaiḥ vicitrāṁ paramādbhutam||18.7||

sa|| puṣkaraṇībhiḥ vr̥ttāṁ nānāpuṣpōpaśōbhitām sadā madaiśca vihagaiḥ vicitrāṁ paramādbhutam||

||Sloka meanings||

puṣkaraṇībhiḥ vr̥ttāṁ -
full of ponds
nānāpuṣpōpaśōbhitām -
shining with variety of flowers
sadā madaiśca vihagaiḥ vicitrāṁ -
also full with colorful birds
paramādbhutam -
looked wonderful.

||Sloka summary||

The grove was full of ponds shining with variety of flowers as also with colorful birds which are excited and looked wonderful.||18.07||

||Sloka 18.08,09||

īhāmr̥gaiśca vividhairjuṣṭāṁ dr̥ṣṭimanōharaiḥ|
vīthīḥ saṁprēkṣamāṇaśca maṇikāñcanatōraṇāḥ||18.8||

nānāmr̥ga gaṇākīrṇam phalaiḥ prapatitairvr̥tām|
aśōkavanikāmēva prāviśat saṁtatadrumām||18.9||

sa|| maṇikāṁcana tōraṇāḥ dr̥ṣṭimanōharaiḥ vīthīḥ saṁprēkṣamāṇaḥ ca vividhaiḥ ihāmr̥gaiḥ ca juṣṭāṁ nānāmr̥gagaṇākīrṇaṁ prapitaiḥ phalaiḥ vr̥tāṁ saṁtatadrumām aśōkavanikāṁ ēva prāviśat ||

||Sloka meanings||

maṇikāṁcana tōraṇāḥ -
gateways ornamented with gold and gems
dr̥ṣṭimanōharaiḥ vīthīḥ saṁprēkṣamāṇaḥ ca -
observing the pleasant looking pathways
vividhaiḥ ihāmr̥gaiḥ nānāmr̥gagaṇākīrṇaṁ ca juṣṭāṁ -
filled with variety of herds of animals as well as artificial ones
prapitaiḥ phalaiḥ vr̥tāṁ saṁtatadrumām -
full of trees surrounded by fruits fallen from the trees,
aśōkavanikāṁ ēva prāviśat -
entered that Ashoka grove

||Sloka summary||

"Observing the pleasant to look at path ways, gateways ornamented with gold and gems, he entered the Ashoka grove full of trees surrounded by fruits fallen from the trees and filled with variety of herds of animals as well as artificial ones." ||18.09,08||

||Sloka 18.10||

aṅganāśatamātraṁtu taṁ vrajaṁta manuvrajat|
mahēndramiva paulastyaṁ dēvagaṁdharvayōṣitaḥ||18.10||

sa||vrajantaṁ taṁ paulastyaṁ śatamātraṁ aṁganāḥ mahēṁdraṁ dēvagaṁdharvayōṣitāḥ iva anuvrajat||

||Sloka meanings||

vrajantaṁ taṁ paulastyaṁ -
that wandering son of Pulastya
śatamātraṁ aṁganāḥ -
hundred women
mahēṁdraṁ dēvagaṁdharvayōṣitāḥ iva -
like Indra was (followed) by Deva Gandharva women.
anuvrajat - followed

||Sloka summary||

"That wandering son of Pulastya was followed by hundred women, like Indra was followed by Deva Gandharva women." ||18.10||

||Sloka 18.11||

dīpikāḥ kāñcanīḥ kāścit jagr̥huḥ tatra yōṣitaḥ|
vālavyajanahastāśca tālavr̥ntāni cāparāḥ||18.11||

sa||tatra kāścit yōṣitaḥ kāṁcanīḥ dīpikāḥ jagr̥hu| aparāḥ tālavr̥ṁtāni jagr̥hu|| (aparāḥ) vyālavyajana hastāḥ ca||

||Sloka meanings||

tatra kāścit yōṣitaḥ -
there some women
kāṁcanīḥ dīpikāḥ jagr̥hu -
moved carrying golden lamps
aparāḥ tālavr̥ṁtāni jagr̥hu -
others carried palm leaf fans
(aparāḥ) vyālavyajana hastāḥ ca-
(some others) held fans made of hair from Yak's tail

||Sloka summary||

"There some women carried golden lamps. Others carried palm leaf fans. Some others held fans made of hair from Yak's tail." ||18.11||

||Sloka 18.12||

kāñcanairapi bhr̥ṁgāraiḥ jahruḥ salilamagrataḥ||
maṇḍalāgrān br̥sīṁcaiva gr̥hyā'nyāḥ pr̥ṣṭhatō yayuḥ||18.12||

sa|| agrataḥ kāṁcanaiḥ bhr̥ṁgāraiḥ salilaṁ jahr̥ḥ || anyāḥ maṁḍalāgrān br̥sīḥ ca api gr̥hya pr̥ṣṭataḥ yayuḥ ||

||Sloka meanings||

agrataḥ kāṁcanaiḥ bhr̥ṁgāraiḥ -
in the front with golden pitchers
salilaṁ jahr̥ḥ - carried water
anyāḥ maṁḍalāgrān br̥sīḥ ca api-
others carried circular seats
pr̥ṣṭataḥ yayuḥ -
moved in the back

||Sloka summary||

"Some carried water in golden pitchers in the front. Others in the back carried circular seats as they moved."||18.12||

||Sloka 18.13||

kācit ratnamayīṁ sthālīṁ pūrṇāṁ pānasya bhāminī|
dakṣiṇā dakṣiṇēnaiva tadā jagrāha pāṇinā||18.13||

sa||kācit dakṣiṇā bhāminī ratnamayīṁ pūrṇaṁ pānasya sthalīṁ dakṣiṇēnaiva pāṇinā jagrāha||

||Sloka meanings||

kācit dakṣiṇā bhāminī -
one courteous woman
ratnamayīṁ -
a gem studded jar
pūrṇaṁ pānasya sthalīṁ -
jar filled with wine
dakṣiṇēnaiva pāṇinā jagrāha-
carried in her right hand only.

||Sloka summary||

"One courteous women carried a gem studded jar filled with wine in her right hand only." ||18.13||

||Sloka 18.14||

rājahaṁsa pratīkāśaṁ chatraṁ pūrṇaśaśiprabham|
sauvarṇadaṇḍamaparā gr̥hītvā pr̥ṣṭhatō yayau||18.14||

sa|| aparā rājahaṁsa pratīkāśaṁ pūrṇaśaśiprabhaṁ sauvarṇadaṁḍaṁ chatraṁ gr̥hītvā pr̥ṣṭataḥ yayau||

||Sloka meanings||

aparā rājahaṁsa pratīkāśaṁ -
resembling a royal swan
pūrṇaśaśiprabhaṁ -
bright like a full moon
sauvarṇadaṁḍaṁ chatraṁ gr̥hītvā -
holding an umbrella with golden handle
aparā pr̥ṣṭataḥ yayau -
another one followed in the back

||Sloka summary||

"Another one bright like a full moon, resembling a royal swan carried an umbrella with golden handle." ||18.14||

||Sloka 18.15||

nidrāmada parītākṣyō rāvaṇasyōttamāḥ striyaḥ|
anujagmuḥ patiṁ vīraṁ ghanaṁ vidyullatāiva||18.15||

sa|| nidrā mada parītākṣyaḥ rāvaṇasya uttamāḥ striyaḥ vidyullatāḥ ghanamiva vīraṁ patiṁ anujagmuḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

nidrā mada parītākṣyaḥ -
With eyes dizzy with intoxication and sleep
rāvaṇasya uttamāḥ striyaḥ -
Ravana's wives
vidyullatāḥ ghanamiva-
like lightning following the dark clouds
vīraṁ patiṁ anujagmuḥ-
followed the heroic husband

||Sloka summary||

"With eyes dizzy with intoxication and sleep, Ravana's wives followed the heroic husband, like lightning followed the dark clouds." ||18.15||

||Sloka 18.16||

vyāviddhahārakēyūrāḥ samā mr̥ditavarṇakāḥ|
samāgaḷita kēśāntāḥ sasvēda vadanāstathā||18.16||

sa|| vyāviddhahārakēyūrāḥ samāmr̥ditavarṇikāḥ samāgalita kēśāṁtāḥ tathā sasvēda vadanāḥ (taṁ rāvaṇaṁ anujagmuḥ)

||Sloka meanings||

vyāviddhahārakēyūrāḥ -
with disarrayed necklaces
samāmr̥ditavarṇikāḥ -
with smudged sandal paste and other unguents on the body
samāgalita kēśāṁtāḥ -
with loosened hair
tathā sasvēda vadanāḥ -
with sweat on their faces

||Sloka summary||

"With disarrayed necklaces , and smudged sandal paste and other unguents on the body, loosened hair, also with sweat on their faces (his wives followed him)"||18.16||

||Sloka 18.17||

ghūrṇaṁtyō madaśēṣēṇa nidrayā ca śubhānanāḥ|
svēdakliṣṭāṅga kusumāḥ sumālyākulamūrthajāḥ||18.17||

sa|| madaśēṣēṇa nidrayā ca ghūrṇantyaḥ svēdakliṣṭāṁga kusumāḥ sumālyākulamūrdhajāḥ śubhānanāḥ (taṁ rāvaṇaṁ anujagmuḥ)||

||Sloka meanings||

madaśēṣēṇa nidrayā ca ghūrṇantyaḥ -
moving to and from being dizzy with left over intoxication as well as sleep
svēdakliṣṭāṁga kusumāḥ -
with garlands of wilted flowers due to sweat from their limbs
sumālyākulamūrdhajāḥ śubhānanāḥ-
ladies adorned with beautiful flowers in their hair

||Sloka summary||

"The wives of Ravana adorned with beautiful flowers in their hair followed him, with garlands of wilted flowers due to sweat from their limbs. They were moving to and from being dizzy with left over intoxication as well as due to left over sleep." ||18.17||

||Sloka 18.18||

prayāntaṁ nairr̥tapatiṁ nāryō madiralōcanāḥ|
bahumānācca kāmācca priyā bhāryā stamanvayuḥ||18.18||

sa|| madiralōcanāḥ priyāḥ bhāryāḥ nāryaḥ bahumānācca kāmācca pyāṁtaṁ taṁ nair̥tapatiṁ anvayuḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

madiralōcanāḥ priyāḥ bhāryāḥ -
drunken eyed dear wives
nāryaḥ bahumānācca kāmācca -
due to high regards and due to passion.
prayāntaṁtaṁ nair̥tapatiṁ nāryaḥ anvayuḥ -
ladies followed the king of Rakshasas moving ahead

||Sloka summary||

"The drunken eyed dear wives, and other ladies followed the king of Rakshasas due to passion and high regards."||18.18||

||Sloka 18.19||

sa ca kāmaparādhīnaḥ pati stāsāṁ mahābalaḥ|
sītāsakta manā mamdō madāñcitagati rbabhau||18.19||

sa|| tāsāṁ patiḥ mahābalaḥ kāmaparādhīnaḥ sītāsaktamanāḥ saḥ ca maṁdaḥ madāṁcitagatiḥ babhau||

||Sloka meanings||

tāsāṁ patiḥ mahābalaḥ -
their husband and powerful
kāmaparādhīnaḥ sītāsaktamanāḥ -
who is under the control of passion, with a mind lost on Sita.
saḥ ca maṁdaḥ -
he was dull
madāṁcitagatiḥ babhau -
moved with measured steps

||Sloka summary||

"Their husband, the powerful and dull Ravana who is under the control of passion, with a mind lost on Sita and walked with measured steps slowly" ||18.19||

||Sloka 18.20||

tataḥ kāñcīninādaṁ ca nūpurāṇāṁ nissvanam|
śuśrāva paramastrīṇāṁ sa kapirmārutātmajaḥ||18.20||

sa|| tataḥ mārutātmajaḥ saḥ kapiḥ paramastrīṇāṁ kāṁcīninādaṁ nūpurāṇāṁ ca niḥsvanaṁ śuśrāva||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ mārutātmajaḥ saḥ kapiḥ -
then that Vanara who is the son of wind god that Vanara
paramastrīṇāṁ kāṁcīninādaṁ -
the sounds of golden girdles of the wives
nūpurāṇāṁ ca niḥsvanaṁ śuśrāva-
sounds of the anklets too

||Sloka summary||

"Then the son of wind god that Vanara heard the sounds of golden girdles and small bells of their anklets."||18.20||

||Sloka 18.21||

taṁ cā pratimakarmāṇaṁ acintyabalapauruṣam|
dvāradēśamanuprāptaṁ dadarśa hanumān kapiḥ||18.21||

sa||apratimakarmaṇāṁ acintyabalapauruṣam dvāradēśaṁ anuprāptaṁ taṁ (rāvaṇaṁ) kapiḥ hanumān dadarśa||

||Sloka meanings||

apratimakarmaṇāṁ -
one who performed incomparable deeds
acintyabalapauruṣam -
one who has unimaginable strength and valor
dvāradēśaṁ anuprāptaṁ -
one who reached the entrance
taṁ (rāvaṇaṁ) kapiḥ hanumān dadarśa -
that Ravana Hanuman , the Vanara saw

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman, the Vanara, saw that Ravana, who performed incomparable deeds, who has unimaginable strength and valor, who reached the entrance of that grove."||18.21||

||Sloka 18.22||

dīpikābhiranēkābhiḥ samantādavabhāsitam|
gandhatailāvasiktābhiḥ dhriyamāṇābhiragrataḥ||18.22||

sa|| gandhatailāvasiktābhiḥ agrataḥ dhriyamāṇābhiḥ anēkābhiḥ dīpikābhiḥ samantāt avabhāsitam||

||Sloka meanings||

agrataḥ dhriyamāṇābhiḥ - muṁdu tīsukupōbaḍutunna
gandhatailāvasiktābhiḥ - suvāsanalu kala tailamutō kūḍina
anēkābhiḥ dīpikābhiḥ - anēka dīpamulacēta
samantāt avabhāsitam- aṁtaṭā bhāsiṁpabaḍa vēsina
(rāvaṇuni hanuma cūsenu)

||Sloka summary||

"(Ravana) shining in the light of the fragrant oil lamps held in the front by many everywhere (was seen by Hanuma)." ||18.22||

"ā muṁdu tīsukōbaḍutunna suvāsanalu kala anēka dīpamula kāṁtilō bhāsistunna rāvaṇuni ( hanuma cūcenu)" ||18.22||

||Sloka 18.23-24||

kāmadarpamadairyutaṁ jihmatāmrāyatēkṣaṇam|
samakṣamiva kaṁdarpaṁ apaviddhaśarāsanam||18.23||

sa|| kāmadarpamadaiḥ yuktaṁ jihmatāmrāyatēkṣaṇam apavidḍhaśarāsanam samakṣaṁ kaṁdarpaṁ iva||

||Sloka meanings||

kāmadarpamadaiḥ yuktaṁ -
kāma darpamu madamutō kūḍina
jihmatāmrāyatēkṣaṇam -
eṟṟani vaṁkaragāvunnakaḷḷugala
apavidḍhaśarāsanam -
śaracāpamulu vadilina
samakṣaṁ kaṁdarpaṁ iva-
sākṣāttu manmathunivale nunna
(rāvaṇuni hanuma cūcenu)

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman saw Ravana, endowed with lust pride and intoxication, possessed of long hot red eyes with his quiver and arrows set aside, looking like Manmatha himself."||18.23||

||Sloka 18.24||

mathitāmr̥taphēnābha marajō vastramuttamam|
salīla manukarṣaṁtaṁ vimuktaṁ sakta maṁgadē ||18.24||

sa||mathitāmr̥taphēnābhaṁ arajaḥ vimuktaṁ aṁgadē saktaṁ uttamaṁ vastraṁ salīlaṁ anukarṣaṁtaṁ (taṁ dadarśa)||

||Sloka meanings||

mathitāmr̥taphēnābhaṁ -
looking white like foam of the churned nectar
arajaḥ vimuktaṁ aṁgadē saktaṁ -
the slipped upper cloth which was stuck in his armlet
uttamaṁ vastraṁ salīlaṁ anukarṣaṁtaṁ-
sportively dragging that best cloth

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuma saw Ravana who was sportively dragging that best cloth, which was looking white like foam of the churned nectar, which slipped a little and was stuck in his armlet" ||18.24||

||Sloka 18.25||

taṁ patraviṭapē līnaḥ pattrapuṣpaghanāvr̥taḥ|
samīpamiva saṁkrāntaṁ nidhyātu mupacakramē||18.25||

sa||patraviṭapē līnaḥ patrapuṣpaghanāvr̥taḥ samīpaṁ saṁkrāṁtaṁ miva taṁ nidhyātuṁ upacakramē||

||Sloka meanings||

patraviṭapē līnaḥ -
hidden in the leaves on the branch
patrapuṣpaghanāvr̥taḥ -
covered with leaves and flowersna
samīpaṁ sakrāṁtaṁ miva -
the one coming nearer na
taṁ nidhyātuṁ upacakramē -
scanned the identity of the one coming nearer

||Sloka summary||

"Covered with leaves and flowers, hidden in the leaves on the branch, Hanuman scanned the identity of the one coming nearer." ||18.25||

||Sloka 18.26||

avēkṣamāṇastu tatō dadarśa kapikuṅjaraḥ |
rūpayauvanasaṁpannā rāvaṇasya varastriyaḥ||18.26||

sa|| tataḥ avēkṣamāṇaḥ kapikuṁjaraḥ rāvaṇasya rūpayauvanasaṁpannāḥ varastriyaḥ dadarśa||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ avēkṣamāṇaḥ kapikuṁjaraḥ dadarśa -
the best of Vanaras who was looking carefully, then saw
rāvaṇasya varastriyaḥ -
Ravana's best of women
rūpayauvanasaṁpannāḥ -
who are young and beautiful?

||Sloka summary||

"Then the best of Vanaras looking carefully saw the Ravana's chief women who are young and beautiful." ||18.26||

||Sloka 18.27||

tābhiḥ parivr̥tō rājā surūpābhirmahāyaśāḥ|
tanmr̥gadvijasaṁghuṣṭaṁ praviṣṭaḥ pramadāvanam||18.27||

sa|| mahāyaśāḥ rājā surūpābhiḥ tābhiḥ parivr̥taḥ mr̥gadvijasaṁghuṣṭaṁ tat pramadāvanaṁ praviṣṭaḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

mahāyaśāḥ rājā -
the famous king
surūpābhiḥ tābhiḥ parivr̥taḥ -
surrounded by beautiful charming women
mr̥gadvijasaṁghuṣṭaṁ -
echoing with sounds of beasts and birds
tat pramadāvanaṁ praviṣṭaḥ -
entered that grove for women

||Sloka summary||

"The famous king surrounded by beautiful charming women entered the grove meant for women which echoed with sounds of beasts and birds." ||18.27||

||Sloka 18.28||

kṣībō vicitrābharaṇaḥ śaṁṅkukarṇō mahābalaḥ|
tēna viśravasaḥ puttraḥ sadr̥ṣṭō rākṣasādhipaḥ||18.28||

sa|| viśravasaḥ putraḥ kṣībaḥ vicitrābharaṇaḥ śaṁkukarṇaḥ mahābalaḥ rākṣasādhipaḥ saḥ tēna dr̥ṣṭaḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

viśravasaḥ putraḥ -
son of Visravasa
kṣībaḥ vicitrābharaṇaḥ -
excited by drinking, wearing wonderful ornaments,
śaṁkukarṇaḥ mahābalaḥ -
with long tapering ears, the powerful
rākṣasādhipaḥ saḥ tēna dr̥ṣṭaḥ -
king of Rakshasas was seen by Hanuman

||Sloka summary||

"The very powerful son of Visravasa, the king of Rakshasa excited by drinking, wearing wonderful ornaments, with long tapering ears, was seen by him. ||18.28||

||Sloka 18.29||

vr̥taḥ paramanārībhiḥ tārābhiriva candramāḥ|
taṁ dadarśa mahātējāḥ tējōvantaṁ mahākapiḥ||18.29||

sa||tārābhiḥ (vr̥taḥ) caṁdramā iva paramanārībhiḥ vr̥taḥtējōvaṁtaṁ taṁ mahātējāḥ mahākapiḥ taṁ tējōvaṁtaṁ dadarśa||

||Sloka meanings||

tārābhiḥ (vr̥taḥ) caṁdramā iva -
like the Moon surrounded by stars
paramanārībhiḥ vr̥taḥ -
surrounded by best of women
tējōvaṁtaṁ taṁ -
that splendid king of Rakshasas
mahātējāḥ mahākapiḥ dadarśa -
brilliant and great Hanuman

||Sloka summary||

"Surrounded by best of women, looking like the Moon surrounded by stars, the brilliant Hanuman saw that splendid king of Rakshasas."||18.29||

||Sloka 18.30||

rāvaṇō'yaṁ mahābāhuḥ iti saṁcitya vānaraḥ|
avaplutō mahātējā hanumān mārutātmajaḥ||18.30||

sa|| mārutātmajaḥ vānaraḥ mahātējāḥ hanumān ayaṁ mahābāhuḥ rāvaṇa iti saṁcitya avaplutaḥ ||

||Sloka meanings||

mārutātmajaḥ vānaraḥ -
Vanara, the son of wind god
mahātējāḥ hanumān -
powerful Hanuman
ayaṁ mahābāhuḥ rāvaṇa iti -
' This one of strong arms is Ravana '
saṁcitya avaplutaḥ -
thinking that , he came down

||Sloka summary||

"The powerful Hanuman, the son of wind god , thinking that "this one of strong arms is Ravana" came down." ||18.30||

||Sloka 18.31||

sa tathāpyugratējāḥ sannirdhūtastasya tējasā|
patraguhyāntarē saktō hānumān saṁvr̥tō'bhavat||18.31||

sa|| tathā ugratējāḥ saḥ hanumān tasya tējasā nirdhūtaḥ patraguhyāṁtarē saktaḥ saṁvr̥taḥ abhavat||

||Sloka meanings||

tathā ugratējāḥ saḥ hanumān -
then Hanuman possessed of extraordinary strength
tasya tējasā nirdhūtaḥ -
taken aback by the might of Ravana
patraguhyāṁtarē saktaḥ -
concealed deep among the leaves
saṁvr̥taḥ abhavat -
remained there..

||Sloka summary||

"Possessed of extraordinary strength Hanuman taken aback by the might of Ravana concealed deep in the leaves remained there." ||18.31||

||Sloka 18.32||

sa tāṁ asitakēśāṁtāṁ suśrōṇīṁ saṁhatastanīm|
didr̥kṣu rasitāpāṁgāṁ upāvartata rāvaṇaḥ||18.32||

sa|| taṁ asitakēśāṁtaṁ suśrōṇiṁ saṁhatastanīm asitāpāṁgāṁ didrukṣuḥ saḥ rāvaṇaḥ upāvartata||

||Sloka meanings||

taṁ asitakēśāṁtaṁ -
the dark-haired lady
suśrōṇiṁ saṁhatastanīm -
with beautiful hips, plump breasts
asitāpāṁgāṁ -
with dark side glances
saḥ rāvaṇaḥ didrukṣuḥ upāvartata -
that Ravana returned to the Ashoka grove

||Sloka summary||

"To look at the dark-haired lady , with beautiful hips, plump breasts and dark side glances that Ravana returned to the Ashoka grove." ||18.32||

This is the last Sloak of the Sarga.

The Sarga starts with the Poet saying, "kiṁcit śēṣā niśābhavat"; meaning there by that "only a very little part of the night is left.

In the night with darkness covering everything, when the objects could not be seen with clarity, part of the night was left.

Appalacharyulu garu says, that night is also the story of a life time. .

Night is the time with darkness enveloping every object ,
and the object is not seen clearly. It is like ignorance covering true "Self" making it invisible.

When Ignorance does cover the mind, and makes the "Self" invisible, the discovery of "self" may not happen for many a life time.

After many a life time one may feel inclined towards Bhagavan on his own or under the tutelage of a teacher. Then his heart may hanker after the Bhagavan.

We hear the same thing in Gita,"bahūnāṁ janmanāṁ aṁtē.." (bhaga 7-03,20). After the end of many a lifetime, by the grace of God one may acquire a teacher of knowledge.

In that association with that teacher ,the preponderance of Rajo Tamo Gunas is destroyed and the Sattvic nature is enhanced or developed.

The brilliance of the moon lit night is that Sattvic nature. Then Sadhaka is on his search. Teacher too searches for his disciple. When this happens that is seen as a life time.

The life cycle of Sadhaka parallels Hanuma's search.

There are some more thoughts. Sadhaka with a burning desire for realization continues his search. Sita shows how one in separation with a burning desire may act.

In that state of separation from the Supreme being
there is a struggle between the mind covered by ignorance and the "Self". Unless one stands firm and has the blessings of a teacher, one may not attain that realization of Self.

In the process of a guru accepting a Sadhaka too, the determination of the Sadhaka is tested. Only then Sadhaka is accepted.

The dialogue of Ravana and Sita is like the struggle between the mind covered by ignorance and the "Self". After those fiery dialogs of Ravana and Sita, where in Sita stands her ground , then only we see Hanuma talking to Sita

Now the Night is over. The Search for Sita has been completed. The story forward has some more thoughts.

Thus ends the Sarga 18.

ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē vālmīkīyē
caturviṁśat sahasrikāyāṁ saṁhitāyām
śrīmatsuṁdarakāṁḍē aṣṭādaśassargaḥ||

|| ōm tat sat ||