|| Sarga 30 ||
|| Meanings and Summary in English ||
Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English
|| om tat sat||
Sarga 30
Hanuman, hidden in the branches of the Simsupa tree, heard everything: the threatening of Sita by the Rakshasas and Trijata's dream. Looking at Sita, who looked like a goddess in the Nandana gardens of Indra, the Vanara started thinking about his task. The thoughts of Hanuman spoken out loud are the subject of this Sarga.
So now we hear Hanuman.
||Sloka 30.01||
hanumānapi vikrāṁtaḥ sarvaṁ śuśrāva tattvataḥ|
sītāyāḥ trijaṭāyāśca rākṣasīnāṁ tarjanam||30.01||
sa||vikrāṁtaḥ hanumān tattvataḥ rākṣasīnāṁ sītāyāḥ tarjanam trijaṭāyāśca api sarvaṁ śuśrāva||
Rama Tika says- vikrāntaḥ ativikramavān hanumān sītāyāḥ vilāpam trijaṭāyāḥ svapnaṁ rākṣasīnāṁ tarjitaṁ ca sarvaṁ śuśrāva||
||Sloka meanings||
vikrāṁtaḥ hanumān -
valiant Hanuman
rākṣasīnāṁ sītāyāḥ tarjanam -
threatening of Sita by Rakshasas
trijaṭāyāśca api -
as well as Trijata's
sarvaṁ tattvataḥ śuśrāva -
heard all of it in its entirety
||Sloka summary||
"The valiant Hanuman heard the threatening of Sita by Rakshasas as well as Trijata's dream."||30.01||
||Sloka 30.02||
avēkṣamāṇaḥ tāṁ dēvīṁ dēvatāmiva naṁdanē|
tatō bahuvidhāṁ ciṁtāṁ ciṁtayāmāsa vānaraḥ||30.02||
sa||naṁdanē dēvatāṁ iva tāṁ dēvīṁ avēkṣamāṇā vānaraḥ tataḥ bahuvidhāṁ ciṁtayāmāsa||
||Sloka meanings||
tataḥ tāṁ dēvīṁ avēkṣamāṇā -
then looking at Sita
naṁdanē dēvatāṁ iva -
(who is) like a goddess in Nandana
vānaraḥ bahuvidhāṁ ciṁtayāmāsa -
the Vanara started thinking in many ways.
||Sloka summary||
"Looking at Sita who is like a goddess in Nandana , the Vanara started thinking in many ways." ||30.02||
||Sloka 30.03||
yāṁ kapīnāṁ sahasrāṇi subahūnyayutāni ca|
dikṣu sarvāsu mārgaṁtē sēya māsāditā mayā||30.03||
sa|| kapīnāṁ subahūni sahasrāṇi ayutāni ca sarvāsu dikṣu yāṁ mārgaṁtē sā iyaṁ mayā āsāditā||
||Sloka meanings||
sahasrāṇi ayutāni subahūni kapīnāṁ-
Among the many hundreds and thousands of Vanaras
yāṁ ca sarvāsu dikṣu yāṁ mārgaṁtē -
who was being searched for in all directions.
sā iyaṁ mayā āsāditā -
that Sita I found her
||Sloka summary||
"Among the many hundreds and thousands of Vanaras searching for her in all directions, I have found her here." ||30.03||.
||Sloka 30.04||
cārēṇa tu suyuktēna śatrōśśakti mavēkṣatā|
gūḍhēna caratā tāvat avēkṣita midaṁ mayā||30.04||
sa||suyuktēna śatrōḥ śaktiṁ avēkṣatā gūḍhēna caratā cārēṇa mayā idaṁ avēkṣitaṁ tāvat ||
Tilaka Tika says- suyuktēna suprayuktēna svāminā niyuktēna ataēva śatrōḥ śaktiṁ avēkṣatā ata ēva gūḍhēna rūpēṇa caratā cāraṇaṁ mayā tāvatprathamam idaṁ vr̥ttaṁ avēkṣitaṁ jñātam |
||Sloka meanings||
cārēṇa suyuktēna śatrōḥ śaktiṁ avēkṣatā -
well deployed like a spy seeing the strength of the enemies
gūḍhēna caratā - roaming in secret
mayā idaṁ avēkṣitaṁ tāvat -
everything has been seen by me
||Sloka summary||
"Roaming in secret like a spy, intelligently seeing the strength of the enemies, I have seen everything."
||Sloka 30.05||
rākṣasānāṁ viśēṣaśca purīcēyamavēkṣitā|
rākṣasādhipatērasya prabhāvō rāvaṇasya ca ||30.05||
sa|| rākṣasānāṁ viśēṣaḥ ca ayaṁ purī ca asya rākṣasādhipatēḥ rāvaṇasya prabhāvaḥ ca avēkṣitā||
||Sloka meanings||
rākṣasānāṁ ayaṁ purī ca -
this city of Rakshasas
viśēṣaḥ asya rākṣasādhipatēḥ -
specially this king of Rakshasas
rāvaṇasya prabhāvaḥ ca avēkṣitā -
Ravana's power too has been seen by me
||Sloka summary||
"I have seen the city of Rakshasas, as well as the power of the Ravana the king of Rakshasas." ||30.05||
||Sloka 30.06||
yuktaṁ tasyā'pramēyasya sarva sattva dayāvataḥ|
samaśvāsayituṁ bhāryāṁ patidarśana kāṁkṣiṇīm||30.06||
sa|| sarvasattva dayāvataḥ apramēyasya tasya patidarśana kāṁkṣiṇīṁ bhāryāṁ samaśvāsayituṁ yuktaṁ||
||Sloka meanings||
sarvasattva dayāvataḥ -
one who is compassionate to all
apramēyasya tasya -
one of immense power
tasya patidarśana kāṁkṣiṇīṁ bhāryāṁ -
his wife who is anxious to see her husband
samaśvāsayituṁ yuktaṁ -
proper to console her
||Sloka summary||
"It is proper to console her who is anxious to see her husband , who is compassionate to all, who has immeasurable power. ||30.06||
||Sloka 30.07||
ahamāśvāsayā myēnāṁ pūrṇacaṁdranibhānanāṁ|
adr̥ṣṭaduḥkhāṁ duḥkhārtāṁ duḥkhasyāṁtamagacchatīm||30.07||
sa|| ēnāṁ pūrṇacaṁdranibhānanāṁ adr̥ṣṭaduḥkhāṁ duḥkhārtāṁ duḥkhaḥsya aṁtaṁ agacchatīṁ ahaṁ aśvāsayāmi ||
||Sloka meanings||
ēnāṁ pūrṇacaṁdranibhānanāṁ -
this moon-faced lady
one who has not seen sorrows before
duḥkhaḥsya aṁtaṁ agacchatīṁ duḥkhārtāṁ -
not seeing the end of sorrows and deeply in sorrow
(tāṁ) ahaṁ aśvāsayāmi -
I shall console
||Sloka summary||
"I shall console this moon-faced lady who has not seen sorrows before and who is not seeing the end of sorrows." ||30.07||
||Sloka 30.08||
yadyapyahaṁ imāṁ dēvīṁ śōkōpahatacētasāṁ|
anāśvāsya gamiṣyāmi dōṣavat gamanaṁ bhavēt||30.08||
sa|| yadi śōkōpahatacētasāṁ imāṁ dēvīṁ anāśvāsya gamiṣyāmi (tat) dōṣavat gamanaṁ bhavēt||
||Sloka meanings||
śōkōpahatacētasāṁ -
one overwhelmed with sorrow,
imāṁ dēvīṁ - this lady
yadi anāśvāsya gamiṣyāmi -
If I go away without consoling
(tat) dōṣavat gamanaṁ bhavēt -
that will be blame worthy
||Sloka summary||
"If I go away without consoling this lady overwhelmed with sorrow, that will be blameworthy." ||30.08||
||Sloka 30.09||
gatēhi mayi tatrēyaṁ rājaputrī yaśasvinī|
paritrāṇa maviṁdaṁtī jānakī jīvitaṁ tyajēt||30.09||
sa|| mayi tatra gatē hi yaśasvinī rājaputrī jānakī paritrāṇam aviṁdaṁtī jīvitaṁ tyajēt||
||Sloka meanings||
mayi tatra gatē hi -
If I go away
yaśasvinī rājaputrī jānakī -
renowned princess Janaki
paritrāṇam aviṁdaṁtī -
not knowing the way out
jīvitaṁ tyajēt -
will give up her life
||Sloka summary||
"If I go away, this renowned princess not knowing the way out will give up her life." ||30.09||
||Sloka 30.10||
mayā ca sa mahābāhuḥ pūrṇacaṁdra nibhānanaḥ|
samaśvāsayituṁ nyāyyaḥ sītādarśanalālasaḥ||30.10||
sa|| pūrṇacaṁdranibhānanaḥ mahābāhuḥ sītādarśana lālasaḥ ( rāmaḥ) mayā samaśvāsayituṁ nyāyyaḥ ||
||Sloka meanings||
pūrṇacaṁdranibhānanaḥ -
one who has a face like full moon
sītādarśana lālasaḥ -
the one who is anxious to see Sita
mahābāhuḥ ( rāmaḥ) - ,
the strong armed one ( Rama)
mayā samaśvāsayituṁ nyāyyaḥ -
providing relief is my duty
||Sloka summary||'
"It is my duty to Provide relief to the strong-armed Rama, who is anxious to see Sita, who has a face like full moon."||30.10||
||Sloka 30.11||
niśācarīṇāṁ pratyakṣaṁ anarhaṁ cāpi bhāṣaṇam|
kathaṁ nu khalu kartvavyaṁ idaṁ kr̥cchagatō hyaham||30.11||
sa|| niśācarīṇāṁ pratyakṣaṁ bhāṣaṇaṁ ca anarhaṁ api | kathaṁ nu kartavyaṁ nu | ahaṁ kr̥chchagatō hi ||
||Sloka meanings||
niśācarīṇāṁ pratyakṣaṁ bhāṣaṇaṁ ca -
talking in front of the Rakshasas the night beings
anarhaṁ api - not good
kathaṁ nu kartavyaṁ nu -
what is my duty
ahaṁ kr̥chchagatō hi -
I am at a loss
||Sloka summary||
"Talking in front of the Rakshasas the night beings is not good. What is my duty? I am at a loss."
||Sloka 30.12||
anēna rātri śēṣēṇa yadi nāśvāsyatē mayā|
sarvathā nāsti saṁdēhaḥ parityakṣati jīvitam||30.12||
sa|| yadi anēna rātriśēṣēṇa na āśvāsyatē sā sarvathā jīvitaṁ paritakṣyati | saṁdēhaḥ na asti||
||Sloka meanings||.
anēna rātriśēṣēṇa -
before the end of the night
yadi na āśvāsyatē -
if I do not assure her
sā sarvathā jīvitaṁ paritakṣyati -
she will surely give up her life.
saṁdēhaḥ na asti - there is no doubt
||Sloka summary||
"If I do not speak before the end of the night she will give up her life. There is no doubt about that"||30.12||
||Sloka 30.13||
'rāmaśca yadi pr̥cchēnmāṁ kiṁ māṁ sītā'bravīt vacaḥ|
kiṁ ahaṁ taṁ pratibrūyāṁ asaṁbhāṣya sumadhyamām||30.13||
sa|| yadi rāmaḥ māṁ pr̥cchē kiṁ māṁ sītā abravīt vacaḥ tadā sumadhyamām asaṁbhāṣya aham taṁ kiṁ pratibrūyām||
||Sloka meanings||
yadi rāmaḥ māṁ pr̥cchē-
If Rama asks me
kiṁ māṁ sītā abravīt vacaḥ -
what words did Sita say to me
tadā sumadhyamām asaṁbhāṣya-
then without speaking to that lady of beautiful waist
aham taṁ kiṁ pratibrūyām -
what can I tell him?
||Sloka summary||
"If Rama asks me what Sita spoke, then how can I answer if I do not talk to her?" ||30.13||
||Sloka 30.14||
sītā saṁdēśarahitaṁ māṁ itaḥ tvarayā gatam|
nirdahē dapi kākutsthaḥ kruddhaḥ tīvrēṇa cakṣuṣā ||30.14||
sa|| sītā saṁdēśarahitaṁ itaḥ tvarayā gataṁ māṁ kākutsthaḥ kruddhaḥ tīvrēṇa cakṣuṣā nirdahēt api||
||Sloka meanings||
sītā saṁdēśarahitaṁ -
without carrying a message of Sita
itaḥ tvarayā gataṁ māṁ -
If I go away quickly
kākutsthaḥ kruddhaḥ -
the angry scion of Kakutstha
tīvrēṇa cakṣuṣā nirdahēt api -
burn me up with anger in his eyes
||Sloka summary||
"If I go away without carrying a message from Sita, then the scion of Kakutstha will burn me up with anger in his eyes."||30.14||
||Sloka 30.15||
yadi cō dyōjayiṣyāmi bhartāraṁ rāma kāraṇāt|
vyarthamāgamanaṁ tasya sasainyasya bhaviṣyati||30.15||
sa|| rāmakāraṇāt bhartāraṁ yadi ca udyōjayiṣyāmi sasainyasya tasya āgamanaṁ vyarthaṁ bhaviṣyati ||
Govindaraja says- yadi cēt| bhartāraṁ sugrīvam| vyarthaṁ anāśvasya gamanētadāgamana paryantaṁ dēvyāḥ prāṇānavasthānāditi bhāvaḥ|
||Sloka meanings||
rāmakāraṇāt -
for Rama's sake
bhartāraṁ yadi ca udyōjayiṣyāmi -
if I encourage nēthe king of Vanaras
sasainyasya tasya āgamanaṁ -
his coming with army
vyarthaṁ bhaviṣyati -
will be useless
||Sloka summary||
""For Rama's sake, if the King Sugriva comes here with his full army, then his coming will be useless." ||30.15||
Govindaraja elaborates that if Sita is not given confidence, she may give up her life and then the King of Vanaras coming with his army is of no use.
||Sloka 30.16||
aṁtaraṁ tvahamāsādya rākṣasīnāmiha sthitaḥ|
śanairāśvāsayiṣyāmi saṁtāpa bahuḷāmimām||30.16||
sa|| ahaṁ iha sthitaḥ rākṣasīnām aṁtaraṁ asādya saṁtāpabahuḷāṁ imāṁ śanaiḥ āśvāsayiṣyāmi || |
||Sloka meanings||
ahaṁ iha sthitaḥ -
waiting here I (will)
rākṣasīnām aṁtaraṁ asādya -
finding a chance free of Rakshasis
saṁtāpabahuḷāṁ imāṁ -
this lady in deep sorrow
śanaiḥ āśvāsayiṣyāmi -
slowly console her.
||Sloka summary||
"I will wait here, and at the suitable time, I will slowly console this lady who is in deep sorrow." ||30.16||
||Sloka 30.17||
ahaṁ tvatitanuścaiva vānaraśca viśēṣataḥ|
vācaṁ cō dāhariṣyāmi mānuṣī miha saṁskr̥tām||30.17||
sa|| ahaṁ tu atitanuśca | viśēṣataḥ vānaraḥ ca | iha saṁskr̥tāṁ mānuṣīṁ vācaṁ ca udāhiriṣyāmi |
Tilaka Tika says- vānaraḥ vānararūpō'ham ati tanuḥ ati sūkṣma śarīraḥ san saṁskr̥tāṁ vyākaraṇa saṁskārayutāṁ tāṁ sītāṁ vācaṁ udāhariṣyāmi|
||Sloka meanings||
ahaṁ tu atitanuśca-
I am of a small form
viśēṣataḥ vānaraḥ ca -
More specifically a Vanara
iha saṁskr̥tāṁ mānuṣīṁ vācaṁ ca -
the language of cultured men
udāhiriṣyāmi - I will use
||Sloka summary||
"I am of a small body, more specially a Vanara. I will use the language cultured men." ||30.17||
||Sloka 30.18||
yadi vācaṁ pradāsyāmi dvijātiriva saṁskr̥tām|
rāvaṇaṁ manyamānā māṁ sītā bhītā bhaviṣyati||30.18||
sa|| yadi dvijātiḥ iva saṁskr̥tāṁ vācaṁ pradāśyāmi māṁ rāvaṇaṁ manyamānā sītā bhītā bhaviṣyati ||
||Sloka meanings||
yadi dvijātiḥ iva -
like the twice born one
saṁskr̥tāṁ vācaṁ pradāśyāmi -
if I speak in Sanskrit
māṁ rāvaṇaṁ manyamānā -
thinking that I am Ravana
sītā bhītā bhaviṣyati -
Sita will be scared
||Sloka summary||
"If I speak Sanskrit like the twice-born ones, thinking that I am Ravana, Sita will be scared." ||30.18||
||Sloka 30.19||
vānarasya viśēṣēṇa kathaṁ syādabhibhāṣaṇam|
avaśyamēva vaktavyaṁ mānuṣaṁ vākya marthavat||30.19||
mayā sāṁtvayituṁ śakyā nānyathēya maniṁditā|
sa|| viśēṣēṇa vānarasya abhibhāṣaṇaṁ kathaṁ nu || ēvaṁ avaśyam arthavat mānuṣaṁ vākyaṁ vaktavyaṁ|anyathā iyaṁ aniṁditā sāṁtvayituṁ mayā na śakyā ||
||Sloka meanings||
viśēṣēṇa vānarasya -
specifically of Vanara -abhibhāṣaṇaṁ kathaṁ nu -
how can he speak thus ?
ēvaṁ avaśyam mānuṣaṁ vākyaṁ -
so certainly in the language of people
arthavat vaktavyaṁ -
speak meaningfully
anyathā iyaṁ aniṁditā -
otherwise this blameless lady
sāṁtvayituṁ mayā na śakyā -
not possible to pacified by me
||Sloka summary||
"Especially, how can a Vanara speak like this? So I should speak the common language of people. Otherwise, I will not be able to pacify her."||30.19||
Hanuman continues to debate why he should speak in the language of the people.
Govindaraja says in his Tika- atra vākyasya mānuṣatvaṁ kōsaladēśavartimanuṣya saṁbaṁdhitvaṁ vivakṣitam| tādr̥g vākyasya ēvaṁ dēvi paricitatvāt||
||Sloka 30.20||
sēya mālōkya mē rūpaṁ jānakī bhāṣitaṁ tathā||30.20||
rakṣōbhi strāsitā pūrvaṁ bhūya strāsaṁ gamiṣyati|
sa||pūrvaṁ rakṣōbhiḥ trāsitā sā iyaṁ jānaki mē rūpaṁ ālōkya bhāṣitam tathā bhūyaḥ trāsaṁ gamiṣyati ||
||Sloka meanings||
pūrvaṁ rakṣōbhiḥ trāsitā -
already frightened by the Rakshasas
sā iyaṁ jānaki - this Janaki
mē rūpaṁ ālōkya bhāṣitam -
seeing my form and the speech
tathā bhūyaḥ trāsaṁ gamiṣyati -
will be scared again
||Sloka summary||
"Already frightened by the Rakshasas, this Janaki seeing my form and hearing the language, she will be scared again."||30.20||
||Sloka 30.21||
tatō jāta paritrāsā śabdaṁ kuryān manasvinī||30.21||
jānamānā viśālākṣī rāvaṇaṁ kāmarūpiṇam|
sa|| tataḥ manasvinī viśālākṣī māṁ kāmarūpiṇaṁ rāvaṇaṁ jānamānā jātaparitrāsā śabdaṁ kurvan ||
||Sloka meanings||
tataḥ manasvinī viśālākṣī -
then the wide-eyed sensitive lady Sita
māṁ kāmarūpiṇaṁ rāvaṇaṁ jānamānā -
thinking that I am the Ravana who can take any form,
jātaparitrāsā śabdaṁ kurvan -
frightened she will make loud noise
||Sloka summary||
"Then the wide-eyed sensitive lady Sita, thinking that I am the Ravana who can take any form, being frightened, she will make loud noise."||30.21||
||Sloka 30.22||
sītāyā ca kr̥tē śabdē sahasā rākṣasī gaṇāḥ||30.22||
nānāpraharaṇō ghōraḥ samēyādaṁtakōpamaḥ|
sa|| sītayāḥ kr̥tē śabdē rākṣasī gaṇāḥ nānāpraharaṇaḥ ghōraḥ aṁtakōpamaḥ samēyāt ||
||Sloka meanings||
sītayāḥ kr̥tē śabdē -
with the sound made by Sita
armed with different kind of weapons
aṁtakōpamaḥ ghōraḥ rākṣasī gaṇāḥ -
legions of terrible Rakshasis like the dreadful Yama
sahasā samēyāt - will gather quickly
||Sloka summary||
"With the sound made by Sita Rakshasa legions armed with different kind of weapons will gather, like the dreadful Yama."||30.22||
||Sloka 30.23||
tatō māṁ saṁparikṣipya sarvatō vikr̥tānanāḥ||30.23||
vadhē ca grahaṇē caiva kuryuryatnaṁ yathābalam|
sa|| tataḥ vikr̥tānanaḥ māṁ sarvataḥ saṁparikṣipya vadhē ca grahaṇē ca yathābalaṁ yatnaṁ kuryuḥ||
||Sloka meanings||
tataḥ vikr̥tānanaḥ -
then the Rakshasas with hideous faces
māṁ sarvataḥ saṁparikṣipya -
having surrounded me
vadhē ca grahaṇē ca -
to capture me or kill me
yathābalaṁ yatnaṁ kuryuḥ -
will make a forceful effort
||Sloka summary||
"Then the Rakshasas with hideous faces will surround me and make a forceful effort to capture me or kill me." ||30.23||
||Sloka 30.24||
gr̥hya śākhāḥ praśākhāśca skaṁdhāṁ ścōttamaśākhinām||30.24||
dr̥ṣṭvā viparidhāvaṁtaṁ bhavēyurbhayaśaṁkitāḥ|
sa|| uttamaśākhināṁ śākhāḥ praśākhasya skaṁdhaśca gr̥hya viparidhāvaṁtaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā bhayaśaṁkitāḥ bhavēyuḥ||
||Sloka meanings||
uttamaśākhināṁ śākhāḥ -
branches of big trees
praśākhasya skaṁdhaśca gr̥hya -
holding on to side branches and trunks of best trees
viparidhāvaṁtaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā -
seeing me running away
bhayaśaṁkitāḥ bhavēyuḥ -
they will get scared
||Sloka summary||
"Seeing me holding the branches, side branches and trunks of best trees and running, the Rakshasas will get scared." ||30.24||
||Sloka 30.25||
mama rūpaṁ ca saṁprēkṣya vanē vicaratō mahat||30.25||
rākṣasyō bhayavitrastā bhavēyurvikr̥tānanaḥ|
sa|| vikr̥tānanaḥ rākṣasyaḥ vanē vicarataḥ māṁ mahat rūpaṁ saṁprēkṣya bhayavitrastāḥ bhavēt ||
||Sloka meanings||
vikr̥tānanaḥ rākṣasyaḥ -
Rakshasas with hideous faces
vanē vicarataḥ māṁ -
me moving about in the grove
mahat rūpaṁ saṁprēkṣya -
seeing my great from
bhayavitrastāḥ bhavēt -
will be very scared
||Sloka summary||
The Rakshasas with hideous faces seeing my great from moving about in the groves will be very scared.||30.25||
||Sloka 30.26||
tataḥ kuryussamāhvānaṁ rākṣasyō rakṣasāmapi||30.26||
rākṣasēṁdra niyuktānāṁ rākṣasēṁdra nivēśanē |
sa|| tataḥ rākṣasyaḥ rākṣasēṁdranivēśanē rākṣasēṁdraniyuktānāṁ rākṣasānāṁ api samāhvānaṁ kuryuḥ||
||Sloka meanings||
rākṣasēṁdraniyuktānāṁ rākṣasānāṁ -
the Rakshasas deployed by the king of Rakshasas
rākṣasēṁdranivēśanē api -
in the Royal mansion also
tataḥ rākṣasyaḥ samāhvānaṁ kuryuḥ -
will be invited by these Rakshasas then
||Sloka summary||
"Then the Rakshasas will invite the guards employed for the residence of the king of Rakshasas." ||30.26||
||Sloka 30.27||
tē śūlaśakti nistriṁśa vividhāyudhapāṇayaḥ||30.27||
apatēyurvimardēssmin vēgēnōdvignakāriṇaḥ|
sa||tē tasmin vimardē śūlaśakti nistriṁśa vividhāyudhapāṇayaḥ udvēgakāraṇāt vēgēna āpatēyuḥ||
||Sloka meanings||
tē tasmin vimardē - then in that war
śūlaśakti nistriṁśa vividhāyudhapāṇayaḥ -
armed with spears tridents swords and different kinds of weapons
udvēgakāraṇāt vēgēna āpatēyuḥ -
being excited will come speedily
||Sloka summary||
"Those Rakshasas, excited, will come speedily armed with spears, tridents, swords, and different kinds of weapons for war."||30.27||
||Sloka 30.28||
saṁruddhastaistu paritō vidhaman rakṣasāṁ balam||30.28||
śaknuyāṁ natu saṁprāptaṁ paraṁ pāraṁ mahōdadhēḥ|
sa|| tē paritaḥ samr̥ddhaḥ rākṣasānāṁ balaṁ vidhaman mahōdadhēḥ paraṁ pāraṁsaṁprāptuṁ na śaknuyām||
||Sloka meanings||
tē paritaḥ -
surrounded by them
samr̥ddhaḥ rākṣasānāṁ balaṁ vidhaman -
fighting their strength
mahōdadhēḥ paraṁ pāraṁ saṁprāptuṁ -
the other end of the ocean
saṁprāptuṁ na śaknuyām -
may not be able to reach
||Sloka summary||
"Surrounded by them, I may not be able to reach the other end of the ocean."||30.28||
||Sloka 30.29||
māṁ vā gr̥hṇīyurāplutya bahava śśīghrakāriṇaḥ||30.29||
syādiyaṁ cā gr̥hītārthā mama ca grahaṇaṁ bhavēt |
sa|| śśīghrakāriṇaḥ bahavaḥ āplutya māṁ gr̥hṇīyuḥ vā | iyaṁ ca agr̥hītārthā syāt | mama ca grahaṇaṁ bhavēt ||
||Sloka meanings||
śśīghrakāriṇaḥ bahavaḥ -
many prompt to act Rakshasas
āplutya māṁ gr̥hṇīyuḥ vā -
jump up in the sky to capture me.
iyaṁ ca agr̥hītārthā syāt -
this lady may not receive any message
mama ca grahaṇaṁ bhavēt -
I may also be captured too
||Sloka summary||
""Ignited with the desire to capture me, the Rakshasas will leap into the sky. This lady will not receive any message, and I will also be captured." ||30.29||
||Sloka 30.30||
hiṁcābhirucayō hiṁsyurimāṁ vā janakātmajām||30.30||
vipannaṁ syāttataḥ kāryaṁ rāmasugrīvayōridam|
sa|| vā hiṁsābhirucayaḥ imāṁ janakātmajāṁ hiṁstyaḥ | tataḥ rāmasugrīvayōḥ idaṁ kāryaṁ vipannaṁ syāt||
||Sloka meanings||
vā hiṁsābhirucayaḥ -
interested in acts of violence,
imāṁ janakātmajāṁ hiṁstyaḥ -
will harm the daughter of Janaka.
tataḥ rāmasugrīvayōḥ -
the mission of Rama and Sugriva
idaṁ kāryaṁ vipannaṁ syāt -
will also be lost
||Sloka summary||
They are interested in acts of violence and will harm the Janaka's daughter. Then Rama and Sugriva's mission will be lost. ||30.30||
||Sloka 30.31||
uddēśē naṣṭamārgē'smin rākṣasaiḥ parivāritē||30.31||
sāgarēṇa parikṣiptē guptē vasati jānakī|
sa||jānakī naṣṭamārgē rākṣasaiḥ parivāritē sāgarēṇa parikṣiptē guptē asmin uddēśē vasati||
||Sloka meanings||
naṣṭamārgē rākṣasaiḥ parivāritē -
guarded by the Rakshasas, in a secret place
sāgarēṇa parikṣiptē - surrounded by the ocean
guptē asmin uddēśē - hidden in this location
jānakī vasati - Janaki is staying
||Sloka summary||
"Janaki is hidden in this location, surrounded by the ocean, guarded by the Rakshasas, staying in this secret place." ||30.31||
||Sloka 30.32||
viśastē nigr̥hītē vā rakṣōbhirmayi saṁyugē||30.32||
nānyaṁ paśyāmi rāmasya sāhāyyaṁ kāryasādhanē|
sa||mayi saṁyugē rakṣōbhiḥ viśastē vā gr̥hītē vā rāmasya kāryasādhanē anyaṁ sahāyaṁ na paśyāmi ||
||Sloka meanings||
mayi saṁyugē rakṣōbhiḥ -
in the battle with Rakshasa
viśastē vā gr̥hītē vā -
if killed or captured
rāmasya kāryasādhanē -
in achieving the task of Rama
anyaṁ sahāyaṁ na paśyāmi-
do not see anybody else who can help (in accomplishing this task).
||Sloka summary||
"If I am killed or captured in the battle with Rakshasas , I do not see anybody else who can help in accomplishing this task." ||30.32||
||Sloka 30.33||
vimr̥śaṁśca na paśyāmi yō hatē mayi vānaraḥ||30.33||
śatayōjanavistīrṇaṁ laṁghayēta mahōdadhim|
sa||mayi hatē yaḥ vānaraḥ śatayōjanavistīrṇaṁ mahōdadhiṁ laṁghayēt vimr̥śan ca na paśyāmi ||
||Sloka meanings||
mayi hatē - If I am killed
śatayōjanavistīrṇaṁ -
hundred Yojana wide
yaḥ vānaraḥ mahōdadhiṁ laṁghayēt -
a Vanara who can leap over the ocean
vimr̥śan ca na paśyāmi -
even after reflecting carefully I do not see
||Sloka summary||
"If I am killed, even after reflecting carefully, I do not see another Vanara who can leap over the hundred Yojana wide ocean." ||30.33||
Hanuman says he does not see any Vanara who can cross the hundred Yojana ocean, which is true, as we know from the dialogue among the Vanaras when they reached the ocean in search of Sita. Faced with the gigantic task of crossing the ocean, the Vanaras wondered who could cross it. Each of the Vanaras expressed doubt about their capability. Then only Jambavan prodded Hanuman into taking the leap.
||Sloka 30.34||
kāṁmaṁ haṁtuṁ samarthō'smi sahasrāṇyapi rakṣasām||30.34||
na tu śakṣyāmi saṁprāptuṁ paraṁ pāraṁ mahōdadhēḥ|
sa|| rākṣasāṁ sahasrāṇi api haṁtuṁ samarthaḥ asmi | kāmaṁ tu mahōdadhēḥ paraṁ pāraṁ saṁprāptuṁ na śakṣyāmi ||
||Sloka meanings||
rākṣasāṁ sahasrāṇi api -
even thousand Rakshasas
haṁtuṁ samarthaḥ asmi-
I am capable of killing
kāmaṁ tu mahōdadhēḥ paraṁ pāraṁ saṁprāptuṁ -
but reaching the other shore of the ocean thereafter
na śakṣyāmi - may not be possible"
||Sloka summary||
"I am capable of killing thousands of Rakshasas, but reaching the other shore thereafter may not be possible." ||30.34||
||Sloka 30.35||
asatyāni ca yuddhāni saṁśayō mē na rōcatē||30.35||
kaśca nissaṁśayaṁ kāryaṁ kuryāt prājñaḥ sasaṁśayam
sa||yuddhāni asatyāni ca saṁśayaḥ mē na rōcatē| kaḥ prajñaḥ niḥsaṁśayaṁ kāryaṁ sasaṁśayaṁ kuryāt |
Tilaka Tika says - kiṁ ca yuddhē jayō'pi saṁdigdha ityāha asatyāniti| aniścita jayāni|saṁśayaḥ saṁśayitajayaphalaka yuddhavyāpāraḥ|arucihētu prājñatvamēva darśayati|
Rama Tika says - niḥsaṁśayaṁ saṁśayarahitaṁ kāryaṁ kaḥ prājñaḥ kuryāt nakō'pi ityarthaḥ| Who will take up an uncertain task without any question.
||Sloka meanings||
yuddhāni asatyāni ca -
war is uncertain
saṁśayaḥ mē na rōcatē -
I do not like the uncertainty
kaḥ prajñaḥ niḥsaṁśayaḥ sasaṁśayaṁ kāryaṁ kuryāt -
which wise man will without doubt take up a doubtful work?
||Sloka summary||
"The war is no doubt unpredictable. Which wise man will take a doubtful task without questioning it?" ||30.35||
||Sloka 30.36||
prāṇatyāgaśca vaidēhyā bhavēt anabhibhāṣaṇē||30.36||
ēṣa dōṣō mahān hi syā nmama sītābhibhāṣaṇē|
sa|| anabhibhāṣaṇē vaidēhyā prāṇatyāgaśca bhavēt | sītā abhibhāṣaṇē ēṣa mahān dōṣaḥ syāt |
||Sloka meanings||
anabhibhāṣaṇē -
do not speak
vaidēhyā prāṇatyāgaśca bhavēt -
Vaidehi will give up her life
sītā abhibhāṣaṇē -
speaking to Sita
ēṣa mahān dōṣaḥ syāt -
may also result in great harm ī mahā
||Sloka summary||
"If I do not speak Vaidehi will give up her life. Speaking to her may also result in great harm ". ||30.36||
||Sloka 30.37||
bhūtā ścārthā vinaśyaṁti dēśakālavirōdhitāḥ||30.37||
viklabaṁ dūtamāsādya tamaḥ sūryōdayē yathā|
sa|| viklabaṁ dūtaṁ asādya bhūtāḥ arthāḥ dēśakālavirōdhitāḥ sūryōdayē tamasaḥ yathā vinaśyaṁti||
||Sloka meanings||
viklabaṁ dūtaṁ asādya -
having a confused messenger
bhūtāḥ arthāḥ -
even sure tasks
dēśakālavirōdhitāḥ vinaśyaṁti -
fail if time and place are not propitious
sūryōdayē tamasaḥ yathā -
like darkness dispelled by the sunrise
||Sloka summary||
"If the time and place are not propitious, having a confused messenger may cause even sure tasks to fail, just as darkness is dispelled by the sunrise." ||30.37||
||Sloka 30.38||
arthānarthāṁtarē buddhiḥ niścitāpi na śōbhatē||30.38||
ghātayaṁti hi kāryāṇi dūtāṁ paṁḍitamāninaḥ|
sa|| arthān anarthāṁ aṁtarē buddhiḥ niścitāpi na śōbhatē | paṁḍitamāninaḥ dūtāḥ kāryāṇi ghātayaṁti hi||
||Sloka meanings||
arthān anarthāṁ aṁtarē -
between pros and cons
buddhiḥ niścitāpi na śōbhatē -
even a mind that is steady does not shine
paṁḍitamāninaḥ dūtāḥ -
messengers who assume they are scholars
kāryāṇi ghātayaṁti hi -
destroy their mission
||Sloka summary||
"Even a steady mind does not shine between pros and cons. Messengers who assume they are scholars destroy their mission." ||30.38||
||Sloka 30.39||
na vinaśyēt kathaṁ kāryaṁ vaiklabyaṁ na kathaṁ bhavēt ||30.39||
laṁghanaṁ ca samudrasya kathaṁ nu vr̥thābhavēt|
sa|| kāryaṁ kathaṁ na vinaśyēt | vaiklabyaṁ na kathaṁ bhavēt | samudrasya laṁghanaṁ kathaṁ nu vr̥thābhavēt ||
||Sloka meanings||
kāryaṁ kathaṁ na vinaśyēt -
how to see that the mission is not destroyed.
vaiklabyaṁ na kathaṁ bhavēt -
how can the failure be avoided?
samudrasya laṁghanaṁ kathaṁ nu vr̥thābhavēt -
how can the crossing of ocean be not wasted'?
||Sloka summary||
"How can I ensure that the mission is not destroyed? How can failure be avoided? How can the crossing of the ocean not be a waste?" ||30.39||
||Sloka 30.40||
kathaṁ nu khalu vākyaṁ mē śr̥ṇuyānnō dvijēta vā ||30.40||
iti saṁciṁtya hanumāṁścakāra matimānmatim|
sa|| mē vākyaṁ katham nu śr̥ṇuyāyāt na udvijēt vā iti saṁcitya matimān hanumān matiṁ cakāra||
||Sloka meanings||
mē vākyaṁ na udvijēt -
not scared by my words
katham nu śr̥ṇuyāt khalu iti saṁcitya-
thus thinking on 'how to ensure
matimān hanumān - intelligent Hanuman
matiṁ cakāra - came to a decision
||Sloka summary||.
"Thus, thinking about how to ensure that she is not scared by my words, Hanuman came to a decision." ||30.40||
||Sloka 30.41||
rāmaṁ akliṣṭakarmāṇaṁ svabaṁdhu manukīrtayan||30.41||
nainā mudvējayiṣyāmi tadbaṁdhugata mānasām|
sa|| akliṣṭakarmaṇāṁ subaṁdhuṁ rāmaṁ anukīrtayan tad baṁdhugatamānasāṁ ēnāṁ na udvējayiṣyāmi||
||Sloka meanings||
akliṣṭakarmaṇāṁ -
one who is known for judicious action
subaṁdhuṁ rāmaṁ anukīrtayan -
praising Rama who is very dear to her
tad baṁdhugatamānasāṁ ēnāṁ -
this lady whose mind is absorbed in Rama
na udvējayiṣyāmi - will not create fear.
||Sloka summary||
"By praising the one who is known for judicious action, who is very dear to her, in whom her mind is absorbed, I will not create fear." ||30.41||
||Sloka 30.42,43||
ikṣvākūṇāṁ variṣṭasya rāmasya viditātmanaḥ||30.42||
śubhāni dharmayuktāni vacanāni samarpayan|
śrāvayiṣyāmi sarvāṇi madhurāṁ prabruvan giram||30.43||
sa|| ikṣvākūṇām variṣṭhasya viditātmanaḥ rāmasya śubhāni vacanāni samarpayan madhurāṁ giraṁ prabr̥van sarvāṇi śrāvaiṣyāmi |
Rama Tika says- mathurāṁ giraṁ prabr̥van san sarvāṇi ramasaṁdēśa vacanāni śrāvayiṣyāmiyathā yēna prakārēṇa sītā śraddhāsyati rāmavacanatvēna śraddhāṁ kariṣyati tathā sarvaṁ sītāyāḥ asaṁkita jātaṁ samādadhē pratyuttarasyāmi|
||Sloka meanings||
ikṣvākūṇām variṣṭhasya -
the esteemed person of Ikshwakus
viditātmanaḥ rāmasya -
of Rama, who has realized self
śubhāni vacanāni samarpayan -
presenting auspicious words
madhurāṁ giraṁ prabr̥van -
uttering sweet words
sarvāṇi śrāvaiṣyāmi -
make her listen to every thing
||Sloka summary||
"Presenting auspicious words about Rama , the esteemed person of Ikshwakus, who has realized Self, I will make her listen to everything while uttering sweet words." ||30.42,43||
||Sloka 30.44||
śraddāsyati yathā hīyaṁ tathā sarvaṁ samādadhē||30.44||
sa|| iyaṁ yathā śraddhāsyati tathā sarvaṁ samādadē||
||Sloka meanings||
iyaṁ yathā śraddhāsyati -
in a way to increase for confidence
tathā sarvaṁ samādadē -
will tell everything (in that way)
||Sloka summary||
"I will in act in a way to increase her trust in me "
||Sloka 30.45||
iti sa bahuvidhaṁ mahānubhāvō
jagati patēḥ pramadāmavēkṣamāṇaḥ|
madhuramavitathaṁ jagāda vākyaṁ
drumaviṭapāṁtara māsthitō hanūmān||30.45||
sa|| mahānubhāvaḥ saḥ hanumān drumaviṭapāṁtaraṁ āsthitaḥ jagati patēḥ pramadāṁ avēkṣamāṇaḥ bahuvidhaṁ avitathaṁ mathuraṁ vākyaṁ iti jagāda||
||Sloka meanings||
mahānubhāvaḥ saḥ hanumān -
then the great Hanuman
drumaviṭapāṁtaraṁ āsthitaḥ -
seated among the branches of the tree
jagati patēḥ pramadāṁ avēkṣamāṇaḥ -
looking at the wife of the lord of the universe
bahuvidhaṁ avitathaṁ - in many ways relating faithfully
mathuraṁ vākyaṁ iti jagāda- said the following sweet words
||Sloka summary||
"The great Hanuman, seated among the branches of the tree and hidden, looked at the wife of the lord of the universe started speaking earnestly." ||30.45||
Thus, we again hear Hanuman relate the story of Rama. When Rama's story is sung, there is no distraction. It was so before too when there was distraction in the form of Mainaka, who appeared in the middle of the ocean, or when Surasa blocked him in the middle of the ocean; the reaction of Hanuman was to immediately recite the story of Rama and reiterate the purpose of his travel. That helped him move forward on his mission
Here also Hanuman follows the same path, singing Rama's story to gain the confidence of Sita and also please Sita. That is the power of Rama's story. That is also what we learn in the thirtieth Sarga of Sundarakanda.
Thus ends the Sarga thirty in Sundarakanda of Ramayana, the first poem ever composed by the first poet sage Valmiki.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē vālmīkīyē
caturviṁśat sahasrikāyāṁ saṁhitāyām
śrīmatsuṁdarakāṁḍē triṁśassargaḥ||
Thus ends the Sarga thirty in Sundarakanda of Ramayana the first poem ever composed by the first poet sage Valmiki.
||ōm tat sat||