|| Sarga 42 ||
|| Meanings and Summary in English ||
Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English
|| om tat sat||
Sarga 42
At the end of Sarga forty-one, Hanuman decides on the course of action having successfully completed his the task of searching for Sita. The very careful Hanuman , who moved around in a small form so as to be not be detected while conducting his search, now decided on course of action to confront Ravana. Accordingly, he goes on a spree of destruction in the Ashoka grove, resulting in the sounds of birds in panic and the crackling sounds of trees being felled, thus alerting the Rakshasas. The Forty second Sarga opens with that scene.
This Sarga also has the famous victory chant of Hanuman, "जयत्यति बलोरामो" - We will have more on that.
Now the Slokas of Sarga 42.
||Sloka 42.01||
ततः पक्षि निनादेन वृक्षभंगस्वनेन च।
बभूवु स्त्राससंभ्रांताः सर्वे लंकानिवासिनः॥42.01||
स॥ ततः सर्वे लंकावासिनः पक्षि निनादेण वृक्षभंगस्वनेन च त्रास संभ्रांताः बभूवुः॥
Rama Tika says- पक्षिनिनादादिना सर्वे लंका निवासिनः त्रासेन भयेन संभ्रान्ताः उद्विग्नचित्ताः भभूवुः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
ततः सर्वे लंकावासिनः -
then all the residents of Lanka
पक्षि निनादेण -
with the sounds of the birds
वृक्षभंगस्वनेन च -
with the cracking sounds of trees
त्रास संभ्रांताः बभूवुः -
became panicked
||Sloka summary||
"Then all the residents of Lanka panicked hearing the sounds of the birds and the cracking sounds of trees. " ||42.01||
||Sloka 42.02||
विद्रुताश्च भयत्रस्ता विनेदुर्मृगपक्षिणः।
रक्षसां च निमित्तानि क्रूराणि प्रतिपेदिरे॥42.02||
स॥ मृगपक्षिणः विद्रुताः भयत्रासाः विनेदुः | रक्षसां च क्रूराणि निमित्तानि प्रतिपेदिरे॥
॥Sloka meanings||.
मृगपक्षिणः विद्रुताः -
beast and birds became scared ran helter skelter
भयत्रासाः विनेदुः -
made screeching sounds in fear
रक्षसां च - Rakshasas too
क्रूराणि निमित्तानि प्रतिपेदिरे -
saw fierce portents
||Sloka summary||
"The beast and birds became scared ran and flew away in different directions. The Rakshasas saw fierce portents." ||42.02||
||Sloka 42.03||
ततो गतायां निद्रायां राक्षस्यो विकृताननः।
तद्वनं ददृशुर्भग्नं तं च वीरं महाकपिम्॥42.03||
स॥ ततः विकृताननः रक्षस्यः निद्रायां गतायां तत् भग्नं वनं वीरं महाकपिं च दद्रुशुः ||
||Sloka meanings||
ततः विकृताननः रक्षस्यः -
the Rakshasis with hideous faces
निद्रायां गतायां -
awakened from sleep
तत् भग्नं वनं -
the devastated grove
वीरं महाकपिं च दद्रुशुः-
saw the heroic Vanara
||Sloka summary||
"Then the Rakshasis with hideous faces awakened from sleep saw the devastated grove and the heroic Vanara." ||42.03||
||Sloka 42.04||
स ता दृष्ट्वा महाबाहुः महासत्त्वो महाबलः।
चकार सुमहद्रूपं राक्षसीनां भयावहम्॥42.04||
स॥ महाबलः महासत्त्वः सः ताः दृष्ट्वा राक्षसीनां भयावहं सुमहत् रूपं चकार॥
॥Sloka meanings||
महाबलः महासत्त्वः सः -
powerful mighty hero Hanuman
ताः दृष्ट्वा - seeing them
सुमहत् रूपं चकार -
assumed a very huge form
राक्षसीनां भयावहं -
creating fear for Rakshasas
||Sloka summary||
"The powerful mighty hero Hanuman seeing the Rakshasas assumed a very huge form to create fear."||42.04||
So, Hanuman who moved around in a small form ( वृषदंशकमात्रः), now assumed a very huge form to create fear among the enemies.
||Sloka 42.05||
ततस्तं गिरि संकाशं अतिकायं महाबलम्।
राक्षस्यो वानरं दृष्ट्वा प्रपच्छुर्जनकात्मजम्॥42.05||
स॥ ततः तं गिरिसंकाशं अतिकायं महाबलं वानरं दृष्ट्वा राक्षस्यः जनकात्मजं प्रपच्छुः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
ततः वानरं दृष्ट्वा -
then seeing the Vanara
तं गिरिसंकाशं -
him, of the size of a mountain
अतिकायं महाबलं -
large bodied mighty Vanara
राक्षस्यः जनकात्मजं प्रपच्छुः -
Rakshasas asked the daughter of Janaka
||Sloka summary||
"Then seeing the large bodied mighty Vanara of the size of a mountain, the Rakshasas asked the daughter of Janaka." ||42.05||
||Sloka 42.06||
कोऽयं कस्य कुतो वायं किन्निमित्तमिहागतः।
कथं त्वया सहानेन संवादः कृत इत्युत ||42.06||
स॥ अयं कः। कस्य अयं। कुतः किं निमित्तं इह आगतः। त्वया सः अनेन संवादः कृतः कथं इति॥
Govindaraja says in his Tika - अयं कः किं नाम इत्यर्थः त्वया सः संवादः कथं कृतः इत्याचक्ष्वा कथय , न च संवाद समये तसां निद्रितात्वेन संवाद ज्ञान अभावात् कथं तद्विषयकः प्रश्न इति वाच्यं संवाद समये किंचिन्निद्रापगमेन सीतामुखप्रसाद हेतुक तत्संबध्यानुमानेन वा तज्ञ्जान संभवात्॥
||Sloka meanings||
अयं कः -
who is this?
कस्य अयं -
whom did he belong to ?
कुतः किं निमित्तं इह आगतः -
where did he come from and for what purpose?
त्वया सः अनेन संवादः कृतः कथं इति -
what was the dialog with him?
||Sloka summary||
'Who is this. Whom did he belong to ? Where did he come from and for what purpose? What was the dialog with him?"||42.07||
Some commentators raised the question, of how did the Rakshasa women guarding Sita, who woke up from their slumber, hearing the noises of the birds and falling trees, know that Sita spoke to that Vanara. This was adequately commented upon by Govindaraja in his Tika and also in Rama Tika. Rakshasis, seeing the aura of peace present in Sita's face, on account of her having talked to Hanuma, gave rise to doubts in their minds and that is implied in their questions for Sita. This also fits in with Hanuman's description of Sita in the last Sloka of Sundarakanda, as having provided solace to the troubled mind of Sita.
||Sloka 42.07||
आचक्ष्व नो विशालाक्षि माभूत्ते सुभगे भयम्।
संवाद मसितापांगे त्वया किं कृतवानयम्॥42.07||
स॥ विशालाक्षि नः आचक्ष्व। सुभगे ते भयं माभूत् | असितापांगे अयं त्वया किं संवादं कृतवान् ||
||Sloka meanings||
विशालाक्षि नः आचक्ष्व -
o wide eyed lady you may tell us
सुभगे ते भयं माभूत् -
o auspicious one let there be no fear
असितापांगे अयं त्वया -
Oh dark eyed one with you
किं संवादं कृतवान् -
what conversation did he have?
||Sloka summary||
"Oh Wide eyed Lady you may tell. Oh Auspicious one let there be no fear. Oh dark eyed one ! What conversation did he have with you"? ||42.07||
||Sloka 42.08||
अथाब्रवीन् महासाध्वी सीता सर्वांगसुंदरी।
रक्षसां भीमरूपाणां विज्ञाने मम का गतिः॥42.08||
स॥ सीता महासाध्वी सर्वांगसुंदरी अब्रवीन् | भीमरूपाणां रक्षसां विज्ञाने गतिः मम का॥
॥Sloka meanings||
सर्वांगसुंदरी महासाध्वी -
Chaste lady of beautiful limbs
सीता अब्रवीन् - Sita spoke
भीमरूपाणां रक्षसां गतिः-
the ways of fierce looking Rakshasas
विज्ञाने मम का - how do I know?
||Sloka summary||
"Chaste Sita , a lady of beautiful limbs spoke. ' How do I know the fierce looking Rakshasas." ||42.08||
||Sloka 42.09||
यूयमेवाभिजानीत योऽयं यद्वा करिष्यति।
अ हि रेव ह्यहेः पादान् विजानाति न संशयः॥42.09||
स॥ यूयं एव अभिजानीता अयं यः यद्वा करिष्यति | अहेः पादान् अहिः एव विजानाति | संशयः न ||
||Sloka meanings||
यूयं एव अभिजानीता -
only you know
अयं यः यद्वा करिष्यति -
who he is, and what he is about?
अहेः पादान् अहिः एव विजानाति -
serpent alone knows the movement of another serpent
संशयः न -
there is no doubt in that
||Sloka summary||
"Only you know who he is, and what he is about. A serpent alone knows the movement of another serpent."||42.09||
||Sloka 42.10||
अहमप्यस्य भीतास्मि नैनं जानामि कोन्वयम्।
वेद्मि राक्षस मेवैन कामरूपिण मागतम्॥42.10||
स॥अहं अपि अस्य भीता अस्मि। एनं को नु अयं न जानामि | एनं आगतं कामरूपिणं राक्षसं एव वेद्मि॥
Govindaraja says in his Tika- नैनं जानामीति। विवाहकाले रतिसंप्रयोगे प्राणत्यये सर्वधनापहत्रे। मित्रस्यचाऽर्थेपि अनृतं वदेयुः पंचानृतान्याहु अपातकानि ।इति स्मराणादसत्योक्तिः
||Sloka meanings||
अहं अपि अस्य भीता अस्मि-
I am also scared of him
एनं को नु अयं न जानामि -
I do not know who he is
एनं आगतं -
the one who has come
कामरूपिणं राक्षसं एव वेद्मि -
I think is a Rakshasa who can assume any form
||Sloka summary||
"I am also scared of him. I do not know who he is. I think the one who has come is Rakshasa who can assume any form".||42.10||
Here, Sita does not tell the truth. Hanuma has come to find her and protect her. If she were to tell the truth, the Rakshasas may capture him and hurt him. Not telling truth is a sin too. Thinking that protecting Hanuma is more important, and thinking that she can bear the sin of telling a lie, Sita decides not to tell the truth.
Hanuma is the Teacher. Sita is the disciple. To protect the teacher, the disciple may tell a lie. Disciple ought to be ever ready to protect the teacher. Following that dictum Sita tells a lie.
In Ramayana we see such an incident on one other occasions. When Rama leaves for forest along with Sita and Lakshmana on a chariot, Dasaratha calls out Sumantra, the charioteer, to stop. Rama tells Sumantra to proceed. Rama also tells Sumantra that he can inform the King, that he did not hear the king's directions. Rama, 'the best of men' spoken of by Narada, tells Sumantra to lie. This leads one to question, why did Rama do that?
If Dasaratha with his powers stops Rama from going to forest, then Dasaratha would be committing the sin of not keeping his word. Dasaratha's order to Sumantra was out of his love for his son. But that clearly makes him default on his moral duty. Rama realizes that. In the event of a father defaulting on his "duty", it is the duty of the son to uphold "that duty". King Dasaratha is his father. King is the ruler of the country. King cannot be defaulting on his duty. To keep the king from defaulting, the minister or the son may tell a lie.
The same message is seen in Kathopanishad. Nachiketa sees his father giving away barren cows. He realizes that such gifts will not lead his father to a world of merit. So Nachiketa asks his father to whom will he be given away. The pestered father, being busy in giving away, says "to Yama" Once Nachiketa gets ready to go to Yama, his father realizes his mistake and tries to backtrack. But Nachiketa would not let his father back track. Convincing his father, he proceeds to Yama loka.
So, to stop a father from committing a sin is son's duty. Rama telling Sumantra not to stop is thus proper. Sita telling a lie to protect Hanuma too is thus proper.
Govindaraja says the following in his Tika - नैनं जानामीति। विवाहकाले रतिसंप्रयोगे प्राणत्यये सर्वधनापहरे । मित्रस्यचाऽर्थेपि अनृतं वदेयुः पंचानृतान्याहु अपातकानि ।इति स्मराणादसत्योक्तिः ॥ At the time of marriage, danger to life, at the time of wealth being stolen away, for friends under those circumstance lie may be told and will not result in a sin.
Applacharyulugaru has another thought on this.
Sita said - "अ हि रेव ह्यहेः पादान् विजानाति न संशयः"||9|| ; Here the word अहि has two meanings. One is snake and the other is internal enemy. Rakshasa women are the internal enemies of Sita. Hanuma is the internal enemy of the Rakshasa women. The sentence will read as Sita saying, Rakshasa women (her enemies) only will know the footsteps of the destroyer of the grove (Hanuma) who is their enemy. In that interpretation there is no lie!
||Sloka 42.11||
वैदेह्या वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्ष्यस्यो विद्रुता दिशः।
स्थितः काश्चिद्गताः काश्चित् रावणाय निवेदितुम्॥42.11||
स॥ वैदेह्याः वचनं श्रुत्वा काश्चित् राक्षस्यः दिशः विद्रुताः | काश्चित् स्थितः | काश्चित् रावणाय निवेदितुं गताः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
वैदेह्याः वचनं श्रुत्वा -
hearing those words of Sita
काश्चित् राक्षस्यः दिशः विद्रुताः-
some Rakshasas ran in all directions
काश्चित् स्थितः -
some stayed there.
काश्चित् रावणाय निवेदितुं गताः -
some went to inform Ravana
||Sloka summary||
"Hearing those words of Sita some Rakshasas ran in all directions. Some stayed there. Some went to inform Ravana"||42.11||
||Sloka 42.12||
रावणस्य समीपेतु राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः।
विरूपं वानरं भीम माख्यातु मुपचक्रमुः॥42.12||
स॥ विकृताननः राक्षस्यः रावणस्य समीपे विरूपं भीमं वानरं आख्यातुं उपवक्रमुः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
विकृताननः राक्षस्यः -
hideous looking Rakshasas
रावणस्य समीपे -
having gone near Ravana
विरूपं भीमं वानरं -
about the fierce looking Vanara
आख्यातुं उपवक्रमुः -
started to tell
||Sloka summary||
"The hideous looking Rakshasas having gone to Ravana, started to tell him about the fierce looking Vanara."||42.12||
||Sloka 42.13||
अशोकवनिकामध्ये राजन् भीमवपुः कपिः।
सीतया कृतसंवादः तिष्ठत्यमित विक्रमः॥42.13||
स॥ राजन् अमित विक्रमः भीमः कपिः सीताया कृतसंवादः अशोकवनिका मध्ये तिष्टति॥
॥Sloka meanings||
राजन् अमित विक्रमः -
o king, a very powerful
भीमः कपिः - fierce looking Vanara
सीताया कृतसंवादः -
having had a dialog with Sita
अशोकवनिका मध्ये तिष्टति -
standing in the middle of the Ashoka grove
||Sloka summary||
"Oh King ! A very powerful fierce looking Vanara , having had a dialog with Sita is standing in the middle of the Ashoka grove." ||42.13||
||Sloka 42.14||
न च तं जानकी सीता हरिं हरिणलोचना।
अस्माभिर्बहुधा पृष्ठा निवेदयितुमिच्छति॥42.14||
स॥ सीता हरिणलोचना जानकी अस्माभिः बहुधा पृष्ठा तं निवेदयितुं न इच्छति ||
||Sloka meanings||
सीता हरिणलोचना जानकी -
Sita, with eyes like that of a deer
अस्माभिः बहुधा पृष्ठा -
asked in many ways by us is
तं निवेदयितुं न इच्छति -
not willing to talk about him
||Sloka summary||
"Sita, whose eyes are like that of a deer, asked in many ways by us is not willing to disclose." ||42.14||
||Sloka 42.15||
वासवस्य भवेद्दूतो दूतो वैश्रवणस्य वा।
प्रेषितो वापि रामेण सीतान्वेषणकांक्षया॥42.15||
स॥ वासवस्य दूतो भवेत् | वा वैश्रवणस्य दूतः | सीतान्वेषण कांक्षया रामेण प्रेषितः अपि वा भवेत् ||
वासवस्य दूतो भवेत् -
maybe he is the messenger of Indra
वा वैश्रवणस्य दूतः -
or the messenger of Vaisravana
सीतान्वेषण कांक्षया -
desirous of knowing Sita
रामेण प्रेषितः अपि वा भवेत् -
may have been sent by Rama
||Sloka summary||
"Maybe he is the messenger of Indra or the messenger of Vaisravana. Or he may have been sent by Rama in search of Sita." ||42.15||
||Sloka 42.16||
तेन त्वद्भुतरूपेण यत्तत्तव मनोहरम्।
नानामृगगणाकीर्णम् प्रमृष्टं प्रमदावनम्॥42.16||
स॥ अद्भुतरूपेण तेन मनोहरं नानामृगाकीर्णं यत् तव प्रमदावनं प्रमृष्टं ||
||Sloka meanings||
अद्भुतरूपेण तेन -
by that fierce looking Vanara
यत् तव प्रमदावनं-
that which is your pleasure garden
मनोहरं नानामृगाकीर्णं -
beautiful with many varieties of trees and animals
प्रमृष्टं - destroyed
||Sloka summary||
"By that fierce looking Vanara, that beautiful pleasure garden of yours with many varieties of trees and animals, was destroyed."||42.16||
||Sloka 42.17||
न तत्र कश्चिदुद्देशो यस्तेन न विनाशितः।
यत्रा सा जानकी सीता स तेन न विनाशितः॥42.17||
स॥ तेन यः न विनाशितः उद्देशः तत्र कश्चित् न | यत्र सा जानकी (स्थितः) सः तेन नविनाशितः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
तेन यः न विनाशितः -
that which is not destroyed by him
उद्देशः तत्र कश्चित् न -
not one such place is there
यत्र सा जानकी (स्थितः) -
only the place where Janaki is
सः तेन नविनाशितः -
that place was not destroyed by him
||Sloka summary||
"There is no single place not destroyed by him. Only the place where Janaki is , that place is not destroyed."||42.17||
||Sloka 42.18||
जानकीरक्षणार्थं वा श्रमाद्वा नोपलभ्यते।
अथावा कः श्रमस्तस्यसैव ते नाभिरक्षिता॥42.18||
स॥ जानकी रक्षणार्थं वा श्रमात् वा न उपलभ्यते। अथवा कः तेन स एव अभिरक्षिता ||
||Sloka meanings||
जानकी रक्षणार्थं वा -
It is to save Janaki or
श्रमात् वा न उपलभ्यते -
may have stopped due to exhaustion
अथवा कः तेन -
or why by him
स एव अभिरक्षिता -
only she was saved
||Sloka summary||
"It is to save Janaki or may have stopped due to exhaustion. Else why she alone is saved." ||42.18||
||Sloka 42.19||
चारुपल्लवपुष्पाढ्यं यं सीता स्वयमास्थिता।
प्रव्रद्धः शिंशुपावृक्षः स च तेनाभिरक्षितः॥42.19||
स॥ सीता चारुपल्लवपुष्पाढ्यं यं स्वयं आस्थिता सः प्रवृद्धः शिंशुपावृक्षः तेन अभिरक्षितः ||
||Sloka meanings||
यं चारुपल्लवपुष्पाढ्यं -
that tree with tender leaves and flower
सीता स्वयं आस्थिता -
(under which) Sita herself is sitting
सः प्रवृद्धः शिंशुपावृक्षः -
that large Simsupa tree
तेन अभिरक्षितः -
saved by him
||Sloka summary||."
"The tree with tender leaves and flowers, that large Simsupa tree under which Sita herself is sitting is saved from destruction by him."
||Sloka 42.20||
तस्योग्ररूपस्योग्र त्वं दंडमाज्ञातु मर्हसि।
सीता संभाषिता येन तद्वनं च विनाशितम्॥42.20||
स॥ येन सीता संभाषिता तत् वनं च विनाशितं | तस्य उग्ररूपस्य त्वं उग्रं दण्डं आज्ञातुं अर्हसि ||
||Sloka meanings||
येन सीता संभाषिता -
the one with whom Sita spoke
तत् वनं च विनाशितं -
that one destroyed the grove
तस्य उग्ररूपस्य त्वं -
that one with fierce form
त्वं उग्रं दण्डं आज्ञातुं अर्हसि -
you ought to punish him
||Sloka summary||
"The one with whom Sita spoke , that one destroyed the grove. That one with fierce form ought to be punished."||42.20||
||Sloka 42.21||
मनः परिगृहीतां तां तव रक्षोगणेश्वर।
कः सीतामभिभाषेत यो न स्यात्त्यक्तजीवितः॥42.21||
स॥ रक्षो गणेश्वर मनः परिग्रहीतां तां सीतां यः त्यक्तजीवितः नस्यात् अभिभाषेत ?॥
॥Sloka meanings||
रक्षो गणेश्वर मनः परिग्रहीतां -
one who captured the mind of the Lord of the Rakshasa
तां सीतां - with that Sita
यः त्यक्तजीवितः नस्यात् अभिभाषेत ? -
unless one has given up hope for life who else can talk
||Sloka summary||
"Unless one has given up hope for life who else can talk to the one who captured the mind of the Lord of the Rakshasa". ||42.21||
||Sloka 42.22||
राक्षसीनां वचः श्रुत्वा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः।
हुताग्नि रिव जज्वाल कोपसंवर्तितेक्षणः॥42.22||
स॥ राक्षसीनां वचः श्रुत्वा राक्षसेश्वरः रावणः कोप संवर्तित ईक्षणः हुताग्निः इव जज्वाल॥
॥Sloka meanings||
राक्षसीनां वचः श्रुत्वा -
hearing those words of the Rakshasisन
राक्षसेश्वरः रावणः -
the lord of the Rakshasas, Ravana
कोप संवर्तित ईक्षणः -
rolling his eye balls in anger
हुताग्निः इव जज्वाल -
flared up like the blazing sacrificial fire.
||Sloka summary||
"Hearing those words of the Rakshasis , the lord of the Rakshasas, Ravana flared up like the blazing sacrificial fire, rolling his eye balls."||42.23||
||Sloka 42.23||
तस्य क्रुद्धस्य नेत्राभ्यां प्रापतन्नास्रबिंदवः।
दीप्ताभ्यामिव दीपाभ्यां सार्चिषः स्नेहबिंदवः॥42.23||
स॥ तस्य कृद्धस्य नेत्राभ्यां दीप्ताभ्यां दीपाभ्यां सार्चिषः स्नेहबिंदवः इव अस्रबिंदवः प्रापतन् ||
||Sloka meanings||
तस्य कृद्धस्य नेत्राभ्यां -
from the two eyes of that angry one
दीप्ताभ्यां दीपाभ्यां सार्चिषः स्नेहबिंदवः इव -
like the drops of old from the burning lamps
अस्रबिंदवः प्रापतन् -
drops of tears fell down
||Sloka summary||
"From the two eyes of that angry one fell down drops of tears like the drops of old from the burning lamps." ||42.23||
||Sloka 42.24||
आत्मनसदृशान् शूरान् किंकरान्नाम राक्षसान् |
व्यादिदेश महातेजा निग्रहार्थं हनूमतः॥42.24||
स॥ महातेजा हनूमतः निग्रहार्थं अत्मनः सदृशान् शुरान् किंकरान् नाम राक्षसान् व्यादिदेश ||
||Sloka meanings||
महातेजा हनूमतः निग्रहार्थं -
to capture the very powerful Hanuman
अत्मनः सदृशान् शुरान् -
warriors as powerful as himself
किंकरान् नाम राक्षसान् व्यादिदेश -
sent Rakshasas known as Kinkaras
||Sloka summary||
"To capture the very powerful Hanuman , he ordered Kinkaras who are as powerful as himself."||42.24||
||Sloka 42.25,26||
तेषा मशीति साहस्रं किंकराणां तरस्विनाम्।
निर्ययुर्भवनात् तस्मात् कूटमुद्गरपाणयः॥42.25||
महोदरा महादंष्ट्रा घोररूपा महाबलाः।
युद्धाभिमनसः सर्वे हनुमद्ग्रहणोन्मुखाः॥42.26||
स॥ तरस्विनां तेषां किंकराणां असीतिसहस्रं महोदराः महादंष्ट्राः घोररूपाःमहाबलाः युद्धाभिमनसः सर्वे कूटमुद्गरपाणयः हनुमद्ग्रहणोद्यताः तस्मात् भवनात् निर्ययुः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
महोदराः महादंष्ट्राः -
large bellied, large toothed
घोररूपाः महाबलाः -
dreadful looking and powerful
युद्धाभिमनसः -
interested in fighting wars
सर्वे कूटमुद्गरपाणयः -
all of them armed with hammers and clubs
हनुमद्ग्रहणोद्यताः -
intent on capturing Hanuman
किंकराणां असीतिसहस्रं -
eighty thousand Kinkaras
तरस्विनां तेषां -
those moving swiftly
तस्मात् भवनात् निर्ययुः -
came out from that building
||Sloka summary||
"The large bellied, large toothed , quick moving, eighty thousand Kinkaras , who are dreadful looking and powerful , interested in fighting wars , all of them armed with hammers and clubs came out of that palace." ||42.25,26||
||Sloka 42.27||
ते कपींद्रं समासाद्य तोरणस्थमवस्थितम्।
अभिपेतुर्महावेगाः पतंगा इव पावकम्॥42.27||
स॥ ते तोरणस्थं अवस्थितं कपींद्रं समासाद्य महावेगागाः पतंगाः पावकं इव अभिपेतुः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
तोरणस्थं अवस्थितं -
the one seated on the archway
कपींद्रं समासाद्य -
approaching the best of Vanaras
महावेगाः पतंगाः पावकं इव -
like the flies rushing into the fire
ते अभिपेतुः -
(हनुमंतुनि) they rushed on him पै दूकिरि
॥Sloka summary||
"They quickly approached the best of Vanaras seated on the archway like the flies rushing into the fire."||42.27||
||Sloka 42.28||
ते गदाभिर्विचित्राभिः परिघैः कांचनांगदैः।
आजघ्नुः वानरश्रेष्ठं शरैश्चादित्य सन्निभैः॥42.28||
स॥ते विचित्राभिः गदाभिः परिघैः कांचनांगदैः शरैः आदित्यसन्निभैः वानरश्रेष्ठं आजघ्नुः च ||
||Sloka meanings||
विचित्राभिः गदाभिः -
with wonderful iron maces
परिघैः कांचनांगदैः -
with crowbars edged with gold
आदित्यसन्निभैः शरैः -
arrows resembling Sun's rays
ते वानरश्रेष्ठं आजघ्नुः च -
they attacked the best of Vanaras
||Sloka summary||
"They attacked the best of Vanaras armed with wonderful iron maces crowbars edged with gold, arrows resembling Sun." ||42.28||
||Sloka 42.29||
मुद्गरैः पट्तिसैः शूलैः प्रासतोमरशक्तिभिः।
परिवार्य हनूमंतं सहसा तस्थुरग्रतः॥42.29||
स॥ मुद्गरैः पट्टि शूलैः प्रासतोमरशक्तिभिः सहसा हनूमंतं परिवार्य (तस्य) अग्रतः तस्थुः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
मुद्गरैः पट्टि शूलैः -
With hammers, sharp edged spears
प्रासतोमरशक्तिभिः -
with barbed missiles and javelins
सहसा हनूमंतं परिवार्य -
surrounded Hanuman at once
(तस्य) अग्रतः तस्थुः-
stood Infront of him
||Sloka summary||
"With hammers, sharp edged spears, tridents, barbed missiles and javelins, they surrounded Hanuman at once and stood Infront of him."||42.29||
||Sloka 42.30||
हनुमानपि तेजस्वी श्रीमान् पर्वतसन्निभः।
क्षितवाविध्य लांगूलं ननाद च महास्वनम्॥42.30||'
स॥ तेजस्वी पर्वतसन्निभः हनुमान् अपि लांगूलं क्षितौ आविध्य महास्वनं ननाद
॥Sloka meanings||
तेजस्वी पर्वतसन्निभः -
illustrious one resembling a mountain
हनुमान् अपि लांगूलं आविध्य क्षितौ -
Hanuman shook his tail on the ground
महास्वनं ननाद -
making a huge sound
||Sloka summary||
"The illustrious brilliant Hanuman resembling a mountain roared , and shook his tail on the ground making a huge sound."||42.30||
||Sloka 42.31||
स भूत्वा सुमहाकायो हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।
धृष्ट मास्फोटयामास लंकां शब्देन पूरयन्॥42.31||
स॥ मारुतात्मजः सः हनुमान् सुमहाकायः भूत्वा शब्देन लंकां पूरयन् धृष्टं अस्फोटयामास॥
॥Sloka meanings||
मारुतात्मजः सः हनुमान् -
मारुतात्मजुडु अयिन आ हनुमंतु
सुमहाकायः भूत्वा-
तन कायमुनु पॆरिगिंचि
शब्देन लंकां पूरयन् -
लंकानगरमु अंता शब्दमुतो निंडुनट्लु
धृष्टं अस्फोटयामास -
जब्बलु चरिचॆनु
मारुतात्मजः सः हनुमान् -
Hanuman , the son of wind god,
सुमहाकायः भूत्वा-
enlarging his body
शब्देन लंकां पूरयन् -
a loud sound reverberating in Lanka fully
धृष्टं अस्फोटयामास -
patted himself
||Sloka summary||
"Hanuman , the son of wind god, enlarging his body patted himself making a loud sound reverberating in Lanka fully." ||42.31||
||Sloka 42.32||
तस्यास्फोटितशब्देन महता सानुनादिना।
पेतुर्विहंगा गगनादुच्चैश्चेद मघोषयत् ||42.32||
स॥ तस्य महता सानुनादिना आस्फोटितशब्देन विहंगाः गगनात् पेतुः | उच्चैः इदं अघोषयत् ||
||Sloka meanings||
तस्य महता सानुनादिना -
by that great frightening echoing sound
आस्फोटितशब्देन -
sound of the patting
विहंगाः गगनात् पेतुः-
birds fell from the sky
उच्चैः इदं अघोषयत् -
this he proclaimed loudly
||Sloka summary||
"By that great frightening echoing sound all the birds fell from the sky. This he proclaimed loudly."||42.32||
||Sloka 42.33-36||
जयत्यति बलो रामो लक्ष्मणस्य महाबलः।
राजाजयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाधिपालितः॥42.33||
दासोsहं कोसलेंद्रस्य रामस्या क्लिष्टकर्मणः।
हनुमान् शत्रुसैन्यानां निहंतामारुतात्मजः॥42.34||
न रावण सहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्।
शिलाभिस्तु प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः॥42.35||
अर्दयित्वा पुरीं लंकां अभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्।
समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्॥42.36||
स॥ अति बलः रामः जयति | महाबलः लक्ष्मणः च (जयति) |रामेण अभिलाषितः राजा सुग्रीवः च जयति॥शत्रुसैन्यानां निहंता मारुतात्मजः हनुमान् अहं क्लिष्टकर्मणः रामस्य कोसलेंद्रस्य दासः ||सहस्रशः शिलाभिः पादपैश्च प्रहरतः मे युद्धे रावण सहस्रं प्रतिबलं न भवेत् ||सर्वरक्षसां मिषतां लंकां पुरीं अर्दयित्वा मैधिलीं अभिवाद्य च समृद्धार्थः गमिष्यामि॥
॥Sloka meanings||
अति बलः रामः जयति -
Rama who has great strength is victorious
महाबलः लक्ष्मणः च (जयति) -
so is mighty Lakshmana.
रामेण अभिलाषितः राजा सुग्रीवः च जयति -
king Sugriva ruled by Rama too is victorious
शत्रुसैन्यानां निहंता -
killer of the enemy army
मारुतात्मजः हनुमान् -
the son of wind god, Hanuman
क्लिष्टकर्मणः रामस्य -
of Rama who can overcome all difficulties
अहं कोसलेंद्रस्य दासः -
I am the servant of the Lord of Kosala
सहस्रशः शिलाभिः पादपैश्च प्रहरतः -
pound with rocks and trees in thousand ways
मे युद्धे - in the war
रावण सहस्रं प्रतिबलं न भवेत् -
not even a thousand Ravana's can match me
सर्वरक्षसां मिषतां -
while all the Rakshasa are watching
लंकां पुरीं अर्दयित्वा -
having destroyed Lanka
मैधिलीं अभिवाद्य च -
saluting Maithili
समृद्धार्थः गमिष्यामि -
having accomplished my task I will return
||Sloka summary||
' Rama who has great strength is victorious. So is mighty Lakshmana. The king Sugriva ruled by Rama too is victorious. I , the Killer of the enemy army, the son of wind god, Hanuman I am the servant of Rama ,the Lord of Kosala who can overcome all difficulties. While I pound with rocks and trees in thousand ways in a war, not even a thousand Ravana's can match me. While all the Rakshasa are watching, I will destroy Lanka , saluting Maithili , having accomplished my task I will return." ||42.32-36||
This is the famous 'Victory Chant" or Jaya mantra. These lines are said in first person. When one reads this, it is as though he is chanting. And he will be assured of victory.
The Sloka text is as follows.
"जयत्यति बलो रामो लक्ष्मणस्य महाबलः|
राजाजयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाधिपालितः||33||
दासोsहं कोसलेंद्रस्य रामस्या क्लिष्टकर्मणः|
हनुमान् शत्रुसैन्यानां निहंतामारुतात्मजः||34||
न रावण सहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्|
शिलाभिस्तु प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः||35||
अर्दयित्वा पुरीं लंकां अभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्|
समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्"||36||
Here Hanuman makes it clear that he is a servant of Rama. As we read the Sloka it is as though we are proclaiming that, "we are the servants of Rama", we are declaring victory for Rama.
One more thing. Sarga starts with Sita trying to protect Hanuma's identity. Sarga ends with a loud proclamation by Hanuma, that he is the follower of Rama
We have seen Hanuma announcing himself as a minister of Sugriva, and as messenger of Rama. After completing the search and meeting Sita, Hanuma too seemed to have realized his self. Now he describes himself as a follower of Rama. The role of "Self" is also similar. Self is a follower of the Supreme being.
It is said , "दासभूताः स्वतः सर्वे आत्मानः परमात्मनः" Self is a natural follower of Paramatma or Supreme being. Whatever is done, do the same as the follower of the Supreme being. Seeing Sita, knowing her as all powerful one, yet being dependent on Rama, Hanuman realizes that he too is a follower of Rama. And as a result, declare himself as the follower of the Supreme being.
Hanuma realizes that it is Rama who is getting things accomplished through him. The result of those actions belongs to Rama only. With that focus Hanuma goes to battle and becomes victorious. The same thought is applicable to us.
||Sloka 42.37||
तस्य सन्नादशब्देन तेsभवन्भयशंकिताः।
ददृशुश्च हनूमंतं संध्यामेघ मिवोन्नतम् ||42.37||
स॥ ते तस्य सन्नादशब्देन भयशंकिताः अभवन्। संध्यामेघं इव उन्नतं हनूमंतं ददृशुः च ||
||Sloka meanings||
तस्य सन्नादशब्देन -
hearing his loud sound
ते भयशंकिताः अभवन् -
they became terrified
उन्नतं हनूमंतं ददृशुः च -
saw towering Hanuman
संध्यामेघं इव -
like a cloud in twilight
||Sloka summary||
"They became terrified hearing that loud sound. They saw towering Hanuman like a cloud in twilight. " ||42.37||
||Sloka 42.38||
स्वामि संदेशनिश्संकाः ततस्ते राक्षसाः कपिम्।
चित्रैः प्रहरणैर्भीमैः अभिपेतुस्ततस्तः॥42.38||
स॥ततः ते राक्षसाः स्वामिसंदेश निःशंकाः चित्रैः प्रहरणैः कपिं अभिपेतुः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
ततः ते राक्षसाः -
then those Rakshasas
स्वामिसंदेश निःशंकाः -
ordered by the king without any doubt
चित्रैः प्रहरणैः -
with dreadful weapons
कपिं अभिपेतुः -
attacked Hanuman
||Sloka summary||
"Then the Rakshasas ordered by the king without any doubt attacked Hanuman with dreadful weapons." ||42.38||
||Sloka 42.39||
स तै परिवृतः शूरैः सर्वतः सुमहबलः |
अससादाऽरग्यसं भीमं परिघं तोरणाश्रितम्॥42.39||
स॥ सुमहाबलः सः तैः शूरैः सर्वतः परिवृतः तोरणाश्रितं भीमं आयसं परिघं अससाद॥
॥Sloka meanings||
सुमहाबलः सः -
he the very powerful one
तैः शूरैः सर्वतः परिवृतः -
surrounded all over by the warriors
तोरणाश्रितं - from the archway
भीमं आयसं परिघं अससाद -
picked up the terrific iron beam
||Sloka summary||
"The very powerful one surrounded by all the warriors, took the iron beam from the archway." ||42.39||
||Sloka 42.40||
स तं परिघमादाय जघान रजनीचरान्।
स पन्नगमिवादाय स्फुरंतं विनतासुतः॥42.40||
विचचा रांबरे वीरः परिगृह्य च मारुतिः।
स॥ सः तं परिघं आदाया रजनीचरान् जघान | वीरः सः मारुतिः विनतासुतः स्फुरंतं पन्नगां आदाय परिगृह्य अंबरे विचचार॥
॥Sloka meanings||
सः तं परिघं आदाया रजनीचरान् जघान -
he took that beam and struck the night beings
वीरः सः मारुतिः - that hero Maruti
विनतासुतः स्फुरंतं पन्नगां आदाय -
like the son of Vinata attacking a serpent raising its head.
परिगृह्य अंबरे विचचार-
moved about the sky with that( iron beam)
||Sloka summary||
"He took that beam and struck the night beings. That hero then moved about the sky like the son of Vinata attacking a serpent raising its head."||42.40||
||Sloka 42.41||
स हत्वा राक्षसान् वीरान् किंकरान्मारुतात्मजः॥42.41||
युद्धकांक्षी पुनर्वीरः तोरणं समुपाश्रितः।
स॥वीरः सः मारुतात्मजः वीरान् किंकरान् राक्षसान् हत्वा युद्धकांक्षी तोरणं समुपाश्रितः॥
॥Sloka meanings||
वीरः सः मारुतात्मजः -
the hero, the son of wind god
वीरान् किंकरान् राक्षसान् हत्वा -
having killed the Rakshasas named Kinkaras
युद्धकांक्षी तोरणं समुपाश्रितः-
climbed up the arch way again wanting to battle more
||Sloka summary||
"The hero , the son of wind god having killed the Kinkaras , wanting to battle more , climbed up the arch way again." ||42.41||
||Sloka 42.42,43||
ततः तस्माद्भयान्मुक्ताः कतिचित्तत्र राक्षसाः॥42.42||
निहतान् किंकरान् सर्वान् रावणाय न्यवेदयन्॥42.43||
स॥ ततः तत्र तस्मात् भयात् मुक्ताः कतिचित् राक्षसाः सर्वान् किंकरान् निहतान् (इति) रावणाय न्यवेदयन्॥
॥Sloka meanings||
ततः कतिचित् राक्षसाः - then some of the Rakshasas
तत्र तस्मात् भयात् मुक्ताः -
being relieved from fear
सर्वान् किंकरान् निहतान् (इति)-
that all the Kinkaras have been killed
रावणाय न्यवेदयन् -
reported to Ravana
||Sloka summary||
"Then some of the Rakshasas relieved from fear reported to Ravana that all the Kinkaras have been killed."||42.42,43||
||Sloka 42.44||
स राक्षसानां निहतं महद्बलं
निशम्य राजा परिवृत्त लोचनः।
समादिदेशाप्रतिमं पराक्रमे
प्रहस्तपुत्रं समरे सुदुर्जयम्॥42.44||
स॥सः राजा राक्षसानां महत् बलं निहतं निशम्य परिवृतलोचनः पराक्रमे अप्रतिमं समरे सुदुर्जयं प्रहस्त पुत्रं समादिदेश॥
॥Sloka meanings||
सः राजा - that King
राक्षसानां महत् बलं निहतं निशम्य -
that the great force of Rakshasas was killed,
परिवृतलोचनः - with eyes rolling
पराक्रमे अप्रतिमं समरे सुदुर्जयं -
the difficult to conquer and matchless one son of Prahasta
प्रहस्त पुत्रं समादिदेश -
son of Prahasta son of Prahasta
||Sloka summary||
"That King having heard that the great force of Rakshasas was killed, with eyes rolling son of Prahasta difficult to conquer and matchless son of Prahasta."||42.44||
Having heard that Kinkaras have been killed, Ravana orders son of Prahasta , his minister to go and capture the Vanara. With that line Sarga 42 comes to an end.
Highlight of this Sarga is the victory chant of Hanuma. This is chant that is adored commented upon and has reverberated through ages.
Picking on the line of "दासोऽहं रामस्य क्लिष्टकर्मणः", he says the following:
We have three enemies.
(1) The "I" feeling.
(2) The feeling that I can protect myself.
(3) The feeling that I am the "doer".
Winning over these three is the victory. To win over them, the tool is a "Mantra". That mantra is "Ram raamaaya namah! "नमः" has been elaborated before. It says, "this is not mine". When one completes a work and says "Namah", it is as though; you are offering the fruits to the supreme being. One may offer the fruits to Supreme being and be free of bondage. This is the same thing we hear in Gita too.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये वाल्मीकीये
चतुर्विंशत् सहस्रिकायां संहितायाम्
श्रीमत्सुंदरकांडे द्विचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः ||
Thus ends the Sarga forty-two of Sundarakanda in Ramayana the first ever poem composed in Sanskrit by the first poet sage Valmiki.
||om tat sat||