
|| Sarga 47 ||

|| Meanings and Summary in English ||

Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English

|| om tat sat||

Sarga 47

" चकार रक्षोधिपतेर्महत् भयम्"
Means that a great fear arose in the mind of the Rakshasa King. In the forty sixth Sarga we heard about the doubts in Ravana's mind. Now the doubts have moved to the next stage, fear. We will see how that fear arose in this Sarga.

The Sarga starts with the following line.
"सेनापतीन् पञ्च सतु प्रमापितान्
हनूमता सानुचरान् सवाहनान्"

Hearing that the five generals have been killed, along with their followers and vehicles, Ravana looked towards his son Aksha.

Ravana's look is enough for the young one. Aksha is the younger son of Ravana. Then spurred by the glance of the king, the glorious hero, Aksha holding a marvelous bow, sprang up in that royal assembly like the fire kindled by the reputed Brahmins. Then Aksha marched towards the great Vanara for the epic battle.

Sarga 47 is the story of Aksha battling Hanuman.

Now we continue with Slokas of Sarga 47.

||Sloka 47.01||

सेनापतीन् पंच स तु प्रमापितान्
हनुमता सानुचरान् सवाहनान्।
समीक्ष्य राजा समरोद्धतोन्मुखं
कुमारमक्षं प्रसमैक्षताग्रतः॥47.01||

स॥पंच सेनापतीन् स अनुचरान् स वाहनान् प्रमापितान् समीक्ष्य राजा समरोद्धतः उन्मुखं कुमारं अक्षं अग्रतः प्रसमैक्षत॥

Govindaraja Tika says - समीक्ष्य विज्ञाय ( having known)

||Sloka meanings||

स अनुचरान् स वाहनान् प्रमापितान् -
destroyed along with the followers and their vehicles
पंच सेनापतीन् समीक्ष्य -
seeing that the five generals
समरोद्धतः उन्मुखं - समरमुनकु सुमुखुडैन -
one who is excited to take up the battle
राजा अग्रतः कुमारं अक्षं प्रसमैक्षत -
kings' eyes fell on the prince Aksha who is in the front

||Sloka summary||

"Seeing that the five generals along with the followers and their vehicles were destroyed , the kings' eyes fell on the prince Aksha who is in the front and who is excited to take up the battle." ||47.01||

||Sloka 47.02||

स तस्य दृष्ट्यर्पणसंप्रचोदितः
प्रतापवान् कांचन चित्रकार्मुकः।
समुत्पपाताथ सदस्युदीरितो
द्विजातिमुख्यैर्हविषेव पावकः॥47.02||

स॥ अथ तस्य दृष्ट्यर्पण संप्रचोदितः प्रतापवान् कांचन चित्रकार्मुखः सदसि द्विजाति मुख्यैः हविषाउदीरितः पावकः इव समुत्पपात॥

Rama Tika says- तस्य रावणस्य दृष्ट्यर्पणेन दृष्टि प्रचालने एव संप्रचोदितः प्रेरितः पावक इव समुत्पपात।

॥Sloka meanings||

अथ तस्य दृष्ट्यर्पण संप्रचोदितः-
then spurred by the glance ( of the king)
प्रतापवान् कांचन चित्रकार्मुखः -
the glorious hero, holding a marvelous bow inlaid with gold
द्विजाति मुख्यैः -
by the reputed Brahmins.
हविषाउदीरितः पावकः इव -
like the fire kindled with oblations
सदसि समुत्पपात -
sprang up in the assembly

||Sloka summary||

"Then spurred by the glance ( of the king) the glorious hero, holding a marvelous bow inlaid with gold sprang up in that royal assembly like the fire kindled by the reputed Brahmins." ||47.02||

||Sloka 47.03||

ततो महद्बालदिवाकरप्रभम्
प्रतप्त जांबूनदजालसंततम्।
रथं समास्थाय ययौ स वीर्यवान्
महाहरिं तं प्रति नैरृतर्षभः॥47.03||

स॥ ततः वीर्यवान् नैरृतर्षभः महत् बालदिवाकरप्रभं प्रतप्त जांबूनद जालसंततं रथं समास्थाय स महहरिं प्रति ययौ ||

||Sloka meanings||

ततः महत् वीर्यवान् नैरृतर्षभः -
then that hero, a bull among giants
बालदिवाकरप्रभं -
splendid like the rising Sun
प्रतप्त जांबूनद जालसंततं -
glittering like piece of pure gold
रथं समास्थाय स -
having climbed the chariot
महहरिं प्रति ययौ -
marched towards the great Vanara

||Sloka summary||

"Then that hero, a bull among giants, splendid like the Sun in his infancy, having ascended a chariot glittering like piece of pure gold, marched towards the great Vanara." ||47.03||

||Sloka 47.04||

ततस्तपः संग्रह संचयार्जितम्
प्रतप्त जांबूनदजाल शोभितम्।
पताकिनं रत्नविभूषित ध्वजम्
मनोजवाष्टाश्ववरैः सुयोजितम्॥47.04||

स॥ ततः तपःसंग्रहः संचयार्जितं प्रतप्त जांबूनदजालशोभितं पताकिनं रत्नविभूषित ध्वजम् मनोजवा अष्ट वरैः अश्वैः सुयोजितं ||

||Sloka meanings||

ततः तपःसंग्रहः संचयार्जितं -
gained by austerities of highest order
प्रतप्त जांबूनदजालशोभितं -
overlaid with pure gold armor,
पताकिनं रत्नविभूषित ध्वजम् -
fitted with flags and staff studded with precious gems
मनोजवा अष्ट वरैः अश्वैः सुयोजितं -
yoked with eight best horses having the speed of mind

||श्लोका तात्पर्यमु॥

"That chariot gained by austerities of highest order, overlaid with pure gold armor, fitted with flags and staff studded with precious gems, was yoked with eight best horses having the speed of mind." ||47.04||

||Sloka 47.05||

सुरासुराधृष्य मसंगचारिणं
रविप्रभं व्योमचरं समाहितम्।
यथाक्रमावेशित शक्तितोमरम्॥47.05||

स॥ सुरासुराधृष्यं असंगचारिणं रविप्रभं व्योमचरं सतूणं समाहितं अष्टासि निबद्धबंधुरं यथाक्रमावेशितशक्तितोमरं॥

Rama Tika says - असंगचारिणं निरालम्बगमनशीलम्

॥Sloka meanings||

सुरासुराधृष्यं -
(that which was) unassailable by Suras and Asuras alike
असंगचारिणं -
(that which was) moved without touching the ground
रविप्रभं व्योमचरं -
could fly in the sky with the splendor of the Sun
सतूणं समाहितं -
equipped with quivers
अष्टासि निबद्धबंधुरं -
equipped with eight swords
यथाक्रमावेशितशक्तितोमरं -
with javelins and clubs placed in right place and order

||Sloka summary||

"The chariot which was unassailable by Suras and Asuras alike, moved without touching the ground, with the splendor of the Sun, and could fly in the sky. It is equipped with quivers eight swords. javelins and clubs placed in right place and order." ||47.05||

||Sloka 47.06||

विराजमानं प्रतिपूर्ण वस्तुना
सहेमदाम्ना शशिसूर्यवर्चसा।
दिवाकराभं रथमास्थितः ततः
स निर्जगामामरतुल्यविक्रमः॥47.06||

स॥ततः अमरतुल्यविक्रमः विराजमानं सः सहेमदाम्ना शशिसूर्य वर्चसा प्रतिपूर्णवस्तुना विराजमानं दिवाकराभं रथं आस्थितः निर्जगाम॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः अमरतुल्यविक्रमः -
then the one who is equal to gods in courage
सहेमदाम्ना विराजमानं सः -
shining brightly with a golden garland
शशिसूर्य वर्चसा -
brilliance of Sun and moon
प्रतिपूर्णवस्तुना -
equipped with all weapons,
दिवाकराभं -
glowing and shining like the Sun
रथं आस्थितः निर्जगाम -
ascended the chariot and went.

||Sloka summary||

"Then the one who is equal to gods in courage, wearing a golden garland, bright like Sun and Moon, equipped with all weapons, glowing and shining like the Sun, ascended the chariot and went." ||47.06||

||Sloka 47.07||

स पूरयन् खं महीं च साचलाम्
तुरंगमातंग महारथस्वनैः।
बलैः समेतैः स हि तोरणस्थितम्
समर्थ मासीनमुपागमत् कपिम्॥47.07||

स॥सः तुरंग मातंग महारथस्वनैः खं महीं च स अचलां पूरयन् समेतैः बलैः सह तोरणस्थं समर्थं आसीनं कपिं उपागमत्॥

॥Sloka meanings||

तुरंग मातंग महारथस्वनैः -
with the sounds of horses, elephants and the chariots
खं महीं च स अचलां पूरयन् -
filling the sky, the earth and the mountains,
समेतैः बलैः सह -
along with army
तोरणस्थं आसीनं -
seated on the archway
समर्थं कपिं उपागमत् -
reached the very capable Vanara

||Sloka summary||

"With the sounds of horses, elephants and the chariot filling the sky, the earth and the mountains, he along with army reached the very capable Vanara seated on the archway."||47.07||

||Sloka 47.08||

स तं समासाद्य हरिं हरीक्षणो
युगांतकालाग्निमिव प्रजाक्षये।
अवस्थितं विस्मितजातसंभ्रमः
समैक्षताक्षो बहुमानचक्षुसा॥47.08||

स॥ सः हरीक्षणः अक्षः प्रजाक्षये युगांतकालग्निं इव अवस्थितं तं हरिं समासाद्य विस्मितजात संभ्रमः बहुमान चक्षुसा समैक्षत ||

||Sloka meanings||

सः हरीक्षणः अक्षः - Aksha ,with eyes like that of a lion
प्रजाक्षये युगांतकालग्निं इव अवस्थितं -
appearing like the fire at the time of dissolution.
तं हरिं समासाद्य - approaching that Vanara
विस्मितजात संभ्रमः - astonished and awe struck
बहुमान चक्षुसा समैक्षत - looked at him with great respect

||Sloka summary||

"Aksha , who had the eyes like that of a lion, reached the Vanara who appeared like the fire at the time of dissolution. Astonished and awe struck he looked at him with great respect".||47.08||

||Sloka 47.09||

स तस्यवेगं च कपेर्महात्मनः पराक्रमं चारिषु पार्थिवात्मजः।
विचारयन् स्वं च बलं महाबलो हिमक्षये सूर्य इवाsभिवर्धते॥47.09||

स॥ महाबलः पार्थिवात्मजः महात्मनः तस्य कपेः वेगं च अरिषु पराक्रमं च स्वं बलं च विचारयन् हिमक्षये सूर्य इव अभिवर्धते॥

॥Sloka meanings||

महाबलः पार्थिवात्मजः -
powerful son of the king
महात्मनः तस्य कपेः वेगं च -
the speed of the great Vanara
अरिषु पराक्रमं च -
and prowess against enemies
स्वं बलं च विचारयन् -
judging his own strength,
हिमक्षये सूर्य इव अभिवर्धते -
began to grow like the Sun at the end of the winter

||Sloka summary||

"The powerful son of the king judging the speed and prowess of the Vanara and his own strength, began to grow like the Sun at the end of the winter." ||47.09||

||Sloka 47.10||

स जातमन्युः प्रसमीक्ष्य विक्रमं
स्थिरं स्थितः संयति दुर्निवारणम्।
समाहितात्मा हनुमंतमाहवे
प्रचोदयामास शरैस्त्रिभिश्शितैः॥47.10||

स॥ संयति दुर्निवारणं स्थिरं विक्रमं प्रसमीक्ष्य सः( अक्षुः) जातमन्युः स्थिरः समाहितात्मा हनुमंतं शितैः त्रिभिः शरैः आहवे प्रचोदयामास॥

॥Sloka meanings||

संयति दुर्निवारणं -
irresistible in war,
स्थिरं विक्रमं प्रसमीक्ष्य -
seeing him steady, valorous
सः( अक्षुः) जातमन्युः -
he became angry
स्थिरः समाहितात्मा -
remaining steady and full of attention
हनुमंतं शितैः त्रिभिः शरैः -
attacked him with three sharp arrows
आहवे प्रचोदयामास -
provoking him in the battle

||Sloka summary||

"He became angry recognizing Hanuman who is irresistible in war, steady, valorous. He attacked him with sharp arrows to his head in the battle."

||Sloka 47.11||

ततः कपिं तं प्रसमीक्ष्य गर्वितम्
जितश्रमं शत्रुपराजयोर्जितम्।
अवैक्षताक्षः समुदीर्णमानसः
स बाणपाणिः प्रगृहीतकार्मुकः॥47.11||

स॥ ततः सः अक्षः गर्वितं शत्रुपराजयोर्जितम् तं कपिं जितश्रमं प्रसमीक्ष्य बाणपाणिः प्रगृहीतकार्मुकः समुदीर्णमानसः अवैक्षत॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः सः अक्षः - then the prince Aksha
गर्वितं शत्रुपराजयोर्जितम् -
who is with pride of intent to conquer enemies.
जितश्रमं तं कपिं प्रसमीक्ष्य -
who conquered fatigue
बाणपाणिः प्रगृहीतकार्मुकः -
holding the bow and arrows in his hand
समुदीर्णमानसः अवैक्षत -
looked at him with increased excitement to fight

||Sloka summary||

"Then the prince Aksha holding the bow and arrows in his hand, and with increased excitement to fight, looked at Hanuman who is with pride of intent to conquer enemies, who conquered fatigue, and reflected in his mind ."||47.11||

||Sloka 47.12||

स हेम निष्कांगद चारुकुंडलः समाससादाशु पराक्रमः कपिम्।
तयोर्बभूवाप्रतिमः समागमः सुरासुराणामपि संभ्रमप्रदः॥47.12||

स॥ अशु पराक्रमः हेमनिष्कांगद चारुकुंडलः सः कपिं समासाद | तयोः अप्रतिमः संगमः सुरः असुराणां अपि संभ्रमप्रदः अभूत् ||

||Sloka meanings||

सः अशु पराक्रमः -
he, the energetic hero
हेमनिष्कांगद चारुकुंडलः -
one wearing golden armlets and ear rings
कपिं समासाद -
reached the Vanara
तयोः अप्रतिमः संगमः -
their unmatched battle
सुरः असुराणां अपि संभ्रमप्रदः अभूत् -
had all the Suras and Asuras in awe.

||Sloka summary||

"The energetic hero wearing golden armlets and ear rings reached the Vanara. Their unmatched battle has all the Suras and Asuras in awe."

||Sloka 47.13||

ररास भूमिर्नतताप भानुमान्
ववौ न वायुः प्रचचाल चाचलः।
कपेः कुमारस्य च वीक्ष्य संयुगम्
ननाद च द्यौरुदधिश्च चुक्षुभे॥47.13||

स॥ कपेः कुमारस्य च संयुगं वीक्ष्य भूमिः ररास | भानुमान् नतताप। वायुः न ववौ। अचलः च प्रचचाल | द्यौः उदधिश्च चुक्षुभे॥

॥Sloka meanings||

कपेः कुमारस्य च संयुगं वीक्ष्य -
seeing the battle of the Vanara and the prince
भूमिः ररास - earth shook
भानुमान् नतताप -
Sun did not shine
वायुः न ववौ -
wind did not move
अचलः च प्रचचाल -
the immovables shook
द्यौः उदधिश्च चुक्षुभे -
sky and the oceans felt agitated..

||Sloka summary||

"Seeing the battle of the Vanara and the prince, the earth shook. Sun did not shine. Wind did not move. Immovables shook. The sky and the oceans felt agitated."||47.13||

||Sloka 47.14||

ततः सवीरः सुमुखान् पतत्रिणः
सुवर्णपुंखान् सविषा निवोरगान्।
समाधिसंयोग विमोक्षतत्त्ववित्
शरानथत्रीन् कपिमूर्ध्नपातयत्॥47.14||

स॥ ततः अथ वीरः समाधिसंयोगविमोक्षतत्त्ववित् सः सुमुखान् सुवर्णपुंखान् पतत्रिणः सविषान् उरगान् इव त्रीन् शरान् कपिमूर्ध्नि अपातयत् ||

||Sloka meanings||

ततः अथ वीरः - then that hero
समाधिसंयोगविमोक्षतत्त्ववित् -
good at targeting and releasing with good concentration
सुमुखान् सुवर्णपुंखान् सः -
good looking , golden shafted
सुमुखमैन बंगारु पिडुलुकलवाडु अगु आतडु
पतत्रिणः - winged arrows
सविषान् उरगान् इव -
smeared with poison like serpent's
त्रीन् शरान् कपिमूर्ध्नि अपातयत् -
hit with three arrows on the head of Vanara

||Sloka summary||

"The hero good at targeting and releasing with good concentration, struck Vanara on the head with three good looking golden shafted winged arrows, smeared with poison like serpents." ||47.14||

||Sloka 47.15||

स तैः शरैर्मूर्थ्नि समं निपातितैः
क्षरन्नसृद्दिग्ध विवृत्तलोचनः।
नवोदितादित्यनिभः शरांशुमान्
व्यराजतादित्य इवांशुमालिकः॥47.15||

स॥ समं मूर्ध्नि निपातितैः तैः शरैः क्षरन् असृग्धितविवृत्तलोचनः नवोदितादित्यनिभः शरांशुमान् सः अंशुमालिकः आदित्य इव व्यराजत॥

॥Sloka meanings||

समं मूर्ध्नि निपातितैः -
simultaneously hit on the head
तैः शरैः क्षरन् -
being hit by those arrows
असृग्धितविवृत्तलोचनः -
with his eyes were wetted by the red blood flowing down
नवोदितादित्यनिभः शरांशुमान् -
looking like a newly risen Sun, with rays of arrows
सः अंशुमालिकः आदित्य इव व्यराजत -
he shone like the sun garlanded with arrows as rays

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman simultaneously shot at the head by those arrows, his eyes were wetted by the red blood flowing down . He was looking like a newly risen Sun. The arrows appeared like his rays. Garlanded with rays he glowed like the Sun." ||47.15||

||Sloka 47.16||

ततः स पिंगाधिपमंत्रिसत्तमः
समीक्ष्य तं राजवरात्मजं रणे।
उदग्र चित्रायुध चित्रकार्मुकम्
जहर्ष चापूर्य चाहवोन्मुखः॥47.16||

स॥ ततः सः पिंगाधिपमंत्रिसत्तमः उदग्र चित्रायुध कार्मुकं तं राजवरात्मजं समीक्ष्य अहवः उन्मुखः अपूर्यत च ||

||Sloka meanings||

ततः सः पिंगाधिपमंत्रिसत्तमः -
the esteemed minister of the coppery eyed Sugriva
उदग्र चित्रायुध कार्मुकं -
holding many splendid weapons,
तं राजवरात्मजं समीक्ष्य -
seeing the prince
अहवः उन्मुखः अपूर्यत च -
rejoiced and made necessary preparations ready for the battle

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman, the esteemed minister of the coppery eyed Sugriva, seeing the prince holding many splendid weapons, rejoiced and made necessary preparations ready for the battle." ||47.16||

||Sloka 47.17||

स मंदराग्रस्थ मिवांशुमालिको
विवृद्धकोपा बलवीर्यसंयुतः।
कुमारमक्षं सबलं स वाहनम्
ददाह नेत्राग्नि मरीचिभिस्तदा॥47.17||

स॥ मंदराग्रस्थः इव बलवीर्यसंयुतः सः विवृद्धकोपः सबलं सवाहनं कुमारं अक्षं तदा नेत्राग्निमरीचिभिः ददाह॥

॥Sloka meanings||

मंदराग्रस्थः इव -
Like the one sitting on the mount Mandara,
बलवीर्यसंयुतः सः विवृद्धकोपः -
endowed with strength and valor, his anger increased
सबलं सवाहनं कुमारं अक्षं -
prince Aksha, along with his army and the vehicles
तदा नेत्राग्निमरीचिभिः ददाह-
it seemed like the fiery rays emerging from his eyes were burning them away.

||Sloka summary||

"Like the one sitting on the mount Mandara, endowed with strength and valor his anger increased. He looked at the prince along with his army and the vehicles, and it seemed like the fiery rays emerging from his eyes were burning them away." ||47.17||

||Sloka 47.18||

ततस्स बाणासन चित्रकार्मुकः
शर प्रवर्षो युधि राक्षसांबुदः।
शरान् मुमोचाशु हरीश्वराचले
वलाहको वृष्टि मिवाsचलोत्तमे॥47.18||

स॥ ततः बाणासन चित्रकार्मुकः शरप्रवर्षः सः राक्षसांबुदः युधि आशु हरीश्वराचले वलाहकः अचलोत्तमे वृष्टिं इव शरान् मुमोच॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः बाणासन चित्रकार्मुकः -
then Aksha endowed with a quiver and wonderful bow
शरप्रवर्षः -
rain a shower of arrows
सः राक्षसांबुदः -
that demon of clouds
युधि आशु - quickly in the battle
हरीश्वराचले -
on Hanuman who was like a mountain
वलाहकः अचलोत्तमे वृष्टिं इव -
like the rainy clouds releasing the rain on the mountains.
शरान् मुमोच-
showered the arrows

||Sloka summary||

"Then Aksha endowed with a quiver and wonderful bow began to rapidly rain a shower of arrows on Hanuman who was like a mountain, like the rainy clouds releasing the rain on the mountains." ||47.18||

||Sloka 47.19||

ततः कपिस्तं रणचंडविक्रमम्
विरुद्धतेजो बलवीर्यसंयुतम्।
कुमारमक्षं प्रसमीक्ष्य संयुगे
ननाद हर्षात् घनतुल्यविक्रमः॥47.19||

स॥ ततः कपिः रणचंडविक्रमम् विरुद्धतेजोबलवीर्य संयुतं घनतुल्यविक्रमम् तं कुमारं अक्षं प्रसमीक्ष्य हर्षात् ननाद॥

॥Sloka meanings||

रणचंडविक्रमम् - with fierce valor
विरुद्धतेजोबलवीर्य संयुतं -
endowed with excessive splendor , power and energy
घनतुल्यविक्रमम् -
with valor equal to clouds
तं कुमारं अक्षं प्रसमीक्ष्य -
seeing that prince Aksha
कपिः हर्षात् ननाद -
the Vanara roared happily

||Sloka summary||

"Then seeing Aksha with fierce valor, endowed with excessive splendor , power and energy , and valor equal to a cloud, Hanuman roared happily."||47.19||

||Sloka 47.20||

स बालभावाद्युधि वीर्यदर्पितः
प्रवृत्तमन्युः क्षतजोपमेक्षणः।
समाससादाप्रतिमं कपिं रणे
गजो महाकूपमिवावृतं तृणैः॥47.20||

स॥ सः बालभावात् युधि वीर्यदर्पितः प्रवृद्धमन्युः क्षतजोपमेक्षणः सः रणे अप्रतिमं कपिं गजः तृणैः आवृतं महाकूपं इव समाससाद॥

॥Sloka meanings||

सः बालभावात् - Young Aksha
आ अक्षुडु बालुनि भावमुतो
युधि वीर्यदर्पितः -
proud of his valor in the battle
प्रवृद्धमन्युः क्षतजोपमेक्षणः -
with eyes red with anger
सः रणे अप्रतिमं कपिं -
in the battle with the matchless Hanuman
समाससाद - rushed ahead
गजः तृणैः आवृतं महाकूपं इव -
like an elephant approaching a huge pit covered with grass

||Sloka summary||

"Young Aksha proud of his valor, with eyes red with anger rushed towards the matchless Hanuman like an elephant would approach a huge pit covered with grass."||47.20||

||Sloka 47.21||

स तेन बाणैः प्रसभं निपातितैः
चकार नादं घननादनिस्स्वनः।
समुत्पपाताशु नभस्समारुतिः
भुजोरुविक्षेपण घोरदर्शनः॥47.21||

स॥ सः तेन प्रसभं निपातितैः बाणैः घननादनिःस्वनः नादं चकार | सः मारुतिः भुजोरुविक्षेपण घोरदर्शनः आशु नभः समुत्पपात॥

॥Sloka meanings||

सः तेन प्रसभं निपातितैः बाणैः -
struck by the arrows forcefully released by the prince
घननादनिःस्वनः नादं चकार -
one who can roar like clouds roared
सः मारुतिः भुजोरुविक्षेपण घोरदर्शनः -
that Maruti of fierce appearance, stretching his arms and legs
आशु नभः समुत्पपात -
suddenly leaped to the sky

||Sloka summary||

"Struck by the arrows released by the prince Aksha, Hanuman roared violently like thundering cloud, and leaped to the sky putting up a fierce appearance stretching his arms and legs"||47.21||

||Sloka 47.22||

समुत्पतंतं समभिद्रवद्बली
स राक्षसानां प्रवरः प्रतापवान् |
रथी रथिश्रेष्ठतमः किरन् शरैः
पयोधरः शैलमिवाश्म वृष्टिभिः॥47.22||

स॥ बली राक्षसानां प्रवरः प्रतापवान् रथी रथश्रेष्ठतमः सः पयोधरः अश्मवृष्टिभिः शैलं इव शरैः किरण् उत्पतंतं समभिद्रवत् ||

||Sloka meanings||

बली राक्षसानां प्रवरः -
powerful leader of the Rakshasas
प्रतापवान् रथी रथश्रेष्ठतमः -
the best warrior mounted on a chariot
पयोधरः अश्मवृष्टिभिः शैलं इव -
like a cloud showering hailstone on a mountain
सः शरैः किरण् उत्पतंतं समभिद्रवत् -
went chasing Hanuman who was flying high showering arrows

||Sloka summary||

"The powerful leader of the Rakshasas, the best warrior mounted on a chariot, went chasing Hanuman flying high, showering arrows on him like a cloud showering hailstones on a mountain." ||47.22||

||Sloka 47.23||

स तान् शरां स्तस्य हरिर्विमोक्षयन्
चचार वीरः पथि वायु सेविते।
शरांतरे मारुतवद्विनिष्पतन्
मनोजनः संयति चंडविक्रमः॥47.23||

स॥ मनोजवः संयति चंडविक्रमः वीरः सः हरिः मारुतवत् विनिष्पतन् तस्य शरान् विमोक्षयन् वायुसेविते पथि चचार॥

॥Sloka meanings||

मनोजवः संयति चंडविक्रमः वीरः -
the one who has the speed of mind , who had terrific valor in battle
सः हरिः मारुतवत् विनिष्पतन् -
that Vanara moving about like wind,
वायुसेविते पथि चचार - moved about in the sky
तस्य शरान् विमोक्षयन् -
to dodging his arrows

||Sloka summary||

"That Vanara who has the speed of mind , who had terrific valor in battle, moving about like wind, moved about in the sky, dodging his arrows; ". ||47.23||

||Sloka 47.24||

त मात्त बाणासन माहवोन्मुखं
ख मास्तृणंतं निशिखैः शरोत्तमैः।
अवैक्षताक्षं बहुमान चक्षुसा
जगाम चिंतां च स मारुतात्मजः॥47.24||

स॥ स मारुतात्मजः आत्तबाणासनं अहवोन्मुखं विशिखैः शरोत्तमैः खं आस्तृणांतं तं अक्षं बहुमानचक्षुसा अवैक्षत चिंतां च जगाम॥

॥Sloka meanings||

स मारुतात्मजः - son of wind god
आत्तबाणासनं अहवोन्मुखं -
the one facing the battle holding the quiver with arrows
विशिखैः शरोत्तमैः खं आस्तृणांतं -
the one filling the sky with best of missiles
तं अक्षं बहुमानचक्षुसा अवैक्षत -
saw that Aksha with admiring looks
चिंतां च जगाम - started thinking

||Sloka summary||

"The son of wind god with admiring looks saw Aksha who was facing the battle holding the quiver with arrows and best of missiles, who was filling the sky with best of missiles , and started thinking." ||47.24||

||Sloka 47.25||

ततः शरैर्भिन्नभुजांतरः कपिः
कुमारवीरेण महत्मना नदन्।
महाभुजः कर्मविशेषतत्त्ववित्
विचिंतयामास रणे पराक्रमम्॥47.25||

स॥ ततः महभुजः कर्मविशेषतत्त्ववित् कपिः महात्मना कुमारवीरेण भिन्नभुजांतरः नदन् रणे पराक्रमं विचिंतयामास॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः महभुजः -
then the Vanara with strong arms
कर्मविशेषतत्त्ववित् कपिः -
one who knew the propriety of special actions
महात्मना कुमारवीरेण भिन्नभुजांतरः -
having his arms injured by the young prince,
नदन् रणे पराक्रमं विचिंतयामास -
roaring in the battle started thinking

||Sloka summary||

"Then the Vanara with strong arms, who knew the propriety of special actions , having his arms injured by the young prince, roaring in the battle started thinking." ||47.25||

To begin with Hanuma started the battle a little astonished. Astonished at the audacity of a young boy charging to battle him. Subsequent battle confirmed that Aksha is not a young boy. Now Hanuma must reckon Aksha as a powerful enemy, whom he cannot afford to grow into a more powerful one.

So Hanuma started thinking.

||Sloka 47.26||

अबालवद्बालदिवाकर प्रभः
करोत्ययं कर्म महान् महाबलः।
न चास्य सर्वाहवकर्मशोभिनः
प्रमापने मे मतिरत्र जायते॥26||

स॥ बालदिवाकरप्रभः महाबलः अयं अबालवत् महत् कर्म करोति। अत्र सर्वाहवकर्मशोभिनः अस्य प्रमापणे मे मतिः न च जायते॥

॥Sloka meanings||

बालदिवाकरप्रभः महाबलः अयं -
mighty hero radiant as the young rising Sun
अबालवत् महत् कर्म करोति -
belying his age performs like a great one
अत्र सर्वाहवकर्मशोभिनः -
here knows all means of fighting
अस्य प्रमापणे मे मतिः न च जायते -
my mind does not move towards cutting him down to size

||Sloka summary||

"This mighty hero radiant as the young rising Sun, belying his age performs like a great one. He knows all means of fighting and my mind does not move towards cutting him down to size". ||47.26||

||Sloka 47.27||

अयं महात्मा च महांश्चवीर्यत
स्समाहितश्चातिसहश्च संयुगे।
असंशयं कर्मगुणोदयादयं
सनागयक्षैर्मुनिभिश्च पूजितः॥47.27||

स॥ अयं महात्मा च वीर्यतः च महान् समाहितः संयुगे अतिसहः | अयं असंशयम् कर्मगुणोदयात् सनागयक्षैः मुनिभिः च पूजितः॥

॥Sloka meanings||

अयं महात्मा च - he is a great self
वीर्यतः च महान् - his valor is great
समाहितः संयुगे अतिसहः -
focused in a fight he is highly tolerant
अयं असंशयम् कर्मगुणोदयात् -
without a doubt for his actions
सनागयक्षैः मुनिभिः च पूजितः -
saluted by the Nagas, Yakshas and the sages

||Sloka summary||

"He is a great self. His valor is great. Focused in a fight he is highly tolerant. Without a doubt for his actions this hero is saluted by the Nagas, Yakshas and the sages." ||47.27||

||Sloka 47.28||

समीक्षते मां प्रमुखाग्रतः स्थितः।
पराक्रमो ह्यस्य मनांसि कंपयेत्
सुरासुराणामपि शीघ्रगामिनः॥47.28||

स॥ पराक्रमोत्साह विवृद्धमानसः प्रमुखाग्रतः स्थितः माम् समीक्षते शीघ्रगामिनः अस्य पराक्रमः सुरः असुराणां मनांसि अपि प्रकंपयेत् ||

||Sloka meanings||

पराक्रमोत्साह विवृद्धमानसः -
his mental horizon expanding with valor and power
प्रमुखाग्रतः स्थितः -
standing before me
माम् समीक्षते -
he dares to look into my eyes
शीघ्रगामिनः अस्य पराक्रमः -
swift warrior with his valor
सुरः असुराणां अपि -
even Suras and Asuras
मनांसि प्रकंपयेत् -
will have their minds shaken

||Sloka summary||

"His mental horizon expanding with valor and power, standing before me, he dares to look into my eyes. Swift warrior his valor will shake the minds of even Suras and Asuras". ||47.28||

||Sloka 47.29||

न खल्वयं नाभिभवेदुपेक्षितः
पराक्रमो ह्यस्यरणेविवर्धते।
प्रमापणं त्वेव ममाद्य रोचते
न वर्धमानोग्निरुपेक्षितुं क्षमः॥47.29||

स॥ अयं न उपेक्षितः नाभिभवेत् न खलु रणे अस्य पराक्रमः वर्धते हि | अद्य प्रमापणं त्वेव मम रोचते | वर्धमानः अग्निः उपेक्षितुं न क्षमः॥

॥Sloka meanings||

अयं न उपेक्षितः नाभिभवेत् -
this man is not to be disregarded
न खलु रणे अस्य पराक्रमः वर्धते हि -
he will not overtake me surely in the battle, his valor is increasing
अद्य प्रमापणं त्वेव मम रोचते -
killing him now is proper
वर्धमानः अग्निः उपेक्षितुं न क्षमः -
a spreading fire cannot be neglected

||Sloka summary||

"This man is not to be disregarded. He will not overtake me surely in the battle. But his valor is increasing. Killing him now is proper. A spreading fire cannot be neglected." ||47.29||

So Hanuman now makes up his mind.

||Sloka 47.30||

इति प्रवेगं तु परस्य तर्कयन्
स्वकर्मयोगं च विधाय वीर्यवान् |
चकारवेगं तु महाबलः तदा
मतिं च चक्रेऽस्य वधे महाकपिः॥47.30||

स॥ वीर्यवान् महाबलः महाकपिः इति परस्य प्रवेगं चिंतयन् स्वकर्मयोगं च विधाय तथा वेगं चकार। अस्य वधे मतिं च चक्रे॥

॥Sloka meanings||

वीर्यवान् महाबलः महाकपिः-
the heroic and mighty Vanara
इति परस्य प्रवेगं चिंतयन् -
thinking on the enemy's speed
स्वकर्मयोगं च विधाय -
thought of his own course of action
तथा वेगं चकार -
then increased his speed
अस्य वधे मतिं च चक्रे -
made up his mind to kill him

||Sloka summary||

''The heroic and mighty Vanara while thinking on the enemy's speed and his own course of action, then increased his speed and made up his mind to kill him".||47.30||

||Sloka 47.31||

स तस्य ता नष्टहयान् महाजवान्
समाहितान् भारसहान् विवर्तने।
जघान वीरः पथि वायुसेविते
तलप्रहारैः पवनात्मजः कपिः॥47.31||

स॥ वीरः पवनात्मजः सः कपिः वायुसेविते पथि महाजवान् समाहितान् निवर्तने भारसहान् तान् अष्ट हयान् तलप्रहारैः जघान॥

॥Sloka meanings||

वीरः पवनात्मजः सः कपिः -
that Vanara valiant son of wind god
तान् अष्ट हयान् -
those eight horses
वायुसेविते पथि -
travelling the path of wind
महाजवान् -
endowed with high speed
समाहितान् निवर्तने भारसहान् -
stable in turning around, capable of carrying heavy loads
तलप्रहारैः जघान -
hit them on their head

||Sloka summary||

" Vanara , the hero and son of wind god with his palm then hit the eight horses, which are travelling the path of wind, which are endowed with high speed, which are stable in turning around, and which could carry heavy loads." ||47.31||

||Sloka 47.32||

ततः तलेनाभिहतो महारथः
स तस्य पिंगाधिपमंत्रिसत्तमः।
प्रभघ्ननीडः परिमुक्तकूबरः
पपात भूमौ हतवाजिरंबरात्॥47.32||

स॥ ततः तलेन अभिहितः पिंगाधिपमंत्रिनिर्जितः तस्य महारथः प्रभघ्ननीडः परिमुक्तकूबरः हतवाजिभिः अंबरात् भूमौ पपात॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः तलेन अभिहितः -
then hit by his palm
पिंगाधिपमंत्रिनिर्जितः -
defeated by the minister of the coppery eyed Vanara king
तस्य महारथः प्रभघ्ननीडः -
with the interior seat of the chariot broken
परिमुक्तकूबरः हतवाजिभिः -
with broken wooden structure, and with horses killed
अंबरात् भूमौ पपात -
(the chariot) fell on the ground from the skies

||Sloka summary||

"Then with his palm, the minister of the coppery eyed Vanara king, hit his great chariot. With the interior seat broken and the wooden structure broken, and the horses killed, the chariot fell down on the ground."||47.32||

||Sloka 47.33||

स तं परित्यज्य महारथो रथं
स कार्मुकः खड्गधरः ख मुत्सहन्।
विहाय देहं मरुतामिवालयम्॥47.33||

स॥महारथ सः रथं परित्यज्य सकार्मुकः खड्गधरः खं उत्पतन् उग्रवीर्यवान् देहं विहाय तपोभियोगात् मारुतं आलयं ऋषिः इव॥

॥Sloka meanings||

महारथ सः रथं परित्यज्य -
leaving his chariot, the great chariot warrior
उग्रवीर्यवान् सकार्मुकः -
fierce warrior with bow in his hand
खड्गधरः खं उत्पतन् -
holding a sword flew into the sky
मारुतं आलयं ऋषिः इव -
like the sages going through the abode of Vayu
देहं विहाय तपोभियोगात् -
leaving the body with the power of penance

||Sloka summary||

"With bow in his hand and holding a sword, leaving his chariot, the great chariot warrior flew into the sky, like the sages with the power of penance climb the abode of Maruta leaving their body. " ||47.33||

||Sloka 47.34||

ततः कपिस्तं प्रचरंतमंबरे
पतत्रि राजानिलसिद्धसेविते।
समेतय तं मारुततुल्य विक्रमः
क्रमेण जग्राह सपादयोर्दृढं॥47.34||

स॥ततः मारुतितुल्यविक्रमः कपिः पतत्रि राजानिलसिद्धसेविते अंबरे विचरंतं तं समेत्य क्रमेण तं पादयोः दृढं जग्राह॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः मारुतितुल्यविक्रमः कपिः -
then the Vanara who is equal to wind in prowess
अंबरे विचरंतं तं समेत्य -
reaching him , who is flying in the sky
पतत्रि राजानिलसिद्धसेविते -
frequented by Garuda, Siddhas and Vayu
क्रमेण तं पादयोः दृढं जग्राह -
gradually caught his both feet firmly

||Sloka summary||

"Then the Vanara who is equal to wind in prowess, while flying in the abode of Garudas Siddhas and Vayu , reached him while flying and gradually caught his both feet firmly." ||47.34||

||Sloka 47.35||

स तं समाविध्य सहश्रसः कपिः
महोरगं गृह्य इवांडजेश्वरः।
मुमोच वेगात् पितृतुल्य विक्रमो
महीतले संयति वानरोत्तमः॥47.35||

स॥ पितृतुल्यविक्रमः वानरोत्तमः सः कपिः अंडजेश्वरः महोरगं गृह्यैव तं संयति सहश्रसः समाविध्य वेगात् महीतले मुमोच॥

॥Sloka meanings||

पितृतुल्यविक्रमः वानरोत्तमः सः कपिः -
the best of Vanaras , with prowess equal to his father
अंडजेश्वरः महोरगं गृह्यैव -
like the king of birds catching the serpents
तं संयति सहश्रसः समाविध्य -
seized him and spinning him a thousand times
वेगात् महीतले मुमोच -
threw him speedily on the ground

||Sloka summary||

"The best of Vanaras , with prowess equal to his father, seized him just like the king of birds catches the serpents. Spinning him a thousand times and hitting him threw him speedily on the ground. " ||47.35||

||Sloka 47.36||

सभग्न बाहूरुकटीशिरोधरः
संभग्नसंधिः प्रविकीर्णबंधनो
हतः क्षितौ वायुसुतेन राक्षसः॥47.36||

स॥ स राक्षसः भग्नबाहु उरु कटी शिरोधरः असृक् क्षरन् निर्मथितास्थिलोचनः संभग्नसंधिःप्रविकीर्णबंधनः वायुसुतेन क्षितौ हतः॥

॥Sloka meanings||

स राक्षसः भग्नबाहु उरु कटी शिरोधरः-
that Rakshasa with dislocated joints , with broken arms, thighs, hips and neck
असृक् क्षरन् निर्मथितास्थिलोचनः -
with his eyes and bones protruded, with dripping blood
संभग्नसंधिः प्रविकीर्णबंधनः -
with joints dislocated the tendons strewn
वायुसुतेन क्षितौ हतः-
killed by the son of wind god and fell on the ground

||Sloka summary||

"That Rakshasa with dislocated joints , with broken arms, thighs, hips and neck, with his eyes and bones protruded, with dripping blood , and the tendons strewn was killed by the son of wind god and fell on the ground." ||47.36||

||Sloka 47.37||

महाकपिर्भूमितले निपीड्य तं
चकार रक्षोधिपतेर्महत् भयम्।
समेत्य भूतैश्च सयक्षपन्नगैः॥47.37||
सुरेश्चसेंद्रैर्भृशजात विस्मयैः
हते कुमारे स कपिर्निरीक्षितः।

स॥ महाकपिः तं भूमितले निपीड्य रक्षोधिपतेः महत् भयं चकार | कुमारे हते सः कपिः भृशजातविस्मयैः चक्रचरैः महाव्रतैः महर्षिभिः स यक्षपन्नगैः भूतैश्च स इंद्रैः सुरैश्च समेत्य निरीक्षितः ||

||Sloka meanings||

महाकपिः तं भूमितले निपीड्य -
the great Vanara having thrown him down onto the ground
रक्षोधिपतेः महत् भयं चकार -
the king of Rakshasas was struck with fear
कुमारे हते - with the prince killed
चक्रचरैः महाव्रतैः महर्षिभिः स -
those who make rounds in sky, the sages who take great vows
यक्षपन्नगैः भूतैश्च -
the Yakshas , Pannagas, all beings
स इंद्रैः सुरैश्च समेत्य -
including Indra collected together
भृशजातविस्मयैः सः कपिः निरीक्षितः -
wonderstruck, were seeing the great Vanara with awe.

||श्लोक तात्पर्यमु॥

"The great Vanara throwing him down onto the ground, the king of Rakshasas was struck with fear. With the prince killed , those who make rounds in sky , the sages who take great vows , the Yakshas , Pannagas, all beings including Indra collecting together were seeing the great Vanara with awe." ||47.37||

||Sloka 47.38||

निहत्य तं वज्रिसुतोपमप्रभं
कुमारमक्षं क्षतजोपमेक्षणम्
तमेव वीरोभि जगाम तोरणं
कृतः क्षणः काल इवा प्रजाक्षये॥ 47.38||

स॥वीरः वज्रिसुतोपमप्रभं क्षतजोपमेक्षणं तं अक्षं निहत्य प्रजाक्षये कृतक्षणः कालः इव तं तोरणमेव अभिजगाम॥

॥Sloka meanings||

क्षतजोपमेक्षणं तं अक्षं निहत्य -
having hilled Aksha with blood shot eyes
वज्रिसुतोपमप्रभं -
radiant like the son of Indra
प्रजाक्षये कृतक्षणः कालः इव -
like the god of death set to destroy all beings.
वीरः तं तोरणमेव अभिजगाम-
that hero went back to the archway

||Sloka summary||

" Having killed that Aksha, who was radiant like the son of Indra , who was with blood shot eyes, the hero went back to the archway like the god of death to destroy all beings." ||47.38||

The violent death of the young Aksha, set off a great fear in the king of Rakshasas. Hanuman, the hero, having killed that Aksha went back to the archway, कृतः क्षणः काल इव प्रजाक्षये। determined like the god of death to destroy all beings.

With that word the forty seventh Sarga comes to an end

In the forty first Sarga we heard that Hanuma was all set to go back after meeting Sita. Thinking that the Rakshasa could be softened if a few are killed in battle,

"हतप्रवीरा हि रणे हि राक्षसाः
कथंचि दीयुर्यदि हाद्य मार्दवम्। ( 41.41)

Hanuma decides to use the tactic of strength. Using his strength Hanuma exceeded his own objective, by creating fear in the mind of the King of Rakshasas.

इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये वाल्मीकीये
चतुर्विंशत् सहस्रिकायां संहितायाम्
श्रीमत्सुंदरकांडे सप्तचत्त्वारिंशस्सर्गः ||

||om tat sat||