
|| Sarga 56 ||

|| Meanings and Summary in English ||

Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English

|| om tat sat||

Sarga 56

At the end of fifty fifth Sarga we heard that the Vanara having achieved the cherished goal, knowing that the princess was not burnt, thought of departing after seeing Sita again. So he comes back to Simsupa tree under which Sita was sitting to seek her blessings before leaving . Sarga 56 starts on that note

Now we go through the Slokas of fifty-sixth Sarga with meanings.

||Sloka 56.01||

ततस्तु शिंशुपामूले जानकीं पर्युपस्थिताम्।
अभिवाद्याब्रवीदिष्ट्या पश्यामि त्वामिहाक्षताम्॥56.01||

स॥ ततः शिंशुपामूले पर्युपस्थितां जानकीं अभिवाद्य अब्रवीत् | दिष्ट्या त्वां अक्षतां इह पश्यामि॥

॥Sloka meanings||

शिंशुपामूले पर्युपस्थितां जानकीं -
to Sita sitting under the Simsupa tree
अभिवाद्य - offering salutations
ततःआब्रवीत् - then he said
दिष्ट्या त्वां अक्षतां इह पश्यामि-
luckily I am seeing you unharmed

||Sloka summary||

"Then, offering salutations to Sita sitting under the Simsupa tree, he said,' Luckily I am seeing you unharmed".||56.01||

||Sloka 56.02||

ततस्तं प्रस्थितं सीता वीक्षमाणा पुनः पुनः।
भर्तृस्नेहान्वितं वाक्यं हनुमंतं अभाषत॥56.02||'

स॥ ततः प्रस्थितं हनुमंतं वीक्षमाणा सीता भर्तृस्नेहान्वितं वाक्यं अभाषत॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः प्रस्थितं हनुमंतं वीक्षमाणा -
then seeing Hanuman who is all set to go
भर्तृस्नेहान्वितं वाक्यं -
with words showing her love to her husbandभर्तपै तनकु गल स्नेहमु उट्टिपडेटटट्टुगा
सीता अभाषत - Sita spoke

||Sloka summary||

"Then seeing Hanuman who is all set to go, Sita spoke words showing her love to her husband." ||56.02||

||Sloka 56.03||

काममस्य त्वमेवैकः कार्यस्य परिसाधने।
पर्याप्तः परवीरघ्नः यशस्यः ते बलोदयः॥56.03||

स॥ अस्य कार्यस्य परिसाधने कामं त्वं एकं एव पर्याप्तः | अस्य ते बलोदयः यशस्यः ||

Govindaraja says- वनभङ्गाक्ष वधाधिना हनुमत् शक्तिं विज्ञाय असौ रामाय निवेद्य स्वयमेव सकल राक्षस संहारक पूर्वं मम नेता मा भूत् इति अभिप्रायेण आह कामं इति।अस्य कार्यस्य सर्व राक्षस वध पूर्वकमत्प्रापण रूप कार्यस्य ते यशस्यः यशस्करः। नतु रामस्य इति भावः।

॥Sloka meanings||

अस्य कार्यस्य परिसाधने -
for this mission to be accomplished
कामं त्वं एकं एव पर्याप्तः -
surely you can do on your own
अस्य ते बलोदयः यशस्यः -
with that you attain fame and strength

||Sloka summary||

"For this mission to be accomplished surely you alone are capable. With that you attain fame and strength." ||56.03||

||Sloka 56.04||

शरैस्तु संकुलां कृत्वा लंकाम् परबलार्दनः।
मां नयेद्यदि काकुत्स्थः तत् तस्य सदृशं भवेत्॥56.04||

स॥ परबलार्दनः काकुत्स्थः शरैस्तु लंकां संकुलां कृत्वा यदि मां नयेत् तत् तस्य सदृशं भवेत् ||

Govindaraja says- तर्हि रामस्य किं यशस्करम् इति आह शरैः इति।तत् स्वपराक्रमेण मन्नयं॥ तस्य काकुत् स्थस्य सदृशं। एतदेव मम अभिलषितं।अन्यथा मे कथं वीरपत्नीत्वं इति भावः।

||Sloka meanings||

परबलार्दनः काकुत्स्थः -
the slayer of enemy forces, Kakutstha
शरैस्तु लंकां संकुलां कृत्वा -
creating distress all over Lanka with his arrows
यदि मां नयेत् -
if he takes me back
तत् तस्य सदृशं भवेत् -
that will be worthy of him

||Sloka summary||

"If the slayer of enemy forces, Kakutstha, creating distress all over Lanka with his arrows and takes me back that will be worthy of him." ||56.04||

||Sloka 56.05||

तद्यथा तस्य विक्रान्तमनुरूपं महात्मनः।
भवत्याहवशूरस्य तथा त्वमुपपादय॥56.05||

स॥ तत् महात्मनः आहवशूरस्य तस्य विक्रांतं अनुरूपं यथा भवति तथा त्वं उपपादय ||

||Sloka meanings||

तत् महात्मनः आहवशूरस्य-
that great soul who is chivalrous in battle
तस्य विक्रांतं अनुरूपं -
worthy of his powers
यथा भवति - that way
तथा त्वं उपपादय -
you act accordingly

||Sloka summary||

"You act in a way that is worthy of him who is chivalrous in battle , who is a great soul". ||56.05||

||Sloka 56.06||

तदर्थोपहितं वाक्यं प्रश्रितं हेतुसंहितम्।
निशम्य हनुमांस्तस्या वाक्य मुत्तरमब्रवीत्॥56.06||

स॥ हनुमान् प्रश्रितं तत् हेतुसंहितं अर्थोपहितं तस्याः वाक्यं निशम्य हनुमान् वाक्यं उत्तरं अब्रवीत् |

||Sloka meanings||

तत् हेतुसंहितं अर्थोपहितं -
those meaningful words supported with reason
प्रश्रितं तस्याः वाक्यं निशम्य -
hearing her properly inclined words
हनुमान् वाक्यं उत्तरं अब्रवीत् -
Hanuman spoke in response

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman hearing those properly inclined, meaningful words supported with reason, spoke in response."||56.06||

|||Sloka 56.07||

क्षिप्रमेष्यति काकुत्स्थो हर्यृक्षप्रवरैर्वृतः।
यस्ते युधि विजित्यारीन् शोकं व्यपनयिष्यति॥56.07||

स॥ काकुत्स्थः हर्यक्षु प्रवरैः वृतः क्षिप्रं एष्यति | यः युधि अरीन् विजित्य ते शोकम् व्यपनयिष्यति ||

||Sloka meanings||

काकुत्स्थः हर्यक्षु प्रवरैः वृतः -
Kakutstha along with Vanara chiefs.
क्षिप्रं एष्यति - will come quickly
यः युधि अरीन् विजित्य -
he having defeated the enemies in the battle
ते शोकम् व्यपनयिष्यति -
will remove your sorrow

||Sloka summary||

"Kakutstha will come quickly along with Vanara chiefs. He having defeated the enemies in the battle will remove your sorrow". ||56.07||

||Sloka 56.08||

एवमाश्वास्य वैदेहीं हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः।
गमनाय मतिं कृत्वा वैदेहीं अभ्यवादयत्॥56.08||

स॥ वैदेहीं एवं अश्वास्य हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः गमनाय मतिं कृत्वा वैदेहीं अभ्यवादयत् ||

||Sloka meanings||

वैदेहीं एवं अश्वास्य -
thus having assured Vaidehi
हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः -
Hanuman the son of wind god
गमनाय मतिं कृत्वा -
having made up his mind to go
वैदेहीं अभ्यवादयत् -
offered salutations to Vaidehi.

||Sloka summary||

"Thus having assured Vaidehi , Hanuman the son of wind god, having made up his mind to go offered salutations to Vaidehi."||56.08||

||Sloka 56.09||

ततस्स कपिशार्दूलः स्वामिसंदर्शनोत्सुकः।
आरुरोह गिरिश्रेष्ठं अरिष्ठं अरिमर्दनः॥56.09||

स॥ ततः कपिशार्दूलः स्वामिसंदर्शनोत्सुकः अरिष्ठं गिरिश्रेष्ठं अरिमर्दनः आरुरोह ||

||Sloka meanings||

ततः कपिशार्दूलः अरिमर्दनः-
then the tiger among Vanaras and crusher of foes
स्वामिसंदर्शनोत्सुकः -
eager for meeting the Lord,
अरिष्ठं गिरिश्रेष्ठं आरुरोह -
ascended the best of mountains, Arishta

||Sloka summary||

"Then the tiger among Vanaras and crusher of foes, eager for meeting the Lord, ascended the best of mountains, Arishta."

||Sloka 56.10||

तुंगपद्मकजुष्टाभिः नीलाभिर्वनराजिभिः।
सोत्तरीयमिवांभोदैः शृंगांतरविलम्बिभिः॥56.10||

स॥ तुंगपद्मकजुष्टाभिः नीलाभिः वनराजिभिः शृंगांतर विलम्बिभिः अंबोधैः स उत्तरीयं इव (अस्ति)||

||Sloka meanings||

वनराजिभिः -
with forest ranges
तुंगपद्मकजुष्टाभिः -
with tall Padmaka trees
नीलाभिः वनराजिभिः -
the dark ones
शृंगांतर विलम्बिभिः अंबोधैः -
with clouds hanging between peak
स उत्तरीयं इव (अस्ति)-
looked like an upper garment

||Sloka summary||

"The mountain was having forest ranges full of tall Padmaka trees and the dark ones. The clouds hanging between peaks looked like an upper garment." ||56.10||

||Sloka 56.11||

बोध्यमानमिव प्रीत्या दिवाकरकरैः शुभैः।
उन्मिषन्तमिवोद्दूतैः लोचनैरिव धातुभिः॥56.11||

स॥ शुभैः दिवाकरकरैः प्रीत्या बोध्यमानं इव (अस्ति) उद्धूतैः लोचनैरिव धातुभी उन्मिषन्तं इव ||

||Sloka meanings||

शुभैः दिवाकरकरैः-
with auspicious Sun rays
प्रीत्या बोध्यमानं इव -
as though affectionately waking up (
उद्धूतैः लोचनैरिव धातुभिः -
minerals pushed up by the wind were like eyes
उन्मिषन्तं इव -
that are just opening up.

||Sloka summary||

"The auspicious Sun rays were as though affectionately waking up ( the mountain). The minerals pushed up by the wind were like eyes that are opening up." ||56.11||

||Sloka 56.12||

तोयौघनिस्स्वनैर्मंद्रैः प्राधीत मिव पर्वतम्।
प्रगीतमिव विस्पष्टैः र्नानाप्रस्रवणस्वनैः॥56.12||

स॥ मन्द्रैः तोयौघनिश्वनैः प्राधीतं इव विस्पष्टैः नानाप्रस्रवण स्वनैः प्रगीतं इव पर्वतम्॥

Govindaraja says- तोयौघनिश्वनैः गिरिनदीघोषैः ।मन्द्रैः गंभीरैः। प्रश्रवणस्वनैः प्रवत मूलात् बहिः प्रवहन्ति जलानि प्रस्रवणानि तेषां स्वनैः ।

॥Sloka meanings||

तोयौघनिश्वनैः -
loud sounds of gurgling waters
पर्वतम् -
विस्पष्टैः मन्द्रैः प्राधीतं इव -
reciting with deep and clear sounds
नानाप्रस्रवण स्वनैः -
different kinds of sounds of water falls
प्रगीतं इव -
as though the mountain was singing

||Sloka summary||

"The loud sounds of gurgling waters were like reciting (mantras) with specific sounds. The different kinds of sounds of water falls were as though the mountain was singing." ||56.12||

||Sloka 56.13||

देवदारुभिरत्युच्चैः ऊर्ध्वबाहुमिव स्थितम्।
प्रपात जलनिर्घोषैः प्राकृष्ट मिव सर्वतः॥56.13||

स॥ अत्युच्चैः देवदारुभिः ऊर्ध्वबाहुं इव स्थितं | प्रपात जलनिर्घोषैः सर्वतः प्राकृष्टं इव |

||Sloka meanings||

अत्युच्चैः देवदारुभिः -
with tall Devadarus
ऊर्ध्वबाहुं इव स्थितं -
like one standing with the arms raised
प्रपात जलनिर्घोषैः -
sounds of water falls
सर्वतः प्राकृष्टं इव -
were like reverberations

||Sloka summary||

"The tall Devadarus were like one standing with the arms raised. The sounds of water fall all over were like reverberations." ||56.13||

||Sloka 56.14||

वेपमान मिव श्यामैः कंपमानैः शरद्घनैः।
वेणुभिर्मारुतोद्दूतैः कूजन्तमिव कीचकैः॥56.14||

स॥ श्यामैः कंपमानैः शरद्घनैः वेपमानं इव। वेणुभिः कीचकैः मारुतोद्धूतैःकीचकैः कूजंतं इव ( अस्ति) ||

||Sloka meanings||

श्यामैः शरद्घनैः कंपमानैः -
trembling with dark clouds of autumn
वेपमानं इव -
are like shaking ( the mountain)
वेणुभिः कीचकैः मारुतोद्धूतैः -
hollow bamboos hit by the winds
कीचकैः कूजंतं इव -
making sweet noises like bamboo flutes

||Sloka summary||

"The mountain appeared trembling with dark clouds of autumn. The hollow bamboos hit by the winds made sweet noises like bamboo flutes . " ||56.14||

||Sloka 56.15||

निश्स्वसन्तमिवामर्षात् घोरैराशीविषोत्तमैः।
नीहारकृतगंभीरैः ध्यायन्तमिव गह्वरैः॥56.15||

स॥ घोरैः आशीविषोत्तमैः निःश्वशंतं इव। नीहारकृत गंभीरैः गह्वरैः ध्यायन्तं इव ||

||Sloka meanings||

घोरैः आशीविषोत्तमैः -
by dreadful poisonous snakes
निःश्वशंतं इव -
like the hissing sounds
नीहारकृत गंभीरैः गह्वरैः-
caves majestically covered with mist
ध्यायन्तं इव -
as though meditating

||Sloka summary||

"(The mountain sounds were) like the hissing sounds of dreadful poisonous snakes. The caves majestically covered with mist were as though meditating." ||56.15||

||Sloka 56.16||

मेघपादनिभैः पादैः प्रकान्तमिव सर्वतः।
जृंभमान मिवाकाशे शिखरैरभ्रमालिभिः॥56.16||

स॥मेघपादनिभैः पादैः सर्वतः प्रकान्तमिव अभ्रमालिभिः शिखरैः आकाशे जृंभमाणं इव॥

Govindaraja says- प्रकान्तमिव गन्तुं उद्युक्तमिव । जृंभमाणमिव गात्र भङ्गं कुर्वाणमिव।अभ्रमालिभिः मेघमालावद्भिः।

॥Sloka meanings||

मेघपादनिभैः पादैः -
ranges of foothills appearing like feet of the clouds
सर्वतः प्रकान्तमिव - as if ready to walk
अभ्रमालिभिः शिखरैः -
mountain tops looking like garlands of clouds
आकाशे जृंभमाणं इव -
the Sky is like clearing its throat

||Sloka summary||

"The ranges of foothills appearing like feet of the clouds and the peaks like garlands of clouds , it made one look like sky clearing its throat. " ||56.16||

||Sloka 56.17||

कूटैश्च बहुधा कीर्णैः शोभितं बहुकन्दरैः।
सालतालाश्वकर्णैश्च वंशैश्च बहुभिर्वृतम्॥56.17||

स॥बहुधा कीर्णैः बहुकंदरैः कूटैश्च शोभितं | बहुभिः सालतालाश्वकर्णैश्छ वंशैश्च व्ततं॥

Govindaraja says- बहुधाकीर्णैः हनुमत् पाद स्पर्शेन शिथिलैः इत्यर्थः

||Sloka meanings||

बहुधा कीर्णैः कूटैश्च बहुकंदरैः -
with many kinds of caves and mountain peaks
शोभितं - delightful
वृत्तं - filled with
बहुभिः सालतालाश्वकर्णैश्छ -
with many Sala, Tala, and Aswakarna trees
वंशैश्च - bamboo trees

||Sloka summary||

"With many kinds of caves and mountain peaks it was delightful. It was covered with many Sala, Tala, and Aswakarna trees, as well as bamboos and reeds." ||56.17||

||Sloka 56.18||

लतावितानैर्विततैः पुष्पवद्भिरलंकृतम्।
नानामृग गणाकीर्णं धातुनिष्यन्दभूषितम्॥56.18||

स॥विततैः पुष्पवद्भिः लतावितानैः अलंकृतं नानामृगगणाकीर्णं धातुनिष्यंदभूषितम् ||

||Sloka meanings||

विततैः पुष्पवद्भिः लतावितानैः -
with creepers filled with flowers
अलंकृतं - decorated
नानामृगगणाकीर्णं -
with herds of many types of animals
धातुनिष्यंदभूषितम् -
decorated with colorful minerals dropping down

||Sloka summary||

"It was spread with creepers filled with flowers and there were herds of many types of animals. the mountain was decorated with colorful minerals dropping down." ||56.18||

||Sloka 56.19||

बहुप्रस्रवणोपेतं शिलासंचयसंकटम्।
महर्षियक्षगंधर्व किन्नरोरुगसेवितम्॥56.19||

स॥बहुप्रश्रवणोपेतं शिलासंचयसंकटं महर्षि यक्ष गंधर्व किन्नरः उरुगः सेवितम्॥

॥Sloka meanings||

बहुप्रश्रवणोपेतं -
with many waterfalls
शिलासंचयसंकटं -
with heaps of rocks which make the flow of water difficultन
महर्षि यक्ष गंधर्व-
by sages, Yakshas, Gandharvas,
किन्नरः उरुगः -
by Kinnaras and Nagas.
सेवितम् - inhabited by

||Sloka summary||

"With many waterfalls with heaps of rocks making the flow of water difficult, it was inhabited by sages, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Nagas. " ||56.19||

||Sloka 56.20||

लतापादसंघातं सिंहाध्युषितकन्दरम्।
व्याघ्रसंघसमाकीर्णं स्वादुमूलफलद्रुमम्॥56.20||

स॥लतापादपसंघातं सिंहाध्युषितकन्दरम् व्याघ्र संघ समाकीर्णं स्वादुमूलफलाद्रुमम्॥

॥Sloka meanings||

लतापादपसंघातं -
with clusters of creepers and trees,
सिंहाध्युषितकन्दरम् -
with caves inhabited by lions
व्याघ्र संघ समाकीर्णं-
with herds of tigers all over
स्वादुमूलफलाद्रुमम् -
with trees bearing tasty fruits and roots

||Sloka summary||

"With clusters of creepers and trees, trees bearing tasty fruits and roots , caves inhabited by lions were scattered all over." ||56.20||

||Sloka 56.21||

तं आरुरोह हनुमान् पर्वतं पवनात्मजः।
रामदर्शन शीघ्रेण प्रहर्षेणाभिचोदितः॥56.21||

स॥ पवनात्मजः हनुमान् रामदर्शन शीघ्रेण प्रहर्षेण अभिचोदितः तं पर्वतं आरुरोह॥

॥Sloka meanings||

पवनात्मजः हनुमान् - Hanuman, the son of wind god
रामदर्शन शीघ्रेण - anxious to see Rama soon,
प्रहर्षेण अभिचोदितः - prompted by joy (of seeing Rama)
तं पर्वतं आरुरोह- ascended the mountain

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman, the son of wind god, with joy and anxious to see Rama soon, ascended the mountain happily." ||56.21||

||Sloka 56.22||

तेन पादतलाक्रान्ता रम्येषु गिरिसानुषु।
सघोषाः समसीर्यन्त शिलाः चूर्णीकृतास्ततः॥56.22||

स॥ ततः रम्येषु गिरिसानुषु तेन पादतलाक्रांताः शिलाः सुघोषाः चूर्णीकृताः समसीर्यन्त॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः रम्येषु गिरिसानुषु -
then in the beautiful mountain ranges
तेन पादतलाक्रांताः शिलाः -
rocks crushed under Hanuman's feet,
सुघोषाः चूर्णीकृताः समसीर्यन्त-
making a loud noise rolled down reduced to powder.

||Sloka summary||

"The rocks on beautiful mountain ranges crushed under Hanuman's feet, making a loud noise rolled down reduced to powder." ||56.22||

||Sloka 56.23||

स तं आरुह्य शैलेंद्रं व्यवर्थत महाकपिः।
दक्षिणादुत्तरं पारं प्रार्थयन् लवणांभसः॥56.23||

स॥सः महाकपिः लवणांभसः दक्षिणात् उत्तरं पारं प्रार्थयन् तं शैलेंद्रं आरुह्य व्यवर्धत॥

॥Sloka meanings||

सः महाकपिः - the great Vanara
लवणांभसः दक्षिणात् उत्तरं पारं प्रार्थयन् -
wishing to cross the ocean from the southern tip to northern shore
तं शैलेंद्रं आरुह्य - having climbed the mountain
व्यवर्धत - grew (in size.)

||Sloka summary||

"The great Vanara wishing to cross the ocean from the southern tip to northern shore having climbed the mountain grew in size." ||56.23||

||Sloka 56.24||

अधिरुह्य ततो वीरः पर्वतं पवनात्मजः।
ददर्श सागरं भीमं मीनोरगनिषेवितम्॥56.24||

स॥ततः वीरं पवनात्मजः पर्वत्ं अधिरुह्य मीनोरुगनिषेवितं भीमं सागरं ददर्श॥

॥Sloka meanings||

ततः वीरं पवनात्मजः - then the heroic son of wind god
पर्वतं अधिरुह्य - having climbed the mountain
मीनोरुगनिषेवितं - inhabited by fishes and snakes
भीमं सागरं ददर्श- saw the fearsome ocean

||Sloka summary||

"Then the heroic son of wind god having climbed the mountain saw the fearsome ocean inhabited by fishes and snakes." ||56.24||

||Sloka 56.25||

स मारुत इवाऽकाशं मारुतस्याsत्मसंभवः।
प्रपेदे हरिशार्दूलो दक्षिणादुत्तरं दिशम्॥56.25||

स॥ मारुतस्य आत्मसंभवः सा हरिशार्दूलः दक्षिणात् उत्तरं दिशं मारुतः इव आकाशं प्रपेदे॥

॥Sloka meanings||

मारुतस्य आत्मसंभवः - son of wind god
सा हरिशार्दूलः - that tiger among the Vanaras
दक्षिणात् उत्तरं दिशं - from the south towards north
मारुतः इव आकाशं प्रपेदे - leaped in to the sky like wind

||Sloka summary||

"The son of wind god, tiger among the Vanaras, leaped in to the sky from the south towards north like wind god." ||56.25||

||Sloka 56.26||

स तदा पीडितस्तेन कपिना पर्वतोत्तमः।
ररास सह तैर्भूतैः प्रविशन् वसुधातलम्॥56.26||
कम्पमानैश्च शिखरैः पतद्भिरपि च द्रुमैः।

स॥ स तदा तेन कपिना पीडितः सः पर्वतोत्तमः भूतैः सह वसुधातलं प्रविशन् कंपमानैः शिखरैः पतत्भिः द्रुमैः ररास॥

॥Sloka meanings||

स तदा तेन कपिना पीडितः -
then pressured by the Vanara
सः पर्वतोत्तमः भूतैः सह -
that best of mountains along with all creatures
वसुधातलं प्रविशन् - entered the earth
कंपमानैः शिखरैः - with its mountain tops shaken
पतत्भिः द्रुमैः - with trees falling,
ररास - made great sound

||Sloka summary||

""Then pressured by the Vanara the best of mountains entered the earth along with all creatures , with its mountain tops shaken and trees falling making great sound." ||56.26||

आन्नि वेळ्ळतो सहा नेलकूलिपोडमुतो, अंदुंडि ब्रह्मांडमैन ध्वनि वॆलुवडिनदि अन्न माट

॥Sloka 56.27||

तस्योरु वेगोन्मथिताः पादपाः पुष्पशालिनः॥56.27||
निपेतुर्भूतले रुग्णाः शक्रायुध हता इव।

स॥ तस्य उरुवेगात् मथिताः पुष्पशालिनः पादपाः रुग्णाः शक्रायुधहता इव भूतले निपेतुः॥

॥Sloka meanings||.

तस्य उरुवेगात् मथिताः -
shaken by the force of his thighs
पुष्पशालिनः पादपाः -
trees full of flowers
रुग्णाः शक्रायुधहता इव -
like sick people struck down by Indra's thunderbolt
भूतले निपेतुः -
fell on the ground

||Sloka summary||

"Shaken by the force of his thighs , the blossoming trees fell on the ground like sick people struck down by Indra's thunderbolt." ||56.27||

||Sloka 56.28||

कन्दरान्तरसंस्थानं पीडितानां महौजसाम्॥56.28||
सिंहानां निनदो भीमो नभो भिन्दन् स शुश्रुवे।

स॥ कन्दरान्तर संस्थानम् पीडितानां महौजसां सिंहानां भीमः सः निनादः नभः भिन्दन् शुश्रुवे॥

॥Sloka meanings||

कन्दरान्तर संस्थानम् - of those residing in the mountain caves
पीडितानां महौजसां - of those powerful crushed ones
सिंहानां भीमः निनादः- the terrific roar of lions
सः नभः भिन्दन् शुश्रुवे - was heard cracking the sky

||Sloka summary||

"The terrific roar of powerful lions residing in those crushed caves was heard cracking the sky ." ||56.28||

||Sloka 56.29||

स्रस्ताव्यावृत्त वसना व्याकुलीकृतभूषणाः॥56.29||
विद्याधर्यः समुत्पेतुः सहसा धरणी धरात्।

स॥ विध्याधर्यः त्रस्तव्यावृतवसना व्याकुलीकृत भूषणाः सहसा धरणी धरात् समुत्पेतुः॥

॥Sloka meanings||

विध्याधर्यः त्रस्तव्यावृतवसना -
Vidyadharas in fear with their clothes slipped
व्याकुलीकृत भूषणाः -
with ornaments disarrayed
सहसा धरणी धरात् -
at once from the mountain
समुत्पेतुः - flew

||Sloka summary||

"The Vidyadharas who were afraid , with their clothes slipped in fear with ornaments disarrayed at once flew from the mountain." ||56.29||

||Sloka 56.30||

अतिप्रमाणा बलिनो दीप्तजिह्वा महाविषाः॥56.30||
निपीडित शिरोग्रीवा व्यचेष्टन्त महाहयः।

स॥ अतिप्रमाणः बलिनः दीप्तजिह्वाः महाविषाः महाहयः निपीडितशिरोग्रीवाः व्यचेष्टन्त॥

॥Sloka meanings||

अतिप्रमाणः बलिनः-
strong and huge in size
महाहयः -
powerful snakes
दीप्तजिह्वाः महाविषाः -
with glowing tongues and highly poisonous
निपीडितशिरोग्रीवाः व्यचेष्टन्त -
pressed on their heads and necks started protruding

||Sloka summary||

"Strong and highly poisonous snakes huge in size with glowing tongues were pressed on their heads and necks ( by hanuman taking a leap)." ||56.30||

||Sloka 56.31||

किन्नरोरग गंधर्वयक्षविद्याधरस्तदा॥56.31||
पीडितं तं नगरं त्यक्त्वा गगनमास्थिताः।

स॥ तदा किन्नरोरग गंधर्वयक्षविद्याधरः पीडितं तं नगवरम् त्यक्त्वा गगनं आस्थिताः॥

॥Sloka meanings||

तदा किन्नरोरग गंधर्वयक्षविद्याधरः-
then the Kinnaras, Uragas, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Vidyadharas
पीडितं तं नगवरम् त्यक्त्वा -
having left the pressured mountain
गगनं आस्थिताः -
occupied the sky

||Sloka summary||

"Then the Kinnaras, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Vidyadharas left the pressured mountain and occupied the sky." ||56.31||

||Sloka 56.32||

स च भूमिधरः श्रीमान् बलिना तेन पीडितः॥56.32||
स वृक्षशिखरोदग्रः प्रविवेश रसातलम्।

स॥ बलिना तेन पीडितः सवृक्षशिखरोदग्रः श्रीमान् सः भूमिधरश्च रसातलं प्रविवेश।

॥Sloka meanings||

बलिना तेन पीडितः -
pushed by the powerful one
सवृक्षशिखरोदग्रः श्रीमान् सः -
mountain along with the trees and its peaks
भूमिधरश्च रसातलं प्रविवेश -
sank into the underworld

||Sloka summary||

"Pushed by the powerful one , the mountain along with the trees and its peaks sank into the underworld." ||56.32||

||Sloka 56.33||

दशयोजनविस्तारः त्रिंशद्योजनमुच्छ्रितः॥56.33||
धरण्याम् समतां यातः स बभूव धराधरः।

स॥ दशयोजनविस्तारः त्रिंशत् योजनं उच्छ्रितं धराधरः धरण्यां समतां यातः बभूव॥

॥Sloka meanings||

दशयोजनविस्तारः -
ten Yojana wide
त्रिंशत् योजनं उच्छ्रितं -
thirty yojana high
धराधरः धरण्यां -
that mountain
धरण्यां समतां यातः बभूव -
became of same level as the ground

||Sloka summary||

"Ten Yojana wide and thirty yojana high that mountain was levelled to ground." ||56.33||

||Sloka 56.34||

स लिलिंग यिषुर्भीमं सलीलं लवणार्णवम्
कल्लोलास्फाल वेलान्त मुत्पपात नभो हरिः॥34||

स॥ स हरिः भीमं कल्लोलास्फालवेलां तं लवणार्णवम् सलीलं लिलिंघयिषुः नभः उत्पपात॥

॥Sloka meanings||

स हरिः - that Vanara
भीमं कल्लोलास्फालवेलां -
with fearsome with huge waves dashing towards the shore
तं लवणार्णवम् - that oceanआ समुद्रमुनु
सलीलं लिलिंघयिषुः - desiring to cross easily
नभः उत्पपात - flew into the sky

||Sloka summary||

"The Vanara desiring to cross the ocean of salt water with huge waves dashing towards the shore leaped into the sky." ||56.34||

So having started on a journey on search of Sita finally Hanuma is on his way back successfully.

The first Sloka in Sundarakanda stated the goal of this search.
'ततो रावण नीतायाः' (1.1). Hanuma in search of Sita abducted by Ravana, went in southern direction 'चारणा चरिते पथिः' - 'following the path of Charanas'; Now Hanuma having completed that task, flew in the northern direction from the South.

In thirty eighth Sarga, when Sita gave the "Chudamani",
Valmiki wrote that हृदयेन तु गतो रामं" ; Hanuma reached for Rama in his heart; With happy thoughts "प्रति संक्रमं प्रपेदे"- Hanuma got ready for the return journey. But he got held up answering Sita's doubts and questions.

After answering all Sita's queries, Hanuma wanted to complete a small task before leaving. 'अल्पावशेषं', A small task that was not completed. At the same time in his mind he moved towards the northern shores. 'दिशं ह्युदीशं मनसा जगाम'.; But he remained stuck in his physical form in Lanka itself. That was in fortieth Sarga.

In the forty first Sarga, the story takes a turn. Wanting to know the strength of the Rakshasa and meet Ravana, Hanuma goes about the destruction of Ashok Van. Successfully defending himself, Hanuma destroys the Rakshasas who came to capture him.

Finally meeting Ravana Hanuma delivers a blistering message,
which was to "return Sita and plead forgiveness of Rama". Unrepentant Ravana orders that Hanuma's tail be set on fire. Hanuma accepts the punishment of burning tail. And converts that to an opportunity to burn down Lanka. Finally taking leave of Sita, Hanuma is physically on a path to return. So, the journey that started mentally in Sarga 38, finally takes place in Sarga 56.

During this period, we learnt many things. The dialogue of Hanuma and Sita is most revealing.

When Hanuma gets ready to go, Sita had many questions. She says "कामं अस्य त्वमेव एकः कार्यस्य परिसाधने".That means " you can achieve what is required, without anybody's help".

But Sita's wish is something different.

What is that wish? "शरैस्तु संकुलं कृत्वा लङ्कांपरबलार्दनः। मां नयेत् यदि काकुत्स्थः तत् तस्य सदृशम् भवेत्॥(56.4) Rama to come to Lanka and defeat Ravana, then take her back. That would be appropriate for Rama. The distinction of defeating Ravana should be that of Rama.

That "husband's fame' is the wish of every wife. That is the lesson from Sundarakanda. That every husband shall also have a similar wish is also true. We hear that from Rama in Uttara Kanda.

One more thought. In the last Sarga - fifty fourth Sarga- we hear
'दग्धेयं नगरी सर्वा जानकी न च दग्धेति' ;That means, 'whole of Lanka was burnt, but Sita was not '

In that safety of Sita we learn one more thing.

Sita is known as 'अयोनिज' ; "Self" has no birth. 'Self' is not born, nor does it have a 'death'; We hear that in Bhagavad-Gita. "न जायते..." ; We also hear, "न दह्यते दह्यमाने शरीरे", Though the body can be burnt, the "Self" is not burnt.

Lanka is the symbolic representation of the body complex. Hanuma went in search of the "Self". Sita is that "Self". In the burning of Lanka, Valmiki is establishing that, though the body complex in the form of "Lanka " may be burnt, Sita - the "Self" is not burnt and is safe.

Sita is Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu. Rama is the form of Vishnu. Sita is also the form of Jiva. How a Jiva is stuck in the bonds of life, may escape those bonds is established in Sundarakanda.

Guru helps in the unification Jiva with Paramatma. Hanuma is that Guru or teacher. Hanuma, the teacher, having found the Jiva with abiding interest in unification, now starts back to convey the same to the Paramatman, the Supreme being. So Hanuma, the teacher having completed his task is on the way back.

Thus, the many echoes in Sundarakanda, culminate in this Hanuma's travel from South to North.

इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये वाल्मीकीये
चतुर्विंशत् सहस्रिकायां संहितायाम्
श्रीमत्सुंदरकांडे षट्पंचाशस्सर्गः ||

Thus ends the fifty sixth Sarga of Sundarakanda in Ramayana the first poem ever composed in Sanskrit by the first poet sage Valmiki.

|| om tat sat||