|| Sarga 7 ||
|| Tattva Dipika ||
||om tat sat||
Sarga 7
सुंदरे सुंदरो कपिः
This Sarga is about riches of Ravana.
In the end it is also about Sundara of Sundarakanda
We see and hear about the palace complex and riches of Ravana.
The riches were "देवैश्च सर्वैः सुपूजितानि "- cherished by even Gods,
The riches were "स्वबलार्जितानि", won by his own prowess.
They were "दोषैः परिवर्जितानि "- without blemishes.
His palace was of "अप्रतिरूपरूपं " matchless beauty.
And it reflected आत्मबलानुरूपं - his own might.
Hanuman also sees a glowing "पुष्पाह्वयं नाम महाविमानं" -
a great aerial car by name Pushpaka.
Seeing all these Hanuman was "सविश्मयः" filled with wonder.
But Hanuman going in search of Sita could not find Sita
who was "पतिगुणवेगनिर्जिताम् " - won over by the rich attributes of her husband,
who was "सुपूजिताम् " a well respected one.
Unable to find Sita, Hanuman,
"बहुविधात्मनः " who can pursue many thoughts,
"कृतात्मनः" who has achieved set goals ,
became "अति दुःखितं मनः " very agitated in his mind.
That is the summary of Sarga 7.
Sarga is full of beautiful sights and words.
Behind each one of those beautiful sights and words,
there are equally beautiful thoughts.
When one see beautiful sights
one is surely delighted by the visible external beauty,
and is filled with wonder at the spectacle.
With that delight one may follow the path of delight in worldly affairs .
That is like following the path of "Pleasant" ,
one of the two paths articulated by Yama to Nachiketa in Kathopanishad.
The two paths are of "Good (श्रेयस्)" Vs "Pleasant( प्रेयस्)".
As articulated by Yama in teaching Nachiketa,
the one in search of "Self" will continue to follow the path of "Good".
They are after the eternal happiness in the realization of "Self".
Similarly Hanuman here in search of Sita
while delighted momentarily seeing the sights in Lanka.
He is full of grief at not being able to see Sita.
His ultimate delight is in completion of his search of Sita or "Self".
The poet Valmiki having described the Pushpak in so many wonderful ways,
refers to dejected Hanuman in glorious terms.
Each of the epithets used being rich in meaning.
The poet Valmiki describes " सुदुःखितः" a deeply grieving Hanuman.
Hanuman is described as:
- बहुविध भावितात्मः - बहुविधं यथा भवति तथा चिंतितात्मनः
One who can contemplate the way it happens in many ways
The one who can contemplate on"Self" in many ways.
- कृतात्मः - शिक्षितान्तःकरणस्य,
means one with a disciplined mental faculties.
One , who was successful in attaining Self.
When Mainaka asks him to stop and take rest on him,
Hanuman says , "प्रतिज्ञा च मया दत्ता न स्थातव्यमिहांतरे".
He says that he has taken a vow not to stop mid way in his search.
That is the commitment.
- सुवर्त्मः - शोभनमार्गावलम्बिनः
one who is follower of rightful conduct.
We see this in the very first Sloka of Sundarakanda.
It is said Hanuman followed the path which is "चारणा चरिते पथि".
Which also means path trodden by Masters.
Hanuman followed well trodden traditional path.
Before undertaking his leap across the ocean,
Hanuman following the rightful path,
paid obeisance to Sun god and others,
as if to emphasize that act of following rightful traditions.
- सुचक्षुः- सुचक्षुः श्रुतिस्मृतिन्यायरूपचक्षुः सहितस्य
One who has good or auspicious eyes.
Hanuman is the one who knows that the "Self" is different from the "Body complex", Thus he has those eyes which can look inward towards his "Self".
Hanuman after landing in Lanka, standing on the Trikuta mountain looks at the city of Lanka glowing like the city of Gods, which is also a city of worldly enjoyment,as though he was looking at the "Body complex" which is again a place for all worldly enjoyment.
When it is said
सुंदरे सुंदरो कपिः
These descriptors describe that Sundara,
the Hanuman in Sundarakanda.
|| om tat sat ||