Sundara kanda:
Chapter 12!
Hanuman continues the Search !!
Sundarakanda Chapter 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4
Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8 Ch9 , Ch10 , Ch11
Chapter Summary :
Not finding Sita the great Vanara starts thinking .' Certainly the Daughter of Mithila must have given up her life' Hanuman even thinks of consequences of his going back without finding Sita . Then he recommits himself to search for Sita
Hanuman who is anxious to see Sita searches the palaces with creeper-houses, as well as palaces suitable for strolling in the nights. But he could not find Sita who bears all the auspicious marks.
Chapter 12
Hanuman who is anxious to see Sita searches the palaces with creeper-houses , as well as the places suitable for strolling in the nights. But he could not find Sita who bears all the auspicious marks.
Then the great Vanara started thinking .' Certainly the Daughter of Mithila must have given up her life, otherwise how is it that I do not find her? Or that virtuous lady Sita who is intent on keeping her chastity must have been disposed off by the wicked King of Rakshasas. Or being afraid of these cruel servant maids of the Rakshasa king with hideous looks, the daughter of Janaka may be hiding . Along with Angada and others I looked for Sita and all our efforts have been fruitless. I am not able to find her. Under these circumstances I cannot face Sugriva, the King of Vanaras. He is all powerful and capable of giving severe punishment. I have searched through the palaces of the King Ravana. This effort of crossing the ocean in search of Sita is now a lost effort. If I go back , all of them waiting for my return will gather around me and ask " Oh Valorous one, having gone to Lanka what have you done ? please tell us". Not having seen the The daughter of Janaka, what can I tell all the others. If the time limit is exceeded all of them may give up their lives. If I go back the what will the elderly Jambavan and the Prince Angada say ?
"Not being dispirited is the first requirement of happiness and success. Hence I will search for Sita in all those places I have not searched. Not being dispirited and being full of spirit is good and that leads one to success in all matters. Hence full of spirit I will search for Sita. I will again look up all those places which I have not searched before'.
Having thought through Hanuman again starts his search !
Then Hanuman searched the palaces again.
He saw Rakshasas of different forms and shapes but Hanuman could not find Sita.
Hanuman saw 'Vidhyadharas women of unparalleled beauty. But Hanuman could not find Sita. He saw beautiful women from Nagalok. But Hanuman could not find Sita. Hanuman saw beautiful women. But Hanuman could not see Sita the daughter of Janaka
Having got down from the palace steps the sorrowful Hanuman started thinking again.
Thus ends Chapter 12
Having got down from the palace steps the sorrowful Hanuman started thinking again.