Sundara kanda:
Chapter 22
Sita rejects Ravana's overtures !!
Chapter Summary : .
Hearing Sita's forceful reply Ravana gives an ultimatum threatening Sita that at the end of the two month period she will be cut to pieces and served as breakfast unless she decides to accept him. Sita in turn admonishes him and tells him that his end is destined at the hands of SriRama. Then Ravan orders the Rakshasa women guarding her to win her over using Sama, Dana, Bheda and even Danda !!.So saying he leaves the Ashokavan with his entourage
Hearing Sita's forceful reply, the fearful King of Rakshasa's spoke to her with harsh words
Chapter 22
Hearing Sita's forceful reply, the fearful King of Rakshasa's spoke to her with harsh words
Oh Maithili ! the more courteous a man is the more agreeable he becomes to them. Here more kind words I speak the more I am snubbed. The love I have for you restrains my anger even as a good charioteer controls the horses running on a wrong path. It is a well known fact that compassion and affection generated towards one on whom love gets fastened. Hence I do not cause you who is wedded to asceticism to be put to death even though you are deserving of death. Indeed O Maithili, for all those harsh lines you have uttered , you only deserve to be killed '
Having thus addressed Sita with anger Ravan continued.
' As per the deadline set by me two months are left . After that you have to be mine and climb into my bed . After two months if you do not want me as your husband my cooks will cut you into pieces for my morning meal".
Looking at the Sita being thus threatened by Ravana those daughters of Gods and Gandharvas grew sad with troubled eyes. Some of them by their expressions on their lips , and others by their eyes and yet others by their facial expressions reassured Sita . Thus reassured , Sita proud of herself and her husbands valor addressed words of advice to Ravana the King of Rakshasas. She told Ravana,
"Surely there is no body here who is interested in your welfare and no one who can deter you from this dastardly act . Going anywhere you will not escape the consequences of the sinful proposal you have made to the consort of SriRama. Your getting ready to fight SriRama is like a hare challenging an Elephant. You are like a small hare. Being afraid of facing SriRama , you carried me away in his absence . In his absence you are able to say what you want without shame. If you face SriRama you will know the taste of his power . Oh Cruel Rakshasa how is it that eyes do not fall off on the ground. Oh ignoble creature why did your tongue not fall off even as you are talking to me the wife of pious minded Sri Rama and daughter-in-law of King Dasaratha ? My powers are indeed enough to reduce you to ashes but I do not reduce you to ashes by the dint of my powers because do not have the mandate from the virtuous Sri Rama. Being the wife of great SriRama, it would not have been possible for you to carry me away. Surely this happened because fate has willed your death".
Hearing these words of Sita and looking at Sita with eyes blazing with anger , and hissing like a serpent Ravana addressed Sita.
"O Lady devoted to a man beset with ill luck and is devoid of resources, I will destroy you like the Sun's rays destroy the morning twilight with its brilliance".
Having threatened Sita as stated Ravana commanded all the cruel Rakshasa women as follows.
'All of you together and severally act in such a way that this Sita becomes mine. Reduce Sita to submission using Sama Dana Bheda or even Danda !!
Having commanded the Rakshasa women guarding Sita thus, Ravana whose mind was seized with passion and anger roared at Sita. Then one of the Rakshasa women by name Dhanyamalini embraced him and said " Play with me O King what do you gain by Sita a pale and wretched human creature. O Lord Brahma has not ordained that she enjoy the riches earned by the mighty arms of yours. One who loves woman who does not love him suffers from loneliness. While extreme delight is the lot of a man loving a woman who loves him. Spoken to in these words Ravan left the Ashokvan along with his entourage.
Ravana thus having threatened that virtuous Lady Maithili who was shivering with fear and then left the Ashokvan although full of desires . Then Ravana went to his palace which is lit brightly
Thus ends Chapter 22
Om tat Sat
Ravana thus having threatened that virtuous Lady Maithili who was shivering with fear , then left the Ashokvan though full of desires . Then Ravana went to his palace which is lit brightly