Sundara kanda:
Chapter 28
Sita sees good omens !!
Chapter Summary :
Hearing the unpalatable words of Ravana and afflicted by the sorrow of separation form SriRama Sita decides to end her life. Then a number of good omens portending good appeared.
Hearing the unpalatable words of Ravana deeply afflicted with separation from her husband she was feeling the she-elephant caught in the clutches of a lion.
Chapter 28
Hearing the unpalatable words of Ravana deeply afflicted with separation from her husband she was feeling the she-elephant caught in the clutches of a lion.
O Rama of unfailing vows with long arms whose countenance resembles the full moon , who is a friend of all living beings, the Rakshasas are about to kill me . Do you not know? I am devoted to you while sleeping on the bare ground, keeping up the vows of dharma. My observance of rules of righteous conduct failed like the service rendered to ungrateful persons.
Even as she was in sorrow she kept remembering SriRama. Tired and with parched throat she approached the tree with full blown flowers.
Lost in sorrow , continuously mulling on her state she tied her plait into single braid and said to her self " I will hang myself with this plait and quickly reach the abode of Yama"
Then omens which give courage, which remove the sorrow , which portend good events, which are known world over as omens resulting in good appeared .
Thus ends Sundarakanda chapter 28
om tat sat
Then omens which give courage, which remove the sorrow , which portend good events, which are known world over as omens resulting in good appeared .