Sundara kanda:
Chapter 31
Hanuman sings the story of Rama !!
Chapter Summary :
Having thought through Hanuman sang the story of SriRama in soft tones so that only Sita can hear. Sita too was surprised and delighted to hear the same . Then as she looked around she saw Hanuman.
Intelligent Hanumaan having thought over the matter in different ways finalized his action plan. Then he spoke in soft tones so that only Sita can hear him.
Chapter 31
Intelligent Hanumaan having thought over the matter in different ways finalized his action plan. Then he spoke in soft tones so that only Sita can hear him.
'In the line of Ikshwakus there is a King by name Dasaratha who is meritorious , highly illustrious and owned chariots, elephants and horses. SriRama is his eldest and favorite son whose happy countenance resembled a full moon.he is well versed and a leader in archery. Following the dictum of his old father wedded to truth , SriRama went to live in the forest along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana'.
'The demons Khara and Dushana were killed by SriRama in the Dandaka Forest. Hearing that news the angered Ravana abducted Sita , with the help of Maricha in the form of a deer while tricking SriRama out of the way' .
'SriRama while searching for Sita met a friend in the Vanara King Sugriva . On the orders of King Sugriva thousands of Vanaras went in all directions in search of Sita. A woman bearing the marks as described by SriRama has been found by me'.
Having said this Hanuman became silent. Sita hearing these words of Hanuman was surprised. She was delighted . She looked around in all directions remembering SriRama
She looked around in all four directions as well as up and down. Then she saw the highly intelligent Hanuman , the minister of Sugriva , resembling the Sun rising in the eastern horizon.
Thus ends Chapter 31 of Sundarakanda
Om tat Sat
She looked around in all four directions as well as up and down. Then she saw the highly intelligent Hanuman , the minister of Sugriva , resembling the sun rising in the eastern horizon.