Sundara kanda:
Chapter 34
Hanuman talks to Sita !!
Chapter Summary : Hanuman
Hanuman reveals himself as the messenger of Srirama. Noticing the hesitation of Sita and at her request Hanuman describes Rama's qualities. Then he tells her that very soon she will see SriRama and Lakshmana and Sugriva with thousands of Vanaras and Ravan will be killed by Srirama.
The best among Vanaras hearing the words of Sita who is immersed in a ocean of sorrows spoke to her in consoling words.
Chapter 34
The best among Vanaras hearing the words of Sita who is immersed in a ocean of sorrows spoke to her in consoling words.
'Oh Sita ! I am SriRama's messenger. I have come here with his message. SriRama is fine and want to know about your welfare. Lakshmana the dear brother of your husband is a great warrior. Full of sorrow and bowing his head he conveys his obeisance'.
Hearing about the welfare of both the brothers Sita was very happy. She Tells Hanuman "I think that widely known saying that' if a man lives for hundred years he will certainly be happy' is indeed true !"
Hearing her words, Hanuman moved towards Sita. As Hanuman approached her Sita started wondering if he is again Ravana himself ( in the form of a Vanara)
Sita says,"Oh Vanara if you are the messenger of SriRama may you be fortuitous. You can tell me the wonderful qualities of SriRama".
Hanuman too understanding her mental anguish , using pleasing words made her very happy .
"SriRama is like the Sun in the brilliance, in pleasing the world he is like the moon, like Kubera he is leader of the three worlds. In prowess he is equal to the Lord Vishnu. Ever truthful, in speech he is equal to Brihaspati."
"Diverted by a magical deer , SriRama was made to move away from the Ashram by Ravana. He then abducted you when you were alone. Very Soon Srirama will kill Ravan in a battle using flaming arrows spreading wild fire. I have come as his messenger".
"Oh Sita it is indeed fortunate that you are alive in the middle of these squads of demons. Very soon you will see SriRama and Lakshmana and the most powerful Sugriva along with thousands of Vanaras. I am the minister of Sugriva . My name is Hanuman ".
" Oh Devi ! I am not Ravana as you seem to think. Leave your doubts and believe me".
Thus ends Chapter 34 of Sundarakanda
Om tat Sat
"Oh Devi ! I am not Ravana as you seem to think. Leave your doubts and believe me".