Sundara kanda:
Chapter 37
Hanuman displays his true image
Sundarakanda Chapter 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8 Ch 9 , Ch10 , Ch11 Ch12 ch13 ch14 ch15 ch16 Ch17 ch18 Ch19 Ch20 ch 21 ch 22 ch 23 , ch24 ch 25 ch 26 Ch 27 Ch 28 , Ch 29 , Ch 30 , Ch 31 , Ch 32 , Ch 33 , Ch 34 , Ch 35 , Ch 36
Chapter Summary : Hanuman
Hanuman offers to carry Sita on his back to unite her with SriRama. To an incredulous Sita who is wonderstruck as to how the small Vanara, a monkey, in front of her could think of such a deed , Hanuman shows his true form by growing to the size of a mountain . Seeing that Sita's doubts are cleared. But still she says no to his offer because of her vows of chastity. She tells Hanuman that it will be befitting if SriRama defeats the Ten headed Rakshasa king and takes her back