Sundara kanda:
Chapter 39
Hanuman takes leave of Sita.
Chapter Summary :
Sita assures Hanuman that SriRama will recognize the token given by her. Sita is worried if the armies of Vanaras and Bahllukas can cross the ocean . Hanuman assures her by saying that the army of Sugriva has Vanaras who are more powerful than himself and there is nobody less powerful than him in Sugriva's army!!.
After giving the Chudamani Sita spoke to Hanuman with the following words. “SriRama will certainly recognize this Chudamani
Chapter 39
After giving the Chudamani Sita spoke to Hanuman with the following words. “SriRama will certainly recognize this Chudamani . He will immediately remember three namely my mother, my father Janaka and the king Dasaratha. Similarly he will also remember me!”
Realizing that the Hanuman the son of Vayu is making preparations for return to Kishkindha, Sita with her voice choked with tears of sorrow spoke to him. “You are the only person who can make SriRama act in a way to save me from the ocean of sorrows”
Hearing those touching words of Sita, Hanuman bending his head with respect again spoke to her as follows.” SriRama will come here immediately with armies of Vanaras and Bhallukas. He will defeat the enemies in the battle and thus destroy your sorrow too!”
Then Sita appreciated the friendly and respectful words of Hanuman who is getting ready to return.” O Hanuman you are a terror to the enemies. If you desire you can rest for a day in a suitable place and then leave.”
She continued
“O Hanuman I still have a doubt about the Vanaras and Bhallukas supporting you. How can those armies and the princes cross this ocean which is impossible to cross?
“In reality I know you are enough to accomplish this task. But in that case the credit and fame for that will only go to you. If SriRama defeats Ravana in a battle and takes me back to his capital that will be most proper. Hence you make plan of action in accordance with his prowess.”
Hearing those meaningful words of Sita, Hanuman then spoke of the remaining thoughts. “O Devi Sugriva is the king of Vanara and Bhalluka armies. He is determined that you should be secured.”
“In the army of Sugriva there are many who are more powerful than or as powerful as me. But there are none who are less powerful than me. If I can come here, then what to speak of other warriors. Also in the normal course they send only persons with ordinary capabilities and not those with much more capabilities in such matters. Hence you need not have any doubts. Your sorrows will end soon. The excited army of Vanaras and Bhallukas will come here in one swoop. With those armies Sri Rama will destroy Ravana along with his associates and will take you to his capital”
Hanuman the son of Vayu thus consoled Sita. While starting on his return journey he again spoke to her as follows:
O Devi ! You will not live in this fearsome place filled with armies of Rakshasas very long. Your husband will come here very soon. Please bear the difficulties till I go and come back with Sri Rama.
Thus ends chapter 39 of Sundarakanda
om tat sat
O Devi ! You will not live in this fearsome place filled with armies of Rakshasas very long. Your husband will come here very soon. Please bear the difficulties till I go and come back with Sri Rama.