Sundarakanda Chapter 57
Hanuman descends on Mahendra
Chapter 57:
Summary : Hanuman descends on the Mahendra mountain and tells everybody that he saw Sita in the Ashoka grove in Lanka guarded by fierce looking Rakshasa women !!
Chapter 57
अप्लुत्य च महावेगः पक्षवानिव पर्वतः ।
हनुमान् मारुतगतिः महानौरिव सागरम् ।
अपारमपरिश्रांतः पुप्लुवे गगनार्णवम् ॥
That great Hanuman moving with great speed flew like a mountain with wings. With Nagas Gandharvas Yakshas shining like full blown lotuses in that limitless ocean of the sky, Hanuman flying at the speed of the wind crossed the ocean of the sky like a huge ship !!
पर्वतेंद्रं सुनाभं च समुपस्पृश्य वीर्यवान् ।
ज्यामुक्तइव नाराचो महावेगोभ्युपागतः ॥
स किंचदनुसंप्राप्तः समालोक्य महागिरिम्।
महेंद्र मेघसंकाशं ननाद हरिपुंगवः ॥
On the way he touched the mountain Mainaka and moved on very fast like an arrow released from the bow. While nearing that mountain Mahendra on the northern shores that great Vanara gave out a huge roar.
ते दीनमनस स्सर्वे शुश्र्रुवुः काननौकसः ।
वानरेंद्रस्य निर्घोषं पर्जन्यनिनदोपमम्॥
निशम्यनदतो नादं वानरास्ते समंततः ।
बभूवुरुत्सुकास्सर्वे सुहृद्दर्शनकांक्षिणः॥
जांबवान् अ हरिश्रेष्ठः प्रीतिसंहृष्ठमानसः ।
उपामंत्र्य हरीन् सर्वान् इदं वचनमब्रवीत् ॥
The Vanaras who were down cast and worried till then heard that Hanuman's roar which is like the roar of the bursting clouds . Hearing that roar eager and anxious to see Hanuman all the Vanaras were delighted. Very much delighted Jambavan the leader of the Vanaras gathered all the vanaras around him and addressed them.
सर्वथा कृतकार्योसौ हनुमान् नात्र संशयः ।
न ह्यस्याकृतकार्यस्य नाद एवं विधी भवेत् ॥
तस्य बाहूरुवेगं च निनादं च महात्मनः ।
निशम्य हरयो हृष्टाः समुत्पेतुस्ततस्ततः॥
" Certainly this Hanuman is coming back having succeeded in his mission. There is no doubt as otherwise he will not be producing the roar we hear ! Hearing the sound produced by his movements and the roar the Vanaras started jumping up and down with delight !
ततस्तु वेगवांस्तस्य गिरेर्गिरिनिभः कपिः ।
निपपात महेंद्रस्य शिखरे पादपाकुले ॥
ततस्ते प्रीतिमनसः सर्वे वानरपुंगवाः।
हनूमंतं महात्मानं परिवार्योपतस्थिरे॥
Then Hanuman descended on the Mahendra mountain covered with trees. Then the delighted Angada and other Vanaras approached Hanuman and surrounded him !
हनुमांस्तु गुरून् वृद्धान् जांबवत्प्रमुखां स्तदा ।
कुमारमंगदं चैव सोवंदत महाकपिः ॥
स ताभ्यां पूजितः पूज्यः कपिभिश्च प्रसादितः ।
दृष्टासीतेति विक्रांतः संक्षेपेण न्यवेदयत् ॥
Then Hanuman that best of Vanaras conveyed his salutation to all the respected elders and the prince Angada. Being praised by all Hanuman then conveyed to all of them " discoverd Sita !"
हनुमानब्रवीत् पृष्टः तदा तान् वानरर्षभान् ।
अशोकवनिकासंस्था दृष्टा सा जनकात्मजा ॥
रक्ष्यमाणा सुघोराभी राक्षसीरनिंदिता ।
एकवेणीधरा बाला रामदर्शन लालसा ।
उपवासपरिश्रांता जटिला मलिना कृता ॥
Delighted Hanuman then told all the assmbled Vanaras ," I saw that daughter of King Janaka in the Ashoka grove. She is being guarded by fierce looking Raksasa women. She is anxious to see SriRama. Wearing her hair in a single plait , fasting and wearing worn out clothes, she is emaciated."
ततो दृष्टेति वचनं महार्थमम्रुतोपमम्।
निशम्य मारुतेस्सर्वे मुदिता वानराभवन् ॥
Hearing that nectar like and meaningfull word " saw Sita" , all the Vanarasa were very happy !
उक्त वाक्यं हनूमंतं अंगदस्तमधाब्रवीत् ।
सर्वेषां हरिवीराणां मद्ये वचनमुत्तमम्॥
अहो स्वामिनि ते भक्तिः अहो वीर्यमहोधृतिः ।
दिष्ट्या दृष्टा त्वया देवी रामपत्नी यशस्विनी ।
दिष्ट्या त्यक्ष्यति काकुस्ठः शोकं सीता वियोगजम् ॥
Praising Hanuman for bringing that great news Angada spoke in front of all Vanaras. " Your devotion to the master is great ! Your courage is great ! Your valor is great ! By God's grace you have been able to see the Sita the wife of SriRama. By God's grace too the scion of Kakusthas will now be free from the sorrow of separation from Sita!!
ततोंगदं हनूमंतं जांबवंतं च वानराः ।
परिवार्य प्रमुदिता भेजिरे विपुलाश्शिलाः ॥
उपविष्टा गिरेस्तस्य शिलासु विपुलासु ते ।
श्रोतुकामा समुद्रस्य लंघनं वानरोत्तमाः॥
Then all the Vanaras intent on listening to the story of the leap across the ocean then gathered around Hanuman and Jambavan, who were seated on the boulders of the mountain.
हनुमता कीर्तिमता यशस्विना
मुदा तदा ध्यासितमुन्नतं महन्
महीधराग्रं ज्वलितं श्रियाभवत् ॥
That mountain peak now graced by the great Hanuman and Angada decked with armlets seated on the boulders shone with great splendour.!
Chapter 57