Sundarakanda Chapter 61

Vanaras destroy Madhuvan !!

Chapter 61:

Summary : All the Vanaras including Hanuman accept the suggestion of Jambavan that they should proceed and inform SriRama and Lakshmana. So The Vanaras leave Mahendra mountain with Hanuman in the forefront ! On the way they see Madhuvan and stop to drink honey with the permission of Angada and other chief Vanaras. In the process they lose control of themselves. They destroy the Madhuvan and attack Dadhimuka who was protecting Madhuvan under the orders of Sugriva.

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Chapter 61

ततोजांबवतो वाक्यं अगृह्णांत वनौकसः ।
अंगद प्रमुखावीरा हनुमांश्च महाकपिः ||

Then Angada and other senior Vanaras and Hanuman accepted the suggestion of Jambavan.

प्रीतिमंतस्ततस्सर्वे वायुपुत्रपुरस्सराः ।
महेंद्राद्रिं परित्यज्य पुप्लुवुः प्लवगर्षभाः ॥

Then the Happy Vanaras left Mahendra mountain and flew into the sky with Hanuman leading them from the front

प्लवमानाः खमाप्लुत्य ततस्ते काननौकसः ।
नंदनोपममासेदुः वनं द्रुमलायुतम् ॥

Then the Vanaras flying in the sky reached a grove called the Madhuvan which is full of trees and creepers and is equaling Nandanavana in beauty .

यत्तन्मधुवनं नाम सुग्रीवस्याभिरक्षितम् ।
अधृष्यं सर्वभूतानां सर्वभूतमनोहरम् ॥
यद्रक्षति महावीरः सदा दधिमुखः कपिः ।
मातुलः कपिमुख्यस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः॥

That Madhuvan delight of all is under the protection of King Sugriva and is so well protected that it is not accessible to all living beings . It is protected at all times by a Vanara chief Dadhimukha who is the uncle of King Sugriva .

ते तद्वनमुपागम्य बभूवुः परमोत्कटाः ।
वानरा वानरेंद्रस्य मनः कांततमं महत् ॥
ततः कुमारस्तान् वृद्धान् जांबवत्प्रमुखान् ।
अनुमान्य ददौ तेषां निसर्गं मधु भक्षणे ॥

When the Vanaras reached that Madhuvan which always gives great pleasure to King Sugriva, all the Vanaras felt eager to drink the honey from the Madhuvan. Consulting all the Senior Vanaras like Jambavan, Prince Angada then gave permission to the Vanaras.

भक्षयंतस्सुगंधीनि मूलानि च फलानि च ।
जग्मुः प्रहर्षं ते सर्वे भभूवुश्च मदोत्कटाः॥

Then the Vanaras ate the fruits and juices of of the Madhuvana . They were overjoyed land lost themselves in that happiness !!

गायंति केचित् प्रणमंति केचित्
नृत्यंति केचित् प्रहसंति केचित् ।
पतंति केचित् विचरंति केचित्
प्लवंति केचित् प्रलपंति केचित् ॥


Some of the Vanaras began to sing, some were jumping around, some were dancing , some were laughing , some were leaping off the trees , some were just moving about and some were uttering incoherent words !!


ततो वनं तत्परिभक्ष्यमाणं
द्रुमांश्छ विध्वंसित पत्रपुष्पान् ।
समीक्ष्य कोपाद्दधिवक्त्रनामा
निवारयामास कपिः कपींस्तान् ॥
सतैर्मदात् संपरिवार्यवाक्यैः
बलाच्चतेन प्रतिवार्यमाणैः ।
प्रकृष्यते चाप्यनवेक्ष्य दोषम् ॥


Seeing those intoxicated Vanaras freely eating the fruits , drinking honey and detroying the beautiful grove full of trees and creepers , Dadhimukha who is the protector of that grove tried to stop them with sweet words. Then the intoxicated Vanaras without considering propriety and without fear surrounded Dadhimuka and started to threaten him


नखैस्तु दंतो दशनैर्दशंतः
तलैश्च पादैश्च समापयंतः ।
मदात् कपिं तं कपयसमग्रा
महावनं निर्विषयं च चक्रुः ॥


The intoxicated Vanarasa destroyed the Madhuvan and scratched him with their nails , bit him with their teeth , kicked him with their feet and pushed him with their hands

Thus ends chapter 61 of Sundarakanda