Sundarakanda Chapter 64

Hanuman tells SriRama that

Sita is safe

Chapter 64: Summary Dadhimukha then returns to Madhuvana and conveys to the Vanaras that Sugriva wants them to return immediately. The Vanaras led by Hanuman and Angada immediately reach the Prasravana mountain to meet SriRama. Hanuman then informs SriRama that Sita is safe !

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Chapter 64

सुग्रीवेणैव मुक्तस्तु हृष्टो दधिमुखः कपिः ।
राघवं लक्ष्मणं चैव सुग्रीवं चाभ्यवादयत् ॥

Dadhimukha , the delighted Vanara, then having received the orders from Sugriva made obeisance to SriRama , Lakshmana and Sugriva.

स यथैवागतः पूर्वं तथैव त्वरितं गतः ।
निपत्य गगनाद्भूमौ तद्वनं प्रविवेश ह ॥


He then travelled the same ariel way as he has come and descended on the earth and entered Madhuvan.

स तानुपागमद्वीरो बध्वा करपुटांजलिम् ।
उवाच वचनं श्लक्षम् इदं हृष्टवदंगदम् ॥


Then Dadhimukha approached the Vanaras and addressed Angada with sweet words

मौर्खात्पूर्वं कृतो दोषः तं भवान् क्षंतु मर्हति ।
यथैव हि पिता तेभूत् पूर्वं हरिगणेश्वरः ॥
त्वथा त्वमपि सुग्रीवो नान्यस्तु हरिसत्तमः ।
आख्यातं हि मया गत्वा पितृव्यस्य तवानघ ।
इहोपयानं सर्वेषाम् एतेषां वनचारिणाम् ॥
प्रहृष्टो न तुरुष्टो सौ वनं शृत्वा प्रधर्षितम् ।
प्रहृष्टो मां पितृव्यस्ते सुग्रीवो वानरेश्वरः ॥
शीघ्रं प्रेषय सर्वां स्तान् इतिहोवाच पार्थिवः।
श्रुत्वा दधिमुखस्येदं वचनं श्लक्षमंगदः ॥

" Out of ignorance we commmited mistakes. Like your father earlier, Sugriva and you are our leaders of the Vanaras. Oh Vanara ! I went to Sugriva who is like your father and reported to him that all of you ahve come here. He was happy to hear that news. He was not angry upon hearing the destruction of Madhuvan. The king of Vanaras ordered me to send all you to his place".

अब्रवीत् तान् हरिश्रेष्टो वाक्यं वाक्य विशारदः ॥।
पीत्वा मधु यथा कामं विश्रांता वनचारिणः।
किं शेषं गमनं तत्र सुग्रीवो यत्र मे गुरुः ॥
ब्रुवतश्चांगदस्यैनं श्रुत्वा वचनमुत्तमम् ।
प्रहृष्टमनसो वाक्यं इद मूचुर्वनौकसः ॥
सर्वे वयमपि प्राप्ताः तत्र गंतुं कृतक्षणाः ।
स यत्र हरिवीराणां सुग्रीवः पतिरव्ययः॥


Then Angada who is good at speaking appropriately told his followers as follows. " All the Vanaras having had their drinks freely have rested. The only thing left is to visit our master Sugriva". Hearing these words of Angada all the Vanaras were happy. In turn they tell Angada " We are all waiting to go to our Master Sugriva "


एवं तु वदतां तेषाम् अंगदः प्रत्यभाषत ।
बाढं गच्चाम इत्युक्त्वा खमुत्पेर्महाबलाः ॥

When all the Vanaras said as above Angada to said " Let us go !" . The all of them flew up into the sky at once.

अंगदे समनुप्राप्ते सुग्रीवो वानराधिपः ।
उवाच शोकोपहतं रामं रामं कमललोचनम् ।
समाश्वसिहि भद्रं ते दृष्टा देवी न संशयः ॥
कौसल्या सुप्रजा राम समाश्वसिह सुव्रत ।
दृष्ट्वा देवी न संदेहो न चान्येन हनूमता ॥
जाबवान् यत्र नेतास्यात् अंगदश्च बलेश्वरः ।
हनुमां श्चाप्यधिष्ठाता न तस्य गति रन्यथा ॥


As Angada and other Vanaras were approaching him , Sugriva, the king of Vanaras, spoke to SriRama who is lost in the sea of sorrow due to separation from Sita . " Oh Rama ! Please be comforted. Sita has been located. There is no doubt. All good things will happen to you. Oh Rama ! The delight of Mother Kausalya ! The follower of all austerities ! Be comforted. Without any doubt Sita devi has been discovered , and discovered by none other than Hanuman. With Jambavan as the leader , Angada as the commander , and Hanuman as the one directing there can be no failure in that mission !

ततः किल किला शब्दं शुश्रावसन्नमंबरे ॥
हनुमत्कर्मदृप्तानां वर्धतां काननौकसाम् ।
किष्किंधमुपयातानां सिद्धिं कथयतामिव ॥
ततश्श्रुत्वा निनादं तं कपीनाम् कपिसत्तमः ।
अयतांचित लांगूलः सो भवत् हृष्टमानसः ॥

Then they heard chattering sounds in the sky from a distance. That sound was as though it was proudly announcing the success of Hanuman in completing the mission ! The Sugriva the king of Vanaras too acknowledged the news by raising his tail announcing his happiness

ते अंगद प्रमुखावीराः प्रहृष्टाश्च मुदान्विताः ।
निपेतुर्हरिराजस्य समीपे राघवस्य च ॥

The delighted heros Angada and other Vanaras then descended at a place near the king of Vanaras Sugriva and the best of men SriRama .

हनुमांश्च महाबाहुः प्रणम्य शिरसा ततः ।
नियता मक्षतां देवीं राघवाय न्यवेदयत् ॥
दृष्टा देवीति हनुमद्वदनादमृतोपमम् ।
आकर्ण्य वचनं रामो हर्षमास स लक्ष्मणः ॥

Hanuman then first prostrated to convey his respects and then announced that " Sita Devi is safe with her chastity intact". Hearing the words " Sita has been discovered" from Hanuman both SriRama and Lakshmana were greatly overjoyed !

प्रीत्या च रममाणो अथ राघवः परवीरहा ।
बहुमानेन महता हनूमंत मवैक्षता ॥


Then SriRama , the destroyer of all the enemies , filled with joy , looked at Hanuman with great pleasure and respect .

Thus ends
Chapter 64

om tat sat