
SriRama gives the pleasure

of embrace to Hanuman !!

From Chapter 1of Yuddhakanda :

Summary : After hearing Hanuman tell all about what happened in Lanka , SriRama says Hanuman has done things no body else can do. He, Lakshmana and Raghuvamsa are all indebited to Hanuman for protecting Dharma. The only thing he can offer to Hanuman is the pleasure of a deep embrace of Love. Then SriRama hugs Hanuman. !

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!! युद्ध कांड !!

!! प्रथम सर्गस्य्स् श्लॊकाः !!

!! Slokas from Yuddhakanda - First canto !!

श्रुत्वा हनुमतो वाक्यं यथावदभिभाषितम् ।
रामः प्रीति समायुक्तो वाक्यमुत्तरमब्रवीत् ॥
Hearing those words of Hanuman who related all events as they happened , SriRama was very happy and spoke thus.

कृतं हनुमता कार्यं सुमहद्भुवि दुर्लभम् ।
मनसा अपि यदन्येन न शक्यं धरणीतले ॥

" Hanuman's accomplishments are great. Those are fantastic events in the world. They are beyond imagination. They are also not possible for anybody else.

नहितं परिपश्यामि यस्तरेत माहार्णवम् ।
अन्यत्र गरुडाद्वायोः अन्यत्र च हनूमतः ||

"No body can cross that great ocean except for the three namely Garuda , Vayu and Hanuman"

देवदानव यक्षाणां गंधर्वोरगरक्षसाम्।
अप्रधृष्यां पुरीं लंकां रावणेन सुरक्षिताम्।

"The Celestials , Gandharvas etc cannot even look towards that city of Lanka protected by Ravana"

प्रविष्टस्सत्त्वमाश्रित्य श्वसन् कोनाम निष्क्रमेत् ।
को विशेत् सुदुरादर्षाण् राक्षसैश्च सुरक्षिताम् ॥

" Who can enter that impregnable city protected by the Rakshasa warriors ? Even if one is able to enter who can get out of that city with his limbs intact.?"

यो वीर्य बलसंपन्नो न समस्स्यात् हनूमतः ।
भृत्यकार्यं हनुमता सुग्रीवश्च कृतं महत् ॥

"Nobody can equal the illustrious Hanuman. Indeed as the true follower of powerful Sugriva , he undertook the Kings bidding successfully" .

स्वयं विधाय स्वबलं सदृशं विक्रमस्य च ।
यो हि भृत्यो नियुक्तस्सन् बर्त्रा कर्मणि दुष्करे ।
कुर्यात् तदनुरागेण तमाहुः पुरुषोत्तमम् ॥

"The best among the Kings attendants is that one who accomplishes even the most difficult task assigned by the king . Over and above that he goes ahead and accomplishes more without affecting the main task."

नियुक्तो यः परं कार्यं नकुर्यानृपतेः प्रियम् ।
भृत्यो युक्तस्समर्थश्च तामाहुर्मध्यमं नरं ॥
"The one who accomplishes only the tasks assigned by the king , though he may be capable of accomplishing more is second category of Kings attendants" .

नियुक्ते नृपतेः कार्यं नकुर्याद्समाहितः ।
भृत्यो युक्तस्समर्थश्छ त माहुः प्रुषाधमम् ॥

"The attendant who does not complete the tasks assigned by the king though he has the capability, is the worst type attendant !".

तन्नियोगे नियुक्तेन कृतं कृत्यं हनूमता ।
न चात्मा लघुतां नीतः सुग्रीवश्चापि तोषितः ॥

" Hanuman has completed the task of searching for Sita as oredered by the king with due diligence".

अहं च रघुवंशश्च लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः ।
वैदेह्या दर्शनेनाद्य धर्मतः परिरक्षिताः॥

" Thus Myself , the powerful Lakshmana and Sugriva and even the line of Raghus have protected Dharma because of Hanuman's actions. And we have been saved too".

इदं तु ममदीनस्य मनोभूयः प्रकर्षति ।
यदिहास्य प्रियाख्यातुः न कुर्मि सदृशं प्रियम् ॥

"Bringing the news of Sita being safe, this Maruti has done a great favor. Being unable to do anything in return for that favor, my mind is deeply grieved !"

एष सर्वस्वभूतस्तु परिष्वंगो हनूमतः ।
मया कालमिमं प्राप्य दत्तस्तस्य महात्मनः ॥

" On this occasion I can only give him the pleasure of deep embrace. This can give all the pleasure. Presently this is all I can do ".

इत्युक्त्वा प्रीति हृष्टांगो रामस्तं परिषस्वजे ।
हनूमंतं महात्मानं कृतकार्यमुपागतम् ॥

So saying SriRama who was deeply appreciative of Hanuman's accomplishments embraced Hanuman

Thus ends the praise of SriRama for Hanuman's achievements in locating Sita.

om tat sat !!!