!! Viveka Chudamani  of Shankaracharya !!

Slokas 196-197 with meanings in English

||om tat sat ||

Viveka Chudamani Slokas 196-197

In the earler Slokas ( 194-195) we heard ,   the disciple says : "భ్రమేణాప్యన్యథా వాస్తు జీవభావః పరాత్మనః"- "through delusion or otherwise that the thing that has no beginning can have no end" etc , the Self is imbued with Jiva and may not have an end. So how can Jiva attain Liberation?

In the question itself , disciple admitted that because of delusion ( or otherwise) he has this question about liberation. Immediate anwer will have to note the delusion part as the origin of the doubt. . Guru does the same.

శ్రీగురు ఉవాచ:   Guru says..

సమ్యక్ పృష్ఠం త్వయా విద్వన్ 

సావధానేన తత్ శృణు|

ప్రామాణికీ న భవతి

భ్రాన్త్యా మోహిత కల్పితా||196||

భ్రాన్తిం వినా త్వసంగస్య

నిష్క్రియస్య నిరాకృతేః|

న ఘటేతార్థసంబన్ధో

నభసో నిలితాదివత్ ||197||

Guru first compliments the disciple  for asking the question. Then proceeds to answer.

సమ్యక్ పృష్ఠం త్వయా విద్వన్ 

సావధానేన తత్ శృణు|

ప్రామాణికీ న భవతి

భ్రాన్త్యా మోహిత కల్పితా||196||

సమ్యక్ పృష్ఠం త్వయా విద్వన్ 

O learned one, you have put a proper question;

సావధానేన తత్ శృణు|

Listen then carefully;

భ్రాన్త్యా మోహిత కల్పితా

that conjured up  by imagination

ప్రామాణికీ న భవతి

does not become a fact


Guru Says "O learned one, you have put a proper question; Listen then carefully ; that conjured up  by imagination does not become a fact."

Here Guru first compliments his disciple for asking right question. This is as per the custom of those days. Gurus enourage their disciple to have an enquiring mind and ask questions. Then he goes on to say, that which is conjured up by imagination can not become a fact. 

That which is seen the in state of dream does not become a fact. That Jiva which has no beginning will have no end and hence it is eternal, is only his imagination not a fact.

Sloka 2 : Guru elaborates on that theme

భ్రాన్తిం వినా 

without delusion, 

 అసంగస్య - 

that one without attachment 

నిష్క్రియస్య నిరాకృతేః త్వత్|

without activity and without form

న ఘటేతార్థసంబన్ధో

can have no connection with object world

Is there an example to back this up ? Yes.

నభసో నిలితాదివత్ ||

"Just as sky has no connection with blueness," except for the delusion of our mind. 

Similarly, Self has no connection with the object world!


Guru says: "Without delusion, that one without attachment, without activity and without form, can have no connection with object world, like the as sky which has no connection with blueness ."


A sage considers the world with detachment ( no connection with objective world) because he is with no delusion, no attachment. But for delusion, Self has  no connection with the objectie world. 

 An example of such detachment is Sky which is indifferent to its blueness as it is superimposed by the seer. Blueness is in our mind , not in the sky. Similarly there is no attachment in the Supreme Self, it is only in our own minds.

||Om tat sat||





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Viveka Chudamani Slokas 196-197 with meanings in English

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Om tat sat !



