
|| Sarga 54 ||

|| Meanings and Summary in English ||

Sanskrit Text in Telugu , Kannada, Gujarati, Devanagari, English

|| om tat sat||

Sarga 54

"na vānarō'yaṁ " means he is not a Vanara. Then, who is he? - "svayamēva kālaḥ" means "he is death personified".

This is the dialogue among the people of Lanka. The dialog is about Hanuma. All those who went to battle with Hanuma experienced that.

Namely, the Kinkaras, the guards of Chaitya Prasada, Jambumali, the sons of the ministers, and the five Generals. All of them have seen Hanuma in the battle. Now the people of Lanka too realize that. How this realization came about is the story of this Sarga.

Now fifty -fourth Sarga with Sloka meanings and summary.

||Sloka 54.01||

vīkṣamāṇastatō laṁkāṁ kapiḥ kr̥ta manōrathaḥ|
varthamāna samutsāhaḥ kāryaśēṣacintayat||54.01||

sa|| tataḥ kr̥tamanōrathaḥ kapiḥ laṁkāṁ vīkṣamāṇaḥ vardhamāna samutsāhaḥ śēṣaṁ kāryaṁ acintayat||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ kr̥tamanōrathaḥ -
then the one who achieved his objectives
kapiḥ laṁkāṁ vīkṣamāṇaḥ -
Vanara looking at the city of Lanka
vardhamāna samutsāhaḥ -
with growing zeal
śēṣaṁ kāryaṁ acintayat -
thought over the remaining work

||Sloka summary||

"Then having achieved his objectives the Vanara looking at the city of Lanka with growing zeal thought over the remaining work."||54.01||

||Sloka 54.02||

kinnu khalvaśiṣṭhaṁ mē kartavya miha sāṁpratam|
yadēṣāṁ rakṣasāṁ bhūyaḥ saṁtāpajananaṁ bhavēt ||54.02||

sa|| yat ēṣāṁ rākṣasām bhūyaḥ saṁtāpa jananaṁ bhavēt kiṁ nu kartavyaṁ mē iha sāṁprātaṁ avaśiṣṭaṁ||

||Sloka meanings||

yat ēṣāṁ rākṣasām -
now to these Rakshasas
bhūyaḥ saṁtāpa jananaṁ bhavēt -
again give more torment
kiṁ nu kartavyaṁ mē - what is my duty
iha sāṁprātaṁ avaśiṣṭaṁ -
that is presently left over

||Sloka summary||

"Presently the action that is left over as my duty is that action which will give more torment to these Rakshasas." ||54.02||

||Sloka 54.03||

vanaṁ tāvat pramathitaṁ prakr̥ṣṭā rākṣasā hatāḥ|
balaika dēśaḥ kṣapitaḥ śēṣaṁ durga vināśanam||54.03||

sa|| vanaṁ pramathitaṁ tāvat prakr̥ṣṭāḥ rākṣasāḥ hatāḥ | balaika dēśaḥ kṣapitaḥ | durgavināśanaṁ śēṣaṁ||

||Sloka meanings||

vanaṁ pramathitaṁ tāvat -
grove was destroyed
prakr̥ṣṭāḥ rākṣasāḥ hatāḥ -
powerful Rakshasas were killed
balaika dēśaḥ kṣapitaḥ -
one part of the army is destroyed
durgavināśanaṁ śēṣaṁ -
destruction of the citadel is left

||Sloka summary||

"The grove was destroyed. Powerful Rakshasas killed. One part of the army is destroyed." ||54.03||

||Sloka 54.04||

durgēvināśitē karma bhavētsukhapariśramam|
alpayatnēna kāryē'smin mamasyāt saphalaḥ śramaḥ||54.04||

sa|| durgē vināśitē karma sukhapariśramam bhavēt| asmin kāryē alpayatnēna śramaḥ saphalaḥ syāt||

||Sloka meanings||

durgē vināśitē karma - if the citadel is destroyed
kar sukhapariśramam bhavēt-
that action will be a happy conclusion.
alpayatnē asmin kāryē -
with a little effort in this action
saphalaḥ syāt- success obtained
na śramaḥ - no labor

||Sloka summary||

"If the citadel is destroyed that action will be a happy conclusion. In this action success is there with a little effort." ||54.04||

||Sloka 54.05||

yōhyayaṁ mama lāṁgūlē dīpyatē havya vāhanaḥ|
asya saṁtarpaṇaṁ nyāyaṁ kartumēbhirgr̥hōttamaiḥ||54.05||

sa|| mamalāṁgūlē yaḥ ayaṁ havyavāhanaḥ dīpyatē asya ēbhiḥ gr̥hōttamaiḥ santarpaṇaṁ kartuṁ nyāyam||

Govindaraja Tika says - yaḥ agniḥ ati śītalatayā mama mahōphakāraṁ kr̥tavān asya ṁtarpaṇaṁ nyāyaḥ iti arthaḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

mamalāṁgūlē - on my tail
yaḥ ayaṁ havyavāhanaḥ dīpyatē -
this fire that is burning
ēbhiḥ gr̥hōttamaiḥ -
with these best of buildings
asya santarpaṇaṁ kartuṁ nyāyam -
it is proper to satiate the fire b

||Sloka summary||

"It is proper to satiate the fire burning on this tail with these best mansions".||54.05||

Govindaraja Tika says - nālāṁgūlamu śītalamugā vuṁcina agnidēvunaku uttamamaina gr̥hamulatō saṁtarpaṇa cēyuṭa nyāyamu ani.

Hanuman remembered that the Fire god was cool for his benefit.
Govindaraja in his commentary elaborates as follows.

gō ṭī|| (agniḥ) atisītalatayā mama mahōpakāraṁ kr̥tavān|
asya saṁtarpaṇaṁ nyāyyaṁ ityarthaḥ||
So Hanuma decides to propiate the god of Fire with his offering. We have always seen Hanuma weighing the pros and cons of his actions. This is one time he is proceeding on his hunch, to do something that will result in more torment,"saṁtāpajananaṁ bhavēt"

||Sloka 54.06||

tataḥ pradīptalāṁgūlaḥ savidyudiva tōyadaḥ|
bhavanāgrēṣu laṁkāyā vicacāra mahākapiḥ||54.06||

sa|| tataḥ pradīptalāṁgūlaḥ mahākapiḥ savidyut tōyadaḥ iva laṁkāyāḥ bhavanāgrēṣu vicacāra||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ pradīptalāṁgūlaḥ mahākapiḥ -
then Hanuman with his glowing tail
savidyut tōyadaḥ iva -
looking like a cloud with lightning,
laṁkāyāḥ bhavanāgrēṣu vicacāra -
wandered on the top of the mansions in Lanka

||Sloka summary||

"Then Hanuman with his glowing tail, looking like a cloud with lightning, wandered on the top of the mansions in Lanka."||54.06||

||Sloka 54.07||

gr̥hādgr̥haṁ rākṣasānāṁ udyānānica vānaraḥ|
vīkṣamāṇō hyasaṁtrastaḥ prāsādāṁśca cacāra saḥ||54.07||

sa|| saḥ vānaraḥ udyānāni ca prāsādāśca vīkṣamāṇaḥ asantrastaḥ rākṣasānāṁ gr̥hāt gr̥haṁ cacāra||

||Sloka meanings||

saḥ vānaraḥ udyānāni - that Vanara
udyānāni prāsādāśca vīkṣamāṇaḥ -
seeing the gardens and mansions
asantrastaḥ rākṣasānāṁ - without fear
gr̥hāt gr̥haṁ cacāra-
moving from one house to the other house

||Sloka summary||

"That Vanara wandered without fear seeing the gardens and mansions , moving from one house to the other house of the Rakshasas."||54.07||

||Sloka 54.08,9||

avaplutya mahāvēgaḥ prahastasya nivēśanam|
agniṁ tatra sa nikṣipya śvasanēna samō balī||8||
tatōnyatpupluvē vēśma mahāpārśvasya vīryavān ||
mumōca hanumān agniṁ kālānalaśikhōpamam||54.09||

sa|| mahāvēgaḥ śvasanēna samaḥ balī vīryavān saḥ prahastasya nivēśanaṁ avaplutya tatra agniṁ nikṣipya tataḥ anyat mahāpārśvasya vēśma pupluvē hanumān kālanalaśikhōpamam agniṁ mumōca||

||Sloka meanings||

mahāvēgaḥ śvasanēna samaḥ -
speedy one who is equal in speed with Vayu
balī vīryavān - mighty and powerful
saḥ prahastasya nivēśanaṁ avaplutya - j
umped on the mansion of Prahasta
tatra agniṁ nikṣipya -
setting the same on fire
tataḥ anyat mahāpārśvasya vēśma pupluvē -
then jumped on the mansion of Mahaparsva.
hanumān kālanalaśikhōpamam -
Hanuman looking like the fire at the time of dissolution
agniṁ mumōca- lit the fire

||Sloka summary||

"The mighty and speedy Hanuman , who is equals the speed of Vayu, jumped on the mansion of Prahasta , setting the same to fire then jumped on the mansion of Mahaparsva. Hanuman looking like the fire at the time of dissolution set fire to the same." ||54.08,09||

||Sloka 54.10||

vajradaṁṣṭrasya ca tathā pupluvē sa mahākapiḥ|
śukasya ca mahātējāḥ sāraṇasya ca dhīmataḥ||54.10||

sa|| mahātējāḥ saḥ mahākapiḥ tadā vajradaṁṣṭrasya śukasya dhīmataḥ sāraṇasya ca pupluvē||

||Sloka meanings||.

mahātējāḥ saḥ mahākapiḥ -
very brilliant and great Vanara
tadā vajradaṁṣṭrasya -
then of Vajradamshtra
śukasya dhīmataḥ sāraṇasya ca -
of Suka and of wise Sarana , sāraṇuni yokka ( gr̥hamulapai)
pupluvē - jumped up

||Sloka summary||

"The very brilliant and great Vanara jumped on the mansions of Vajradamshtra's, Suka's, wise Sarana's houses ( setting fire to the same). " ||54.10||

||Sloka 54.11||

tathā cēndrajitō vēśma dadāha hariyūthapaḥ|
jambumālēḥ sumālēśca dadāha bhavanaṁ tataḥ||54.11||

sa|| hariyūthapaḥ tathā iṁdrajitaḥ vēśma dadāha|tataḥ jaṁbumālē sumālēśca bhavanam dadāha||

||Sloka meanings||.

hariyūthapaḥ -
the best of Vanaras
tathā iṁdrajitaḥ vēśma dadāha -
then burnt the palace of Indrajit
tataḥ dadāha ca - then he burnt
jaṁbumālē sumālēśca bhavanam -
Jambumaali's and Sumali's mansions

||Sloka summary||

"Then the best of Vanaras burnt the palace of Indrajit. Then he burnt Jambumaali's and Sumali's mansions. " ||54.11||

||Sloka 54.12||

rasmikētōśca bhavanaṁ sūryaśatrōḥ tathaiva ca|
hrasvakarṇasya daṁṣṭrasya rōmaśasya ca rakṣasaḥ||54.12||

sa|| rasmikētōśca bhavanaṁ tathaiva rakṣasaḥ sūryaśatrōḥ ca hrasvakarṇaśca daṁṣṭraśca rōmaśasya ca(dadāha)||

||Sloka meanings||

rasmikētōśca bhavanaṁ tathaiva -
then Rasmiketu's palace
rakṣasaḥ sūryaśatrōḥ ca -
Rakshasas Suryasatru and
hrasvakarṇaśca daṁṣṭraśca rōmaśasya ca(dadāha)-
Hrasvakarna's, DamShtra's, Roma's too ( houses were burnt)

||Sloka summary||

"Then Rasmiketu's palace, similarly the mansions of the Rakshasas Hrasvakarna, DamShtra, Roma were burnt. " ||54.12||

||Sloka 54.13||

yuddhōnmattasya mattasya dhvajagrīvasya rakṣasaḥ|
vidyujjihvasya ghōrasya tathā hastimukhasya ca||54.13||

sa||rakṣasaḥ yuddhōnmattasya mattasya dhvajagrīvasya vidyujjihvasya ghōrasya tathā hastimukhasya ca dadāha||

||Sloka meanings||.

rakṣasaḥ yuddhōnmattasya mattasya -
Rakshasas of Yuddhonmatta and of Matta
dhvajagrīvasya vidyujjihvasya ghōrasya -
DhvajagrIva's , Vidyujjihva's Ghora's
tathā hastimukhasya ca dadāha -
similarly Hastimukha's mansions were burnt
||Sloka summary||

"Rakshasas Yuddhonmatta's, Matta's , DhvajagrIva's , Vidyujjihva's Ghora's similarly Hastimukha's mansions were burnt."||54.13||

||Sloka 54.14||

karāḷasya piśācasya śōṇitākṣasya caiva hi|
kuṁbhakarṇasya bhavanaṁ makarākṣasya caiva hi||54.14||

sa|| karāḷasya piśācasya śōṇitākṣasya ca ēva hi dadāha| kuṁbhakarṇasya bhavanaṁ makarākṣasya ca ēva dadāha||

||Sloka meanings||

karāḷasya piśācasya -
Karala's , Pisacha's,
śōṇitākṣasya ca ēva hi dadāha -
Sonitaksha's mansions also were burnt.
kuṁbhakarṇasya bhavanaṁ -
Kumbhakarna's palace
makarākṣasya ca ēva dadāha -
Makarakshasa's palace also was burnt

||Sloka summary||

"Karala's , Pisacha's, Sonitaksha's mansions also were burnt. Kumbhakarna's palace, Makarakshasa's palace also were burnt"||54.14||

||Sloka 54.15||

yajñaśatrōśca bhavanaṁ brahmaśatrōḥ tathaiva ca|
narāntakasya kuṁbhasya nikuṁbhasya durātmanaḥ||54.15||

sa|| yajñaśatrōḥ bhavanaṁ tathaiva brahmaśatrōḥ ca narāntakasya kumbhasya durātmanaḥ nikuṁbhasyaca bhavanaṁ dadāha||

||Sloka meanings||

yajñaśatrōḥ bhavanaṁ -
Yagnyasatru's mansion
tathaiva brahmaśatrōḥ ca narāntakasya kumbhasya -
similarly of Brahmasatru's , of Narantaks's, of Kumbhas'
durātmanaḥ nikuṁbhasyaca -
wicked Nikumbha's too
bhavanaṁ dadāha -
palaces were burnt

||Sloka summary||

"Yagnyasatru's mansion, similarly Brahmasatru's , Narantaks's, Kumbha's and the wicked Nikumbha's mansions were also burnt." ||54.15||

||Sloka 54.16||

varjayitvā mahātējā vibhīṣaṇa gr̥haṁ prati|
kramamāṇaḥ kramēṇaiva dadāha haripuṁgavaḥ||54.16||

sa|| mahātējā vibhīṣaṇa gr̥haṁ prati varjayitvā kramamāṇaḥ kramēnaiva haripuṁgavaḥ dadāha||

||Sloka meanings||

haripuṁgavaḥ - best of vanaras
mahātējā vibhīṣaṇa gr̥haṁ -
palace of the great Vibhishana
prati varjayitvā -
leaving that one
kramamāṇaḥ kramēnaiva dadāha -
burnt them proceeding in an orderly way

||Sloka summary||

"Leaving the palace of the great Vibhishana proceeding in order the best of Vanara's burnt the mansions."||54.16||

||Sloka 54.17||

tēṣu tēṣu mahārhēṣu bhavanēṣu mahāyaśāḥ|
gr̥hēṣvr̥ddhimatāṁ vr̥ddhiṁ dadāha mahākapiḥ||54.17||

sa|| mahāyaśāḥ saḥ mahākapiḥ ruddhimatāṁ mahārhēṣu tēṣu tēṣu gr̥hēṣu r̥ddhiṁ dadāha||

||Sloka meanings||

mahāyaśāḥ saḥ mahākapiḥ -
the glorious and great Vanara
ruddhimatāṁ -
of wealth ones
tēṣu tēṣu gr̥hēṣu -
from their homes
mahārhēṣu r̥ddhiṁ dadāha -
valuable and precious wealth was burnt

||Sloka summary||

"The great Vanara burnt the precious and valuable wealth in mansions of wealthy ones ." ||54.17||

||Sloka 54.18||

sarvēṣāṁ samatikramya rākṣasēṁdrasya vīryavān|
asadātha lakṣmīvān rāvaṇasya nivēśanam||54.18||

sa|| vīryavān lakṣmīvān sarvēṣāṁ samatikramya atha rākṣasēṁdrasya rāvaṇasya nivēśanam asasāda||

||Sloka meanings||

vīryavān lakṣmīvān -
heroic and illustrious one
sarvēṣāṁ samatikramya -
crossing the residences of all
atha rākṣasēṁdrasya rāvaṇasya nivēśanam -
palace of Ravana, the king of Rakshasas.
asasāda - reached

||Sloka summary||

"The heroic and illustrious one after crossing the residences of all the Rakshasas reached the palace of Ravana, the king of Rakshasas." ||54.18||

||Sloka 54.19||

tatastasmin gr̥hē mukhyē nānāratna vibhūṣitē|
mērumaṁdara saṁkāśē sarvamaṁgaḷaśōbhitē||54.19||
pradīpta magni mutsr̥jya lāṁgulāgrē pratiṣṭitam|
nanāda hanumān vīrō yugānta jaladō yathā||54.20||

sa|| tataḥ hanumān nānāratna vibhūśitē mērumaṁdara saṁkāśē sarvamaṁgaḷa śōbhitē tasmin mukhyē gr̥hē lāṁgūlāgrē pratiṣṭaṁ pradīptaṁ agniṁ utsr̥jya yugānta jaladē nanāda||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ hanumān -
then Hanuman
nānāratna vibhūṣitē -
decorated with different kinds of gems
mērumaṁdara saṁkāśē -
resembling mountains Mandara and Meru
sarvamaṁgaḷa śōbhitē -
filled with exquisite auspicious articles
tasmin mukhyē gr̥hē -
in his main house
lāṁgūlāgrē pratiṣṭaṁ -
sitting on the tip of his tail
pradīptaṁ agniṁ utsr̥jya -
with glowing fire lit
yugānta jaladē nanāda -
roared like the thundering cloud at the time of dissolution

||Sloka summary||

Then Hanuman set the palace decorated with different kinds of gems , filled with exquisite auspicious articles, a palace that was resembling mountains Mandara and Meru, on fire with tip of his burning tail. Then he roared like the thundering cloud at the time of dissolution. ||54.19,20||

||Sloka 54.21||

śvasanēna ca saṁyōgāt ativēgō mahābalaḥ|
kālāgniriva jajvāla prāvardhata hutāśanaḥ ||54.21||

sa|| śvasanēna saṁyōgāt hutāśanaḥ ativēgaḥ mahābalaḥ prāvardhata | kālāgniḥ iva jajvāla||

||Sloka meanings||

śvasanēna saṁyōgāt -
with the association of wind
hutāśanaḥ ativēgaḥ - fire rapidly
mahābalaḥ prāvardhata -
grew powerfully
kālāgniḥ iva jajvāla -
glowed like the fire at the time of dissolution.

||Sloka summary||

"The association of wind the fire grew rapidly. It glowed like the fire at the time of dissolution." ||54.21||

||Sloka 54.22||

pradīptamagniṁ pavanaḥ tēṣu vēśma svacārayat|
abhūcchvasana saṁyōgāt ativēgō hutāśanaḥ||54.22||

sa|| pavanaḥ pradīptaṁ agniṁ tēṣu vēśmasu ācārayat | śvasanasaṁyōgāt hutāśanaḥ ativēgaḥ abhūt||

||Sloka meanings||

pavanaḥ pradīptaṁ agniṁ -
glowing fire with the association of wind
tēṣu vēśmasu ācārayat -
moved about in those palaces
śvasanasaṁyōgāt hutāśanaḥ -
aided by the wind the fire
ativēgaḥ abhūt -
became more powerful

||Sloka summary||

"The association of wind the fire grew rapidly. It glowed like the fire at the time of dissolution. Aided by the wind the fire spread in the houses." ||54.22||

||Sloka 54.23||

tāni kāṁcanajālāni muktāmaṇimayāni ca|
bhavanānyavaśīryanta ratnavanti mahānti ca||54.23||

sa|| kāṁcanajālāni muktāmaṇimayāni ca ratnavaṁti mahanti ca tāni bhavanāni avaśīryanta||

||Sloka meanings||.

kāṁcanajālāni muktāmaṇimayāni ca -
golden mesh work along with studded pearls
ratnavaṁti mahanti ca -
gems and the big ones too
tāni bhavanāni avaśīryanta -
the palaces came crashing down.

||Sloka summary||

"Association with wind made the fire grow very fast. The golden mesh work along with studded pearls and gems and the big ones and the palaces came crashing down." ||54.23||

||Sloka 54.24||

saṁjajñē tumulaḥ śabdōrākṣasānāṁ pradhāvatāṁ|
svagr̥hvasya paritrāṇē bhagnōtsāhōrjitaśriyām||54.24||
nūnamēṣō'gni rāyātaḥ kapirūpēṇa hā iti|

sa||svagr̥hasya paritrāṇē pradhāvatāṁ bhagnōtsāhōrjitaśriyāṁ rākṣasānām nūnam ēṣaḥ agniḥ kapirūpēṇa āyātaḥ iti tumulaḥ śabdaḥ saṁjajñē ||

||Sloka meanings||

svagr̥hasya paritrāṇē -
to protect their own houses
pradhāvatāṁ rākṣasānām -
Rakshasas running
bhagnōtsāhōrjitaśriyāṁ -
disappointed being unable to protect their wealth
nūnam ēṣaḥ agniḥ -
surely this fire
kapirūpēṇa āyātaḥ -
came in the form of a Vanara
iti tumulaḥ śabdaḥ saṁjajñē -
a tumultuous sound arose

||Sloka summary||

"Running to protect their own houses, unable to protect them Rakshasa were saying 'surely the fire has come in the form of the Vanara. A tumultuous sound arose." ||54.24||

||Sloka 54.25,26||

krandantyaḥ sahasāpētuḥ stananthayadharāḥ striyaḥ||54.25||
kāścidagni parītēbhyō harmyēbhyō mukta mūrthajāḥ|
patantyō rējirē'bhrēbhyaḥ saudāminya ivāmbarāt||54.26||

sa||kāścit striyaḥ stanandharāḥ muktamūrdhajāḥ krandantyaḥ agniparītēbhyaḥ harmyēbhyaḥ sahasā pētuḥ| aṁbarāt abhrēbhyaḥ patanyaḥ saudāminyaḥ iva||

||Sloka meanings||

kāścit striyaḥ stanandharāḥ -
some women breast feeding their babies
muktamūrdhajāḥ - with hair let loose
krandantyaḥ - screaming
agniparītēbhyaḥ harmyēbhyaḥ -
out of burning mansions
sahasā pētuḥ - quickly jumped
aṁbarāt abhrēbhyaḥ patanyaḥ -
falling from the sky and clouds
saudāminyaḥ iva- like the lightening's

||Sloka summary||

"Some women breast feeding their babies, with hair let loose, screaming jumped out of burning mansions. And they looked like the lightnings dropping from the sky and clouds."||54.25,26||

||Sloka 54.28||

vajravidruma vaiḍūrya muktā rajata saṁhitān|
vicitrānbhavanān dātūn syandamānān dadarśa ha||54.28||

sa|| saḥ vajravidruma vaiḍūrya muktā rajata saṁhitān vicitrān bhavanāt syandamānān dhātūn dadarśa||

||Sloka meanings||

vajravidruma vaiḍūrya -
with diamonds corals and Vaiduryas
muktā rajata saṁhitān vicitrān -
mixed with gold and silver
bhavanāt syandamānān dhātūn -
molten minerals from the palaces building
saḥ dadarśa- he saw

||Sloka summary||

"He saw pearls and silver mixed with diamonds and colorful corals with gold and silver in the form of molten minerals dropping from the palaces." ||54.28||

||Sloka 54.29,30||

nāgniḥ tr̥pyati kāṣṭhānāṁ tr̥ṇānāṁ ca yathā tathā |
hanumān rākṣasēṁdrāṇāṁ vadhē kiṁcinna tr̥pyati||54.29||
na hanumādviśastānāṁ rākṣasānāṁ vasundharā||54.30||

sa|| yathā agniḥ kāṣṭānāṁ tr̥ṇānāṁ na tr̥pyati tathā hanumān rākṣasēṁdrāṇāṁ vadhē kiṁcit na tr̥pyati| hanūmat viśastānāṁ rākṣasānāṁ vasundharā api na (tr̥ptyati)|

Govindaraja Tikaa says - agniḥ kāṣṭaiḥ tr̥ṇaiśca na tr̥ptyati| hariyūthapaḥ agnēḥ na tr̥ptyati|agni prakṣēpaṇēna na tr̥ptyati ityarthaḥ|ēvaṁ vasuṁdharā viśastānāṁ rākṣasānāṁ viśastaiḥ rākṣasaiḥ
na tr̥ptyati yōjyaṁ| anēna rākṣasāvakīrṇā bhūrabhuditi arthaḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

yathā agniḥ - like the fire
kāṣṭānāṁ tr̥ṇānāṁ na tr̥pyati -
not satisfied with dry sticks and grass
tathā hanumān -
similarly Hanuman too
rākṣasēṁdrāṇāṁ vadhē -
killing Rakshasas
na tr̥pyati - not satisfied
hanūmat viśastānāṁ rākṣasānāṁ -
with the Rakshasas killed by Hanuman
vasundharā api na-
earth too was not ( satisfied)

||Sloka summary||

"Like the fire which was not satisfied with dry sticks and grass , Hanuman was not satisfied with the number of dead Rakshasa nor was the earth satisfied with the number of Rakshasas killed".||54.29||

||Sloka 54.31||

kvacit kiṁśukasaṁkāśāḥ kvacicchālmalisannibhāḥ|
kvacitkuṁkumasaṁkāśāḥ śikhāvahnēścakāśirē||54.31||

sa|| vahnēḥ śikhāḥ kvacit kiṁśukasaṁkāśāḥ kvacit śālmalisannibhāḥ kvacit kuṁkuma saṁkāśāḥ cakāśirē||

||Sloka meanings||

vahnēḥ śikhāḥ -
flames of the fire
kvacit kiṁśukasaṁkāśāḥ -
some (shone) with brightness of Kimsuka flowers,
kvacit śālmalisannibhāḥ -
some (shone) with brightness of Salmali flowers
kvacit kuṁkuma saṁkāśāḥ -
some (shone) with brightness of Kumukum flowers
cakāśirē - shone

||Sloka summary||

"Flames of the fire shone , some (shone) with brightness of Kimsuka flowers; some (shone) with brightness of Salmali flowers; some (shone) with brightness of Kumukum flowers ||54.31||

||Sloka 54.32||

hanūmatā vēgavatā vānarēṇa mahātmanā|
laṁkāpuraṁ pradagdhaṁ tat rudrēṇa tripuraṁ yathā||54.32||

sa|| vēgavatā vānarēṇa mahātmanā hanumatā laṁkāpuraṁ rudrēṇa tripuraṁ yathā pradagdham||

||Sloka meanings||

mahātmanā hanumatā -
by great soul Hanuman
vēgavatā vānarēṇa -
by Vanara of great speed
laṁkāpuraṁ - city of Lanka
rudrēṇa tripuraṁ yathā -
like Rudra burnt Tripura
pradagdham - burnt

||Sloka summary||

"The speedy Vanara by Hanuman the great should burnt the city of Lanka like Rudra burnt down city of Tripura." ||54.32||

||Sloka 54.33||

tatastu laṁkāpura parvatāgrē samutthitō bhīmaparākramō'gniḥ|
prasāryacūḍāvalayaṁ pradīptō hanūmatā vēgavatā visr̥ṣṭaḥ||54.33||

sa||tatḥ vēgavatā hanumātā viśruṣṭaḥ bhīmaparākramaḥ agniḥ cūḍāvalayaṁ prasārya pradīptaḥ laṁkāpuraparvatāgrē samutthitaḥ||

||Sloka meanings||.

tatḥ bhīmaparākramaḥ vēgavatā hanumātā -
by the speedy Hanuman who has fierce valor,
viśruṣṭaḥ agniḥ- fire that was lit
cūḍāvalayaṁ prasārya pradīptaḥ -
created glowing circles of fires
laṁkāpuraparvatāgrē samutthitaḥ -
rose to the top of the mountain on which city of Lanka was sitting

||Sloka summary||

"The fire lit by the speedy Hanuman who has fierce valor, created circles of fires which rose to the mountain top on which city of Lanka was sitting". ||54.33||

||Sloka 54.34||

yugānta kālānalatulyavēgaḥ samārutō'gnirvavr̥dhē divispr̥k|
vidhūmaraśmirbhavanēṣu saktō rakṣaḥ śarīrājyasamarpitārciḥ||54.34||

sa||vidhūmarasmiḥ bhavanēṣu saktaḥ samārutāgni rakṣaḥ śarīrājyasamarpitārciḥ yugāntakālānalatulyavēgaḥ vavr̥dhē||

||Sloka meanings||

vidhūmarasmiḥ bhavanēṣu saktaḥ -
without smoke from the mansions
samārutāgni - fire fanned by the Vayu
rakṣaḥ śarīrājyasamarpitārciḥ -
burnt the Rakshasa bodies
divispr̥k - touched the skies
yugāntakālānalatulyavēgaḥ -
with the speed of the fire at the time of dissolution.
vavr̥dhē - grew

||Sloka summary||

"The fire without smoke from the mansions, fanned by the wind, fire from the Rakshasa bodies which were offered up to the fire , grew at the speed of the fire at the time of dissolution. " ||54.34||

||Sloka 54.35||

ādityakōṭīsadr̥śaḥ sutējā laṁkāṁ samastāṁ parivārya tiṣṭan|
śabdairanaikai raśaniprarūḍhairbhindan nivāṇḍaṁ prababhau mahāgniḥ||54.35||

sa||ādityakōṭi sadr̥śaḥ sutējāḥ samastāṁ laṁkāṁ parivārya tiṣṭan mahāgniḥ| anaikaiḥ aśaniprarūḍhaiḥ śabdaiḥ aṇḍaṁ bhindan iva prababhau||

||Sloka meanings||

ādityakōṭi sadr̥śaḥ -
like crores of Sun
sutējāḥ mahāgniḥ -
radiant fire
samastāṁ laṁkāṁ parivārya tiṣṭan -
surrounding and standing on entire Lanka.
aśaniprarūḍhaiḥ anaikaiḥ -
by many sounds produced by Indra's thunderbolt
aṇḍaṁ bhindan iva śabdaiḥ -
as through whole universe was breaking
agni prababhau- fire was glowing

||Sloka summary||

"The radiant fire appeared like crores of Suns, surrounding and standing on entire Lanka. It was glowing with sounds, like the sounds produced by Indra's thunderbolt , as through whole universe was breaking."||54.35||

||Sloka 54.36||

tatrāmbarādagniratipravr̥ddhō rūkṣaprabhaḥ kiṁśukapuṣpacūḍaḥ|
nirvāṇadhūmākularājayaśca nīlōtpalābhāḥ pracakāśirē'bhrāḥ||54.36||

sa|| tatra rukṣaprabhaḥ kiṁśukapuṣpacūḍaḥ agniḥ ambarāt atipravr̥ddhaḥ abhrāḥ nirvānadhūmākularājayaḥ nīlōtpalābhāḥ pracakāśirē||

||Sloka meanings||

tatra rūkṣaprabhaḥ kiṁśukapuṣpacūḍaḥ agniḥ -
fire spread with intense brightness of the kimsuka flowers
ambarāt atipravr̥ddhaḥ -
shooting up to the sky
abhrāḥ nirvāṇadhūmākularājayaḥ -
clouds engulfed by the smoke rising from the subsiding fire
nīlōtpalābhāḥ pracakāśirē -
we're shining like blue lotuses

||Sloka summary||

"The fire spread intense brightness like the kimsuka flowers shooting up to the sky. The clouds engulfed by the smoke rising from the subsiding fire was shining like blue lotuses." ||54.36||

||Sloka 54.37||

vajrīmahēṁdrastridaśēśvarō vā sākṣādyamō vā varuṇō'nilō vā|
rudrō'gnirarkō dhanadaśca sōmō na vānarō'yaṁ svayamēva kālaḥ||54.37||

sa|| ayaṁ vānaraḥ na| vajrī tridaśēśvaraḥ mahēndraḥ vā sākṣāt yamaḥ vā anilō vā rudraḥ agniḥ arkaḥ dhanadaśca sōmaḥ svayaṁ kālaḥ ēva vā||

||Sloka meanings||

ayaṁ vānaraḥ na -
he is not a Vanara
vajrī tridaśēśvaraḥ mahēndraḥ vā -
wielder of thunder bolt, the lord of the gods, Indra, or
sākṣāt yamaḥ vā -
or Yama himself
anilō vā rudraḥ agniḥ -
or wind god or God of fire
arkaḥ dhanadaśca sōmaḥ -
or Sun or Kubera or moon
svayaṁ kālaḥ ēva vā -
or the god of death himself

||Sloka summary||

"This not a Vanara. It is wielder of thunder bolt, the lord of the gods, Indra or Yama himself or wind god, Rudra or fire god, Sun or Kubera or moon or the god of death himself ". ||54.37||.

||Sloka 54.38||

kiṁbrāhmaṇaḥ sarva pitāmahasya
sarvasya dhātuścaturānanasya|
ihā'gatō vānara rūpadhārī
rakṣōpasaṁhārakaraḥ prakōpaḥ||54.38||

sa|| sarvapitāmahasya sarvasya dhātuḥ caturānanasya brahmaṇah rakṣōpasaṁhārakaraḥ prakōpaḥ vānararūpadhārī iha āgataḥ upāyātaḥ kim?||

rāma ṭīkālō - sarvapitāmahatvādi viśiṣṭasya brahmaṇaḥ rakṣōpasaṁhārakaraḥ prakōpaḥ vānararūpadhārī san ihāgataḥ kim?

||Sloka meanings||

sarvapitāmahasya sarvasya dhātuḥ -
Grandfather, creator of all beings
caturānanasya brahmaṇaḥ -
or Brahma the supreme four faced god
rakṣōpasaṁhārakaraḥ prakōpaḥ -
enraged with intent of killing all Rakshasas
vānararūpadhārī upāyātaḥ -
in the form of a Vanara
iha āgataḥ kim?-
has he come here?

||Sloka summary||

"Or is it Grandfather Brahma the supreme four faced god, enraged and arrived in the form of a Vanara to kill the clan of Rakshasas."||54.38||

||Sloka 54.39||

kiṁ vaiṣṇavaṁ vā kapirūpamētya
rakṣō vināśāya paraṁ sutējaḥ|
anantamavyakta macintya mēkam
svamāyayā sāmprata māgataṁ vā||54.39||

sa|| anaṁtaṁ avyaktaṁ acintyaṁ ēkaṁ vaiṣṇavam paraṁ sutējaḥ sāmprataṁ rakṣō vināsāya svamāyayā kapirūpaṁ ētya āgataṁ kiṁ vā||

Rama Tika says - svamāyayā rakṣōvināśāya kapirūpaṁ ētya acintyaṁ cintayituṁ aśakyaṁ ata ēva avyaktaṁ pradhānaṁ vaiṣṇavaṁ mahāviṣṇusaṁbandhi sutējō vākim?

||Sloka meanings||

anaṁtaṁ avyaktaṁ acintyaṁ -
the infinite , indescribable, unthinkable
ēkaṁ vaiṣṇavam paraṁ sutējaḥ -
one Vishnu, the Supreme god of great glory
sāmprataṁ rakṣō vināsāya -
to destroy the Rakshasas completely
svamāyayā kapirūpaṁ ētya -
assuming the form of a Vanara by virtue of his own Maya
āgataṁ kiṁ vā- has come here?

||Sloka summary||

"Or else the infinite , indescribable, unthinkable one Vishnu , the Supreme god of great glory assuming the form of a Vanara by virtue of his own Maya come here to destroy the Rakshasas." ||54.39||

||Sloka 54.40||

ityēvamūcurbhavō viśiṣṭhā
rakṣōgaṇāstatra samētya sarvē|
saprāṇi saṁghāṁ sagr̥hāṁ savr̥kṣām
dagdhāṁ purīṁ tāṁ sahasā samīkṣya||54.40||

sa|| saprāṇi saṁghāṁ sagr̥haṁ savr̥kṣāṁ tāṁ purīṁ sahasā dagdhāṁ bahavaḥ viśiṣṭāḥ sarvē rakṣōgaṇāḥ tatra samētya iti ēvaṁ ūcuḥ||

Tilaka Tikaa says - bahavaḥ viśiṣṭāḥ prahastādayaḥ ityarthaḥ|

||Sloka meanings||

saprāṇi saṁghāṁ -
including all creatures
sagr̥haṁ savr̥kṣāṁ -
with all its homes with trees
tāṁ purīṁ sahasā dagdhāṁ -
that city being bunt down fast
bahavaḥ viśiṣṭāḥ sarvē rakṣōgaṇāḥ -
many eminent Rakshasas and all Rakshasa groups
tatra samētya iti ēvaṁ ūcuḥ-
collected together and spoke to each other.

||Sloka summary||

"Seeing that the city with all its homes with trees including all creatures has been burnt , many eminent men and Rakshasa collected together and spoke to each other." ||54.40||

||Sloka 54.41||

tatastu laṁkā sahasā pradagdhā
sarākṣasā sāśvarathā sanāgā|
sapakṣisaṁghā samr̥gā savr̥kṣā
rurōda dīnā tumulaṁ saśabdam||54.41||

sa|| tataḥ sarākṣasā sāśvarathā sa nāgā sapakṣisaṁghāḥ sa mr̥gā sa vr̥kṣā laṁkā sahasā pradagdhā dīnā tumulaṁ suśabdaṁ rurōda||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ sarākṣasā -
then along with Rakshasas
sāśvarathā sa nāgā -
with chariots, horses, and elephants
sapakṣisaṁghāḥ sa mr̥gā sa vr̥kṣā -
with flocks of birds, animals and trees
laṁkā sahasā pradagdhā -
with Lanka being suddenly burnt
dīnā tumulaṁ suśabdaṁ rurōda-
arose a tumultuous piteous sound as they cried

||Sloka summary||

"Then with Lanka suddenly burnt along with Rakshasas, chariots with horses, with elephants with flocks of birds, with animals and trees , there arose a tumultuous piteous sound and they cried." ||54.41||

||Sloka 54.42||

hā tāta hāputtraka kānta mittra
hā jīvitaṁ bhōgayutaṁ supuṇyam|
rakṣōbhirēvaṁ bahudhā bruvadbhiḥ
śabdaḥ kr̥tō ghōrataraḥ subhīmaḥ||54.42||

sa|| hā tāta hāputtraka hā kānta hā mitra bhōgayutaṁ supuṇyaṁ hā jīvitaṁ bahudhā bruvadbhiḥ rakṣōbhiḥ ghōrataraḥ subhīṣaḥ śabdaḥ kr̥taḥ ||

||Sloka meanings||

hā tāta hāputtraka -
Oh Father, Oh Son
hā kānta hā mitra -
o dear, o Friend
bhōgayutaṁ supuṇyaṁ hā jīvitaṁ-
that life which is enjoyable
bahudhā bruvadbhiḥ -
speaking out in many ways
rakṣōbhiḥ ghōrataraḥ subhīṣaḥ śabdaḥ kr̥taḥ -
by Rakshasas in a terrific way made dreadful noise saying

||Sloka summary||

"Those Rakshasas speaking out in a terrific way made dreadful noise saying "Oh Father, Oh Son, Oh Dear, Oh Friend , that life which is enjoyable and pious has been destroyed"||54.42||.

||Sloka 54.43||

hutāśanajvālasamāvr̥tā sā
hatapravīrā parivr̥tta yōdhā|
hanūmataḥ krōdha balābhibhūtā
babhūva śāpōpahatēva laṁkā||54.43||

sa|| hutāśanajvālasamāvr̥tā hatapravīrāḥ parivr̥ttayōdhā hanūmataḥ krōdhabalābhibhūtā sā laṁkā śāpōpahatēva babhūva||

||Sloka meanings||

hutāśanajvālasamāvr̥tā -
engulfed in the flame spread by the fire god
hatapravīrāḥ parivr̥ttayōdhā -
with its heroes dead, with its retreating troops
hanūmataḥ krōdhabalābhibhūtā -
with the power of the anger of Hanuman
sā laṁkā śāpōpahatēva babhūva -
city of Lanka appeared as if it was cursed

||Sloka summary||

"Engulfed in the flame spread by the fire god, with its heroes dead, with its retreating troops, with the power of the anger of Hanuman, the city of Lanka appeared as if it was cursed."||54.43||

||Sloka 54.44||

sasaṁbhramatrasta viṣaṇṇa rākṣasām
samujjvala jjvālahutāśanāṁkitām|
dadarśa laṁkāṁ hanumānmahāmanāḥ
svayaṁbhukōpōpahatā mivāvanim||54.44||

sa|| mahātmanaḥ hanumān sasaṁbhramatrastaviṣaṇṇarākṣasām samujjvalajjvāla hutāśanāṁkitām laṁkāṁ svayambhūkōpōpahatāṁ avaniṁ iva laṁkāṁ dadarśa||

||Sloka meanings||

mahātmanaḥ hanumān -
Highly sensitive Hanuman
sasaṁbhramatrastaviṣaṇṇarākṣasām -
with the Rakshasas perplexed scared and sorrowful
samujjvalajjvāla hutāśanāṁkitām -
that which succumbed to flames of fire god
svayambhūkōpōpahatāṁ vaniṁ iva -
as if it was hit by the anger of Brahma.
laṁkāṁ dadarśa - saw Lanka

||Sloka summary||

"Highly sensitive Hanuman saw the city of Lanka which succumbed to flames of fire god , with the Rakshasas perplexed scared and sorrowful, looked as if the earth was hit by the anger of Brahma." ||54.44||

||Sloka 54.45||

bhaṅktvā vanaṁ pādaparatnasaṁkulam
hatvātu rakṣāṁsi mahānti saṁyugē|
dagdhvā purīṁ tāṁ gr̥haratna mālinīm
tasthau hanumān pavanātmajaḥ kapiḥ||54.45||

sa||pavanātmajaḥ hanumān pādaparatnasaṁkulaṁ vanaṁ bhuṁktvā saṁyugē mahanti rakṣāṁsi hatvā gr̥haratnamālinīṁ tāṁ purīṁ dagdhvā tasthau||

||Sloka meanings||

pādaparatnasaṁkulaṁ vanaṁ bhuṁktvā -
having destroyed the grove full of excellent trees
saṁyugē mahanti rakṣāṁsi hatvā -
having killed many Rakshasas in the battle
gr̥haratnamālinīṁ tāṁ purīṁ dagdhvā-
burning the city with rows of beautiful houses
pavanātmajaḥ hanumān tasthau-
Hanuman the son of wind god stood there.

||Sloka summary||

"Hanuman the son of wind god having destroyed the grove full of excellent trees, having killed many Rakshasas, burning the city with rows of beautiful houses , stood there." ||54.45||

||Sloka 54.46||

trikūṭaśr̥ṁgāgratalē vicitrē
pratiṣṭitō vānararājasiṁhaḥ|
pradīpta lāṁgūlakr̥tārcimālī
vyarājatā''ditya ivāṁśumālī||54.46||

sa||vicitrē trikūṭa śr̥ṁgāgratalē pratiṣṭitaḥ pradīpta lāṁgūlakr̥tārcimālī vānararājasiṁhaḥ aṁśumālī āditya iva vyarājata||

||Sloka meanings||

vicitrē trikūṭa śr̥ṁgāgratalē pratiṣṭitaḥ -
standing on the wonderful peak of Trikuta
pradīpta lāṁgūlakr̥tārcimālī -
with a glowing tail looking like a garland
vānararājasiṁhaḥ -
the lion among the Vanaras
aṁśumālī āditya iva -
like the Sun with its brilliant rays.
vyarājata - shone

||Sloka summary||

"On the wonderful peak of Trikuta , with a glowing tail looking like a garland around him , the lion among the Vanaras , shone like the Sun with its brilliant rays." ||54.46||

||Sloka 54.47||

sa rākṣasāṁ stān subahūṁśca hatvā
vanaṁ ca bhaṁktvā bahupādapaṁ tat|
visr̥jya rakṣōbhavanēṣu cāgnim
jagāma rāmaṁ manasā mahātmā||54.47||

sa|| mahātmā saḥ subahūn tān rākṣasān hatvā bahupādapam tat vanaṁ ca bhaṁktvā rakṣōbhavanēṣu agniṁ viśrujya manasā rāmaṁ jagāma||

||Sloka meanings||

mahātmā saḥ - the great Vanara
subahūn tān rākṣasān hatvā -
having killed many Rakshasas
bahupādapam tat vanaṁ ca bhaṁktvā -
having destroyed the grove with many trees
rakṣōbhavanēṣu agniṁ viśrujya -
having set fire to many palaces of Rakshasas
manasā rāmaṁ jagāma -
reached Rama in his mind

||Sloka summary||

"The great Vanara having killed many Rakshasas, having destroyed the grove with many trees , having set fire to many palaces of Rakshasas , reached Rama in his mind." ||54.47||

||Sloka 54.48||

tatastu taṁ vānaravīra mukhyaṁ
mahābalaṁ mārutatulya vēgam|
mahāmatiṁ vāyusutaṁ variṣṭaṁ
pratuṣṭuvurdēvagaṇāśca sarvē||54.48||

sa|| tataḥ vānaravīramukhyaṁ mahābalaṁ mārutatulyavēgaṁ mahāmatiṁ variṣṭaṁ taṁ vāyusutaṁ sarvē dēvagaṇāḥ pratuṣṭuvuḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

tataḥ vānaravīramukhyaṁ -
then the chief of Vanara warriors
mahābalaṁ mārutatulyavēgaṁ -
powerful one who has the speed of the wind god
mahāmatiṁ variṣṭaṁ -
very wise, efficient,
taṁ vāyusutaṁ-
that son of Vayu
sarvē dēvagaṇāḥ pratuṣṭuvuḥ-
all the Devas praised

||Sloka summary||

"Then all the Devas praised the mighty, very wise, efficient, chief of Vanara warriors, who has the speed of the wind god, who is the son of wind god." ||54.48||

||Sloka 54.49||

bhaṅktvā vanaṁ mahātējā hatvā rakṣāṁsi saṁyugē|
dagdhvā laṁkāpurīṁ ramyāṁ rarāja sa mahākapiḥ||54.49||

sa||mahātējaḥ mahākapiḥ vanaṁ bhaṁktvā saṁyugē rakṣāṁsi hatvā ramyāṁ laṁkapurīm dagdhvā rarāja||

||Sloka meanings||

mahātējaḥ mahākapiḥ -
the very brilliant and great Vanara
vanaṁ bhaṁktvā saṁyugē rakṣāṁsi hatvā-
having destroyed the grove,
saṁyugē rakṣāṁsi hatvā-
having killed the Rakshasas in the battle
ramyāṁ laṁkapurīm dagdhvā-
having burnt the beautiful city." ||54.49||
rarāja -shone

||Sloka summary||

"The very brilliant and great Vanara shone having destroyed the grove, having killed the Rakshasas in the battle, having burnt the beautiful city." ||54.49||

||Sloka 54.50||

tatradēvāḥ sagaṁdharvāḥ siddhāśca paramarṣayaḥ|
dr̥ṣṭvā laṁkāṁ pradagdhāṁ tāṁ vismayaṁ paramaṁ gatāḥ||54.50||

sa||tatra sagaṁdharvāḥ dēvāḥ siddhāśca paramarṣayaḥ dagdhāṁ tāṁ laṁkāṁ purīṁ dr̥ṣṭvā paramam vismayam gatāḥ ||

||Sloka meanings||

tatra sagaṁdharvāḥ dēvāḥ -
then all the Devas with Gandharvas
siddhāśca paramarṣayaḥ -
Siddhas , great Rishis
dagdhāṁ tāṁ laṁkāṁ purīṁ dr̥ṣṭvā -
seeing the city of Lanka burnt
paramam vismayam gatāḥ -
very much wonder struck.

||Sloka summary||

"Then all the Devas with Gandharvas , Siddhas , great Rishis, seeing the city of Lanka burnt were very much wonder struck." ||54.50||

||Sloka 54.51||

taṁ dr̥ṣṭvā vānaraśrēṣṭhaṁ hanumaṁtaṁ mahākapiṁ|
kālāgniriti saṁcintya sarvabhūtāni tatrasuḥ||54.51||

sa|| vānaraśrēṣṭhaṁ mahākapiṁ taṁ hanumaṁtaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā kālāgniḥ iti saṁcitya sarvabhūtāni tatrasuḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

vānaraśrēṣṭhaṁ mahākapiṁ -
the best of Vanaras
taṁ hanumaṁtaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā -
seeing that Hanuman
kālāgniḥ iti saṁcitya -
thinking him to be the fire at the time of dissolution
sarvabhūtāni tatrasuḥ -
all the beings were terrified

||Sloka summary||

"Seeing Hanuman the best of Vanaras as if he were the fire at the time of dissolution all the beings were terrified." ||54.51||

dēvāśca sarvēmunipuṁgavāśca
bhūtāni sarvāṇi mahānti tatra
jagmuḥ parāṁ prītimatulyarūpām||54.52||

sa||tatra sarvē munipuṁgavāśca gaṁdharvavidyādharanāgayakṣāḥ mahaṁti sarvāṇi bhūtāni atulyarūpāṁ parāṁ prītiṁ jagmuḥ||

||Sloka meanings||

tatra sarvē munipuṁgavāśca -
then all the sages,
gaṁdharvavidyādharanāgayakṣāḥ -
Gandharvas, Vidyaadharas, Nagas , Yakshas,
mahaṁti sarvāṇi bhūtāni -
all the creatures
atulyarūpāṁ parāṁ prītiṁ jagmuḥ -
experienced matchless form of happiness.

||Sloka summary||

Then all the sages, Gandharvas, Vidyaadharas, Nagas , Yakshas, all the creatures experienced matchless form of happiness.

The Sarga ends with the line
bhūtāni sarvāṇi mahānti tatra
jagmuḥ parāṁ prītim atulyarūpām||
which means that all the creatures experienced great happiness.

In Balakanda in Sarga 15,
Devas complain to Vishnu that 'sarvān nō bādhatē vīryāt' (1.15.6).
Which means that "everybody" is being harassed by Ravana.
No wonder that the act of burning down Lanka
killing many Rakshasas gladdened
'sarvāṇi bhūtāni' -"all beings".

Thus, ends the Sarga fifty-four of Sundarakanda.

ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē vālmīkīyē
caturviṁśat sahasrikāyāṁ saṁhitāyām
śrīmatsuṁdarakāṁḍē catuḥpaṁcāśassargaḥ ||

Thus ends the Sarga fifty-four of Sundarakanda in Ramayana the first poem ever composed in Sanskrit by the first poet sage Valmiki

||ōm tat sat||