!! Viveka Chudamani  of Shankaracharya !!

Slokas 202-203 with meanings in English

||om tat sat ||

Viveka Chudamani Slokas 202-203

The Jivahood which has no beginning , may not have an end , in such a case how can one get Moksha was the disciple's concern and a question too ( Sloka 194). In response to that the Guru says that which is seen to have no beginning in an illusion, may have an end may once the illusion is removed. To confirm this premises Guru gives two examples ( Sloka 199-200) of things that are seen to have no beginning  but do have an end. Having given such examples, now Guru completes the answer by linking examples to the disciple’s question.


Now we go through the Slokas 202 and 203 

Slokas 202-203

అనాదేరపి విధ్వంసః 

ప్రాగభావస్య వీక్షితః|

యత్ బుద్ధ్యుపపాధిసంబన్ధాత్ 

 పరికల్పిత మాత్మని|| 202||

జీవత్వం న తతోఽన్యత్ తు

 స్వరూపేణ విలక్షణమ్ |

సమ్బన్ధఃస్వాత్మనో బుధ్యా 

మిథ్యా జ్ఞానపురస్సరః ||203||

The answer is in two Slokas. Here we go through the four quarters of both Slokas , and dig into  its meaning.

Sloka 201

అనాదేరపి  ప్రాగభావస్య -

a previous non-existence, though beginning less 

విధ్వంసః వీక్షితః - 

is seen to have an end ( destruction)

Here, Guru is simply reiterating what has been established in earlier Slokas. He says we have noted the destruction of that which had no beginning. We know about destruction of ignorance , and the abrupt ending of a dream etc. So that much is clear. While guru said only this much - it is clear that he is actually hinting that similarly the Jivahood which is seen as having no beginning will have and end too, without expressly saying so.


Now he will link it to Jivahood and Atma.

యత్ - that - (means that Jivahood)

బుద్ధ్యుపపాధిసంబన్ధాత్  -  

due to its contact with intellect ( buddhi) 

In the Sheath of Knowledge , how did we arrive at this conclusion of Jivahood being linked to Self ? It is the intellect that felt that the beginning less Jiva hood , in that state of knowledge sheath , is nothing but Self.    It is the intellect that made the connection.

But how did intellect make that connection?

Guru says

పరికల్పిత మాత్మని  -  

it was falsely superimposed on the Self.

Guru is saying , simply that it was intellect which made that false connection between Self and Jivahood.

But then, how can one say that it is a false connection. Falsity can be established by reviewing the original understanding of Self. Guru says Jivahood is not the natural form of Self. 

Guru is establishing the falsity of Jivahood of Self, by reiterating what is Self. 

జీవత్వం న తతోఽన్యత్ - జీవత్వం న తతో అన్యః తు - తతః అన్యత్ జీవత్వమ్ న తు -

that other one ( Self) is not Jivahood ;

స్వరూపేణ విలక్షణమ్  - 

it is different from it.

Guru says Jivahood is contrary to the natural state of Self. 

We shall stop and take a stock.

Self is known. It is beyond joys and sorrows. That is known for sure. The Jivahood is a bundle of joys and sorrows. That is also well known. So that which is bundle of joy and sorrows cannot be attached to something ( Self) , which is beyond all joys and sorrows. So that connection made is indeed false.

 So to complete the answer, Guru says:

సమ్బన్ధఃస్వాత్మనో బుధ్యా - 

సంబన్ధః తు ఆత్మనం బుధ్యా

that relationship with Self is created by Intellect

How did Intellect get this connection?

మిథ్యా జ్ఞానపురస్సరః

due to false knowledge 

Self has no connection with Jivahood. The connection made due to false knowledge. 

Taking us through a deliberate step by step process, 

Guru establishes a very simple point. Self has no Jivahood. That it is linked to Jivahood came about because of false  linkage made by intellect. Jivahood that has no beginning has an end . That end is Moksha.

The two Slokas can be summarized as follows: 

"Although it is beginingless , the former non -existence, is found to have an end. So too, the Jivahood which is imagined to be in the Atman, due to relationship imagined by intellect, is not real. The other  the Self, is intrinsically different from Jivahood. The relationship between Self and Jivahood is due to false knowledge."


But one question is still left to be answered. 

How one would achieve the end of Jivahood and attain the Moksha ? That is left to be answered.

That we will hearthe same  in the subsequent Slokas. 

||om tat sat||



||Om tat sat||





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Viveka Chudamani Slokas 202-203 with meanings in English

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- Sloka Text in Telugu 

Om tat sat !



