!!    Viveka Chudamani  of Shankaracharya !!

Viveka Chudamani

Shankaracharya wrote many commentaries on Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, Gita  and many primary texts. He also wrote introductory texts like Tattvabodha, Atmabodha and so on which introduce the student to various steps on the path of a Seeker, the mumukshu. The crest jewel of all the Vedanta texts is Viveka Chudamani - which means crest jewel of discrimination.  

Under the banner of "Athato Brahma jignyasa", we have presented a few familiar books like, Kathopanishad, Atma bodha, Bhagavadgita. Presenting Gita slokas with word meanings has been a wonderful experience. This led to a family weekly Zoom, reading Gita. over a period of one year. Excited we did that a second time. For the third round of our weekly Zoom, there was all-round consensus that we should attempt reading VivekaChudamani , in spite of a lurking fear that it may be beyond our capability. The excitement swept away all doubts and we started reading Viveka Chudamani using Pullela Ramacandrudu's Viveka Chudamani in Telugu. while we were following  that text, we also prepared a notes more closely linked to meanings of the Slokas. The Telegu version seemed good enough to be presented in the kasarabada.org columns.

Having decided to present the Telugu version, uploading the English version too was a natural corollary.

This is a decision mid-way through our own reading. So we took the decision to upload the Slokas from sloka number 194. Eventually we will also upload all Slokas up to 194 at a later date.

This is the home page for VivekaChudamani. It will be updated weekly with two more Slokas.

This was for our reading pleasure.

Hopefully it will be for your pleasure too.


||om tat sat|| 



Viveka Chudamani Home

Viveka Chudamani 194-195

VivekaChudamani  196-197

VivekaChudamani  198-199
VivekaChudamani  200-201
VivekaChudamani 202-203
VivekaChudamani 204-205
VivekaChudamani 206-207
VivekaChudamani 208-209
VivekaChudamani  210-211

VivekaChudamani  212-213

VivekaChudamani  214-216
VivekaChudamani  217-218
VivekaChudamani  219-220
VivekaChudamani  221-223
VivekaChudamani  224-225
VivekaChudamani  226-227
VivekaChudamani  228-229
VivekaChudamani  230-231
VivekaChudamani  232-233
VivekaChudamani  234-235
VivekaChudamani  236-237
VivekaChudamani  238
VivekaChudamani  239-242
VivekaChudamani  243-244
VivekaChudamani  245-246
VivekaChudamani  247-248

Om tat sat !



