Sundarakanda Chapter 46

Hanuman Kills the five Generals!

Chapter 46: Summary :

Hearing about the death of the Minster's sons, Ravana then orders Five generals Virupaksha, Rupaksha, Durdhara, Praghasa and Bhasakarna to capture Hanuman. Hanuman kills all the five Generals along with the armies led by them Then Hanuman again gets back to the top of the archway awaiting more forces.

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Hearing that the minister's sons have been killed , though concerned Ravana kept that to himself, and thought of appropriate action.


Chapter 46

Hearing that the minister's sons have been killed , though concerned Ravana kept that to himself, and thought of appropriate action.

The ten headed King then ordered the five heroic Rakshasas Virupaksha , Rupaaksha, Durdhara, Praghasa and Bhasakarna, who are experts in warfare , who can move with the speed of Vayu and who are anxious to capture Hanuman.

Ravana said to them “ O Generals .You may go with a force consisting of chariots, elephants, foot soldiers and capture the Vanara . When you approach him be very careful and adopt measures suitable to the time and place “.

The very powerful Rakshasas resplendent like fire proceeded following the orders of their King

Then that resourceful Hanuman rose up very high in the sky and jumped on the chariot of Durdhara like a stroke of lightning on a mountain. Then Durdhara fell down dead from the chariot which along with its eight horses and its various parts were crushed and destroyed by the Vanara

Seeing the fallen Durdhara the Rakshasa Generals Virupaksha and Yupaaksha who are decimators of enemies and great warriors jumped up with great anger in the sky ( to take on Hanuman). Then the Vanara ,son of Vayu, uprooting a Sala tree using the same struck the two Rakshasas to death.

Then Praghasa threw a sharpened sword and Bhasakarna threw a sharp spear at Hanuman The Vanara then picked up the peak of a mountain along with trees animals and serpents and killed the two remaining Rakshasas. After killing the five generals Hanuman destroyed all of their armies.

After he destroyed the generals, their armies and the vehicles the heroic Vanara ran back to the Tower at the main entrance awaiting the arrival of more Rakshasas like the God of Death

Thus ends Chapter 46 of Sundarakanda

om tat sat

After he destroyed the generals their armies and the vehicles the heroic Vanara ran back to the Tower at the main entrance awaiting the arrival of more Rakshasas like the God of Death

om tat sat !!












om tat sat