Sundara kanda:
Chapter 8!
Hanuman sees Pushpaka Vimana
... and is enthralled !
Sundarakanda Chapter 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4
Chapter Summary : Hanuman sees the Arial car, Pushpaka in the middle of the King's palaces. It is a vehicle that follows the thoughts and travels with the speed of mind. It cannot be overtaken by enemies. Hanuman stood mesmerized by the grandeur of the Arial car Pushpaka.
Hanuman saw the Arial car which is placed in the middle of the palace complex. The Arial car was decorated with gems and corals. The Arial car was having windows made of pure gold.
Chapter 8
Hanuman saw the Arial car which is placed in the middle of the palace complex. The Arial car was decorated with gems and corals. The Arial car was having windows made of pure gold.
Viswakarma himself made this Arial car to the acclaim of the whole world. It is beyond the imagination of all. It is tall as the sky and can move in the space without any obstruction. Shining brightly it looked like blazing a trail to Sun God himself.
There is nothing which is not available in the Pushpaka, the special arrangements provided in that would not be available even in the celestial palaces . Why say anything, anything that can be imagined is available as part of the Arial car.
That Arial car was obtained as an result of severe penance and great valor. The Arial car follows the thoughts of the mind and moves accordingly. It is equal to anything one may think of.
The Arial car moves very speedily following the mind. It cannot be stopped by the enemies. It looks like the abode of great people, people who attained great merits, or people who attained great name.
The outer walls of the arial car were etched with pictures of Rakshasas to make the arial car look as though it was being carried by thousands of Rakshasaas whose faces were adorned with earrings, who were voracious eaters, who had large rolling and un winking eyes and who can travel at high speeds.
The beautiful Arial car looked like the fresh flower beds of springtime, It is as captivating as the months of Spring season. Thus Hanuman saw Pushpaka , the best of Arial cars ( in the middle of the palace complex ).
Thus ends
Sundarakanda Chapter 8
Om tat Sat
The beautiful Arial car looked like the fresh flower beds of springtime, It is as captivating as the months of Spring season. Thus Hanuman saw the best of Arial cars ( in the middle of the palace complex ).