Sundarakanda Chapter 52
Vibhishana dissuades Ravana
from Killing Hanuman !!
Chapter 52:
Summary : Hearing the words of Hanuman , an enraged Ravana orders that Hanuman be killed. Then Vibhishana tells Ravana that it is not proper to kill a messenger thus dissuading him from an evil venture.
తస్య తద్వచనం శ్రుత్వా వానరస్య మహాత్మనః|
ఆజ్ఞాపయద్వధం తస్య రావణః క్రోధమూర్చితః ||
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा वानरस्य महात्मनः।
आज्ञापयद्वधं तस्य रावणः क्रोधमूर्चितः ॥
"Hearing the words of that great Vanara the enraged Ravana ordered that Hanuman be killed "!
Chapter 52
Hearing the words of that great Vanara the enraged Ravana ordered that Hanuman be killed !
Realizing that conveying the words of their masters is the duty of a messenger Vibhishana did not agree with the orders of the vengeful Ravana. Vibhishana who has been able to control internal enemies , who is good at talking and who knows what should or should not be done then spoke words of advice to Ravana with respect and humility.
"O Raja forgive him. Let go of your anger. Please listen to my words. Those who know right and wrong will not kill the messengers. Killing a messenger is not against the rules of statecraft. It is not proper. It is an act that is condemned. It is not an right for a person like you".
" O Destroyer of foes ! Killing an evil man is not evil. So I will kill this man who performed many evil deeds."
Hearing the words of Ravana which are at the root of unrighteousness and faulty reasoning , Vibhishana the best among people spoke words of wisdom. " oh the King of Lanka ! King of Rakshasas ! Please forgive. Listen to my words of righteous conduct. Oh King wise people say that in any country , at any time and under any circumstances the messengers are not to be killed"
" Whether he is good or evil he was sent by the enemies. He is not a free man. He is only repeating others words. Hence he is not fit to be killed. Also O king ! if he is killed I do not think anybody else can cross the great ocean and come here. Hence, Oh Destroyer of the foes, we should not kill him. Such effort is better spend on Indra and other celestials"
Vibhishana tells Ravana that by not letting Hanuman go back and report about finding Sita the Rakshasas may be letting go of an opportunity to battle the two princes Rama and Lakshmana.
" O King you bring delight to the Rakshasas. You cannot be defeated by any celestials or Asuras. Valorous Rakshasas are full of excitement and confidence You should not let go this opportunity for the Rakshasas to battle."
The king of Rakshasas and foe of the celestials and the chief among Rakshasa kings felt that the advise of his brother Vibhishana is appropriate and agreed for the same.
Thus ends chapter 52 of Sundarakanda
om tat sat
నిశాచరాణామధిపోనుజస్య విభీషణస్యోత్తమవాక్యమిష్టమ్ |
జగ్రాహ బుధ్వా సురలోకశత్రుః మహాబలో రాక్షసరాజముఖ్యః||
निशाचराणामधिपोनुजस्य विभीषणस्योत्तमवाक्यमिष्टम् ।
जग्राह बुध्वा सुरलोकशत्रुः महाबलो राक्षसराजमुख्यः॥
"The king of Rakshasas and foe of the celestials and the chief among Rakshasa kings felt that the advise of his brother Vibhishana is appropriate and agreed for the sam.
Om tat sat