Sundara kanda:
Chapter 32
Sita sees auspicious omens!!
Chapter Summary : Then Sita wondered if she is seeing a dream and came to the conclusion that she indeed heard the Vanara speak. She immediately prayed to all the Gods to make what is spoken by the Vanara be true !
Then she saw Hanuman embedded in the branches , brilliant like lightning, wearing while clothes, kind in speech . Struck with wonder she looked intently at the Hanuman
Chapter 32
Then she saw Hanuman embedded in the branches , brilliant like lightning, wearing white clothes, kind in speech . Struck with wonder she looked intently at the Hanuman.
Then she started wondering if this is a dream. Seeing a monkey in a dream is not auspicious. Then she felt with all the sorrows she is in she is unable to sleep hence what she is seeing is not a dream but real. Then again realizing that she is at all times thinking about SriRama she wondered if she is hallucinating. Then again she came to the conclusion she is a real Vanara who spoke the lines she heard.
Then she said "Obeisance to Brihaspati, Mahendra , Brahma and Agni. May these words spoken by the Vanara be true and not otherwise".
Thus ends Chapter32 of Sundarakanda
Om tat Sat
Obeisance to Brihaspati Mahendra , Brahma and Agni. May these words spoken be true and not otherwise.