One more thing !
Zero plus zero is a zero
||Om tat sat||
Zero plus zero is a zero !!!
It is a simple equation which is always true.
We have just read through Sarga 1 of Sundarakanda in our weekly group meeting. There are many thoughts that hit you as you go through the Sarga 1. One of the key episodes is that of Surasa who is the mother of all serpents. Episode is well known. Encouraged by Gods Surasa tells Hanuman that he has been sent as food for her, and asks him to enter her mouth. So saying, she blocks him and opens her mouth wide enough to devour him. Hanuman increases his size to outgrow her wide-open mouth, and she in turn widens her mouth further to devour him. With both increasing their physical form, they grow to gigantic proportions. Just when we are thinking how this episode will end, Hanuman being aware of the whole scene, quickly reduces his form equal to that of a fly, flies into her mouth and comes out too in a moment. And he tells Surasa that he did enter her mouth fulfilling her boon, and that he is on his way to fulfill Rama's task.
The key thought here is that when both of them continued to increase their form, there was no end. They were challenging each other. It is like, 'Let me see if you can out do me'. This is a classical display of ego or "Aham".
Clash of egos does not settle a matter. Representation of that is the equation, zero plus zero is a zero.
This happens in life all the time.
Rude behavior met with rude behavior results in a rude feeling all around. Rudeness does not solve the problem. But one who is aware of the whole scene like Hanuma, adopts a different attitude, is more likely to out maneuver the rudeness, and more likely to bring normalcy. Zero plus something will be something not zero which is a symbol of rude behavior.
Angry voice met with another angry voice, shouting matches too, are all replicas of Surasa and Hanuman going at each other. One who is wiser, like Hanuman will have the last laugh.
If zero plus zero is zero, does one plus one have any meaning. One plus one is two ( decimal) or '10' ( in binary). With one representing positive attitude meeting positive attitude doubles the energy output. This is a universal true axiom.
There are many variations of many scenarios which occur in our offices too. Having traversed many organizations I have seen many a manager lost in fights with peers. The one who moves ahead of zero plus zero , in fact moves ahead in his organizations. Manager with a pesky subordinate falling victim of this zero plus zero syndrome, thinking that in any stalemate his own position is always secure. Truth is any manager who cannot bring a one or positive spirit into the equation ( by whatever means) is surely at a loss, because status quo is opposite of change which is the essence of growth.
The consequences of a zero +zero path at home are even worse. The wiser one will change the equation to zero plus one. The resultant positive is that of the wiser one, ultimate victor is the happy family.
||om tat sat||
||om tat sat||